One God.

No human can BECOME God because God is eternal. Jesus was God before He came to earth in human form.

And yet he needed to come out of a womb.

You know darn well ISA 7:14 was transcribed wrong or maybe on purpose as the Greeks believed Gods mated with females.
Greeks didn't transcribe Isaiah 7:14.

Who did?
Jews. Isaiah was a Jewish prophet in the Old Testament. Isaiah was written in Hebrew.
And yet he needed to come out of a womb.

You know darn well ISA 7:14 was transcribed wrong or maybe on purpose as the Greeks believed Gods mated with females.
Greeks didn't transcribe Isaiah 7:14.

Who did?
Jews. Isaiah was a Jewish prophet in the Old Testament. Isaiah was written in Hebrew.

What does Isa 7:14 say??
There seems to be a lot of confusion, not to mention some wilful ignorance about the nature of God.

Many Christians believe in the Trinity and that Jesus was God incarnate.

Some even point to the Trinity and state that Christians worship three Gods.

Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, look at a chicken egg. It has three separate parts. The yolk, the egg white, and the shell. So, which one of those parts is NOT the egg. They all are.

It's the same with God. One God, three persons, all sharing the essence of God. All equal. One God. But three in nature.

Get it now?
horse hooey.

A yolk is not an egg, the white is not an egg, a shell is not an egg. Only an egg is an egg.

God is not divisible and cannot be defined or limited by any number of given attributes.

If there is only one God then there is no other god in existence either equal to, above or below him.

Aside from that irrefutable fact, there never was a human being that was God or became God either before, during or after their human existence.
What evidence do you have to support your assertion there never was a human being that was God, or became God, either before, during or after their human existance?
Scripture. What's your evidence that a man became God?
I get my evidence the same place you get yours. If Jesus was human while he lived on earth, and then returned to being a God, that belies your concept that no human ever became a God.

In the RC catechism, it says

"God became man so men might become Gods".
Was Dolly, the cloned sheep different from Dolly, the cloned offspring of Dolly? They were both Dolly, but in 2 different forms.
God has 3. Constantly forgiving Father, sacrificial Lamb/turned Lion and powerpack/Comforter.
Christians and their lame analogy's concerning the 3 in 1 nonsense always amuse me. .... :lol: ... :lol:

Time to give it up. ..... :thup:
Sunni, I am a mother, a daughter, and a wife. And I function completely differently in each role. So does God.

So you are a trinity. :)
Jews believe in the One true God = monotheism

Muslims believe in the One true God = monotheism

Christians believe in 3 gods in 1 triune = polytheism
Not all Christians. I believe "God" is a family name. Currently there are only two members -- the Father and the Son.

Christians are BEGOTTEN Sons of God, but still awaiting our birth at the Resurrection into that FAMILY.

The pagan trinity is a Catholic concept which many Christians reject.
I'm still waiting for someone to answer this question. Our sin was against God. God demands a price for that sin. We cannot pay that price. Only God can. With me so far? Now, if Jesus is not God, then who died for our sin? If Jesus is not God, then a created being died for your sin. Are you OK with that? The Bible is crystal clear on this. Jesus is God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. All things were created by Him and for him...etc. Any questions?

What makes you think a man named Jesus died for your sinful life?
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."
I don't see how it differs from "King of kings" and "Alpha and Omega".
but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God
So Jesus is God because several Jews in the NT said it? Why Jesus never said it himself?
Jews believe in the One true God = monotheism

Muslims believe in the One true God = monotheism

Christians believe in 3 gods in 1 triune = polytheism
Not all Christians. I believe "God" is a family name. Currently there are only two members -- the Father and the Son.

Christians are BEGOTTEN Sons of God, but still awaiting our birth at the Resurrection into that FAMILY.

The pagan trinity is a Catholic concept which many Christians reject.
The Bible is crystal clear on this. Jesus is God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. All things were created by Him and for him...etc.
King of kings, the Alpha and Omega.. Whatever you want. But Jesus never directly said he is God.
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
Jesus didn't have to die for us. He did it because He loves us. But if He hadn't done so, all humans would wind up in Hell.
God (gods) didn't find another way to save humanity from hell?
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."

but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God

How did Jesus answer that?

By showing that the hebrew word Elohim also means judges. a legal argument against a criminal charge.

Is it not written in your law, " I said ye are gods," to whom the word of God was delivered?

His reasoning was that the act of God in giving the law made judges, elohim, out of those who received it.

