One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

When protesters show up with shields and clubs, they aren't there for a picnic. The police should have told them to get rid of the armor or leave.

Agreed. So you're saying you didn't see the video of them marching with their cartoon weaponry before the riot started?

This was how they showed up for their "peaceful demonstration".

Just face it. BOTH SIDES ARE RESPONSIBLE...especially the politicians who ordered the police to stand down. That has got to end.
It was a good thing for Americans to protest the taking down of a statue of a great American hero. It was legal for them to do that and they even had a court ordered permit. God bless them.

It was wrong for the Alt Left to attack the demonstration with baseball bats and violence etc. It was wrong for the stupid Democrat Mayor (UC Berkeley graduate) to order a stand down of the police during the violence.

The Alt Left is a very destructive force in this country. Everything from the filthy Black Lives Matter to the dangerous ANTIFAC to the stupid confused dumbass college kids to the paid Soros protestors to the bat shit crazy pink pussy hat wearers. .
LMAO! He can't shake it. Fighting with the press.
"Before I make a statement I like to know the facts".
Really? Like when he knee-jerked on Twitter that Obama wire 'tapped' him?
Like when he said in 2011 that Obama was born in Kenya then he said in 2016 that he was born in America?

Trump's Lies (because he doesn't CARE about the facts)
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Let's move on from Charlottesville, with love in our hearts.except for you liberal faggot morons.
When protesters show up with shields and clubs, they aren't there for a picnic. The police should have told them to get rid of the armor or leave.

Agreed. So you're saying you didn't see the video of them marching with their cartoon weaponry before the riot started?

This was how they showed up for their "peaceful demonstration".

These are stupid white men. Stupid white men who think their problem was Barack Obama. You know, the guy who took all their guns away.

Those must be the left wing nazis we hear so much about around here!
It was a good thing for Americans to protest the taking down of a statue of a great American hero. It was legal for them to do that and they even had a court ordered permit. God bless them.

It was wrong for the Alt Left to attack the demonstration with baseball bats and violence etc. It was wrong for the stupid Democrat Mayor (UC Berkeley graduate) to order a stand down of the police during the violence.

The Alt Left is a very destructive force in this country. Everything from the filthy Black Lives Matter to the dangerous ANTIFAC to the stupid confused dumbass college kids to the paid Soros protestors to the bat shit crazy pink pussy hat wearers. .
You're right .
Trump claims he doesn't know who the alt right is..

He's still pushing " blame on both sides."

He needs to cozey up to his neonazi base..

This is the last thing this lazy POS would want to be doing right now.
It was inevitable he would dig the hole deeper for himself, doubling down on what infuriated everyone to begin with. Sometimes I almost feel sorry for this guy, he is so pathetic.
No sympathy from me. He's done too much damage already..
There's sympathy and then there's responding to tragedy. This is a true Greek tragedy playing out before our eyes. Trump's fatal flaw is evident. His destruction is affecting us all.
Trump now blaming both sides. He's a pig. A fucking pig.
"There's two sides to every story"
What a pig.
Both sides were mixing it up; both sides brought rocks and pepper spray and raised hell. Antifa got in the mix and did their thing, too. Both sides DO need to quit and the left was NOT blameless here. It takes two to tango.
Trump is right.

The people of Charlottesville did not go to the fight. The fight came to them. The fight came marching in with makeshift shields and long wooden poles with no other intention except to incite violence. David Duke proclaimed that they were in Charlottesville to "take our country back". Look it up.
And now Trump doubles down on the stupid shit he said on Saturday.

True. There were many people who were saying that lots of the white supremacist protesters were not from the local area. Last night, VICE News did a whole half hour on Charlottesville, and when they were interviewing the white supremacists, a great deal of them came from 2 or more hours away, with one of the people that they interviewed coming all the way down from Canada.

The Antifa was bussed in from at least four different places, the Antifa that were there were not even from Virginia.

The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
The Alt Left is the most destructive force in America nowadays. Congratulations to them. They are even more destructive than the Muslim terrorists. It took a lot of hard work to get that distinction.
Trump claims he doesn't know who the alt right is..

He's still pushing " blame on both sides."

He needs to cozey up to his neonazi base..

This is the last thing this lazy POS would want to be doing right now.
It was inevitable he would dig the hole deeper for himself, doubling down on what infuriated everyone to begin with. Sometimes I almost feel sorry for this guy, he is so pathetic.
No sympathy from me. He's done too much damage already..
There's sympathy and then there's responding to tragedy. This is a true Greek tragedy playing out before our eyes. Trump's fatal flaw is evident. His destruction is affecting us all.
Trump didn't create the dynamics for this rioting. That came from the previous administration.
Both sides were mixing it up; both sides brought rocks and pepper spray and raised hell. Antifa got in the mix and did their thing, too. Both sides DO need to quit and the left was NOT blameless here. It takes two to tango.
Trump is right.

