One God.

Water can be a Liquid, a solid (Ice) and a gas (Steam) but it is all still H2O
Just like the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Another good analogy. God can be anything He wants. But whatever form He assumes, He is still God. And He is beyond human comprehension.
One of the most basic defining attributes known to be true about God is that he has no visible shape or material form. It follows then that anything with a visible shape or material form, including Jesus, cannot be God.

Jesus said the truth will set you free. He did not say the truth was incomprehensible. Whats incomprehensible is how a load of crap could possibly be the truth.
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Jesus was not God Almighty, because he referred to his father in heaven who was God Almighty. Yet, Jesus was a God so that means there may be many God's in heaven. One Almighty God.
Jesus claimed Equality with God. Are you calling Him a liar?

No he did not claim equality with God. Thats what his enemies claimed that he said in order to discredit him.

Even in the first century anyone who claimed to be God was dismissed as crazy.

Are you calling Jesus insane?
Jews believe in the One true God = monotheism

Muslims believe in the One true God = monotheism

Christians believe in 3 gods in 1 triune = polytheism

Not quite. One God, three roles.
God, and His role as our Father
God, in the role of the Son
God in the role of the Holy Spirit.

Was Dolly, the cloned sheep different from Dolly, the cloned offspring of Dolly? They were both Dolly, but in 2 different forms.
God has 3. Constantly forgiving Father, sacrificial Lamb/turned Lion and powerpack/Comforter.
Was Dolly, the cloned sheep different from Dolly, the cloned offspring of Dolly? They were both Dolly, but in 2 different forms.
God has 3. Constantly forgiving Father, sacrificial Lamb/turned Lion and powerpack/Comforter.
Christians and their lame analogy's concerning the 3 in 1 nonsense always amuse me. .... :lol: ... :lol:

Time to give it up. ..... :thup:
Was Dolly, the cloned sheep different from Dolly, the cloned offspring of Dolly? They were both Dolly, but in 2 different forms.
God has 3. Constantly forgiving Father, sacrificial Lamb/turned Lion and powerpack/Comforter.
Christians and their lame analogy's concerning the 3 in 1 nonsense always amuse me. .... :lol: ... :lol:

Time to give it up. ..... :thup:
NEVER! Ridicule all you want. You have rejected God, and will suffer the consequences. All because of your sinful PRIDE. Sucks to be you.
Jesus was not God Almighty, because he referred to his father in heaven who was God Almighty. Yet, Jesus was a God so that means there may be many God's in heaven. One Almighty God.
Was Dolly, the cloned sheep different from Dolly, the cloned offspring of Dolly? They were both Dolly, but in 2 different forms.
God has 3. Constantly forgiving Father, sacrificial Lamb/turned Lion and powerpack/Comforter.
Christians and their lame analogy's concerning the 3 in 1 nonsense always amuse me. .... :lol: ... :lol:

Time to give it up. ..... :thup:
Now you're just trolling by not providing anything but arrogant mocking.
Was Dolly, the cloned sheep different from Dolly, the cloned offspring of Dolly? They were both Dolly, but in 2 different forms.
God has 3. Constantly forgiving Father, sacrificial Lamb/turned Lion and powerpack/Comforter.
Christians and their lame analogy's concerning the 3 in 1 nonsense always amuse me. .... :lol: ... :lol:

Time to give it up. ..... :thup:
NEVER! Ridicule all you want. You have rejected God, and will suffer the consequences. All because of your sinful PRIDE. Sucks to be you.
Muslims won't be mocking on judgment day.
Was Dolly, the cloned sheep different from Dolly, the cloned offspring of Dolly? They were both Dolly, but in 2 different forms.
God has 3. Constantly forgiving Father, sacrificial Lamb/turned Lion and powerpack/Comforter.
Christians and their lame analogy's concerning the 3 in 1 nonsense always amuse me. .... :lol: ... :lol:

