One God.


1033 We cannot be united with God unless we freely choose to love him. But we cannot love God if we sin gravely against him, against our neighbor or against ourselves: "He who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him."612 Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren.613 To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called "hell."

1034 Jesus often speaks of "Gehenna" of "the unquenchable fire" reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted, where both soul and body can be lost.614 Jesus solemnly proclaims that he "will send his angels, and they will gather . . . all evil doers, and throw them into the furnace of fire,"615 and that he will pronounce the condemnation: "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire!"616

1035 The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire."617 The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.

1036 The affirmations of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility incumbent upon man to make use of his freedom in view of his eternal destiny. They are at the same time an urgent call to conversion: "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few."618

Since we know neither the day nor the hour, we should follow the advice of the Lord and watch constantly so that, when the single course of our earthly life is completed, we may merit to enter with him into the marriage feast and be numbered among the blessed, and not, like the wicked and slothful servants, be ordered to depart into the eternal fire, into the outer darkness where "men will weep and gnash their teeth."619
1037 God predestines no one to go to hell;620 for this, a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end. In the Eucharistic liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful, the Church implores the mercy of God, who does not want "any to perish, but all to come to repentance":621

Catechism of the Catholic Church - PART 1 SECTION 2 CHAPTER 3 ARTICLE 12
That's right, who heard him say that, Adam was not even around? I'm sure you have someone in mind, who heard him (God) say this??

The scribes of the Old Testament did not sign their names to the manuscripts they left us.

The right answer , is they assumed, imagined, and they were polytheistic. Zoroastrianism is the reason there are 2 Genesis stories.

I will gently disagree. The reason there are two Genesis stories is that they were written millenia apart by different sources for different purposes. The Creation story in Genesis 2 is probably almost two millenia older than the Creation narrative in Genesis 1.

And since neither of us were there, I think neither of us are in a position to know what anybody assumed about anything.

True, remember they didn't come back from the Babylon exile till around 400 bc. According to scripture they scribed the Torah from oral tradition and what they learned in Babylon.

Much of the content of the Old Testament predates the disapora however. It is true that many of the manuscripts were created to keep the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish faith intact as there was pressure from competing religions to corrupt it.

true---but not THE TORAH itself. Ezra yes------not the five books of moses----ALREADY EXTANT
The scribes of the Old Testament did not sign their names to the manuscripts they left us.

The right answer , is they assumed, imagined, and they were polytheistic. Zoroastrianism is the reason there are 2 Genesis stories.

I will gently disagree. The reason there are two Genesis stories is that they were written millenia apart by different sources for different purposes. The Creation story in Genesis 2 is probably almost two millenia older than the Creation narrative in Genesis 1.

And since neither of us were there, I think neither of us are in a position to know what anybody assumed about anything.

True, remember they didn't come back from the Babylon exile till around 400 bc. According to scripture they scribed the Torah from oral tradition and what they learned in Babylon.

Much of the content of the Old Testament predates the disapora however. It is true that many of the manuscripts were created to keep the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish faith intact as there was pressure from competing religions to corrupt it.
It may be that when the tribes returned to Israel from the four corners of the world after the babylonian exile they brought with them differing traditions and stories about the creation and the giving of the law, etc., that had developed independently during the exile and were awkwardly woven together by unknown editors into its current form resulting in two genesis stories etc.

It was as if someone took the four gospels and tried to weave them all together into one barely coherent story that included many contradictions, repetitions, and slightly different versions of events..

it could have been but was not
I'm not moving the goalposts. As any Jew if the prophets in scripture spoke in a strange figurative language..

And the reader gets to decide what is real or what is not. For instance you get to decide whether the story of ezekiel flying through the air was real, a made up bullshit story, or if it was a truthful eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

How can you tell? What is scientifically impossible is only one helpful constraint. Knowledge of Jewish thought and beliefs would help you understand the subjects of contention. If you were paying attention in elementary school would help the most, but it seems that chance has passed you by.

Having a clear head will help you tell the difference between what is fact or fiction. Then you have to learn which fiction hides what fact.

