One in Every 10 People Killed in Syria's War Is a Child


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It appears that there are posters on here who are not concerned at all with the thousands of children killed in the Syrian Civil War even though this is the Middle East forum.

One in Every 10 People Killed in Syria's War Is a Child
Once again we're reminded that it's not just those who choose to put themselves in harm's way who die during a war.

November 29, 2013 • By Michael Todd •
About one in 10 of the people who have been killed so far in the Syrian civil war are children. Of those 11,400 people under age 17 known to have died, the largest number—2,233—died in Aleppo Governate, Syria’s most populous province and among its most restive. Nonetheless, on a per capita basis the worst place in Syria to be a child right now is Daraa (to the right of the Golan Heights and bordering Jordan), where one in 400 children have been killed during the uprising. In comparison, just under one in a thousand children in Aleppo have died. So report Hamit Dardagan and Hana Salama in a new white paper from the NGO Oxford Research Group (“committed to the principle that every life lost to armed violence should be properly recognized”).

In war it used to be that casualty counts were all about the battlefield—how many of my soldiers died killing how many of your soldiers. It was a useful metric for combat prowess, but generals then started looking at a more comprehensive set of figures that included how many soldiers were dying of disease. It’s only been recently that any army could count on losing more guys to the enemy than to General Microbe. (Here’s an interesting short book published after the U.S. Civil War showing how “fit” soldiers die in much greater proportions than their civilian counterparts.) The annals of warfare include numerous instances where invaders were stopped in their tracks by dysentery or dengue fever before ever meeting the main forces of their human foe.

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One in Every 10 People Killed in Syria's War Is a Child
War is Hell ..... :cool:

War certainly is Hell, as said by William Tecumseh Sherman However, it seems that there are still posters who are not concerned with the enormous amount of Syrian children, both Christians and Muslims, who have been killed and only want to concentrate on the Palestinian children as if they were the only children in the world that mattered only because the Jews are involved, I would think being that this is the Middle East forum, it would certainly be apropos to bring up the dead children in Syria. Do you, as a Muslim, have a problem with this?
I thought it would be higher. The IDF kill rate of pali women/children since 2000 is closer to 25%.

I am sure that Alfalfa will give us the kill rate of women and children for the three-year Syrian Civil War. No doubt he has these figures right at his fingertips. Naturally Alfalfa can also give us the kill rate of all the women and children who have been killed in car and suicide bombings in the Muslim world.
I have no problem with Syrians massacring each other over who will rule their country. I am however grateful to Israel for saving lives of the innocent Syrian children who are the victims of their own people. Hopefully the next generation of Syrians will see who their real enemy is from within. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
War is Hell ..... :cool:

War certainly is Hell, as said by William Tecumseh Sherman However, it seems that there are still posters who are not concerned with the enormous amount of Syrian children, both Christians and Muslims, who have been killed and only want to concentrate on the Palestinian children as if they were the only children in the world that mattered only because the Jews are involved, I would think being that this is the Middle East forum, it would certainly be apropos to bring up the dead children in Syria. Do you, as a Muslim, have a problem with this?

Do you honestly think constantly talking about how other posters don't post articles to your satisfaction is an effective argument strategy?

This is how insane you are.
However, it seems that there are still posters who are not concerned with the enormous amount of Syrian children, both Christians and Muslims, who have been killed and only want to concentrate on the Palestinian children as if they were the only children in the world that mattered only because the Jews are involved, I would think being that this is the Middle East forum, it would certainly be apropos to bring up the dead children in Syria.
Silly-Sally you sure have penchant for run-on sentences. ... :lol: :lol:
Poor Sunni Man. So lacking in world famous literature. For your education, consider the following from Henry David Thoreau from Walden:

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God, and have somewhat hastily concluded that it is the chief end of man here to "glorify God and enjoy him forever."

However, it seems that there are still posters who are not concerned with the enormous amount of Syrian children, both Christians and Muslims, who have been killed and only want to concentrate on the Palestinian children as if they were the only children in the world that mattered only because the Jews are involved, I would think being that this is the Middle East forum, it would certainly be apropos to bring up the dead children in Syria.
Silly-Sally you sure have penchant for run-on sentences. ... :lol: :lol:
Poor Sunni Man. So lacking in world famous literature. For your education, consider the following from Henry David Thoreau from Walden:
Please don't encourage her.

Her writing usually isn't very coherent and the use of run-on sentences makes it worse. ... :cool:
However, it seems that there are still posters who are not concerned with the enormous amount of Syrian children, both Christians and Muslims, who have been killed and only want to concentrate on the Palestinian children as if they were the only children in the world that mattered only because the Jews are involved, I would think being that this is the Middle East forum, it would certainly be apropos to bring up the dead children in Syria.
Silly-Sally you sure have penchant for run-on sentences. ... :lol: :lol:

Why, Sunni Man, this is only a forum, not an English class. Do I run around correcting your English grammar as well as others. I see plenty of poor grammar as well as loads of words misspelled; but since I am not petty as you are, I just ignore it. Of course the readers can pick up from Sunni Man's comment that he really doesn't care about the dead children in Syria. Since he doesn't care, he probably has sent in nothing to the relief agencies for the children who have managed to survive.
Poor Sunni Man. So lacking in world famous literature. For your education, consider the following from Henry David Thoreau from Walden:
Please don't encourage her.