In the same way the act of God giving Jesus secret teaching about the law, hidden by God, made him Gods son..

It was not a claim that Jesus was making it was a choice that God already made.

Jesus could not have revealed any wisdom hidden by God unless God first set him apart to reveal it.

By accusing Jesus of blasphemy for claiming to be Gods son they might as well have condemned themselves for blasphemy for claiming to be judges.
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And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."

but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God

How did Jesus answer that?

By showing that the hebrew word Elohim also means judges. a legal argument against a criminal charge.

Is it not written in your law, " I said ye are gods," to whom the word of God was delivered?

His reasoning was that the act of God in giving the law made judges, elohim, out of those who received it.

In the same way the act of God giving Jesus secret teaching about the law, hidden by God, made him Gods son..

It was not a claim that Jesus was making it was a choice that God already made.
Hob, that's total hearsay, the invisible god never made any choice, that shits all made up. And you seem to have fallen for it. :lol:
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."

but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God

How did Jesus answer that?

By showing that the hebrew word Elohim also means judges. a legal argument against a criminal charge.

Is it not written in your law, " I said ye are gods," to whom the word of God was delivered?

His reasoning was that the act of God in giving the law made judges, elohim, out of those who received it.

In the same way the act of God giving Jesus secret teaching about the law, hidden by God, made him Gods son..

It was not a claim that Jesus was making it was a choice that God already made.
Hob, that's total hearsay, the invisible god never made any choice, that shits all made up. And you seem to have fallen for it. :lol:

I have just shown how in the story Jesus did not claim equality with God and I have shown what he was claiming.

whether the story is made up or not is as irrelevant as who wrote it..
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And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."

but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God

How did Jesus answer that?

By showing that the hebrew word Elohim also means judges. a legal argument against a criminal charge.

Is it not written in your law, " I said ye are gods," to whom the word of God was delivered?

His reasoning was that the act of God in giving the law made judges, elohim, out of those who received it.

In the same way the act of God giving Jesus secret teaching about the law, hidden by God, made him Gods son..

It was not a claim that Jesus was making it was a choice that God already made.
Hob, that's total hearsay, the invisible god never made any choice, that shits all made up. And you seem to have fallen for it. :lol:

I have just shown how in the story Jesus did not claim equality with God and I have shown what he was claiming.

whether the story is made up or not is as irrelevant as who wrote it..
So if it's irrelevant if the story is true or not, why study it so much? Nothing else to do?
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."

but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God

How did Jesus answer that?

By showing that the hebrew word Elohim also means judges. a legal argument against a criminal charge.

Is it not written in your law, " I said ye are gods," to whom the word of God was delivered?

His reasoning was that the act of God in giving the law made judges, elohim, out of those who received it.

In the same way the act of God giving Jesus secret teaching about the law, hidden by God, made him Gods son..

It was not a claim that Jesus was making it was a choice that God already made.
Hob, that's total hearsay, the invisible god never made any choice, that shits all made up. And you seem to have fallen for it. :lol:

I have just shown how in the story Jesus did not claim equality with God and I have shown what he was claiming.

whether the story is made up or not is as irrelevant as who wrote it..
So if it's irrelevant if the story is true or not, why study it so much? Nothing else to do?

didn't say it was irrelevant if the story is true or not. Pay attention.

Does a riddle being fabricated make the answer to the riddle false?

Why bother?

You might not have noticed but not knowing the answer, the truth, seems to have driven the entire world mad..

No one will continue to argue about it anymore once the truth comes to light.

Aren't you sick of all the my god is better than your god bullshit yet?
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They are one part of the same.
There seems to be a lot of confusion, not to mention some wilful ignorance about the nature of God.

Many Christians believe in the Trinity and that Jesus was God incarnate.

Some even point to the Trinity and state that Christians worship three Gods.

Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, look at a chicken egg. It has three separate parts. The yolk, the egg white, and the shell. So, which one of those parts is NOT the egg. They all are.

It's the same with God. One God, three persons, all sharing the essence of God. All equal. One God. But three in nature.

Get it now?
horse hooey.

A yolk is not an egg, the white is not an egg, a shell is not an egg. Only an egg is an egg.

God is not divisible and cannot be defined or limited by any number of given attributes.

If there is only one God then there is no other god in existence either above or below him.

And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."

but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God

How did Jesus answer that?

By showing that the hebrew word Elohim also means judges. a legal argument against a criminal charge.