Then apply what you have learned.

After that it will take an additional effort to even "see" God from a distance or get close enough to hear his words.
So basically, the meaning of the bible has changed over the years to match scientific discoveries, then if that's not good enough, I can decide myself which stories are true and which are not. And if I decide that none of the stories are true in the bible, it doesn't really matter because what matters are the morals of the stories? Did I get that sorta right?
Yeah, you got it sorta right except for that the hidden teaching has never changed, it had just been lost to time, time and time again, when the initiates, those who held the secret teachings safe in their minds, were slaughtered during one diaspora, pogrom, occupation or complete destruction or another..

The absolute worst thing that could possibly happen to you if you missed the mark and failed to grasp the teaching hidden in those stories is that your life won't get any worse than it has already been.

If you think there is even a chance that there is something of great value hidden there that might enhance your experience of life and heal you from all the pain associated with not understanding anything, the least you could do is give it a try....
Ok, so is there a link to this hidden meaning of all the stories in the bible? Is this mainstream Christian dogma, or are you some weirdo who's into obscure and bizarre cults?

lol.... Mainstream christian dogma? Haven't you heard all of that crap before? You never heard any of this, right? Hmmm. lets see.


BTW, Not into obscure or bizarre cults at all but definitely just some weirdo...a stranger in a very strange land.

If you think that I am weird already, you should see me after drinking a vat of communion wine..
So you got a link or not?

Most Christians believe in the veracity of the bible, so ya, it's not mainstream dogma. I've heard of that before, every believer here doesn't believe in a worldwide flood, merely a regional one and in fact, I can't find ONE person here who believes the flood was worldwide.

so true-----most likely a regional flood or just a literary device based on human experience with devastating
LOCAL FLOODs-------------and an elaborate METAPHOR
The right answer , is they assumed, imagined, and they were polytheistic. Zoroastrianism is the reason there are 2 Genesis stories.

I will gently disagree. The reason there are two Genesis stories is that they were written millenia apart by different sources for different purposes. The Creation story in Genesis 2 is probably almost two millenia older than the Creation narrative in Genesis 1.

And since neither of us were there, I think neither of us are in a position to know what anybody assumed about anything.

True, remember they didn't come back from the Babylon exile till around 400 bc. According to scripture they scribed the Torah from oral tradition and what they learned in Babylon.

Much of the content of the Old Testament predates the disapora however. It is true that many of the manuscripts were created to keep the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish faith intact as there was pressure from competing religions to corrupt it.
It may be that when the tribes returned to Israel from the four corners of the world after the babylonian exile they brought with them differing traditions and stories about the creation and the giving of the law, etc., that had developed independently during the exile and were awkwardly woven together by unknown editors into its current form resulting in two genesis stories etc.

It was as if someone took the four gospels and tried to weave them all together into one barely coherent story that included many contradictions, repetitions, and slightly different versions of events..

Yes Ezra and around 44000 returned of all the jews that went to Babylon. In the Jewish encyl, they say Ezra was the new Moses. Most think the exodus is a true story , of course its not.

what is "44000" in the primitive illiterate backwoods of your mind? I understand your problem---your
background is one of dense illiteracy. It is difficult for you to wrap your primitive mind around the
fact that jews WAY BACK THEN were literate and had WRITTEN RECORDS-----in fact Ezra was in
WRITTEN communication with various communities of jews OUTSIDE OF BABYLON.

It seems that Hindus were lliterate to some extent too-----in fact, even Babylonians (the real ones---
not the invading arabs) were literate








thanks ding-----small correction-----no greek in THE TORAH -----there are a few words which are considered
to be TAKEN from the Egyptian language and the language of Mesopotamia-----really hot shot Linguists
are able to discuss the significance. In the things jews call "scroll of ______" like the book of Esther,
there is language influence --Persian. and---of course the book of DANIEL------is written in Aramaic----
"the language of Babylon" ----I think da whole damn thing.
I'm not moving the goalposts. As any Jew if the prophets in scripture spoke in a strange figurative language..

