One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

Is it the President's job now to respond to every local story?

I wish my life was so empty that I had time to worry about the President's response to every story.

Here's the real thing. Unlike the idiot that held the office before him, Trump is smart enough to know better than to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

You, me, and EVERYONE else knows full well that no matter what Trump said or when he said it, it would be criticized by the left and its lapdog media.

LOL, what possible downside is there to condemn white supremacists?

For Trump there was one - you piss off a chunk of your constituency.


He, like most of the left, think that there's a White Supremacist hiding under all our beds. He doesn't know how tiny a minority they really are. But, he only listens to the left wing media so......
You mean how WE( meaning YOU) really are..
There are over 900 white hate groups in this country so you're wrong all around. Which one do you belong to? Don't be shy.
On the one hand, it took him two days to pretend to condemn racism which inevitably disappointed everyone who wasn't a racist. I think the initial refusal to do this was in large part because he desperately didn't want to lose any of his white supremacist support.

However, he did end up pretending to condemn the racism after the backlash from both republicans and democrats. From there, his support from those nazis has now likely been eroded. For everyone else, the condemnation was too little too late.

In other words, by Trump being a coward in trying to please everyone, he ended up just pissing off everyone instead.
Trump has been universally condemned for his response so that's a good thing. Charles Krauthammer on Fox News gave a epic put down of trump yesterday and how he shirked his responsibility. Of course the Fox host tried to quickly change the subject. . Lol
Wrong, douche bag, only fake news, Dims and #neverTrumpers have attacked. These are the same groups that always attack him. No one was fooled.
LMAO! He can't shake it. Fighting with the press.
"Before I make a statement I like to know the facts".
Really? Like when he knee-jerked on Twitter that Obama wire 'tapped' him?
Like when he said in 2011 that Obama was born in Kenya then he said in 2016 that he was born in America?

Trump's Lies (because he doesn't CARE about the facts)
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Obama did wiretap him, moron.
On the one hand, it took him two days to pretend to condemn racism which inevitably disappointed everyone who wasn't a racist. I think the initial refusal to do this was in large part because he desperately didn't want to lose any of his white supremacist support.

However, he did end up pretending to condemn the racism after the backlash from both republicans and democrats. From there, his support from those nazis has now likely been eroded. For everyone else, the condemnation was too little too late.

In other words, by Trump being a coward in trying to please everyone, he ended up just pissing off everyone instead.

It wouldn't have mattered at all to you half wits. No matter what he did or said. Everyone, including you lying nut jobs knows this. Shut the fuck up dumbass.

It would have mattered to me. I'm ready to give Trump props for anything he does right, or smart. I just haven't seen anything yet. Every move he's made so far has reinforced my initial perception of him as a worm.

Bull shit. No one believes that lie.
Looks like I accidentally walked in on a liberal circle jerk. lol

Carry on...
You walked into citizens discussing your clueless prez.
You mean he walked into snowflakes orgasming about how much they hate Trump
Ah... the NYT. You people never learn. smh

Take a look at the list. Don't be a coward like Trump.
And find one fucking thing in that list that is wrong.
Put your money where your mouth is.
Trump would have a lawsuit against the NYT if that list is wrong.
YOU can't and won't learn. You're a coward.

Here, at random. Run with it, chicken.
FEB. 7 “And yet the murder rate in our country is the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? Forty-seven years.” (It was higher in the 1980s and '90s.)
It's an opinion piece from the NYT. I'm not wasting any time reading that BS.

In other words, you prefer to remain ignorant, uninformed, and to believe whatever you want to believe, truth be damned.
Reading the NYT makes you dumber.
America committed suicide in November of 2008. The violence, killings, destruction, hatred, and immorality are a direct result of the election of Barack Hussein Obama. The man who will be credited with achieving what his father wanted: the destruction of America.

Wait a minute.................Trump has already said that the racial tension started in this country a long time ago. He said it wasn't him, nor was it Obama that started it.

"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides," Trump said during a short statement from his private golf club in New Jersey. "It has been going on for a long time in our country -- not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. It has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America."

Trump condemns 'hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides' in Charlottesville - CNNPolitics
You're correct. Neither Obama nor Trump started racism. Racism has existed since races started trying to live together. However, your boy, Obama stoked the fire of racism...and still does. Trump does not.

Jim Acosta is a fucking idiot!
OMG. What universe do you live in? From day one when that POS came down that elevator he started his racist philosophy.
And he hasn't let up yet.
President Obama spoke the truth about racism but racists like you wouldn't hear it.

No, liar.

From the moment he came down that elevator YOU started labeling him racist. That isn't the same thing moron.
Is it the President's job now to respond to every local story?

I wish my life was so empty that I had time to worry about the President's response to every story.

Here's the real thing. Unlike the idiot that held the office before him, Trump is smart enough to know better than to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

You, me, and EVERYONE else knows full well that no matter what Trump said or when he said it, it would be criticized by the left and its lapdog media.

Trump claims he doesn't know who the alt right is..

He's still pushing " blame on both sides."

He needs to cozey up to his neonazi base..

This is the last thing this lazy POS would want to be doing right now.

The Alt-Right is a term that the MSM came up with, nobody had heard of Alt-Right until they started using it.

They now have Alt-Left and also Alt-Lite, whatever the fuck the Alt-Lite is who knows, but the MSM came up with all of these stupid terms because the MSM always have to put labels on things.