Is it not written in your law, " I said ye are gods," to whom the word of God was delivered?

His reasoning was that the act of God in giving the law made judges, elohim, out of those who received it.

In the same way the act of God giving Jesus secret teaching about the law, hidden by God, made him Gods son..

It was not a claim that Jesus was making it was a choice that God already made.
Hob, that's total hearsay, the invisible god never made any choice, that shits all made up. And you seem to have fallen for it. :lol:

I have just shown how in the story Jesus did not claim equality with God and I have shown what he was claiming.

whether the story is made up or not is as irrelevant as who wrote it..
So if it's irrelevant if the story is true or not, why study it so much? Nothing else to do?

didn't say it was irrelevant if the story is true or not. Pay attention.

Does a riddle being fabricated make the answer to the riddle false?

Why bother?

You might not have noticed but not knowing the answer, the truth, seems to have driven the entire world mad..
"...the story is made up or not is as irrelevant..." YOU pay attention. :biggrin:

So the bible is a riddle? Hob, you crack me up. You're right, it's a riddle why anyone would spend 5 minutes on it. :biggrin:

As for the bible being the truth, well, the truth is, the god of the bible is a mass murdering rapist who incites others to kill their own children...
How did Jesus answer that?

By showing that the hebrew word Elohim also means judges. a legal argument against a criminal charge.

Is it not written in your law, " I said ye are gods," to whom the word of God was delivered?

His reasoning was that the act of God in giving the law made judges, elohim, out of those who received it.

In the same way the act of God giving Jesus secret teaching about the law, hidden by God, made him Gods son..

It was not a claim that Jesus was making it was a choice that God already made.
Hob, that's total hearsay, the invisible god never made any choice, that shits all made up. And you seem to have fallen for it. :lol:

I have just shown how in the story Jesus did not claim equality with God and I have shown what he was claiming.

whether the story is made up or not is as irrelevant as who wrote it..
So if it's irrelevant if the story is true or not, why study it so much? Nothing else to do?

didn't say it was irrelevant if the story is true or not. Pay attention.

Does a riddle being fabricated make the answer to the riddle false?

Why bother?

You might not have noticed but not knowing the answer, the truth, seems to have driven the entire world mad..
"...the story is made up or not is as irrelevant..." YOU pay attention. :biggrin:

So the bible is a riddle? Hob, you crack me up. You're right, it's a riddle why anyone would spend 5 minutes on it. :biggrin:

As for the bible being the truth, well, the truth is, the god of the bible is a mass murdering rapist who incites others to kill their own children...

Wow Taz, thats amazing. Scripture has something for everyone in it.. I am always surprised to see how little some people settle for..but anyway, congratulations!

You can pick up your parting gift in the lower turnstile area.
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Hob, that's total hearsay, the invisible god never made any choice, that shits all made up. And you seem to have fallen for it. :lol:

I have just shown how in the story Jesus did not claim equality with God and I have shown what he was claiming.

whether the story is made up or not is as irrelevant as who wrote it..
So if it's irrelevant if the story is true or not, why study it so much? Nothing else to do?

didn't say it was irrelevant if the story is true or not. Pay attention.

Does a riddle being fabricated make the answer to the riddle false?

Why bother?

You might not have noticed but not knowing the answer, the truth, seems to have driven the entire world mad..
"...the story is made up or not is as irrelevant..." YOU pay attention. :biggrin:

So the bible is a riddle? Hob, you crack me up. You're right, it's a riddle why anyone would spend 5 minutes on it. :biggrin:

As for the bible being the truth, well, the truth is, the god of the bible is a mass murdering rapist who incites others to kill their own children...

Wow Taz, thats amazing. Scripture has something for everyone in it.. I am always surprised for how little some people settle for..but anyway, congratulations!

You can pick up your parting gift in the lower turnstile area.
So little? God is the central character of the bible and they make him out to be scum. So what's not to love you say? :biggrin:
I have just shown how in the story Jesus did not claim equality with God and I have shown what he was claiming.

whether the story is made up or not is as irrelevant as who wrote it..
So if it's irrelevant if the story is true or not, why study it so much? Nothing else to do?

didn't say it was irrelevant if the story is true or not. Pay attention.

Does a riddle being fabricated make the answer to the riddle false?

Why bother?