And the reader gets to decide what is real or what is not. For instance you get to decide whether the story of ezekiel flying through the air was real, a made up bullshit story, or if it was a truthful eyewitness account of what was seen and heard in a dream.

How can you tell? What is scientifically impossible is only one helpful constraint. Knowledge of Jewish thought and beliefs would help you understand the subjects of contention. If you were paying attention in elementary school would help the most, but it seems that chance has passed you by.

Having a clear head will help you tell the difference between what is fact or fiction. Then you have to learn which fiction hides what fact.

Then apply what you have learned.

After that it will take an additional effort to even "see" God from a distance or get close enough to hear his words.
So basically, the meaning of the bible has changed over the years to match scientific discoveries, then if that's not good enough, I can decide myself which stories are true and which are not. And if I decide that none of the stories are true in the bible, it doesn't really matter because what matters are the morals of the stories? Did I get that sorta right?
Yeah, you got it sorta right except for that the hidden teaching has never changed, it had just been lost to time, time and time again, when the initiates, those who held the secret teachings safe in their minds, were slaughtered during one diaspora, pogrom, occupation or complete destruction or another..

The absolute worst thing that could possibly happen to you if you missed the mark and failed to grasp the teaching hidden in those stories is that your life won't get any worse than it has already been.

If you think there is even a chance that there is something of great value hidden there that might enhance your experience of life and heal you from all the pain associated with not understanding anything, the least you could do is give it a try....
Ok, so is there a link to this hidden meaning of all the stories in the bible? Is this mainstream Christian dogma, or are you some weirdo who's into obscure and bizarre cults?

lol.... Mainstream christian dogma? Haven't you heard all of that crap before? You never heard any of this, right? Hmmm. lets see.


BTW, Not into obscure or bizarre cults at all but definitely just some weirdo...a stranger in a very strange land.

If you think that I am weird already, you should see me after drinking a vat of communion wine..
So you got a link or not?

Most Christians believe in the veracity of the bible, so ya, it's not mainstream dogma. I've heard of that before, every believer here doesn't believe in a worldwide flood, merely a regional one and in fact, I can't find ONE person here who believes the flood was worldwide.

Yes, the flood was worldwide, a deluge of torrential rain that lasted for weeks cause by a celestial object impacting over the ocean.

And yes, even the mountains of Israel were all swept away.
So basically, the meaning of the bible has changed over the years to match scientific discoveries, then if that's not good enough, I can decide myself which stories are true and which are not. And if I decide that none of the stories are true in the bible, it doesn't really matter because what matters are the morals of the stories? Did I get that sorta right?
Yeah, you got it sorta right except for that the hidden teaching has never changed, it had just been lost to time, time and time again, when the initiates, those who held the secret teachings safe in their minds, were slaughtered during one diaspora, pogrom, occupation or complete destruction or another..

The absolute worst thing that could possibly happen to you if you missed the mark and failed to grasp the teaching hidden in those stories is that your life won't get any worse than it has already been.

If you think there is even a chance that there is something of great value hidden there that might enhance your experience of life and heal you from all the pain associated with not understanding anything, the least you could do is give it a try....
Ok, so is there a link to this hidden meaning of all the stories in the bible? Is this mainstream Christian dogma, or are you some weirdo who's into obscure and bizarre cults?

lol.... Mainstream christian dogma? Haven't you heard all of that crap before? You never heard any of this, right? Hmmm. lets see.


BTW, Not into obscure or bizarre cults at all but definitely just some weirdo...a stranger in a very strange land.

If you think that I am weird already, you should see me after drinking a vat of communion wine..
So you got a link or not?

Most Christians believe in the veracity of the bible, so ya, it's not mainstream dogma. I've heard of that before, every believer here doesn't believe in a worldwide flood, merely a regional one and in fact, I can't find ONE person here who believes the flood was worldwide.

Yes, the flood was worldwide, a deluge of torrential rain that lasted for weeks cause by a celestial object impacting over the ocean.

