One God.

Wtf are you talking about? I'm not going on rumours, I'm going on WHAT'S WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE!!! You call that rumours? LOL! You crack me up! I guess though that if all I have is the bible, then I probably do have nothing. :biggrin:

Yes, rumors., based on really stupid misinterpretations of the figurative language used in scripture.
So tell me, when god drowns most of his creation as it says in the bible, why should I disregard that and believe that it means something else? Like what?

Obviously, God doesn't give a tinker's damn about the clay body that we occupy. God does care about the souls that he has shackled with the clay bodies. I have never read, seen, or heard of God allowing any soul to be harmed, in any way, shape, or form..
Uh...Job. He did a lot of suffering. Didn't he? But at least it was for a good cause.

Job's clay body suffered. His soul didn't.
But his clay body contained a soul. And it suffered right along with his clay body.
Yes, rumors., based on really stupid misinterpretations of the figurative language used in scripture.
So tell me, when god drowns most of his creation as it says in the bible, why should I disregard that and believe that it means something else? Like what?

Obviously, God doesn't give a tinker's damn about the clay body that we occupy. God does care about the souls that he has shackled with the clay bodies. I have never read, seen, or heard of God allowing any soul to be harmed, in any way, shape, or form..
Uh...Job. He did a lot of suffering. Didn't he? But at least it was for a good cause.

Job's clay body suffered. His soul didn't.
But his clay body contained a soul. And it suffered right along with his clay body.
So who did Job's claymation when he had to move around?
There seems to be a lot of confusion, not to mention some wilful ignorance about the nature of God.

Many Christians believe in the Trinity and that Jesus was God incarnate.

Some even point to the Trinity and state that Christians worship three Gods.

Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, look at a chicken egg. It has three separate parts. The yolk, the egg white, and the shell. So, which one of those parts is NOT the egg. They all are.

It's the same with God. One God, three persons, all sharing the essence of God. All equal. One God. But three in nature.

Get it now?

I thought your metaphor of the egg was excellent so kudos. As for the detractors who do not understand or accept the metaphor, if you take away the shell you still have what we call an egg, but it is not a complete egg, only the part that is inside the shell. If you separate the shell, egg, and yolk, you then call it an eggshell, yolk, egg white none of which are an egg but are only part of one.

Yet each part of the egg has a separate function. The shell protects and contains the white and yolk. The egg white is a nourishing protective. The egg yolk is the generator of new life.

God the Father is the creator, the protector, the engineer of order in the universe and designer of its functions and purpose and fate.
God the Son, i.e. the Word, Jesus/the Christ, is love, passion, caring, redemption, healer, the evidence of eternal life.
God the Holy Spirit, Counselor, Advocate, Convicter of Sin, Intercessor, God with us

One God that we know in three ways. Not separate beings as I understand it, but one Being that we know in different ways/functions.
I agree with most of that. But Jesus is also the Creator. "All things were created BY Him and FOR Him." Also, I believe God actually does exist as three persons. In Genesis, God said "Let US make man in OUR own image. Who was He talking to?

True. The Gospel According to John opens with the phrase, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." (John 1.1-5 RSV)

Or. . .one God.

But certainly Jesus, God who has come in the flesh, wholly human yet wholly devine, while he was in human form prayed to God his Father in Heaven. And the Scriptures quote him as saying that he must go away so that the Counselor (the Holy Spirit) could come.

And as you pointed out, twice the one God used the term 'let us" phrase referring to himself. In the account of Creation as you mentioned, and again in the Tower of Babel story.

What does that mean? I don't pretend to know nor has any specialized theologian ever explained it to my satisfaction. Certainly there was no concept of the Trinity expressed in the Hebrew language. But now we see through a glass darkly. It is on my list to ask when we can meet face to face. :)
Personally, I hope that the answers to all my questions will be implanted in my new body. It would take forever to ask them all. Oh, wait. I'll have forever to ask them. But patience. Thats another thing entirely. :)
If a thousand people who never met you, never heard you speak a word, and didn't know anything at all about you except for what they heard in rumors, ran around town calling you a pansy ass scumbag would that make it true?

So little?

Yes bro. So far you have nothing.
Wtf are you talking about? I'm not going on rumours, I'm going on WHAT'S WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE!!! You call that rumours? LOL! You crack me up! I guess though that if all I have is the bible, then I probably do have nothing. :biggrin:

Yes, rumors., based on really stupid misinterpretations of the figurative language used in scripture.
So tell me, when god drowns most of his creation as it says in the bible, why should I disregard that and believe that it means something else? Like what?

