One less "Enemy of the People"

Don't you feel that way about Alex Jones, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity? Your side is doing everything in its power to defund them.

Umh...really? Defund them? How?

Fox News is still journalism...somewhat. The rest are opinion shows, not journalists. I totally defend there right to free speech and in a world with thousands of platforms and spaces to promote their views they can and they do. I would not however credit them as journalists.

So, you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

I am impressed.

You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same does not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

There are other, far less extreme conservatives that have been banned.
Umh...really? Defund them? How?

Fox News is still journalism...somewhat. The rest are opinion shows, not journalists. I totally defend there right to free speech and in a world with thousands of platforms and spaces to promote their views they can and they do. I would not however credit them as journalists.

So, you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

I am impressed.

You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same dies not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

He gives false information, like CNN saying that Trump banned all Muslims immigration or CNN using pictures of kids in cages at the border taken during Obama's administration and using them to blame Trump for them?

Funny, CNN is not banned anywhere are they?

CNN is equivalent to Alex Jones? Do you hear yourself?? Equivalent to Fox maybe.
Umh...really? Defund them? How?

Fox News is still journalism...somewhat. The rest are opinion shows, not journalists. I totally defend there right to free speech and in a world with thousands of platforms and spaces to promote their views they can and they do. I would not however credit them as journalists.

So, you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

I am impressed.

You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same does not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

There are other, far less extreme conservatives that have been banned.
What conservative journalists have been banned?
Umh...really? Defund them? How?

Fox News is still journalism...somewhat. The rest are opinion shows, not journalists. I totally defend there right to free speech and in a world with thousands of platforms and spaces to promote their views they can and they do. I would not however credit them as journalists.

So, you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

I am impressed.

You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same dies not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

He gives false information, like CNN saying that Trump banned all Muslims immigration or CNN using pictures of kids in cages at the border taken during Obama's administration and using them to blame Trump for them?

Funny, CNN is not banned anywhere are they?

Ouch. Good one.
Here we have journalists that are enemies of the people.
No. They are not.

Not really sure about that. I would certainly consider any entity that insisted on lying to me, an "enemy."

Especially if they were trying to destroy everything I believed in.

Trump lies a lot...andFox is his for thought. Many serious journalists have left Fox.
Trump lies constantly

Trump is a self promoter. Everything he does is the biggest and best, hence the comments about the size of the inauguration crowd.

Were the true? Probably not. But that is Trump. Self promotion is why he got where he is even if untruths are mixed in.

Conversely, Obama lied to us about health care. It effects our bottom line and our health.

In short, Trump can lie all day to self promote but no one really gives a damn. What they do care though, is their bank account and their health.

Damn the inauguration crowd, are you seeing how many people he's pulling in at his rallies?

What happened to this girl is what was threatened in an Email to MSNBCs Kay Tur

Bulgarian journalist killed after reporting on corruption

The woman was investigating corruption in government and the union in Europe.

She was then brutally raped and murdered and beaten beyond recognition to send a message to the rest of the world.

Trump gets beaten up by the media every day and they have no fear.

That about says it all.
That says nothing. Knock off the 'poor Donald' routine. He slanders at least one person with every tweet and you go into spasms over the blowback, but not the origin.

Slanders? Who does he accuse of being a rapist?
Good God! You think that is the only slander? But then there's the Central Park 5, whom he called rapists even after they were released on DNA evidence after years of imprisonment. He went to the trouble of a full page ad. Who does he accuse of sundry anti-Donald thoughts?... How about everybody who doesn't praise him and thank him for his blessings like, Reince Priebus and Mrs. McConnell and his table of senior staff.
What happened to this girl is what was threatened in an Email to MSNBCs Kay Tur

Bulgarian journalist killed after reporting on corruption

China has also declared that "the people" are the government. When told off for Human Rights abuses they simply said, the US govt can't tell us about Human Rights, only "the people" can.

Yet the real people can't, they're banned from doing so. Therefore it must mean "the people" is the government.

No doubt Putin and many other wannabe dictators are the same.
What happened to this girl is what was threatened in an Email to MSNBCs Kay Tur

Bulgarian journalist killed after reporting on corruption

The woman was investigating corruption in government and the union in Europe.

She was then brutally raped and murdered and beaten beyond recognition to send a message to the rest of the world.

Trump gets beaten up by the media every day and they have no fear.

That about says it all.
That says nothing. Knock off the 'poor Donald' routine. He slanders at least one person with every tweet and you go into spasms over the blowback, but not the origin.

Slanders? Who does he accuse of being a rapist?

So, you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

I am impressed.

You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same does not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

There are other, far less extreme conservatives that have been banned.
What conservative journalists have been banned?

Not "journalists" per se, but there have been quite a few conservatives banned from social media. Then there was the smear campaign ran against Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity even while they were working with FOX news.
There is a worldwide increase in populist authoritarianism and an erosion of democracy and western liberal values. With that is a corresponding attack on journalistic freedom and the lives of journalists around the world.