And yes, even the mountains of Israel were all swept away.
So do you have any geological proof or any kind of proof whatsoever for a "celestial object impacting over the ocean" and the ensuing worldwide flood?
The right answer , is they assumed, imagined, and they were polytheistic. Zoroastrianism is the reason there are 2 Genesis stories.

I will gently disagree. The reason there are two Genesis stories is that they were written millenia apart by different sources for different purposes. The Creation story in Genesis 2 is probably almost two millenia older than the Creation narrative in Genesis 1.

And since neither of us were there, I think neither of us are in a position to know what anybody assumed about anything.

True, remember they didn't come back from the Babylon exile till around 400 bc. According to scripture they scribed the Torah from oral tradition and what they learned in Babylon.

Much of the content of the Old Testament predates the disapora however. It is true that many of the manuscripts were created to keep the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish faith intact as there was pressure from competing religions to corrupt it.
It may be that when the tribes returned to Israel from the four corners of the world after the babylonian exile they brought with them differing traditions and stories about the creation and the giving of the law, etc., that had developed independently during the exile and were awkwardly woven together by unknown editors into its current form resulting in two genesis stories etc.

It was as if someone took the four gospels and tried to weave them all together into one barely coherent story that included many contradictions, repetitions, and slightly different versions of events..

it could have been but was not
right, the authors just didn't realize that they just repeated the story of genesis when they included a second version of the account.

They must have had a really short attention span.
I will gently disagree. The reason there are two Genesis stories is that they were written millenia apart by different sources for different purposes. The Creation story in Genesis 2 is probably almost two millenia older than the Creation narrative in Genesis 1.

And since neither of us were there, I think neither of us are in a position to know what anybody assumed about anything.

True, remember they didn't come back from the Babylon exile till around 400 bc. According to scripture they scribed the Torah from oral tradition and what they learned in Babylon.

Much of the content of the Old Testament predates the disapora however. It is true that many of the manuscripts were created to keep the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish faith intact as there was pressure from competing religions to corrupt it.
It may be that when the tribes returned to Israel from the four corners of the world after the babylonian exile they brought with them differing traditions and stories about the creation and the giving of the law, etc., that had developed independently during the exile and were awkwardly woven together by unknown editors into its current form resulting in two genesis stories etc.

It was as if someone took the four gospels and tried to weave them all together into one barely coherent story that included many contradictions, repetitions, and slightly different versions of events..

it could have been but was not
right, the authors just didn't realize that they just repeated the story of genesis when they included a second version of the account.

They must have had a really short attention span.

what second story of genesis-------where is it? where does it APPEAR?
Yeah, you got it sorta right except for that the hidden teaching has never changed, it had just been lost to time, time and time again, when the initiates, those who held the secret teachings safe in their minds, were slaughtered during one diaspora, pogrom, occupation or complete destruction or another..

The absolute worst thing that could possibly happen to you if you missed the mark and failed to grasp the teaching hidden in those stories is that your life won't get any worse than it has already been.

If you think there is even a chance that there is something of great value hidden there that might enhance your experience of life and heal you from all the pain associated with not understanding anything, the least you could do is give it a try....
Ok, so is there a link to this hidden meaning of all the stories in the bible? Is this mainstream Christian dogma, or are you some weirdo who's into obscure and bizarre cults?

lol.... Mainstream christian dogma? Haven't you heard all of that crap before? You never heard any of this, right? Hmmm. lets see.


BTW, Not into obscure or bizarre cults at all but definitely just some weirdo...a stranger in a very strange land.

If you think that I am weird already, you should see me after drinking a vat of communion wine..
So you got a link or not?

Most Christians believe in the veracity of the bible, so ya, it's not mainstream dogma. I've heard of that before, every believer here doesn't believe in a worldwide flood, merely a regional one and in fact, I can't find ONE person here who believes the flood was worldwide.

Yes, the flood was worldwide, a deluge of torrential rain that lasted for weeks cause by a celestial object impacting over the ocean.

