One big thing that confuses about Islam and perhaps someone can explain it.

Sahih al-Bukhari 3896—Narrated Hisham’s father: Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Al-Madina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he wrote the marriage (wedding) contract with Aishah when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.

Sahih al-Bukhari 5158—Narrated Urwa: The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).

Sahih Muslim 3310—Aisha reported: Allah’s Apostle married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.

Sahih Muslim 3311—Aisha reported that Allah’s Apostle married her when she was seven years old, and she was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.

Sunan Abu Dawud 2116—Aishah said: The Apostle of Allah married me when I was seven years old. (The narrator Sulaiman said: Or six years.) He had intercourse with me when I was nine years old.

The Hadith are from Persia 250 years after the death of Muhammad. Most cannot be authenticated. The consensus among modern scholars and clerics are that much of Islam is just ancient tribal traditions and beliefs being incorporated as Islam.
The depiction of all living things is prohibited in observant Islam.

This will answer your question

Nailed it.

They have some of the most beautiful abstract tilework in the world in their mosques, and of course their rugs and fashion designers in countries where women are allowed to wear something besides camel blankets are pretty cool, too. They've compensated very well for that restriction where they're allowed to.
There is no explaining why people believe such things. Islam is not the only example of unsubstantiated and self contradictory institutions in which many people believe to the point of fanaticism. Something in the psyche of humans appears to find satisfaction this way.

No explaining why people believe such things? Seriously? Haven't thought deeply enough to perceive the obvious, have you?

It's called mind control or brainwashing, what the ancients called the magical arts or sorcery.

Most people are indoctrinated by rote into whatever religion or political ideology as soon as they can talk and are terrorized with threats of real and imaginary punishment to toe the line.

I seriously doubt that the majority of Muslims actually believe just like many Catholics were just pretending during the Inquisition simply out of fear of prison, torture, destitution, and death.

The survival instinct is exploited by the unscrupulous. Is this something that you didn't already know?

Unrelenting abuse is the foundation for any form of mind control whether religious or not.

If I was beaten daily sexually abused and forced to chant verses of the quran 12 hours a day 7 days a week I would probably want to blow myself up by the time I was 12 too.
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What is your problem. Can't you practice your religion within tearing down another? Jesus, Israel is the only country I know of that wants failed states on their border.
My problem? "tearing another..'religion down' "
You express yourself as if you have NEVER been
in a synagogue or a mosque. -----and spent very
little time in churches. You also express yourself
as if you have never read the writings of the scholars
and representatives of mosques, churches and
synagogues. OR---most likely---you are a dissembling propaganda disseminator, to wit,
a LIAR. As to Israel, you KNOW NOTHING ABOUT
IT.......the khutbah jumaat feces fling is not a source
No explaining why people believe such things? Seriously? Haven't thought deeply enough to perceive the obvious, have you?

It's called mind control or brainwashing, what the ancients called the magical arts or sorcery.

Most people are indoctrinated by rote into whatever religion or political ideology as soon as they can talk and are terrorized with threats of real and imaginary punishment to toe the line.

I seriously doubt that the majority of Muslims actually believe just like many Catholics were just pretending during the Inquisition simply out of fear of prison, torture, destitution, and death.

The survival instinct is exploited by the unscrupulous. Is this something that you didn't already know?

Unrelenting abuse is the foundation for any form of mind control whether religious or not.

If I was beaten daily sexually abused and forced to chant verses of the quran 12 hours a day 7 days a week I would probably want to blow myself up by the time I was 12 too.
You've never been to an Arab country.
No explaining why people believe such things? Seriously? Haven't thought deeply enough to perceive the obvious, have you?

It's called mind control or brainwashing, what the ancients called the magical arts or sorcery.

Most people are indoctrinated by rote into whatever religion or political ideology as soon as they can talk and are terrorized with threats of real and imaginary punishment to toe the line.

I seriously doubt that the majority of Muslims actually believe just like many Catholics were just pretending during the Inquisition simply out of fear of prison, torture, destitution, and death.

The survival instinct is exploited by the unscrupulous. Is this something that you didn't already know?

Unrelenting abuse is the foundation for any form of mind control whether religious or not.

