One Juror will not convict Michael Slager, which imperils all the jurors

Do you have all your bullshit saved, so you can just copy and paste it here?
I know what foolz like you will say, so it is second nature to respond to haterz like you. No police state for you!

The hold out juror is probably an illiterate low info alt right fool who approves of cops shooting blacks.
Do you have all your bullshit saved, so you can just copy and paste it here?
I know what foolz like you will say, so it is second nature to respond to haterz like you. No police state for you!

The hold out juror is probably an illiterate low info alt right fool who approves of cops shooting blacks.
Then the prosecutor and judge really fucked up voir dire.

Just admit that trial by jury needs to be eliminated. There might actually be a juror with unapproved thoughts. Have trial by twitter instead.
Do you have all your bullshit saved, so you can just copy and paste it here?
I know what foolz like you will say, so it is second nature to respond to haterz like you. No police state for you!

The hold out juror is probably an illiterate low info alt right fool who approves of cops shooting blacks.
Then the prosecutor and judge really fucked up voir dire. Just admit that trial by jury needs to be eliminated. There might actually be a juror with unapproved thoughts. Have trial by twitter instead.
We need jurors who can think and be honest and be fair. Apparently the numnutz does not know the difference between doubt and reasonable doubt. Sigh.
Do you have all your bullshit saved, so you can just copy and paste it here?
I know what foolz like you will say, so it is second nature to respond to haterz like you. No police state for you!

No, boy...YOU are the one dreaming of a police state!

The hold out juror is probably an illiterate low info alt right fool who approves of cops shooting blacks.
He's someone like you, who thinks cops can do no wrong.
Convict him of what though....judge improperly threw manslaughter at the end after there was no chance to defend against the charge.............if he walks,,, the prosecutors fault, not the jurors......
Do you have all your bullshit saved, so you can just copy and paste it here?
I know what foolz like you will say, so it is second nature to respond to haterz like you. No police state for you!

The hold out juror is probably an illiterate low info alt right fool who approves of cops shooting blacks.
Then the prosecutor and judge really fucked up voir dire. Just admit that trial by jury needs to be eliminated. There might actually be a juror with unapproved thoughts. Have trial by twitter instead.
We need jurors who can think and be honest and be fair. Apparently the numnutz does not know the difference between doubt and reasonable doubt. Sigh.
Whose fault is that? The prosecutor screwed up, the judge screwed up. That's what you are saying. Slager's lawyer takes advantage of stupidity. But it isn't the juror's stupidity.

Start a movement to remove trial by jury.
Do you have all your bullshit saved, so you can just copy and paste it here?
I know what foolz like you will say, so it is second nature to respond to haterz like you. No police state for you!

No, boy...YOU are the one dreaming of a police state!

The hold out juror is probably an illiterate low info alt right fool who approves of cops shooting blacks.
He's someone like you, who thinks cops can do no wrong.
You are one el jacalito cheeto-ito who wants the police state. Now go back to the basement, contact the hold out, and ask him to look up the terms in the dictionary. You do that, too, please.
No, Fakey, you are projecting again. I realize you do not like what you see in the mirror I held up, but that is YOUR problem.
You are ignoring the OP and are trolling because you got butt hurt by my post. Yes, your ilk want a police state. I hope the juror gets some common sense. Now, troll or respond to the OP. That's your choice, and you will live with it.
You can troll, but you can't roll, Jarlaxle. Answer the OP, or pay the price. The juror, I hope, thinks better about what he is doing.
I think the ground rules need to change. If the suspect is not a threat to the public, you can opt out of shooting him. How the officer gets anything less than manslaughter is beyond me.
Juries love cops. And they worship FBI agents.

There is virtually nothing a cop or FBI agent can do that would convince a jury that they are guilty of anything.

Cops and FBI agents risk their lives for the public ever day.

That's how.
It is clear to me that the officer is guilty as hell

He was seen firing at a man with his back turned away. The man was no threat.

Sorry --- if you check, the lethal force ruling used the word "escape" ----- run away, get shot ---- it's really not a difficult thing to figure out.
A murder conviction? No way. The man ran and wrestled with the cop. However, I could be talked into the lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter if I was a juror. It depends on what else I heard in the courtroom.
Do you have all your bullshit saved, so you can just copy and paste it here?
I know what foolz like you will say, so it is second nature to respond to haterz like you. No police state for you!

The hold out juror is probably an illiterate low info alt right fool who approves of cops shooting blacks.

That lone juror is probably carefully weighing all the facts before sending a man to jail for 30 years. I thought you were being reasonable the thread until your "low info alt right" comment. It was totally uncalled for as is a lot of other comments on this thread.
Do you have all your bullshit saved, so you can just copy and paste it here?
I know what foolz like you will say, so it is second nature to respond to haterz like you. No police state for you!

The hold out juror is probably an illiterate low info alt right fool who approves of cops shooting blacks.

That lone juror is probably carefully weighing all the facts before sending a man to jail for 30 years. I thought you were being reasonable the thread until your "low info alt right" comment. It was totally uncalled for as is a lot of other comments on this thread.
So you think, Fang, so shove the butt hurt, kid. The juror's opinion is (1) uninformed, and (2) possibly because of far right social and cultural taboos. If you don't like it, Fang, sux to be you. I hope the juror does some good reflection this weekend, as you should be doing but obviously not.
SCOTUS ruled in these cases that "deadly force...may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others." The 1985 lethal force exception related to escapes follows with "and", not "or".

Tennessee v. Edward Garner, et al. holding.

Law enforcement officers pursuing an unarmed suspect may use deadly force to prevent escape only if the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.

Did Slager really have probable cause to believe Walter posed a significant threat to himself or others? Not a chance. Slager calmly takes his gun and shoots Walter 7 times in the back! The defense is Walter grabbed his taser, but you clearly see they Slager picked up the taser and dropped it by Walter's dead body.

Furthermore Walter was fleeing at a relatively slow speed are cops no longer supposed to engage unarmed suspects physically!

This is a travesty that a lonely asshole is trying to let this man off. Put him behind bars where he belongs.

There will be a retrial and I hope the don't put another numbnutz on the jury.

This is food of the BLM racists!

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