One big thing that confuses about Islam and perhaps someone can explain it.

Islamic poetry
Allah's Apostle used to invoke (Allah): "Allahumma ini a'udhu bika min 'adhabi-l-Qabr, wa min 'adhabi-nnar, wa min fitnati-l-mahya wa-lmamat, wa min fitnati-l-masih ad-? (O Allah! I seek refuge with you from the punishment in the grave and from the punishment in the Hell fire and from the afflictions of life and death, and the afflictions of?
maybe it comes out well in arabic
maybe it comes out well in arabic
maybe this will help
The Prophet said, "There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal will not enter except Mecca and Medina, and there will be no entrance (road) (of both Mecca and Medina) but the angels will be standing in rows guarding it against him, and then Medina will shake with its inhabitants thrice (i.e. three earth-quakes will take place) and Allah will expel all the nonbelievers and the hypocrites from it."
maybe this will help
The Prophet said, "There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal will not enter except Mecca and Medina, and there will be no entrance (road) (of both Mecca and Medina) but the angels will be standing in rows guarding it against him, and then Medina will shake with its inhabitants thrice (i.e. three earth-quakes will take place) and Allah will expel all the nonbelievers and the hypocrites from it."
Help what ? my understanding of the word
"DAJJAL" is that it is some kind of super JINN---
like what the christians call "the devil"----there
has been lots of GROSS EVIL in both Mecca and
Help what ? my understanding of the word
"DAJJAL" is that it is some kind of super JINN---
like what the christians call "the devil"----there
has been lots of GROSS EVIL in both Mecca and
you mean son of perdition

for the record----muslims refer to that which we call "prophets" as
"messengers" when speaking english. The concept is that prophets
get "messages" from allah. Jesus was a "messenger" too. As to
BLASPHEMY, this is a fascinating topic. An accusation of
BLASPHEMY against a non-muslim in a shariah adherent society is
akin to a BLOOD LIBEL in medieval europe. It justifies massive
pogroms and even invasion and conquest of other lands because
muslims never fight except in "DEFENSE" Defense includes
defense of islam or muslims against "blasphemy" Hubby was
born in a shariah adherent land as a dhimmi-----and carries that legacy. He will not TOUCH a koran----or go NEAR a mosque.
Doing so in the land of his birth would have endangered his
entire community
The justification for 9/11/01 IS OUR BLASPHEMY and the defense
of islam. (ps---saruda knows this stuff, IMO)
That was confusing. I mean, yes, Prophets are messengers of God. But, why would Sharia not follow the Koran? Do they not follow Mohammad? I also understand Muslims believe Jesus was a Prophet, not the Son of God. Wrong, of course...
Is calling Jesus the Son of God disrespect to Muslims? Is this why they chop off the heads of Christians?
Nope. Muslims don't believe in original sin or blood sacrifice or that God has children. Most Muslims are very respectful of Christians.
That was confusing. I mean, yes, Prophets are messengers of God. But, why would Sharia not follow the Koran? Do they not follow Mohammad? I also understand Muslims believe Jesus was a Prophet, not the Son of God. Wrong, of course...
I am not sure what confuses you. Describing a
"prophet" as a "messenger from God" is not at
all inconsistent with a whole host of religions---I
make note of the fact that it is a characteristic
manner of speaking muslims use. Referring to
Jesus as "Saviour" seems characteristic of christians
to me
Nope. Muslims don't believe in original sin or blood sacrifice or that God has children. Most Muslims are very respectful of Christians.
Most? Where? I see it in America. I know Muslims in America that are friendly with Jews as well. Even own bagel shops as well.
Nope. Muslims don't believe in original sin or blood sacrifice or that God has children. Most Muslims are very respectful of Christians.
"most muslims are very respectful of christians" ---
news to me. ----and news to lots of christians
I have encountered from muslim lands and my own
experience with muslims in the USA and in mosques, Of course the term "most muslims"
is very vague as is the term "respectful" ----
I am not sure what confuses you. Describing a
"prophet" as a "messenger from God" is not at
all inconsistent with a whole host of religions---I
make note of the fact that it is a characteristic
manner of speaking muslims use. Referring to
Jesus as "Saviour" seems characteristic of christians
to me
The prophet part isn't the confusing part. My Church has Living Prophets in these latter days. The confusing part is about Sharia Law.
"most muslims are very respectful of christians" ---
news to me. ----and news to lots of christians
I have encountered from muslim lands and my own
experience with muslims in the USA and in mosques, Of course the term "most muslims"
is very vague as is the term "respectful" ----
Friendly and hospitable.. I didn't think you had ever been to any Arab country.

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