If I was beaten daily sexually abused and forced to chant verses of the quran 12 hours a day 7 days a week I would probably want to blow myself up by the time I was 12 too.
What is deeply and obviously mysterious is how someone who wanders in from the Arabian desert or the forests of New York and, without any witnesses or proof, finds followers.
What is deeply and obviously mysterious is how someone who wanders in from the Arabian desert or the forests of New York and, without any witnesses or proof, finds followers.

Sure. It's about as mysterious as why so many anti-semitic people worship a Jewish man.

It's the deeply disturbing and terrifying effects of sorcery, the magical arts, mind control...

Obviously they never learned the hard learned lessons of the past taught in the story of Adam and Eve about the danger of talking serpents which is obviously more than just a fairy tale.

The reality is by far more deeply disturbing and unbelievable than any fairy tale ever written.
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No explaining why people believe such things? Seriously? Haven't thought deeply enough to perceive the obvious, have you?

It's called mind control or brainwashing, what the ancients called the magical arts or sorcery.

Most people are indoctrinated by rote into whatever religion or political ideology as soon as they can talk and are terrorized with threats of real and imaginary punishment to toe the line.

I seriously doubt that the majority of Muslims actually believe just like many Catholics were just pretending during the Inquisition simply out of fear of prison, torture, destitution, and death.

The survival instinct is exploited by the unscrupulous. Is this something that you didn't already know?

Unrelenting abuse is the foundation for any form of mind control whether religious or not.

If I was beaten daily sexually abused and forced to chant verses of the quran 12 hours a day 7 days a week I would probably want to blow myself up by the time I was 12 too.
It's called mind control or brainwashing, what the ancients called the magical arts or sorcery ... and are terrorized with threats of real and imaginary punishment to toe the line.

the root for all three desert religions in particular from recorded history to present day is - paterfamilias.

by contrast the events of the 1st century liberation theology, self determination by the three main characters - mary, jesus and mary magdalene were meant as heavenly authority figures not bound by artificial jurisdiction, tribe as their distinction - from those that crucified them - that failed by the brutal conclusion of their appearance and by those that interpret history through the 4th century c bible than what was intended and deliberately altered.
Muhaammed was the messenger of a third revelation for the people of the Arabian peninsula to return to the God of Abraham.

He didn't perform miracles. Where did you get the idea he was a diety?

That seems to be a strange thing to say. While there are many examples, the most blatant off the top of my head would be splitting the moon in two.

Surah 54

How can you classify that as anything but performing a miracle?

That seems to be a strange thing to say. While there are many examples, the most blatant off the top of my head would be splitting the moon in two.

Surah 54

How can you classify that as anything but performing a miracle?
Most people have never read the koran----that includes the VAST MAJORITY OF MUSLIMS
One thing of many things that confuse me in regards to Islam among their followers. Muhammad by their own admission isn't God. The term blasphemy is a term reserved only for God. So, why are they claiming it is blasphemy if anyone even depicts Muhammad in a picture of any kind but not any of their other Muslim warlords?

Meaning people can show pictures, photographs or paintings of the Sultans or Ayatollah etc and no problem.

You can even criticize them, but if anyone paints a painting or drawing or speaks out against Muhammad it is considered blasphemy.

That makes little sense and that reaction of exalting Muhammad as God (which they all say he wasn't) is a blasphemy unto itself.

How am I wrong?

Genesis 3:4-5 (NKJV) Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die.
For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and
you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Genesis 3:22 (NKJV) Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to knowing good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever"-

long story short
Muhammad a man became a god because Satan chose Muhammad. Muhammad under Satan Muhammad's followers helped Muhammad to write the Quran, because he could not write, the Sharia law said it is blasphemy against the Sharia law Muhammad revelation, this cause the beheading as we read in Revelation

Revelation 20:4 (NKJV) And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

this will happen again

The Hadith are from Persia 250 years after the death of Muhammad. Most cannot be authenticated. The consensus among modern scholars and clerics are that much of Islam is just ancient tribal traditions and beliefs being incorporated as Islam.
That's complete nonsense. No one thinks that so are you lying or just living under a rock?

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