One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

When protesters show up with shields and clubs, they aren't there for a picnic. The police should have told them to get rid of the armor or leave.

Agreed. So you're saying you didn't see the video of them marching with their cartoon weaponry before the riot started?

This was how they showed up for their "peaceful demonstration".

These are stupid white men. Stupid white men who think their problem was Barack Obama. You know, the guy who took all their guns away.


^^^^ That's why it was a set up from the beginning, it's too OTT and almost cartoonish.

They gave themselves away, they have nothing to do with the Right, people on the Right don't go around in public looking like complete morons holding shields.

That whole "Group" is Manufactured to make the Right in general look bad, which is why the MSM and the Leftist Maniacs are desperately attempting to paint the entire Right as having something to do with those clowns.

It's not going to work, like everything else the MSM and the Left do it's going to fail.

We are just laughing at you making fools of yourselves with your pathetic attempt to demonise the entire Right with this crap.
On both sides there are the extremists, but I would like to know how many on the right brought shields and clubs. That would be an interesting fact.
True. There were many people who were saying that lots of the white supremacist protesters were not from the local area. Last night, VICE News did a whole half hour on Charlottesville, and when they were interviewing the white supremacists, a great deal of them came from 2 or more hours away, with one of the people that they interviewed coming all the way down from Canada.

The Antifa was bussed in from at least four different places, the Antifa that were there were not even from Virginia.

The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

"paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble."

That's exactly what both sides are, they are two sides of the SAME coin and they are both paid for and funded by the SAME financial backers.

But no other group to this point in time have stood up to the vile left who want to destroy the south.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
When protesters show up with shields and clubs, they aren't there for a picnic. The police should have told them to get rid of the armor or leave.

Agreed. So you're saying you didn't see the video of them marching with their cartoon weaponry before the riot started?

This was how they showed up for their "peaceful demonstration".

Just face it. BOTH SIDES ARE RESPONSIBLE...especially the politicians who ordered the police to stand down. That has got to end.

Some people don't want to acknowledge that it truly is a BOTH SIDES issue. It better fits a narrative that all conservatives are white supremacist neonazis. It's better to ignore violence initiating from the Left. Together, this is what divides US. To the Angry Left, do you really want to come together and engage in dialogue or are you just as vested in a divided, broken US as the Angry Right?
The Alt Left is the most destructive force in America nowadays. Congratulations to them. They are even more destructive than the Muslim terrorists. It took a lot of hard work to get that distinction.

That's why the Alt-Left support Islam, Islamists and apologise and deflect every time there's an Islamist Terrorist attack. It's not as if we don't know their game, they are not clever enough to not be so obvious as they are.

The Alt Left is a coalition of scum in this country. Black Lives Matter, stupid pink pussy hat wearing dimwits, illegals, greedy welfare queens, confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors and then you can thrown in the Soros paid assholes.

They are hell bent on turning the US into another Venezuela.
From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon..

The news showed clips of them carrying torches and chanting everything from Nazi slogans, to anti-semetic chants.
True. There were many people who were saying that lots of the white supremacist protesters were not from the local area. Last night, VICE News did a whole half hour on Charlottesville, and when they were interviewing the white supremacists, a great deal of them came from 2 or more hours away, with one of the people that they interviewed coming all the way down from Canada.

The Antifa was bussed in from at least four different places, the Antifa that were there were not even from Virginia.

The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon.
The problem occurred at the point the parade route was blocked by the group without a permit.
The police allowed the route to be blocked. Had they allowed the group marching to pass, no incidents would have occurred.

Who instructed the police to Stand Down? The Mayor and the Governor, both should be arrested, actually a lawsuit is being formed already, the ACLU are also involved filing that lawsuit against the Mayor and the Governor.

It will not be shocking if before this is finished that Mayor and Governor are going to be forced to resign and made an example of because of their CRIMINAL negligence in deliberately telling the police to Stand Down and then directing the Unite The Right Crowd DIRECTLY into the path of the Antifa Far Left Fascists.

They WANTED trouble and violence, it was a set up from the beginning.

Before the above happened EVERYTHING was peaceful, Unite The Right had a Court Obtained Permit to be where they were, the Antifa Far Left Fascists did NOT, the latter should have been moved by the police therefore and someone told the police to Stand Down, then told the police to direct Unite The Right to exactly where the Antifa were waiting with CS Gas, bats, rocks and chains.

Also it's about time that that moron David Duke was outed about WHO funds him, hint it's the SAME funding that Unite The Right, the Antifa and ALL the other morons get, they are ALL funded by the SAME organisation.
The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?