You should disregard the literal because men wrote the story mostly borrowed from other cultures.

If a meteor hit the ocean and caused a near extinction event the survivors would have used that as a platform to teach their children moral lessons applicable to their daily lives. Don't get diverted by silliness. Look for the teaching hidden in the fantastical shit.

Another story clearly says that an angel took ezekiel by the hair and flew through the sky from Babylon to Jerusalem and dug through the wall of the temple, 13 feet of solid stone, with his bare hands..

Why disregard that? Don't disregard it entirely. Just know that such things only occur in dreams. Don't be diverted by silliness Captain Kangaroo. Try to learn what God was teaching the prophet through his dreams.
So you don’t like what’s written in the bible so you move the goalposts. So who decides what’s real and what’s not? Like the virgin birth, real or not? How can you tell? Because it’s scientifically not possible?

I'm not moving the goalposts. As any Jew if the prophets in scripture spoke in a strange figurative language..

And the reader gets to decide what is real or what is not. For instance you get to decide whether the story of ezekiel flying through the air was real, a made up bullshit story, or if it was a truthful eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

How can you tell? What is scientifically impossible is only one helpful constraint. Knowledge of Jewish thought and beliefs would help you understand the subjects of contention. If you were paying attention in elementary school would help the most, but it seems that chance has passed you by.

Having a clear head will help you tell the difference between what is fact or fiction. Then you have to learn which fiction hides what fact.

Then apply what you have learned.

After that it will take an additional effort to even "see" God from a distance or get close enough to hear his words.
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Wtf are you talking about? I'm not going on rumours, I'm going on WHAT'S WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE!!! You call that rumours? LOL! You crack me up! I guess though that if all I have is the bible, then I probably do have nothing. :biggrin:

Yes, rumors., based on really stupid misinterpretations of the figurative language used in scripture.
So tell me, when god drowns most of his creation as it says in the bible, why should I disregard that and believe that it means something else? Like what?

You should disregard the literal because men wrote the story mostly borrowed from other cultures.

If a meteor hit the ocean and caused a near extinction event the survivors would have used that as a platform to teach their children moral lessons applicable to their daily lives. Don't get diverted by silliness. Look for the teaching hidden in the fantastical shit.

Another story clearly says that an angel took ezekiel by the hair and flew through the sky from Babylon to Jerusalem and dug through the wall of the temple, 13 feet of solid stone, with his bare hands..

Why disregard that? Don't disregard it entirely. Just know that such things only occur in dreams. Don't be diverted by silliness Captain Kangaroo. Try to learn what God was teaching the prophet through his dreams.
So you don’t like what’s written in the bible so you move the goalposts. So who decides what’s real and what’s not? Like the virgin birth, real or not? How can you tell? Because it’s scientifically not possible?

I'm not moving the goalposts. As any Jew if the prophets in scripture spoke in a strange figurative language..

And the reader gets to decide what is real or what is not. For instance you get to decide whether the story of ezekiel flying through the air was real, a made up bullshit story, or if it was a truthful eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

How can you tell? What is scientifically impossible is only one helpful constraint. Knowledge of Jewish thought and beliefs would help you understand the subjects of contention. If you were paying attention in elementary school would help the most, but it seems that chance has passed you by.

Having a clear head will help you tell the difference between what is fact or fiction. Then you have to learn which fiction hides what fact.

Then apply what you have learned.

After that it will take an additional effort to even "see" God from a distance or get close enough to hear his words.
So basically, the meaning of the bible has changed over the years to match scientific discoveries, then if that's not good enough, I can decide myself which stories are true and which are not. And if I decide that none of the stories are true in the bible, it doesn't really matter because what matters are the morals of the stories? Did I get that sorta right?
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."
I don't see how it differs from "King of kings" and "Alpha and Omega".
but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God
So Jesus is God because several Jews in the NT said it? Why Jesus never said it himself?
He DID say it. Weren't you paying attention? In fact, He used the exact same words that God did, when He identified Himself to Moses. "I AM!". That's why the Jews wanted to kill Him.
I use the same words ("I am") too, but I don't claim I'm God. Leave the Jews alone. Again, Jesus never directly said "I'm God". Why?
Yes, rumors., based on really stupid misinterpretations of the figurative language used in scripture.
So tell me, when god drowns most of his creation as it says in the bible, why should I disregard that and believe that it means something else? Like what?