And yes, even the mountains of Israel were all swept away.
So do you have any geological proof or any kind of proof whatsoever for a "celestial object impacting over the ocean" and the ensuing worldwide flood?

There is an impact crater 25 times the size of meteor crater in Arizona under 12,000 feet of water on the floor of the Indian Ocean.

Don't worry, I can hold my breath for a really long time..I'll bring you some samples of stishovite as soon as I return from the bottom of the sea.
True, remember they didn't come back from the Babylon exile till around 400 bc. According to scripture they scribed the Torah from oral tradition and what they learned in Babylon.

Much of the content of the Old Testament predates the disapora however. It is true that many of the manuscripts were created to keep the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish faith intact as there was pressure from competing religions to corrupt it.
It may be that when the tribes returned to Israel from the four corners of the world after the babylonian exile they brought with them differing traditions and stories about the creation and the giving of the law, etc., that had developed independently during the exile and were awkwardly woven together by unknown editors into its current form resulting in two genesis stories etc.

It was as if someone took the four gospels and tried to weave them all together into one barely coherent story that included many contradictions, repetitions, and slightly different versions of events..

it could have been but was not
right, the authors just didn't realize that they just repeated the story of genesis when they included a second version of the account.

They must have had a really short attention span.

what second story of genesis-------where is it? where does it APPEAR?

Read genesis.
Much of the content of the Old Testament predates the disapora however. It is true that many of the manuscripts were created to keep the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish faith intact as there was pressure from competing religions to corrupt it.
It may be that when the tribes returned to Israel from the four corners of the world after the babylonian exile they brought with them differing traditions and stories about the creation and the giving of the law, etc., that had developed independently during the exile and were awkwardly woven together by unknown editors into its current form resulting in two genesis stories etc.

It was as if someone took the four gospels and tried to weave them all together into one barely coherent story that included many contradictions, repetitions, and slightly different versions of events..

it could have been but was not
right, the authors just didn't realize that they just repeated the story of genesis when they included a second version of the account.

They must have had a really short attention span.

what second story of genesis-------where is it? where does it APPEAR?

Read genesis.

by genesis------you mean the first book of the Torah------right? The first word of the book is BORESHIT----which is why the whole
book is called "BORESHIT" It is a long book and includes lots of descriptions of lots of events. Sometimes the word "boreshit" is translated
as CREATION and sometimes "genesis" which can be defined as "birth of....)-------it actually means something like "at the beginning" and is SIMPLY the first word of a description of how "the world" ----
meaning THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE-----was concocted in a metaphorical manner-------WHAT TWO VERSIONS?
thanks ding-----small correction-----no greek in THE TORAH -----there are a few words which are considered
to be TAKEN from the Egyptian language and the language of Mesopotamia-----really hot shot Linguists
are able to discuss the significance. In the things jews call "scroll of ______" like the book of Esther,
there is language influence --Persian. and---of course the book of DANIEL------is written in Aramaic----
"the language of Babylon" ----I think da whole damn thing.
Agreed. The distinction being the word Bible.
There seems to be a lot of confusion, not to mention some wilful ignorance about the nature of God.

Many Christians believe in the Trinity and that Jesus was God incarnate.

Some even point to the Trinity and state that Christians worship three Gods.

Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, look at a chicken egg. It has three separate parts. The yolk, the egg white, and the shell. So, which one of those parts is NOT the egg. They all are.

It's the same with God. One God, three persons, all sharing the essence of God. All equal. One God. But three in nature.

Get it now?
Well...just to play devil's advocate here (taking my atheist hat off for a moment), Jews would have a problem with this concept of yours. There is precisely zero references in the Tanakh about a triune nature of God. There is not even anything suggesting that the Mossaich is to be divine in nature. He was conceptualised as entirely human. It's one of the problems they have with Christians conflating Jesus with their Mossiach. If Christians wanted to go this route, they might have done better to follow the Islamic example, just bypassed the "Old Testament" all together, create their own holy book, and separated themselves from Judaism as much as possible.

Just an observation...
There seems to be a lot of confusion, not to mention some wilful ignorance about the nature of God.