World Press Freedom Index 2018: Europe turning into crisis region for journalists | DW | 25.04.2018

Hostility toward journalists and media poses a serious threat to democracies around the world, including within Europe, the media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) announced in its 2018 World Press Freedom Index on Wednesday.

As a region, Europe still ranks the highest on RSF's index, but its rating also dropped more than that of any other region this year.

Four of the top five countries where press freedom deteriorated the most are in Europe.

Malta, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Serbia all fell substantially. The watchdog voiced particular concern about the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta, followed by the killing of investigative reporter Jan Kuciak just five months later in Slovakia.

With the rise of populist politics and "strongman" leaders, Europe's downward trend will likely continue, according to RSF. Last year, Czech President Milos Zeman showed up at a press conference with a fake Kalashnikov bearing the words "for journalists." Robert Fico, who resigned as Slovakia's prime minister in March, called journalists "filthy, anti-Slovak prostitutes" and "idiotic hyenas."

People worldwide are tired of the Lügenpresse. Enemies of good people everywhere.
You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same does not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

There are other, far less extreme conservatives that have been banned.
What conservative journalists have been banned?

Not "journalists" per se, but there have been quite a few conservatives banned from social media. Then there was the smear campaign ran against Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity even while they were working with FOX news.
There have been all kinds of smear campaigns...Rachel Maddow...etc. but they aren’t banned. And even then we are still talking about private entities. At what point do you make the determination to allow the government to intrude on their business choices?
So, you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

I am impressed.

You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same dies not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

He gives false information, like CNN saying that Trump banned all Muslims immigration or CNN using pictures of kids in cages at the border taken during Obama's administration and using them to blame Trump for them?

Funny, CNN is not banned anywhere are they?

CNN is equivalent to Alex Jones? Do you hear yourself?? Equivalent to Fox maybe.

He gave some powerful examples.
So, you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

I am impressed.

You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same does not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

There are other, far less extreme conservatives that have been banned.
What conservative journalists have been banned?

ONly journalists have free speech?
You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same does not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

There are other, far less extreme conservatives that have been banned.
What conservative journalists have been banned?

ONly journalists have free speech?

The topic is journalists....we were talking about what is the problem?
Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same does not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

There are other, far less extreme conservatives that have been banned.
What conservative journalists have been banned?

Not "journalists" per se, but there have been quite a few conservatives banned from social media. Then there was the smear campaign ran against Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity even while they were working with FOX news.
There have been all kinds of smear campaigns...Rachel Maddow...etc. but they aren’t banned. And even then we are still talking about private entities. At what point do you make the determination to allow the government to intrude on their business choices?

At the point when it becomes effect censorship.
You mean from privately owned entities? Are you suggesting the government should interfere in private business? Why how leftist of you! Besides I see no indication that Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck are banned on those platforms.

Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same dies not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

He gives false information, like CNN saying that Trump banned all Muslims immigration or CNN using pictures of kids in cages at the border taken during Obama's administration and using them to blame Trump for them?

Funny, CNN is not banned anywhere are they?

CNN is equivalent to Alex Jones? Do you hear yourself?? Equivalent to Fox maybe.

He gave some powerful examples.
And I can give some powerful ones for Fox like Seth Rich, but both Fox and CNN also get it right often enough even if there is bias. Alex Jones? Pizza Gate? Sandy Hook Hoax? Those caused real damage to people. Jones is not a journalist. Private entities are not required to provide services to those who violate their terms of service. They can take it to the courts.
Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same does not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

There are other, far less extreme conservatives that have been banned.
What conservative journalists have been banned?

Not "journalists" per se, but there have been quite a few conservatives banned from social media. Then there was the smear campaign ran against Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity even while they were working with FOX news.
There have been all kinds of smear campaigns...Rachel Maddow...etc. but they aren’t banned. And even then we are still talking about private entities. At what point do you make the determination to allow the government to intrude on their business choices?

At the point when it becomes effect censorship.
Is it censorship to ban ISIS from using their p,atforms to recruit from?
Alex Jones was mentioned in the post you responded to, with your statement of support for Free Speech.

DO you disavow the movement to ban these voices from social media?

Alex Jones is the only voice banned from certain privately owned platforms. It is their choice, and if unfair he can challenge them in court. Since he knowingly and willfully reports blatently false material that has caused harm to people, those companies have every right to boot him. The same does not apply to any of the rest you mention, at least not to the extreme degree, and if they were to be banned from those outlets I would be very concerned.

There are other, far less extreme conservatives that have been banned.
What conservative journalists have been banned?

ONly journalists have free speech?

The topic is journalists....we were talking about what is the problem?

Because journalists can't be trusted. I want all people to have Freedom of Speech.
And we have a president declaring that journalists are an enemy of the people
Don't you feel that way about Alex Jones, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity? Your side is doing everything in its power to defund them.
defund them?

who was funding them, to then defund them???

Far worse than that, the left is trying to silence them by going after their sponsors. They can't outright shut them up like they do on social media, so they smear them and attack their sponsors. This has already been done to several FOX News hosts but you know what? FOX news is still leading every other network.

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