You should disregard the literal because men wrote the story mostly borrowed from other cultures.

If a meteor hit the ocean and caused a near extinction event the survivors would have used that as a platform to teach their children moral lessons applicable to their daily lives. Don't get diverted by silliness. Look for the teaching hidden in the fantastical shit.

Another story clearly says that an angel took ezekiel by the hair and flew through the sky from Babylon to Jerusalem and dug through the wall of the temple, 13 feet of solid stone, with his bare hands..

Why disregard that? Don't disregard it entirely. Just know that such things only occur in dreams. Don't be diverted by silliness Captain Kangaroo. Try to learn what God was teaching the prophet through his dreams.
So you don’t like what’s written in the bible so you move the goalposts. So who decides what’s real and what’s not? Like the virgin birth, real or not? How can you tell? Because it’s scientifically not possible?

I'm not moving the goalposts. As any Jew if the prophets in scripture spoke in a strange figurative language..

And the reader gets to decide what is real or what is not. For instance you get to decide whether the story of ezekiel flying through the air was real, a made up bullshit story, or if it was a truthful eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

How can you tell? What is scientifically impossible is only one helpful constraint. Knowledge of Jewish thought and beliefs would help you understand the subjects of contention. If you were paying attention in elementary school would help the most, but it seems that chance has passed you by.

Having a clear head will help you tell the difference between what is fact or fiction. Then you have to learn which fiction hides what fact.

Then apply what you have learned.

After that it will take an additional effort to even "see" God from a distance or get close enough to hear his words.
So basically, the meaning of the bible has changed over the years to match scientific discoveries, then if that's not good enough, I can decide myself which stories are true and which are not. And if I decide that none of the stories are true in the bible, it doesn't really matter because what matters are the morals of the stories? Did I get that sorta right?
Yeah, you got it sorta right except for that the hidden teaching has never changed, it had just been lost to time, time and time again, when the initiates, those who held the secret teachings safe in their minds, were slaughtered during one or another diaspora, pogrom, occupation or complete destruction ..

The absolute worst thing that could possibly happen to you if you missed the mark and failed to grasp the teaching hidden in those stories is that your life won't get any worse than it has already been.

If you think there is even a chance that there is something of great value hidden there that might enhance your experience of life and heal you from all the pain associated with not understanding anything, the least you could do is give it a try....
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Not all Christians. I believe "God" is a family name. Currently there are only two members -- the Father and the Son.

Christians are BEGOTTEN Sons of God, but still awaiting our birth at the Resurrection into that FAMILY.

The pagan trinity is a Catholic concept which many Christians reject.
The Bible is crystal clear on this. Jesus is God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. All things were created by Him and for him...etc.
King of kings, the Alpha and Omega.. Whatever you want. But Jesus never directly said he is God.
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
Jesus didn't have to die for us. He did it because He loves us. But if He hadn't done so, all humans would wind up in Hell.
God (gods) didn't find another way to save humanity from hell?
Well then. Why don't YOU figure out a way. LOL! There was no other way. God is a JUST God. A price had to be paid for Adam's sin. He could not pay it himself. So Jesus payed it for him, as well as for the rest of us. And the best part is that it doesn't cost us anything. It's completely free. All you have to do is let go of your sinful pride and admit that you are a sinner. God demands perfection. And the only way we could be counted as perfect is through the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. When God looks at our sin, Jesus is right there as our advocate. He tells God, "It's OK. He's one of mine."
But Adam already was punished for his sin. Does God have a habit to punish twice for the same sin?
It's completely free? Great! But I don't want somebody die for my sins. Everybody must be responsible for his sins.
So tell me, when god drowns most of his creation as it says in the bible, why should I disregard that and believe that it means something else? Like what?

You should disregard the literal because men wrote the story mostly borrowed from other cultures.

If a meteor hit the ocean and caused a near extinction event the survivors would have used that as a platform to teach their children moral lessons applicable to their daily lives. Don't get diverted by silliness. Look for the teaching hidden in the fantastical shit.

Another story clearly says that an angel took ezekiel by the hair and flew through the sky from Babylon to Jerusalem and dug through the wall of the temple, 13 feet of solid stone, with his bare hands..