Her writing usually isn't very coherent and the use of run-on sentences makes it worse. ... :cool:

Do you realize how silly you sound, Sunni Man? One would think you were some disgraced English teacher who was let go because your grammar wasn't perfect enough for you to teach the students. Gee, maybe that is why you usually respond in only short sentences.
Of course the readers can pick up from Sunni Man's comment that he really doesn't care about the dead children in Syria. Since he doesn't care, he probably has sent in nothing to the relief agencies for the children who have managed to survive.
Poor Silly-Sally is soo misinformed.

Every mosque in my area has had fund raisers for Syrian relief.

And I have given my share.

So how much have you donated?? ... :cool:
Of course the readers can pick up from Sunni Man's comment that he really doesn't care about the dead children in Syria. Since he doesn't care, he probably has sent in nothing to the relief agencies for the children who have managed to survive.
Poor Silly-Sally is soo misinformed.

Every mosque in my area has had fund raisers for Syrian relief.

And I have given my share.

So how much have you donated?? ... :cool:

No doubt more than you have given to UNICEF. Regardless of how much each of us has given for these poor children, why were you having such a big problem with this particular thread? Is it because you would rather see threads about Palestinian children and not any threads about children in the rest of the Middle East?
No doubt more than you have given to UNICEF.
I am surprised that you give to UNICEF?? .... :cool:

I always do, even when they asked for money to help the Pakistani Muslim children when those floods came in Pakistan.
UNICEF: Israel mistreats Palestinian children in custody

"Palestinian children detained by the Israeli military are subject to widespread, systematic ill-treatment that violates international law, a UNICEF report said on Wednesday.The United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) estimated that 700 Palestinian children aged 12 to 17, most of them boys, are arrested, interrogated and detained by the Israeli military, police and security agents every year in the occupied West Bank.

According to the report, ill-treatment of Palestinian minors typically begins with the arrest itself, often carried out in the middle of the night by heavily armed soldiers, and continues all the way through prosecution and sentencing.

"The pattern of ill-treatment includes ... the practice of blindfolding children and tying their hands with plastic ties, physical and verbal abuse during transfer to an interrogation site, including the use of painful restraints," the report said.

It said minors suffered physical violence and threats during their interrogation, were coerced into confession and not given immediate access to a lawyer or family during questioning.

"Treatment inconsistent with child rights continues during court appearances, including shackling of children, denial of bail and imposition of custodial sentences and transfer of children outside occupied Palestinian territory to serve their sentences inside Israel," the report said.

Such practice "appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized", it added.
I am surprised that you give to UNICEF?? .... :cool:

I always do, even when they asked for money to help the Pakistani Muslim children when those floods came in Pakistan.
UNICEF: Israel mistreats Palestinian children in custody

"Palestinian children detained by the Israeli military are subject to widespread, systematic ill-treatment that violates international law, a UNICEF report said on Wednesday.The United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) estimated that 700 Palestinian children aged 12 to 17, most of them boys, are arrested, interrogated and detained by the Israeli military, police and security agents every year in the occupied West Bank.

According to the report, ill-treatment of Palestinian minors typically begins with the arrest itself, often carried out in the middle of the night by heavily armed soldiers, and continues all the way through prosecution and sentencing.

"The pattern of ill-treatment includes ... the practice of blindfolding children and tying their hands with plastic ties, physical and verbal abuse during transfer to an interrogation site, including the use of painful restraints," the report said.

It said minors suffered physical violence and threats during their interrogation, were coerced into confession and not given immediate access to a lawyer or family during questioning.

"Treatment inconsistent with child rights continues during court appearances, including shackling of children, denial of bail and imposition of custodial sentences and transfer of children outside occupied Palestinian territory to serve their sentences inside Israel," the report said.

Such practice "appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized", it added.

UNICEF: Israel mistreats Palestinian children in custody | Israel | Jewish Journal

I am sure UNICEF has plenty to say about how the Muslims are treating children in Muslim countries. However, is that a reason for me to stop trying to help unfortunate children of all religions when they are in need? I realize that you would have a problem to give anything for Jewish children, and maybe even Shia, Hindu or Buddhist children too, but there are some people who overlook the religion and just see that the children are needy.
I am sure UNICEF has plenty to say about how the Muslims are treating children in Muslim countries.
Then you should quit your whining and post it. ... :cool:

I'm not even going to bother, Sunni Man, but we know that children have been tortured in Syria. Are you going to deny it? Maybe Sunni Man will even deny what is happening to young girls in Afghanistan. Since the UN IS known to be anti-Semitic and its agencies are always finding something wrong with Israel, perhaps those in charge of the different agencies close their eyes to what is happening elsewhere no matter how many children are wounded, tortured, and killed. Maybe Sunni Man can give us an account. As you can see, the minute I mentioned that I give to UNICEF, right away Sunni Man had to dig up something that UNICEF said about Israel. It certainly seems that Sunni Man has had a big problem with my posting about all the children dead in Syria. Here's another article. Give a little concern for these children who are or actually were Christians and Muslims.

Syrian civil war has seen 11,000 children killed, report says -

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