The cause, was stopping the local government

Charlottesville City Council votes to sell Lee statue
Thank you for that link. The entire rioting and bringing down of that stastue was illegal and the police did not do a damn thing about it or the violence. Those who took it down should be in jail and paying for the profit lost on a potential sale.

BTW, there is a better reason to have these statues remain in place. It is a great lesson to citizens that a dark place in our history is evident. Those in the confederacy brainwashed themselves into thinking that keeping people down and without rights were the correct mission. It's an important lesson for those children coming to age that we don't repeat our mistakes. And blacks should have these reminders so they can celebrate the bravery of their forefathers and put them on pedastels for enduring their torture and remaining in the US afterwards, making a place for blacks in this country.
The Antifa was bussed in from at least four different places, the Antifa that were there were not even from Virginia.

The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon.
The problem occurred at the point the parade route was blocked by the group without a permit.
The police allowed the route to be blocked. Had they allowed the group marching to pass, no incidents would have occurred.

Who instructed the police to Stand Down? The Mayor and the Governor, both should be arrested, actually a lawsuit is being formed already, the ACLU are also involved filing that lawsuit against the Mayor and the Governor.

It will not be shocking if before this is finished that Mayor and Governor are going to be forced to resign and made an example of because of their CRIMINAL negligence in deliberately telling the police to Stand Down and then directing the Unite The Right Crowd DIRECTLY into the path of the Antifa Far Left Fascists.

They WANTED trouble and violence, it was a set up from the beginning.

Before the above happened EVERYTHING was peaceful, Unite The Right had a Court Obtained Permit to be where they were, the Antifa Far Left Fascists did NOT, the latter should have been moved by the police therefore and someone told the police to Stand Down, then told the police to direct Unite The Right to exactly where the Antifa were waiting with CS Gas, bats, rocks and chains.

The ACLU are claiming that McAuliffe and the Mayor ordered the stand down to make certain that violence would break out and they could call the rally off because then it would be an unlawful assembly.

ACLU is being very clear, very direct saying that the Democrats in charge acted this way out of malice because the ACLU won in court. Huge charge but the ACLU is making it.

BTW this was a set up. No doubt in my mind when you look at the map of how the rally was cordoned off and leaving only two exits for the rally attendees to exit and run right into the Antifa pigs.

When protesters show up with shields and clubs, they aren't there for a picnic. The police should have told them to get rid of the armor or leave.

Agreed. So you're saying you didn't see the video of them marching with their cartoon weaponry before the riot started?

This was how they showed up for their "peaceful demonstration".

These are stupid white men. Stupid white men who think their problem was Barack Obama. You know, the guy who took all their guns away.


^^^^ That's why it was a set up from the beginning, it's too OTT and almost cartoonish.

They gave themselves away, they have nothing to do with the Right, people on the Right don't go around in public looking like complete morons holding shields.

That whole "Group" is Manufactured to make the Right in general look bad, which is why the MSM and the Leftist Maniacs are desperately attempting to paint the entire Right as having something to do with those clowns.

It's not going to work, like everything else the MSM and the Left do it's going to fail.

We are just laughing at you making fools of yourselves with your pathetic attempt to demonise the entire Right with this crap.
On both sides there are the extremists, but I would like to know how many on the right brought shields and clubs. That would be an interesting fact.

They are NOT on the Right, the have no connection to the Right or ANY Conservative organisation.

The MSM and the Leftists want to blame this on The Right in General, they are NOT going to be allowed to do that, these POS are going to be outed and the organisation that funds Infiltrators like that faggot Richard B. Spencer, Andrew Angelin AND the Antifa are going to be publicly named.

Milo got busted, they better get ready to be busted.

This crap is literally the final straw.
The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon.
The problem occurred at the point the parade route was blocked by the group without a permit.
The police allowed the route to be blocked. Had they allowed the group marching to pass, no incidents would have occurred.

Who instructed the police to Stand Down? The Mayor and the Governor, both should be arrested, actually a lawsuit is being formed already, the ACLU are also involved filing that lawsuit against the Mayor and the Governor.

It will not be shocking if before this is finished that Mayor and Governor are going to be forced to resign and made an example of because of their CRIMINAL negligence in deliberately telling the police to Stand Down and then directing the Unite The Right Crowd DIRECTLY into the path of the Antifa Far Left Fascists.

They WANTED trouble and violence, it was a set up from the beginning.

Before the above happened EVERYTHING was peaceful, Unite The Right had a Court Obtained Permit to be where they were, the Antifa Far Left Fascists did NOT, the latter should have been moved by the police therefore and someone told the police to Stand Down, then told the police to direct Unite The Right to exactly where the Antifa were waiting with CS Gas, bats, rocks and chains.

The ACLU are claiming that McAuliffe and the Mayor ordered the stand down to make certain that violence would break out and they could call the rally off because then it would be an unlawful assembly.