The people of Charlottesville did not go to the fight. The fight came to them. The fight came marching in with makeshift shields and long wooden poles with no other intention except to incite violence. David Duke proclaimed that they were in Charlottesville to "take our country back". Look it up.
And now Trump doubles down on the stupid shit he said on Saturday.

True. There were many people who were saying that lots of the white supremacist protesters were not from the local area. Last night, VICE News did a whole half hour on Charlottesville, and when they were interviewing the white supremacists, a great deal of them came from 2 or more hours away, with one of the people that they interviewed coming all the way down from Canada.

The Antifa was bussed in from at least four different places, the Antifa that were there were not even from Virginia.

The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.
Trump claims he doesn't know who the alt right is..

He's still pushing " blame on both sides."

He needs to cozey up to his neonazi base..

This is the last thing this lazy POS would want to be doing right now.
It was inevitable he would dig the hole deeper for himself, doubling down on what infuriated everyone to begin with. Sometimes I almost feel sorry for this guy, he is so pathetic.
No sympathy from me. He's done too much damage already..
There's sympathy and then there's responding to tragedy. This is a true Greek tragedy playing out before our eyes. Trump's fatal flaw is evident. His destruction is affecting us all.
Trump didn't create the dynamics for this rioting. That came from the previous administration.
That's something they'll never admit.
When protesters show up with shields and clubs, they aren't there for a picnic. The police should have told them to get rid of the armor or leave.

Agreed. So you're saying you didn't see the video of them marching with their cartoon weaponry before the riot started?

This was how they showed up for their "peaceful demonstration".

These are stupid white men. Stupid white men who think their problem was Barack Obama. You know, the guy who took all their guns away.


^^^^ That's why it was a set up from the beginning, it's too OTT and almost cartoonish.

They gave themselves away, they have nothing to do with the Right, people on the Right don't go around in public looking like complete morons holding shields.

That whole "Group" is Manufactured to make the Right in general look bad, which is why the MSM and the Leftist Maniacs are desperately attempting to paint the entire Right as having something to do with those clowns.

It's not going to work, like everything else the MSM and the Left do it's going to fail.

We are just laughing at you making fools of yourselves with your pathetic attempt to demonise the entire Right with this crap.
The Alt Left is the most destructive force in America nowadays. Congratulations to them. They are even more destructive than the Muslim terrorists. It took a lot of hard work to get that distinction.

That's why the Alt-Left support Islam, Islamists and apologise and deflect every time there's an Islamist Terrorist attack. It's not as if we don't know their game, they are not clever enough to not be so obvious as they are.
The people of Charlottesville did not go to the fight. The fight came to them. The fight came marching in with makeshift shields and long wooden poles with no other intention except to incite violence. David Duke proclaimed that they were in Charlottesville to "take our country back". Look it up.
And now Trump doubles down on the stupid shit he said on Saturday.

True. There were many people who were saying that lots of the white supremacist protesters were not from the local area. Last night, VICE News did a whole half hour on Charlottesville, and when they were interviewing the white supremacists, a great deal of them came from 2 or more hours away, with one of the people that they interviewed coming all the way down from Canada.

The Antifa was bussed in from at least four different places, the Antifa that were there were not even from Virginia.

The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

"paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble."

That's exactly what both sides are, they are two sides of the SAME coin and they are both paid for and funded by the SAME financial backers.
The people of Charlottesville did not go to the fight. The fight came to them. The fight came marching in with makeshift shields and long wooden poles with no other intention except to incite violence. David Duke proclaimed that they were in Charlottesville to "take our country back". Look it up.
And now Trump doubles down on the stupid shit he said on Saturday.

True. There were many people who were saying that lots of the white supremacist protesters were not from the local area. Last night, VICE News did a whole half hour on Charlottesville, and when they were interviewing the white supremacists, a great deal of them came from 2 or more hours away, with one of the people that they interviewed coming all the way down from Canada.

The Antifa was bussed in from at least four different places, the Antifa that were there were not even from Virginia.

The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon.
The problem occurred at the point the parade route was blocked by the group without a permit.
The police allowed the route to be blocked. Had they allowed the group marching to pass, no incidents would have occurred.
The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?

The cause, was stopping the local government

Charlottesville City Council votes to sell Lee statue

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