One big thing that confuses about Islam and perhaps someone can explain it.

I see. As a taciturn and tractable jewess you were interested in islam, christianity, and now hinduism? Midnight mass? Seriously? Did you worship and eat the matzo god?

Do you lift your skirt for every religion that winks at you?
I did not LIFT MY SKIRT even for a charmng--thingy like you------I IS AN INTELLECTUAL---thingy----an
observer of the HUMAN CONDITION. I do not recall
a matzoh ceremony at midnite mass----but that was so long ago
They refer to both Jesus and Mohammad as a prophet

However, when Jesus is blasphemed people don't die, it is only when Mo is blasphemed do people start dying.

This shows us that they say one thing, but really mean another when it comes to how they view Mo.
Muslims were very upset about the Piss Christ art exhibit years ago.
Muslims were very upset about the Piss Christ art exhibit years ago.
of course. JESUS WAS A MUSLIM----as was
Adam and Eve, Moses, and Florence Nightingale.
Posthumous gross alterations of the identity of
historical figures and events is the islamic norm.
When I was a kid---(about age 20) ---A pakistani
surgeon told me with ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE that
there was-----in history, a JEW living in muslim
Spain who converted to islam and THEN "became a great Doctor"-----I asked the name of the good
Doc------well----no surprise ---it was
MAIMONIDES!!!! ---the poor young doc
was the product of a medical school in Karachi,
if I remember that correctly
Muslims were very upset about the Piss Christ art exhibit years ago.

As upset over a piss Mohammad exhibit?

Nope, not nearly that upset

In fact, I picture them with a smirk on their faces seeing it.

As upset over a piss Mohammad exhibit?

Nope, not nearly that upset

In fact, I picture them with a smirk on their faces seeing it.
more than a smirk----- MAMOUL FOR EVERYONE!
I live in a DIVERSE city----christmas-time vandalism
of depictions of "baby Jesus" and "mother mary"
are common place
more than a smirk----- MAMOUL FOR EVERYONE!
I live in a DIVERSE city----christmas-time vandalism
of depictions of "baby Jesus" and "mother mary"
are common place
Yes, but who died?

See my point?
no. What is your point"? My comment
refers to the issue of "jesus in urine" "art"
which has been said to have "horrified muslims"
We hear of people being murdered for defaming Mohammad but not Jesus

That is because Mohammad is their Jesus, figuratively speaking
To be fair, Jewish Law is only for Jews. You can eat ham, squirrel, or sewer rat without consequences.


fair for what ...

* could that have a bearing why you are still waiting for your savior - murdering the innocent may not have gone well in the heavens either for your pending tribunal would also be another reason for your waiting. to bring to justice those that did.

and no, it does not take a genius to not put a pig in a pen - funny how some just can't help themselves than staving to death.
Muslim revere all the prophets.. Moses, Abraham, Jesus...

25 Prophets of Islam — Kalamazoo Public Library
The prophets of Islam include: Adam, Idris (Enoch), Nuh (Noah), Hud (Heber), Saleh (Methusaleh), Lut (Lot), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Shu'aib (Jethro), Ayyub (Job), Dhulkifl (Ezekiel), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Dawud (David), Sulayman (Solomon), Ilyas (Elias), Alyasa (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah), Zakariya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), Isa (Jesus) and
I don;t see Muslims killing people for printing a cartoon of Jesus, Abraham, Moses etc
I don;t see Muslims killing people for printing a cartoon of Jesus, Abraham, Moses etc

are you serious ...


they did wait for them to grow a beard - to be fair.
What would be the point of discussing Kashrut Law, or any other aspect of Jewish minchag with you?

Well, for starters, what better way is there for you to set an example and be a light for the nations as commanded by God other than to openly proclaim the wisdom of God in your traditions, (if there was any there)? Why wouldn't you? Can't find any wisdom in your traditions?

I heard that the story of angelic rebellion, according to Jewish folklore, was based on lucifers refusal to obey the command of God to serve and educate man. But that's just what I heard.

However, this ain't no fairy tale Bubala.....

I have no need to justify my beliefs with you and absolutely no desire to convert you to my beliefs.

Why do you feel like you have to justify your beliefs? I am not asking you to justify anything. And who asked for conversion? Are you insane? I am just attempting to have an open and honest discussion about something that is paramount to the existence of all people of every nation, the way to eternal life, that you can't seem to handle, for lack of honesty apparently..

In fact, the less we agree on any subject, the better.
How many of you are there?
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To be fair, Jewish Law is only for Jews. You can eat ham, squirrel, or sewer rat without consequences.
Thats what you have been told. I am telling you that the law was given to the Jewish people as a light to the nations, for the life of the entire world. If you don't believe me you can look it up.

You have been told that the subject of Kashrut is about food. I am telling you that the teaching that food is the subject of Kashrut is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

One cannot conform to the literal traditional interpretation and application of Kashrut without violating the deeper implications of that exact same law that actually reflects Divine wisdom.

You may never have eaten bacon in your entire life. Even so your unclean lips are dripping with the flesh and blood of swine that do not ruminate whatever you profess to believe, whatever you pretend to do or know. This is not Kosher. You might as well eat the flesh of ghetto rats yourself. By violating one law you are guilty of breaking the whole law, with consequences..

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Why were those people being killed?

For a cartoon of Jesus?

I think not
Is that ISIS? Muslims sure hate them.
Who do you think are being executed in Arabia?

not to give the wrong impression but - think again - the cartoonist in france was murdered - - remembering the good old day's for all three desert religions was not how many rather who dared. the certain outcome.
not to give the wrong impression but - think again - the cartoonist in france was murdered - - remembering the good old day's for all three desert religions was not how many rather who dared. the certain outcome.
Yes. No question they were extremely radical. You wouldn't see that in Arabia or the Gulf States.

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