ACLU is being very clear, very direct saying that the Democrats in charge acted this way out of malice because the ACLU won in court. Huge charge but the ACLU is making it.

BTW this was a set up. No doubt in my mind when you look at the map of how the rally was cordoned off and leaving only two exits for the rally attendees to exit and run right into the Antifa pigs.


The ACLU are 100% correct, that Mayor and that Governor are going to be made an example of now.
After watching that off the rails news conference there's only two words that describes it.
Dumpster Fire. What a disgrace.
He's so classless, uncouth, disrespectful to anyone who dares asked him a question. He acts like he's king and everyone is his subject.
I bet Gen Kelly was cringing after watching that debacle..
The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon.
The problem occurred at the point the parade route was blocked by the group without a permit.
The police allowed the route to be blocked. Had they allowed the group marching to pass, no incidents would have occurred.

Who instructed the police to Stand Down? The Mayor and the Governor, both should be arrested, actually a lawsuit is being formed already, the ACLU are also involved filing that lawsuit against the Mayor and the Governor.

It will not be shocking if before this is finished that Mayor and Governor are going to be forced to resign and made an example of because of their CRIMINAL negligence in deliberately telling the police to Stand Down and then directing the Unite The Right Crowd DIRECTLY into the path of the Antifa Far Left Fascists.

They WANTED trouble and violence, it was a set up from the beginning.

Before the above happened EVERYTHING was peaceful, Unite The Right had a Court Obtained Permit to be where they were, the Antifa Far Left Fascists did NOT, the latter should have been moved by the police therefore and someone told the police to Stand Down, then told the police to direct Unite The Right to exactly where the Antifa were waiting with CS Gas, bats, rocks and chains.

The ACLU are claiming that McAuliffe and the Mayor ordered the stand down to make certain that violence would break out and they could call the rally off because then it would be an unlawful assembly.

ACLU is being very clear, very direct saying that the Democrats in charge acted this way out of malice because the ACLU won in court. Huge charge but the ACLU is making it.

BTW this was a set up. No doubt in my mind when you look at the map of how the rally was cordoned off and leaving only two exits for the rally attendees to exit and run right into the Antifa pigs.


This is all pre-meditated and planned, they WANT another American Civil War, they want repeats of Charlottesville but across the American nation.

The word is that the next Set Up is to take place in Kentucky.

Do NOT give them what they WANT.

REJECT violence on ALL sides, do NOT walk into the next trap.

These people have NOTHING to do with the Right, just like the Antifa have NOTHING to do with actual Liberals.

They are two sides of the SAME coin, reject the poison.
Someone should explain to the dunce in Chief he's not the one that's supposed to ask the Press questions. It's their job to ask and get reasonable answers so they can inform the public. But of course that's not how it works with this dysfunctional president.

And every time he says " fake news" he so demeans himself and the office of the presidency. He hates he doesn't get glowing loving reports that he insists his staff give him every day at 8:30AM and 4:30 pm. Yes indeed he does. They are to scour the internet and show him positive reports. Mostly Fox News and all the non legit web sites the Trump whores use..
Yes he is that insecure.

This is not what America wants and needs in a president..
Is it the President's job now to respond to every local story?

I wish my life was so empty that I had time to worry about the President's response to every story.

Here's the real thing. Unlike the idiot that held the office before him, Trump is smart enough to know better than to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

You, me, and EVERYONE else knows full well that no matter what Trump said or when he said it, it would be criticized by the left and its lapdog media.


Don't strain your feeble brain there retard.

I love that someone who wears a plastic name tag to work is calling me retard. Priceless.

"With every post"
So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon.
The problem occurred at the point the parade route was blocked by the group without a permit.
The police allowed the route to be blocked. Had they allowed the group marching to pass, no incidents would have occurred.

Who instructed the police to Stand Down? The Mayor and the Governor, both should be arrested, actually a lawsuit is being formed already, the ACLU are also involved filing that lawsuit against the Mayor and the Governor.

It will not be shocking if before this is finished that Mayor and Governor are going to be forced to resign and made an example of because of their CRIMINAL negligence in deliberately telling the police to Stand Down and then directing the Unite The Right Crowd DIRECTLY into the path of the Antifa Far Left Fascists.

They WANTED trouble and violence, it was a set up from the beginning.

Before the above happened EVERYTHING was peaceful, Unite The Right had a Court Obtained Permit to be where they were, the Antifa Far Left Fascists did NOT, the latter should have been moved by the police therefore and someone told the police to Stand Down, then told the police to direct Unite The Right to exactly where the Antifa were waiting with CS Gas, bats, rocks and chains.