Time to give it up. ..... :thup:
Sunni, I am a mother, a daughter, and a wife. And I function completely differently in each role. So does God.
Was Dolly, the cloned sheep different from Dolly, the cloned offspring of Dolly? They were both Dolly, but in 2 different forms.
God has 3. Constantly forgiving Father, sacrificial Lamb/turned Lion and powerpack/Comforter.
Christians and their lame analogy's concerning the 3 in 1 nonsense always amuse me. .... :lol: ... :lol:

Time to give it up. ..... :thup:
Sunni, I am a mother, a daughter, and a wife. And I function completely differently in each role. So does God.
I've always thought of the Trinity as three persons who share the same mind and essence. Each one has a different role. They are one, but also three. I know it seems like a contradiction, but God does not have to obey physical laws. He created them, after all. God is something other than anything that is possible in our four dimensional universe. He is not subject to time or space. He exists everywhere and everywhen. God told us, in Scripture, what His nature is. We may not comprehend it, but there it is. We accept it without comprehending it. Nothing wrong with that.
Water can be a Liquid, a solid (Ice) and a gas (Steam) but it is all still H2O
Just like the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Another good analogy. God can be anything He wants. But whatever form He assumes, He is still God. And He is beyond human comprehension.
One of the most basic defining attributes known to be true about God is that he has no visible shape or material form. It follows then that anything with a visible shape or material form, including Jesus, cannot be God.

Jesus said the truth will set you free. He did not say the truth was incomprehensible. Whats incomprehensible is how a load of crap could possibly be the truth.

You limit the Father. Not only do spirits have form, but God sat (butt) around the fire with Abraham, spoke (vocal cord), ate (teeth throat stomach). He walked (feet) with Adam and Eve....
Jesus is indeed equal to His Father. Here He was called Emanuel< (GOD, with us). Nothing was created that was not created through Christ. According to Christ, "I and the Father are ONE". "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father".
Jews believe in the One true God = monotheism

Muslims believe in the One true God = monotheism

Christians believe in 3 gods in 1 triune = polytheism
Not all Christians. I believe "God" is a family name. Currently there are only two members -- the Father and the Son.

Christians are BEGOTTEN Sons of God, but still awaiting our birth at the Resurrection into that FAMILY.

The pagan trinity is a Catholic concept which many Christians reject.
Trying to explain and understood God with our little pea brains is hilarious. I laugh at those that mock Christian beliefs and then say stuff like "that doesn't make sense". Of course the trinity doesn't make sense. Parting the sea doesn't make sense. A virgin birth doesn't make sense. Rising from the dead doesn't make sense. God isn't subject to the physical laws and our senses and our intellect. God is no more subject to our ideas of who He is than the dinner I created today. The Creator of everything wouldn't be subject to his creation. Now THAT'S common sense. However, God has revealed Himself by FAITH to those that seek Him in truth, Jesus Christ. The reason some of you are confused and stymied by the trinity is because you're not seeking Him through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
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If you took DNA from both sheep, you would have one DNA, but 2 physical sheep. That God can do it, shouldn't seem so farfetched now that we can do it too.
That Christ confirmed it, should suffice, but if you lack understanding, accept Christ's understanding of the situation, and wait till you get there to understand the abilities of the three. If you have to choose just one of the three to understand, choose Christ. He paid your debt.
Jews believe in the One true God = monotheism

Muslims believe in the One true God = monotheism

Christians believe in 3 gods in 1 triune = polytheism
Not all Christians. I believe "God" is a family name. Currently there are only two members -- the Father and the Son.

Christians are BEGOTTEN Sons of God, but still awaiting our birth at the Resurrection into that FAMILY.

The pagan trinity is a Catholic concept which many Christians reject.
I'm still waiting for someone to answer this question. Our sin was against God. God demands a price for that sin. We cannot pay that price. Only God can. With me so far? Now, if Jesus is not God, then who died for our sin? If Jesus is not God, then a created being died for your sin. Are you OK with that? The Bible is crystal clear on this. Jesus is God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. All things were created by Him and for him...etc. Any questions?
Water can be a Liquid, a solid (Ice) and a gas (Steam) but it is all still H2O
Just like the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Another good analogy. God can be anything He wants. But whatever form He assumes, He is still God. And He is beyond human comprehension.
One of the most basic defining attributes known to be true about God is that he has no visible shape or material form. It follows then that anything with a visible shape or material form, including Jesus, cannot be God.

