One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

Here's the real thing. Unlike the idiot that held the office before him, Trump is smart enough to know better than to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

You, me, and EVERYONE else knows full well that no matter what Trump said or when he said it, it would be criticized by the left and its lapdog media.

LOL, what possible downside is there to condemn white supremacists?

For Trump there was one - you piss off a chunk of your constituency.


He, like most of the left, think that there's a White Supremacist hiding under all our beds. He doesn't know how tiny a minority they really are. But, he only listens to the left wing media so......

I think a good chunk of them know they are spewing vile bullshit. But they are fine with that, because they are vile people.

Yep total bullshit...white supremacists barely even exist :rolleyes:

Former KKK leader David Duke thanks Trump for 'condemning leftist terrorists'

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

Hey moron, none of your links prove your lie to be true. Dumbass.
I have NEVER seen a member of the KKK or a neo Nazi. NEVER. .

You know they only wear the white robes for special occasions. So you wouldn't know who they are in the light of day, but only in the dead of night. Your neighbor could be a neo-nazi or klan, and you would never know, since his words wouldn't surprise you.
Well, I am part Jewish, and yadd yadda. I agree, you never really know who's the bad guys, your enemy might appear as a a wolf in sheep clothing , rarely do they dress as wolves. Liberals are the ones the ones that dress as sheep, but they froth at the mouth and growl a lot, which makes me wonder what is really under all that wool and pretense.
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Here's the real thing. Unlike the idiot that held the office before him, Trump is smart enough to know better than to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

You, me, and EVERYONE else knows full well that no matter what Trump said or when he said it, it would be criticized by the left and its lapdog media.

LOL, what possible downside is there to condemn white supremacists?

For Trump there was one - you piss off a chunk of your constituency.


He, like most of the left, think that there's a White Supremacist hiding under all our beds. He doesn't know how tiny a minority they really are. But, he only listens to the left wing media so......

I think a good chunk of them know they are spewing vile bullshit. But they are fine with that, because they are vile people.

Yep total bullshit...white supremacists barely even exist :rolleyes:

Former KKK leader David Duke thanks Trump for 'condemning leftist terrorists'

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

So, in order to support your claim that white supremacists are a sizable number, you cite the words of ONE white supremacist?


ONE, is a very small number, in the context of a nation of 300 million.

Soooo, that would be a massive fail on your part.

On the one hand, it took him two days to pretend to condemn racism which inevitably disappointed everyone who wasn't a racist. I think the initial refusal to do this was in large part because he desperately didn't want to lose any of his white supremacist support.

However, he did end up pretending to condemn the racism after the backlash from both republicans and democrats. From there, his support from those nazis has now likely been eroded. For everyone else, the condemnation was too little too late.

In other words, by Trump being a coward in trying to please everyone, he ended up just pissing off everyone instead.

Not any worse then you already were. Besides, everyone already forgot about the dead white girl. They moved on to Spain and how outraged they are about that.
No, Crixus, people HAVEN'T forgotten the dead girl. The mother got on television today and said that she won't talk to Trump because he made her daughter equal to the white supremacists.
No, Crixus, people HAVEN'T forgotten the dead girl. The mother got on television today and said that she won't talk to Trump because he made her daughter equal to the white supremacists.

Trump didn't ask to talk to her.
No, Crixus, people HAVEN'T forgotten the dead girl. The mother got on television today and said that she won't talk to Trump because he made her daughter equal to the white supremacists.

If her daughter was Antifa, then her daughter is the one that made herself equal to white supremacists.
No, Crixus, people HAVEN'T forgotten the dead girl. The mother got on television today and said that she won't talk to Trump because he made her daughter equal to the white supremacists.

Trump didn't ask to talk to her.

Actually, he did. She got a call from Trump while she was at the funeral for her daughter but missed it, and then got three more calls from WH staff asking her if she would talk to Trump.

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