Why disregard that? Don't disregard it entirely. Just know that such things only occur in dreams. Don't be diverted by silliness Captain Kangaroo. Try to learn what God was teaching the prophet through his dreams.
So you don’t like what’s written in the bible so you move the goalposts. So who decides what’s real and what’s not? Like the virgin birth, real or not? How can you tell? Because it’s scientifically not possible?

I'm not moving the goalposts. As any Jew if the prophets in scripture spoke in a strange figurative language..

And the reader gets to decide what is real or what is not. For instance you get to decide whether the story of ezekiel flying through the air was real, a made up bullshit story, or if it was a truthful eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

How can you tell? What is scientifically impossible is only one helpful constraint. Knowledge of Jewish thought and beliefs would help you understand the subjects of contention. If you were paying attention in elementary school would help the most, but it seems that chance has passed you by.

Having a clear head will help you tell the difference between what is fact or fiction. Then you have to learn which fiction hides what fact.

Then apply what you have learned.

After that it will take an additional effort to even "see" God from a distance or get close enough to hear his words.
So basically, the meaning of the bible has changed over the years to match scientific discoveries, then if that's not good enough, I can decide myself which stories are true and which are not. And if I decide that none of the stories are true in the bible, it doesn't really matter because what matters are the morals of the stories? Did I get that sorta right?
Yeah, you got it sorta right except for that the hidden teaching has never changed, it had just been lost to time, time and time again, when the initiates, those who held the secret teachings safe in their minds, were slaughtered during one diaspora, pogrom, occupation or complete destruction or another..

The absolute worst thing that could possibly happen to you if you missed the mark and failed to grasp the teaching hidden in those stories is that your life won't get any worse than it has already been.

If you think there is even a chance that there is something of great value hidden there that might enhance your experience of life and heal you from all the pain associated with not understanding anything, the least you could do is give it a try....
Ok, so is there a link to this hidden meaning of all the stories in the bible? Is this mainstream Christian dogma, or are you some weirdo who's into obscure and bizarre cults?
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."
I don't see how it differs from "King of kings" and "Alpha and Omega".
but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God
So Jesus is God because several Jews in the NT said it? Why Jesus never said it himself?
He DID say it. Weren't you paying attention? In fact, He used the exact same words that God did, when He identified Himself to Moses. "I AM!". That's why the Jews wanted to kill Him.
I use the same words ("I am") too, but I don't claim I'm God. Leave the Jews alone. Again, Jesus never directly said "I'm God". Why?
Yes. He did say it. Here...

Did Jesus Claim to Be God? - Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff

Educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive.
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."
I don't see how it differs from "King of kings" and "Alpha and Omega".
but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God
So Jesus is God because several Jews in the NT said it? Why Jesus never said it himself?
He DID say it. Weren't you paying attention? In fact, He used the exact same words that God did, when He identified Himself to Moses. "I AM!". That's why the Jews wanted to kill Him.
I use the same words ("I am") too, but I don't claim I'm God. Leave the Jews alone. Again, Jesus never directly said "I'm God". Why?
Yes. He did say it. Here...

Did Jesus Claim to Be God? - Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff

Educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive.
Ya, but the bible is made up, according to most Christians here.
The Bible is crystal clear on this. Jesus is God. King of kings and Lord of lords. The Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. All things were created by Him and for him...etc.
King of kings, the Alpha and Omega.. Whatever you want. But Jesus never directly said he is God.
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
Jesus didn't have to die for us. He did it because He loves us. But if He hadn't done so, all humans would wind up in Hell.
God (gods) didn't find another way to save humanity from hell?
Well then. Why don't YOU figure out a way. LOL! There was no other way. God is a JUST God. A price had to be paid for Adam's sin. He could not pay it himself. So Jesus payed it for him, as well as for the rest of us. And the best part is that it doesn't cost us anything. It's completely free. All you have to do is let go of your sinful pride and admit that you are a sinner. God demands perfection. And the only way we could be counted as perfect is through the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. When God looks at our sin, Jesus is right there as our advocate. He tells God, "It's OK. He's one of mine."
But Adam already was punished for his sin. Does God have a habit to punish twice for the same sin?
It's completely free? Great! But I don't want somebody die for my sins. Everybody must be responsible for his sins.
It is painfully obvious that you do not know the first thing about Christianity. Why don't you just remain silent before you embarrass yourself further? Even a fool is considered wise if he remains silent.
You should disregard the literal because men wrote the story mostly borrowed from other cultures.