Many Christians believe in the Trinity and that Jesus was God incarnate.

Some even point to the Trinity and state that Christians worship three Gods.

Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, look at a chicken egg. It has three separate parts. The yolk, the egg white, and the shell. So, which one of those parts is NOT the egg. They all are.

It's the same with God. One God, three persons, all sharing the essence of God. All equal. One God. But three in nature.

Get it now?
Well...just to play devil's advocate here (taking my atheist hat off for a moment), Jews would have a problem with this concept of yours. There is precisely zero references in the Tanakh about a triune nature of God. There is not even anything suggesting that the Mossaich is to be divine in nature. He was conceptualised as entirely human. It's one of the problems they have with Christians conflating Jesus with their Mossiach. If Christians wanted to go this route, they might have done better to follow the Islamic example, just bypassed the "Old Testament" all together, create their own holy book, and separated themselves from Judaism as much as possible.

Just an observation...
Except that they believed that the mashiach is the one who will be anointed as king in the End of Days and the dead would be resurrected.

Jewish prophecy and Christian prophecy blend quite nicely if you believe that they are fulfilled by the same man at different points in time.
Yes, the flood was worldwide, a deluge of torrential rain that lasted for weeks cause by a celestial object impacting over the ocean.

And yes, even the mountains of Israel were all swept away.
Haha....did you make that up yourself? There is not a shred of evidence for this. And it is impossible, anyway.
I will gently disagree. The reason there are two Genesis stories is that they were written millenia apart by different sources for different purposes. The Creation story in Genesis 2 is probably almost two millenia older than the Creation narrative in Genesis 1.

And since neither of us were there, I think neither of us are in a position to know what anybody assumed about anything.

True, remember they didn't come back from the Babylon exile till around 400 bc. According to scripture they scribed the Torah from oral tradition and what they learned in Babylon.

Much of the content of the Old Testament predates the disapora however. It is true that many of the manuscripts were created to keep the Hebrew/Israelite/Jewish faith intact as there was pressure from competing religions to corrupt it.
It may be that when the tribes returned to Israel from the four corners of the world after the babylonian exile they brought with them differing traditions and stories about the creation and the giving of the law, etc., that had developed independently during the exile and were awkwardly woven together by unknown editors into its current form resulting in two genesis stories etc.

It was as if someone took the four gospels and tried to weave them all together into one barely coherent story that included many contradictions, repetitions, and slightly different versions of events..

it could have been but was not
right, the authors just didn't realize that they just repeated the story of genesis when they included a second version of the account.

They must have had a really short attention span.
I think you are both missing the point.

The account of Genesis predated Moses by at least 1500 years.
Ok, so is there a link to this hidden meaning of all the stories in the bible? Is this mainstream Christian dogma, or are you some weirdo who's into obscure and bizarre cults?

lol.... Mainstream christian dogma? Haven't you heard all of that crap before? You never heard any of this, right? Hmmm. lets see.


BTW, Not into obscure or bizarre cults at all but definitely just some weirdo...a stranger in a very strange land.

If you think that I am weird already, you should see me after drinking a vat of communion wine..
So you got a link or not?

Most Christians believe in the veracity of the bible, so ya, it's not mainstream dogma. I've heard of that before, every believer here doesn't believe in a worldwide flood, merely a regional one and in fact, I can't find ONE person here who believes the flood was worldwide.

Yes, the flood was worldwide, a deluge of torrential rain that lasted for weeks cause by a celestial object impacting over the ocean.

And yes, even the mountains of Israel were all swept away.
So do you have any geological proof or any kind of proof whatsoever for a "celestial object impacting over the ocean" and the ensuing worldwide flood?

There is an impact crater 25 times the size of meteor crater in Arizona under 12,000 feet of water on the floor of the Indian Ocean.

Don't worry, I can hold my breath for a really long time..I'll bring you some samples of stishovite as soon as I return from the bottom of the sea.
Ok, but do you have a link to some scientific data that ties that impact with a global flood? Or are you just making this up?

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