One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
What was once unsayable is now open for discussion in polite circles.

Investigate the origins of COVID-19
A *stunning* development. The letter says COVID-19 could have leaked from a lab. To some of us that possibility has been obvious for well more than a year. What is significant about this is the masthead (Science) and author list, which includes Ralph Baric

So what did the Democrats know and when did they know it? Were they part of this coup attempt by China to dethrone Trump? Or did they merely find out about it and then keep their mouths shut? Either way they were complicit.
What was once unsayable is now open for discussion in polite circles.

Investigate the origins of COVID-19
A *stunning* development. The letter says COVID-19 could have leaked from a lab. To some of us that possibility has been obvious for well more than a year. What is significant about this is the masthead (Science) and author list, which includes Ralph Baric
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False Flag Operation or complicity?
#8: The misleading report on the Chinese scientist mentions furin cleavage as if it was added to synthesize COVID-19. If this is true, then why didn’t U.S. scientists freak about furin when they were debunking the pangolin scenario?

Post #648 Furin Cleavage / Pangolins / U. of C. San Diego, Los Alamos, Wuhan, Tianjin, Ningbo, Weifang
One can’t have an accidental release without the host animal, especially when the RBD sequence shows no human manipulation precisely in those positions it would have, should have, taken place. The lab theory has been debunked. COVID-19 evolved in nature.
Trump was right again

And this would have come out a lot sooner if we didn't have so many anti-TRUMP elected republicans who were too afraid of standing up to the MSM. Rand Paul and a few others where willing to use common sense and challenge Fauci, far to many others whining about mean tweets have little to say about the blatant deception from Fauci and the CDC.
What was once unsayable is now open for discussion in polite circles.

Investigate the origins of COVID-19
A *stunning* development. The letter says COVID-19 could have leaked from a lab. To some of us that possibility has been obvious for well more than a year. What is significant about this is the masthead (Science) and author list, which includes Ralph Baric
View attachment 490250
You're misrepresenting that letter.
What was once unsayable is now open for discussion in polite circles.

Investigate the origins of COVID-19
A *stunning* development. The letter says COVID-19 could have leaked from a lab. To some of us that possibility has been obvious for well more than a year. What is significant about this is the masthead (Science) and author list, which includes Ralph Baric
View attachment 490250
Fauci looks like a mass murderer to me.
Rand Paul correctly called out Fauci on gain-of-function studies, but these same gain-of-function parameters rule out COVID-19 being a lab escapee.
No, a virus that has not been manipulated by humans to make it more pathogenic to humans cannot be released or escaped, because it always already has a reservoir in nature. If you take it into the lab and either release it or it escapes, its fellow viruses, without doubt, are still outside in nature.

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