If a meteor hit the ocean and caused a near extinction event the survivors would have used that as a platform to teach their children moral lessons applicable to their daily lives. Don't get diverted by silliness. Look for the teaching hidden in the fantastical shit.

Another story clearly says that an angel took ezekiel by the hair and flew through the sky from Babylon to Jerusalem and dug through the wall of the temple, 13 feet of solid stone, with his bare hands..

Why disregard that? Don't disregard it entirely. Just know that such things only occur in dreams. Don't be diverted by silliness Captain Kangaroo. Try to learn what God was teaching the prophet through his dreams.
So you don’t like what’s written in the bible so you move the goalposts. So who decides what’s real and what’s not? Like the virgin birth, real or not? How can you tell? Because it’s scientifically not possible?

I'm not moving the goalposts. As any Jew if the prophets in scripture spoke in a strange figurative language..

And the reader gets to decide what is real or what is not. For instance you get to decide whether the story of ezekiel flying through the air was real, a made up bullshit story, or if it was a truthful eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

How can you tell? What is scientifically impossible is only one helpful constraint. Knowledge of Jewish thought and beliefs would help you understand the subjects of contention. If you were paying attention in elementary school would help the most, but it seems that chance has passed you by.

Having a clear head will help you tell the difference between what is fact or fiction. Then you have to learn which fiction hides what fact.

Then apply what you have learned.

After that it will take an additional effort to even "see" God from a distance or get close enough to hear his words.
So basically, the meaning of the bible has changed over the years to match scientific discoveries, then if that's not good enough, I can decide myself which stories are true and which are not. And if I decide that none of the stories are true in the bible, it doesn't really matter because what matters are the morals of the stories? Did I get that sorta right?
Yeah, you got it sorta right except for that the hidden teaching has never changed, it had just been lost to time, time and time again, when the initiates, those who held the secret teachings safe in their minds, were slaughtered during one diaspora, pogrom, occupation or complete destruction or another..

The absolute worst thing that could possibly happen to you if you missed the mark and failed to grasp the teaching hidden in those stories is that your life won't get any worse than it has already been.

If you think there is even a chance that there is something of great value hidden there that might enhance your experience of life and heal you from all the pain associated with not understanding anything, the least you could do is give it a try....
Ok, so is there a link to this hidden meaning of all the stories in the bible? Is this mainstream Christian dogma, or are you some weirdo who's into obscure and bizarre cults?

lol.... Mainstream christian dogma? Haven't you heard all of that crap before? You never heard any of this, right? Hmmm. lets see.


BTW, Not into obscure or bizarre cults at all but definitely just some weirdo...a stranger in a very strange land.

If you think that I am weird already, you should see me after drinking a vat of communion wine..
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."
I don't see how it differs from "King of kings" and "Alpha and Omega".
but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God
So Jesus is God because several Jews in the NT said it? Why Jesus never said it himself?
He DID say it. Weren't you paying attention? In fact, He used the exact same words that God did, when He identified Himself to Moses. "I AM!". That's why the Jews wanted to kill Him.
I use the same words ("I am") too, but I don't claim I'm God. Leave the Jews alone. Again, Jesus never directly said "I'm God". Why?
Yes. He did say it. Here...

Did Jesus Claim to Be God? - Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff

Educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive.
King of kings, the Alpha and Omega.. Whatever you want. But Jesus never directly said he is God.
And nobody should die for somebody's sins.
Jesus didn't have to die for us. He did it because He loves us. But if He hadn't done so, all humans would wind up in Hell.
God (gods) didn't find another way to save humanity from hell?
Well then. Why don't YOU figure out a way. LOL! There was no other way. God is a JUST God. A price had to be paid for Adam's sin. He could not pay it himself. So Jesus payed it for him, as well as for the rest of us. And the best part is that it doesn't cost us anything. It's completely free. All you have to do is let go of your sinful pride and admit that you are a sinner. God demands perfection. And the only way we could be counted as perfect is through the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. When God looks at our sin, Jesus is right there as our advocate. He tells God, "It's OK. He's one of mine."
But Adam already was punished for his sin. Does God have a habit to punish twice for the same sin?
It's completely free? Great! But I don't want somebody die for my sins. Everybody must be responsible for his sins.
It is painfully obvious that you do not know the first thing about Christianity. Why don't you just remain silent before you embarrass yourself further? Even a fool is considered wise if he remains silent.
And yet He did.

