One conspiracy as to the motive for the intentional mass murder of native Hawaiians on Maui, specifically Lahina


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
More than two decades ago, there was noise in the "climate community" that the Co2 FRAUD had gone out to Hawaii with a boatload of $$$ in an attempt to bribe the Tribal Leaders to lie and claim Hawaii was sinking because of Co2 FRAUD "ocean rise."

That is, of course, one lie we never heard. We never heard the Tribal Leaders in Hawaii claim ocean rise. NEVER

But we do know Bill Gates is a big liar who pushes Co2 FRAUD... and is a buyer of property on Maui.

The TV shows Hawaii 50 were done decades apart on the same beach, and there is no ocean rise there.

Given the trillions $$$ being wasted on the Co2 FRAUD, the motive to murder is there, big time, that much is certain...
The residents of Lahina were also told after the massacre that they could not return to their homes because

"ocean rise from climate change"
Facts and other issues previously disclosed...

Of course it was a Deep State planned location grab .
Which we have possibly just seen again , this time using Hurricane Helene .

Sheeple cannot handle matters like these and simply switch off , muttering Conspiracy .
If you bury projects like DEW weapons and weather manipulation, the establishment can control a Fake consensus narrative for a long time using ridicule as their main defense weapon .

So just develop a concrete thick skin -- as I have -- and if the matter really upsets , continue fighting the good fight on your own terms and smile sweetly .

You will always win if you are on the right side of Universe -- if you live long enough .

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