Jesus said the truth will set you free. He did not say the truth was incomprehensible. Whats incomprehensible is how a load of crap could possibly be the truth.

You limit the Father. Not only do spirits have form, but God sat (butt) around the fire with Abraham, spoke (vocal cord), ate (teeth throat stomach). He walked (feet) with Adam and Eve....
Jesus is indeed equal to His Father. Here He was called Emanuel< (GOD, with us). Nothing was created that was not created through Christ. According to Christ, "I and the Father are ONE". "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father".
Jesus was simply saying that if you understood him you will perceive God. God has no visible shape or material form. To see God one must perceive him in the mind not through the eyes. The Father and I are one just means that Jesus and the father are of one accord, not the same being.

The rest of your citations are just silly.

God does not have a butt, feet, or stomach and when God speaks to a prophet he speaks in dreams and visions where there is no audible sound.

The hand of God, the finger of God, the eyes of God, are all just metaphors, not descriptions of body parts in the same way the term son of God is just a relational metaphor indicating a closeness to God and rank above that of any other prophet who would have been called a servant of God.

Remember? A servant does not know what his master is about.

Claiming to be the son of God was not a claim of divine descent but a claim of having inside information, a divine revelation and divine teaching that could not have come into the world through any other man except for the anticipated Messiah, the one chosen by God to speak for God and reveal the wisdom, light, and eternal life in all of his commands. Deut,. 18:18

Thats what Jesus meant by saying that they should accept the evidence of his deeds.

Jesus could not have led people to the hidden wisdom and teaching in the law that had been lost to time for over a thousand years unless it had been revealed to him first by God. A person can only have what God gives them.

The proof that Jesus offered that he was the son of God, so to speak, was that he had already done, in full view of believers and unbelievers alike, what no other man but the messiah could do.

Now Jesus claiming to be the first has completely different, more rational, implications for him being the last that together, as the first and the last, have nothing whatever to do with Jesus claiming to be God.
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Jews believe in the One true God = monotheism

Muslims believe in the One true God = monotheism

Christians believe in 3 gods in 1 triune = polytheism
Not all Christians. I believe "God" is a family name. Currently there are only two members -- the Father and the Son.

Christians are BEGOTTEN Sons of God, but still awaiting our birth at the Resurrection into that FAMILY.

The pagan trinity is a Catholic concept which many Christians reject.
The Bible is crystal clear on this. Jesus is God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. All things were created by Him and for him...etc.
King of kings, the Alpha and Omega.. Whatever you want. But Jesus never directly said he is God.
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."

but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God
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What evidence do you have to support your assertion there never was a human being that was God, or became God, either before, during or after their human existance?
No human can BECOME God because God is eternal. Jesus was God before He came to earth in human form.

And yet he needed to come out of a womb.

You know darn well ISA 7:14 was transcribed wrong or maybe on purpose as the Greeks believed Gods mated with females.
Greeks didn't transcribe Isaiah 7:14.

Who did?
Jews believe in the One true God = monotheism

Muslims believe in the One true God = monotheism

Christians believe in 3 gods in 1 triune = polytheism
Not all Christians. I believe "God" is a family name. Currently there are only two members -- the Father and the Son.

Christians are BEGOTTEN Sons of God, but still awaiting our birth at the Resurrection into that FAMILY.

The pagan trinity is a Catholic concept which many Christians reject.
The Bible is crystal clear on this. Jesus is God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. All things were created by Him and for him...etc.
King of kings, the Alpha and Omega.. Whatever you want. But Jesus never directly said he is God.
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
Jesus didn't have to die for us. He did it because He loves us. But if He hadn't done so, all humans would wind up in Hell.

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