"Before Abraham was, I Am."
I don't see how it differs from "King of kings" and "Alpha and Omega".
but Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any of these,' replied the Jews, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God
So Jesus is God because several Jews in the NT said it? Why Jesus never said it himself?
He DID say it. Weren't you paying attention? In fact, He used the exact same words that God did, when He identified Himself to Moses. "I AM!". That's why the Jews wanted to kill Him.
I use the same words ("I am") too, but I don't claim I'm God. Leave the Jews alone. Again, Jesus never directly said "I'm God". Why?
Yes. He did say it. Here...

Did Jesus Claim to Be God? - Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff

Educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive.
Jesus didn't have to die for us. He did it because He loves us. But if He hadn't done so, all humans would wind up in Hell.
God (gods) didn't find another way to save humanity from hell?
Well then. Why don't YOU figure out a way. LOL! There was no other way. God is a JUST God. A price had to be paid for Adam's sin. He could not pay it himself. So Jesus payed it for him, as well as for the rest of us. And the best part is that it doesn't cost us anything. It's completely free. All you have to do is let go of your sinful pride and admit that you are a sinner. God demands perfection. And the only way we could be counted as perfect is through the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. When God looks at our sin, Jesus is right there as our advocate. He tells God, "It's OK. He's one of mine."
But Adam already was punished for his sin. Does God have a habit to punish twice for the same sin?
It's completely free? Great! But I don't want somebody die for my sins. Everybody must be responsible for his sins.
It is painfully obvious that you do not know the first thing about Christianity. Why don't you just remain silent before you embarrass yourself further? Even a fool is considered wise if he remains silent.
An idiot calling me an idiot....BWAHAHAHAHA! Good one!
I don't see how it differs from "King of kings" and "Alpha and Omega".
So Jesus is God because several Jews in the NT said it? Why Jesus never said it himself?
He DID say it. Weren't you paying attention? In fact, He used the exact same words that God did, when He identified Himself to Moses. "I AM!". That's why the Jews wanted to kill Him.
I use the same words ("I am") too, but I don't claim I'm God. Leave the Jews alone. Again, Jesus never directly said "I'm God". Why?
Yes. He did say it. Here...

Did Jesus Claim to Be God? - Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff

Educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive.
God (gods) didn't find another way to save humanity from hell?
Well then. Why don't YOU figure out a way. LOL! There was no other way. God is a JUST God. A price had to be paid for Adam's sin. He could not pay it himself. So Jesus payed it for him, as well as for the rest of us. And the best part is that it doesn't cost us anything. It's completely free. All you have to do is let go of your sinful pride and admit that you are a sinner. God demands perfection. And the only way we could be counted as perfect is through the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. When God looks at our sin, Jesus is right there as our advocate. He tells God, "It's OK. He's one of mine."
But Adam already was punished for his sin. Does God have a habit to punish twice for the same sin?
It's completely free? Great! But I don't want somebody die for my sins. Everybody must be responsible for his sins.
It is painfully obvious that you do not know the first thing about Christianity. Why don't you just remain silent before you embarrass yourself further? Even a fool is considered wise if he remains silent.
An idiot calling me an idiot....BWAHAHAHAHA! Good one!
Ahhh, the stereotypical evil laugh.

How fitting.
There seems to be a lot of confusion, not to mention some wilful ignorance about the nature of God.

Many Christians believe in the Trinity and that Jesus was God incarnate.

Some even point to the Trinity and state that Christians worship three Gods.

Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, look at a chicken egg. It has three separate parts. The yolk, the egg white, and the shell. So, which one of those parts is NOT the egg. They all are.

It's the same with God. One God, three persons, all sharing the essence of God. All equal. One God. But three in nature.

Get it now?

I thought your metaphor of the egg was excellent so kudos. As for the detractors who do not understand or accept the metaphor, if you take away the shell you still have what we call an egg, but it is not a complete egg, only the part that is inside the shell. If you separate the shell, egg, and yolk, you then call it an eggshell, yolk, egg white none of which are an egg but are only part of one.

Yet each part of the egg has a separate function. The shell protects and contains the white and yolk. The egg white is a nourishing protective. The egg yolk is the generator of new life.