The ACLU are claiming that McAuliffe and the Mayor ordered the stand down to make certain that violence would break out and they could call the rally off because then it would be an unlawful assembly.

ACLU is being very clear, very direct saying that the Democrats in charge acted this way out of malice because the ACLU won in court. Huge charge but the ACLU is making it.

BTW this was a set up. No doubt in my mind when you look at the map of how the rally was cordoned off and leaving only two exits for the rally attendees to exit and run right into the Antifa pigs.


This is all pre-meditated and planned, they WANT another American Civil War, they want repeats of Charlottesville but across the American nation.

The word is that the next Set Up is to take place in Kentucky.

Do NOT give them what they WANT.

REJECT violence on ALL sides, do NOT walk into the next trap.

These people have NOTHING to do with the Right, just like the Antifa have NOTHING to do with actual Liberals.

They are two sides of the SAME coin, reject the poison.
And every neonazi white supremacist are stone cold Trump supporters. Funny how you fail to mention that..
From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon..

The news showed clips of them carrying torches and chanting everything from Nazi slogans, to anti-semetic chants.

^^^^ A lot of them came from California and they were ALL paid to put on that Display. They have NOTHING to do with the Right or Conservatism in general.

Jason Kessler, up until January, people have already been on to him, he was an Obama supporter, he was also involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement, then suddenly in January he forms this Unite The Right crap.
Well they calling him an idiot comes down to the image he puts out there socially.
Is it the President's job now to respond to every local story?

I wish my life was so empty that I had time to worry about the President's response to every story.
Is it the President's job now to respond to every local story?

I wish my life was so empty that I had time to worry about the President's response to every story.

Here's the real thing. Unlike the idiot that held the office before him, Trump is smart enough to know better than to open his mouth before knowing the facts.

You, me, and EVERYONE else knows full well that no matter what Trump said or when he said it, it would be criticized by the left and its lapdog media.

No, the idiot was in the White House just prior to Trump. He was the one who opened is idiot mouth immediately and said things wrong, stupid, and divisive.
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon.
The problem occurred at the point the parade route was blocked by the group without a permit.
The police allowed the route to be blocked. Had they allowed the group marching to pass, no incidents would have occurred.

Who instructed the police to Stand Down? The Mayor and the Governor, both should be arrested, actually a lawsuit is being formed already, the ACLU are also involved filing that lawsuit against the Mayor and the Governor.

It will not be shocking if before this is finished that Mayor and Governor are going to be forced to resign and made an example of because of their CRIMINAL negligence in deliberately telling the police to Stand Down and then directing the Unite The Right Crowd DIRECTLY into the path of the Antifa Far Left Fascists.

They WANTED trouble and violence, it was a set up from the beginning.

Before the above happened EVERYTHING was peaceful, Unite The Right had a Court Obtained Permit to be where they were, the Antifa Far Left Fascists did NOT, the latter should have been moved by the police therefore and someone told the police to Stand Down, then told the police to direct Unite The Right to exactly where the Antifa were waiting with CS Gas, bats, rocks and chains.

The ACLU are claiming that McAuliffe and the Mayor ordered the stand down to make certain that violence would break out and they could call the rally off because then it would be an unlawful assembly.

ACLU is being very clear, very direct saying that the Democrats in charge acted this way out of malice because the ACLU won in court. Huge charge but the ACLU is making it.

BTW this was a set up. No doubt in my mind when you look at the map of how the rally was cordoned off and leaving only two exits for the rally attendees to exit and run right into the Antifa pigs.


This is all pre-meditated and planned, they WANT another American Civil War, they want repeats of Charlottesville but across the American nation.

The word is that the next Set Up is to take place in Kentucky.

Do NOT give them what they WANT.

REJECT violence on ALL sides, do NOT walk into the next trap.

These people have NOTHING to do with the Right, just like the Antifa have NOTHING to do with actual Liberals.

They are two sides of the SAME coin, reject the poison.
And every neonazi white supremacist are stone cold Trump supporters. Funny how you fail to mention that..

Sorry we are dealing with things that are above your intellectual capability.

Now run along little boy and go to your Play Doh.
Trump claims he doesn't know who the alt right is..

He's still pushing " blame on both sides."

He needs to cozey up to his neonazi base..

This is the last thing this lazy POS would want to be doing right now.

The Alt-Right is a term that the MSM came up with, nobody had heard of Alt-Right until they started using it.

They now have Alt-Left and also Alt-Lite, whatever the fuck the Alt-Lite is who knows, but the MSM came up with all of these stupid terms because the MSM always have to put labels on things.
Everyone knows who the alt right is and so do you. They're the racists, white nationalists, neonazis and John Birch Society. Yes they still exist.
You can run but you can't hide from your side..

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