One Circus Is Over as the Next Begins:


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Hence, Unabated Tyranny Will Continue

“When one with honeyed words but evil mind
Persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.”

~ Euripides, Orestes—Orestes (408 BC), l. 907

It is always a worthless endeavor to speak of politics as anything other than a corrupt system meant to fool the people into believing that they have some sort of control over governmental policies, when just the opposite is the case. Government by design is structured as a top down system of class, with the common people always being at the bottom of the hierarchy. There are many ways for the powerful to advance the notion of popular inclusion simply by using deceitful tactics in order present a façade of ‘equality,’ while controlling the masses through fear, dependence, propaganda, and division. All of these are in play simultaneously in this current politically motivated virus fraud that is being used to advance the technocratic takeover of humanity. While this is apparent and undeniable, very few are able to grasp the reality of this situation, as their minds remain clouded in a haze of ignorance, obedience, and irrational madness.

Never in the history of this country have so many been controlled by so few, all with only a modicum of resistance. Even the resistance that is seemingly present is in most cases not real resistance at all, but is the ruling class using staged coups and orchestrated plots in order to bring about further division in the general population through deceptive practices.

It's hard to dispute the facts presented. I don't necessarily agree with the doom and gloom forecast, but, it ain't gonna get better as it's always darkest just before the storm.

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