God the Father is the creator, the protector, the engineer of order in the universe and designer of its functions and purpose and fate.
God the Son, i.e. the Word, Jesus/the Christ, is love, passion, caring, redemption, healer, the evidence of eternal life.
God the Holy Spirit, Counselor, Advocate, Convicter of Sin, Intercessor, God with us

One God that we know in three ways. Not separate beings as I understand it, but one Being that we know in different ways/functions.
I agree with most of that. But Jesus is also the Creator. "All things were created BY Him and FOR Him." Also, I believe God actually does exist as three persons. In Genesis, God said "Let US make man in OUR own image. Who was He talking to?

That's right, who heard him say that, Adam was not even around? I'm sure you have someone in mind, who heard him (God) say this??
Jesus was not God Almighty, because he referred to his father in heaven who was God Almighty. Yet, Jesus was a God so that means there may be many God's in heaven. One Almighty God.
Jesus claimed Equality with God. Are you calling Him a liar?

No he did not claim equality with God. Thats what his enemies claimed that he said in order to discredit him.

Even in the first century anyone who claimed to be God was dismissed as crazy.

Are you calling Jesus insane?

I never stated that Jesus claimed equality with God. However, he was, and still is a God. His father, my father, and your father, is the one and only Almighty God. I worship the Almighty God through Jesus. Jesus is obviously a less powerful God.
Then why was He given dominion over everything in Heaven and Earth? Why does the Bible refer to Him as MIGHTY GOD? Jesus was God incarnate. Better believe it.

circular reasoning

Yes, rumors., based on really stupid misinterpretations of the figurative language used in scripture.
So tell me, when god drowns most of his creation as it says in the bible, why should I disregard that and believe that it means something else? Like what?

Obviously, God doesn't give a tinker's damn about the clay body that we occupy. God does care about the souls that he has shackled with the clay bodies. I have never read, seen, or heard of God allowing any soul to be harmed, in any way, shape, or form..
God sends souls to hell to burn for all eternity, so you and hob just suffered an EPIC FAILURE! Please try again.

I seriously doubt that God sends anyone to hell to burn for all eternity, or for even a second or two. Our immortal souls do not feel pain,hunger, or thirst. Would be a waste of time.

Hell would be darkness. God will cast some into darkness. Nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to feel. Just one's own thoughts forever.
"God will cast some into darkness." So you admit that god harms some souls. Good for you.

No, I do not admit that God Harms any souls. The souls that get cast into darkness will be hale and hearty, and will remain that way until God decides they have had enough sensory isolation.

Why are you so obsessed with scoring points? There is nothing here to win or lose.
There seems to be a lot of confusion, not to mention some wilful ignorance about the nature of God.

Many Christians believe in the Trinity and that Jesus was God incarnate.

Some even point to the Trinity and state that Christians worship three Gods.

Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, look at a chicken egg. It has three separate parts. The yolk, the egg white, and the shell. So, which one of those parts is NOT the egg. They all are.

It's the same with God. One God, three persons, all sharing the essence of God. All equal. One God. But three in nature.

Get it now?

I thought your metaphor of the egg was excellent so kudos. As for the detractors who do not understand or accept the metaphor, if you take away the shell you still have what we call an egg, but it is not a complete egg, only the part that is inside the shell. If you separate the shell, egg, and yolk, you then call it an eggshell, yolk, egg white none of which are an egg but are only part of one.

Yet each part of the egg has a separate function. The shell protects and contains the white and yolk. The egg white is a nourishing protective. The egg yolk is the generator of new life.

God the Father is the creator, the protector, the engineer of order in the universe and designer of its functions and purpose and fate.
God the Son, i.e. the Word, Jesus/the Christ, is love, passion, caring, redemption, healer, the evidence of eternal life.
God the Holy Spirit, Counselor, Advocate, Convicter of Sin, Intercessor, God with us

One God that we know in three ways. Not separate beings as I understand it, but one Being that we know in different ways/functions.
I agree with most of that. But Jesus is also the Creator. "All things were created BY Him and FOR Him." Also, I believe God actually does exist as three persons. In Genesis, God said "Let US make man in OUR own image. Who was He talking to?

That's right, who heard him say that, Adam was not even around? I'm sure you have someone in mind, who heard him (God) say this??

The scribes of the Old Testament did not sign their names to the manuscripts they left us.

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