The term "alt-right" was invented to the left could lump in groups like the KKK and neoNazis with other Republicans who haven't got a racist bone in their bodies.
Trump now blaming both sides. He's a pig. A fucking pig.
"There's two sides to every story"
What a pig.
Both sides were mixing it up; both sides brought rocks and pepper spray and raised hell. Antifa got in the mix and did their thing, too. Both sides DO need to quit and the left was NOT blameless here. It takes two to tango.
Trump is right.

The people of Charlottesville did not go to the fight. The fight came to them. The fight came marching in with makeshift shields and long wooden poles with no other intention except to incite violence. David Duke proclaimed that they were in Charlottesville to "take our country back". Look it up.
And now Trump doubles down on the stupid shit he said on Saturday.

True. There were many people who were saying that lots of the white supremacist protesters were not from the local area. Last night, VICE News did a whole half hour on Charlottesville, and when they were interviewing the white supremacists, a great deal of them came from 2 or more hours away, with one of the people that they interviewed coming all the way down from Canada.
How many of the ANTIFA and BLM thugs were from the local area?
God bless Trump for pointing out that the Alt Left were assholes. You sure didn't hear much of that from the fake news organizations.

If the people of Charlottesville are assholes, what do you call the out-of-towners who showed up on Saturday with shields and wooden bats?
I'm waiting.
Far right and far left losers.

Again, for all of you mouth-breathers here, David Duke, the KKK and friends invaded this town with the intention of violence or else they would have shown up with nothing but their overnight bags and cell phones.

Since the ANTIFA thugs sporting shields, clubs and body armor, they obviously intended to commit violence. Don't you agree?
I think the Alt Left would say "hell yea". That is just the kind of assholes they are.

"George Washington was a slave owner," Pres. Trump says. "Are we going to take down statues of George Washington?"

CBS News (@CBSNews) August 15, 2017

George Washington didn't declare war on half the country trying to keep them, either.

And then there's this:
"Despite having been an active slave holder for 56 years, George Washington struggled with the institution of slavery and spoke frequently of his desire to end the practice. At the end of this life Washington made the bold step to free his slaves in his 1799 will - the only slave-holding Founding Father to do so."""
Ten Facts About Washington & Slavery
The confederate states did not declare war on the country, moron. None of you anti-Southern bigots know the slightest thing about the Civil War.
One has to REALLY appreciate how someone with "critical thought" in their avatar never had one.
When protesters show up with shields and clubs, they aren't there for a picnic. The police should have told them to get rid of the armor or leave.

Agreed. So you're saying you didn't see the video of them marching with their cartoon weaponry before the riot started?

This was how they showed up for their "peaceful demonstration".

Just face it. BOTH SIDES ARE RESPONSIBLE...especially the politicians who ordered the police to stand down. That has got to end.

Some people don't want to acknowledge that it truly is a BOTH SIDES issue. It better fits a narrative that all conservatives are white supremacist neonazis. It's better to ignore violence initiating from the Left. Together, this is what divides US. To the Angry Left, do you really want to come together and engage in dialogue or are you just as vested in a divided, broken US as the Angry Right?

The left can't allow any of the blame to fall on their favored mercenary groups because it detracts from their narrative that the right is evil and they are the epitome of virtue.
When protesters show up with shields and clubs, they aren't there for a picnic. The police should have told them to get rid of the armor or leave.

Agreed. So you're saying you didn't see the video of them marching with their cartoon weaponry before the riot started?

This was how they showed up for their "peaceful demonstration".

Just face it. BOTH SIDES ARE RESPONSIBLE...especially the politicians who ordered the police to stand down. That has got to end.

Some people don't want to acknowledge that it truly is a BOTH SIDES issue. It better fits a narrative that all conservatives are white supremacist neonazis. It's better to ignore violence initiating from the Left. Together, this is what divides US. To the Angry Left, do you really want to come together and engage in dialogue or are you just as vested in a divided, broken US as the Angry Right?

The left can't allow any of the blame to fall on their favored mercenary groups because it detracts from their narrative that the right is evil and they are the epitome of virtue.

How can they be the epitome of virtue when they sell aborted babies for profit?
LMAO! He can't shake it. Fighting with the press.
"Before I make a statement I like to know the facts".
Really? Like when he knee-jerked on Twitter that Obama wire 'tapped' him?
Like when he said in 2011 that Obama was born in Kenya then he said in 2016 that he was born in America?

Trump's Lies (because he doesn't CARE about the facts)
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Obama did wiretap him, moron.

I love it when people say moronic nonsense while calling someone a moron.

Obama wiretapping Trump was and to this day remains made up bullshit.
LMAO! He can't shake it. Fighting with the press.
"Before I make a statement I like to know the facts".
Really? Like when he knee-jerked on Twitter that Obama wire 'tapped' him?
Like when he said in 2011 that Obama was born in Kenya then he said in 2016 that he was born in America?

Trump's Lies (because he doesn't CARE about the facts)
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Obama did wiretap him, moron.

I love it when people say moronic nonsense while calling someone a moron.

Obama wiretapping Trump was and to this day remains made up bullshit.
wrong. Your claim relies on an anal retentive definition of "wiretap" and a deliberate misinterpretation of what Trump said. The Obama administration conducted espionage on the Trump campaign. The intelligence agencies have all admitted the fact.
Ah... the NYT. You people never learn. smh

I'll ask you, as I've asked a number of others who claim the MSM is biased and not credible. What source(s) do you consult to for you daily news? No one has ever responded to this simple question.
Wrong, you lying asshole. I responded to it.

Could be, I rarely peruse your bullshit and have never found anything you've posted sensible, thoughtful or thought provoking.

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