You might not have noticed but not knowing the answer, the truth, seems to have driven the entire world mad..
"...the story is made up or not is as irrelevant..." YOU pay attention. :biggrin:

So the bible is a riddle? Hob, you crack me up. You're right, it's a riddle why anyone would spend 5 minutes on it. :biggrin:

As for the bible being the truth, well, the truth is, the god of the bible is a mass murdering rapist who incites others to kill their own children...

Wow Taz, thats amazing. Scripture has something for everyone in it.. I am always surprised for how little some people settle for..but anyway, congratulations!

You can pick up your parting gift in the lower turnstile area.
So little? God is the central character of the bible and they make him out to be scum. So what's not to love you say? :biggrin:
If a thousand people who never met you, never heard you speak a word, and didn't know anything at all about you except for what they heard in rumors, ran around town calling you a pansy ass scumbag would that make it true?

So little?

Yes bro. What you think you have is nothing.
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So if it's irrelevant if the story is true or not, why study it so much? Nothing else to do?

didn't say it was irrelevant if the story is true or not. Pay attention.

Does a riddle being fabricated make the answer to the riddle false?

Why bother?

You might not have noticed but not knowing the answer, the truth, seems to have driven the entire world mad..
"...the story is made up or not is as irrelevant..." YOU pay attention. :biggrin:

So the bible is a riddle? Hob, you crack me up. You're right, it's a riddle why anyone would spend 5 minutes on it. :biggrin:

As for the bible being the truth, well, the truth is, the god of the bible is a mass murdering rapist who incites others to kill their own children...

Wow Taz, thats amazing. Scripture has something for everyone in it.. I am always surprised for how little some people settle for..but anyway, congratulations!

You can pick up your parting gift in the lower turnstile area.
So little? God is the central character of the bible and they make him out to be scum. So what's not to love you say? :biggrin:
If a thousand people who never met you, never heard you speak a word, and didn't know anything at all about you except for what they heard in rumors, ran around town calling you a pansy ass scumbag would that make it true?

So little?

Yes bro. So far you have nothing.
Wtf are you talking about? I'm not going on rumours, I'm going on WHAT'S WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE!!! You call that rumours? LOL! You crack me up! I guess though that if all I have is the bible, then I probably do have nothing. :biggrin:
didn't say it was irrelevant if the story is true or not. Pay attention.

Does a riddle being fabricated make the answer to the riddle false?

Why bother?

You might not have noticed but not knowing the answer, the truth, seems to have driven the entire world mad..
"...the story is made up or not is as irrelevant..." YOU pay attention. :biggrin:

So the bible is a riddle? Hob, you crack me up. You're right, it's a riddle why anyone would spend 5 minutes on it. :biggrin:

As for the bible being the truth, well, the truth is, the god of the bible is a mass murdering rapist who incites others to kill their own children...

Wow Taz, thats amazing. Scripture has something for everyone in it.. I am always surprised for how little some people settle for..but anyway, congratulations!

You can pick up your parting gift in the lower turnstile area.
So little? God is the central character of the bible and they make him out to be scum. So what's not to love you say? :biggrin:
If a thousand people who never met you, never heard you speak a word, and didn't know anything at all about you except for what they heard in rumors, ran around town calling you a pansy ass scumbag would that make it true?

So little?

Yes bro. So far you have nothing.
Wtf are you talking about? I'm not going on rumours, I'm going on WHAT'S WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE!!! You call that rumours? LOL! You crack me up! I guess though that if all I have is the bible, then I probably do have nothing. :biggrin:

Yes, rumors., based on really stupid misinterpretations of the figurative language used in scripture.

Near the end of the gospel of John, Jesus the main character in the story, says,"Till now I have been using figures of speech.". If at that point you did not go back and try to decipher everything he said before from bread from heaven, the resurrection of the dead, opening the eyes of the blind, curing the crippled, turning water into wine, raising the dead, you have absolutely no idea what the story is about even if you read it to the last page and keep a copy on your shelf.
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Jesus was not God Almighty, because he referred to his father in heaven who was God Almighty. Yet, Jesus was a God so that means there may be many God's in heaven. One Almighty God.
Jesus claimed Equality with God. Are you calling Him a liar?

No he did not claim equality with God. Thats what his enemies claimed that he said in order to discredit him.

Even in the first century anyone who claimed to be God was dismissed as crazy.

Are you calling Jesus insane?

I never stated that Jesus claimed equality with God. However, he was, and still is a God. His father, my father, and your father, is the one and only Almighty God. I worship the Almighty God through Jesus. Jesus is obviously a less powerful God.

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