"One Man's Terrorist...."


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Nine months before the Boston Marathon bombing, a U.S. counterterrorism task force received a warning that a suspected militant had returned from a lengthy trip to Russia, U.S. officials said." Anti-terror task force was warned of Tamerlan Tsarnaev?s long trip to Russia - Washington Post

2. Had this government the opportunity to revisit the episode....bet they would have had second thoughts about Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s reentry into the country after his mysterious visit to Russia. Bet they would have rethought the original granting of amnesty.

a. But....his infractions were merely questions....after all, he hadn't actually been a terrorist previously. Would have been different if he had actually been involved in terrorism...and it was known....wouldn't it?

I mean....would any American dignitaries have supported amnesty for a known terrorist???? Who???

3. "With the help of President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, a high-ranking Chechen separatist leader accused of terrorism by Russia was granted political asylum in the U.S. and lived for a period of time in Boston.

2. Ilyas Akhmadov, who also served as Chechnya’s foreign minister, insists he was falsely accused by the Kremlin.
He has been on Russia’s most-wanted list, charged with organizing terrorist training camps and armed insurgent actions. Despite Russian objections, Akhmadov now lives in Washington, D.C., after the U.S. said it could find no links to terror.

3. Akhmadov was once the deputy to the radical Chechen Islamist leader Shamil Basayev, who was killed in 2006 before being described by ABC News as “one of the most-wanted terrorists in the world.”

4. The story surrounding Akhmadov is complicated by accusations and counter-accusations, as well as by the support his asylum application received from prominent political figures, including Brzezinski, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., former secretaries of state Madeleine Albright and Alexander Haig, and former defense secretary Frank Carlucci.

a. Akhmadov received asylum from an immigration judge in Boston. The ruling became effective in August 2004 after the Department of Homeland Security’s abrupt withdrawal of its notice of appeal to the judge’s decision.

5. “I’m not exaggerating when I say that one of the happiest days of my life was when I called Ilyas to tell him that he would be able to stay in America,” said Brzezinski in an interview with his nephew, Matthew Brzezinski, who wrote an extensive August 2004 profile of Akhmadov for the Washington Post.

6. Akhmadov was also once an aide to Shamil Basayev, leader of Chechnya’s deadly jihadist movement.

Basayev led the most famous Chechnya rebel attack, dubbed the Budyonnovsk hospital hostage in 1995. In the attack, more than 1,000 hostages were held for a week, and 100 of them were killed when Russian forces stormed the hospital. Russia says the hostages were mainly executed by Basayev’s men, while the rebels claimed Russian forces killed the hostages in the firefight."
U.S. gave asylum to accused Chechen terror leader. Zbigniew Brzezinski assisted man on Russia?s most-wanted list « Klein Online

7. 8." The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has decided to appeal an April decision by a U.S. immigration judge granting asylum to separatist Chechen diplomat Ilyas Akhmadov. A July 2 statement from the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya said that the department's appeal "discredits America's reputation as a leader in the fight for freedom and justice in the world." ACPC disputed the department's linkage of Akhmadov to terrorist actions.
"On the contrary," said ACPC, " as the evidence presented in court consistently demonstrated, Mr. Akhmadov has never abetted or supported terrorism, but in fact opposes it. Mr. Akhmadov's frequent and fervent denunciations of terrorism, combined with his dedicated espousal of a peaceful resolution to the Chechen war, have earned him the praise and support of such prominent Americans as Senators John McCain and Edward Kennedy, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, and former Secretaries of State Alexander Haig and Madeleine Albright. Mr. Akhmadov has suffered tremendously as a result of this protracted asylum process."
The Jamestown Foundation: Dhs Will Appeal Decision To Grant Akhmadov Asylum

8. "... two of the greatest butchers of our time, Aslan Maskhadov and Shamil Basayev, both deceased even though the organization they built fights on. The foreign minister and ambassador for this terrorist group is Ilyas Khamzatovich Akhmadov (born December 19, 1960, who was granted political asylum in the United States in 2003. Akhmadov's patron is none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former head of the National Security Council during the Jimmy Carter administration and, before that the co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Zbigniew Brezezinski in turn is not only the main foreign policy adviser to the Barack Obama presidential campaign;... Zbigniew's nephew Matthew Brzezinski serves as a de facto public relations representative for Akhmadov, whitewashing this envoy for Chechen terrorists in the pages of the Washington Post. "
Obama Campaign Linked To Chechen Terrorism

9. "LAST WEEK, [August, 2004] the U.S. government granted political asylum to Ilyas Akhmadov, who was the foreign minister of an elected, moderate, separatist Chechen government and has been in exile since 1999. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say that last month, one part of the government, the Department of Homeland Security, dropped its appeal against another part of the government: the immigration court in Boston that granted Mr. Akhmadov asylum months ago. "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A52978-2004Aug9.html

What is the criteria??
Is there a quote of terrorists we need in the country....you know, for the sake of diversity???

Shouldn't just a hint of murderous activity be enough to squelch amnesty requests???
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I think this country's best days are behind us, and I'm not alone. The STUPID things our government does is mind numbing.

And then we have the brain dead little leftist bubble heads that wonder why citizens are finally going to stage a peaceful but ARMED protest in Washington. I hope the people in Washington get the message.
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A large part of the problem is the number of leftists on pretending to be on the Right.
This Administration doesn't care about national security! they only care about politics...

Impeach them all!
This Administration doesn't care about national security! they only care about politics...

Impeach them all!

Those House hearings begin today at 11:30....

...let's see if the Republicans can bring the heat.
Sorry, but the Republicans are on a Don Quixote type crusade that's going to make them look even more ineffectual than they already are. .. :doubt:
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Sorry, but the Republicans are on a Don Quixote type crusade that's going to make them look even more ineffectual than they already are. .. :doubt:

1. According to the White House spin machine, a satirical video was the cause of the attacks...but no intelligence organization was claiming that.

2.According to White House supporters, reinforcements were not sent because they believed that they would arrive too late to stem the attack.....exactly where did the attackers post their timeline of 'begin attack.....end attack'?
BTW....it lasted six hours. How did the White House know that it wouldn't last six days?

3.As of this moment, there has been no Presidential timeline released....implying that Obama went to bed, unconcerned, so that he could awake, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to set off on his fund-raising.

4. "Even as the White House strove last week to move beyond questions about the Benghazi attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2012, fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults. The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the heavy substantive revisions made to the CIA’s talking points, just six weeks before the 2012 presidential election, and additional information about why the changes were made and by whom."
The Benghazi Talking Points | The Weekly Standard

Which of the above qualify as 'windmills'...i.e., of no consequence?

I will agree that if the Republicans don't drill on those points, then, they are ineffectual.
I always wonder why the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US.

Because OBVIOUSLY the President reviews each case personally, right?

You guys must still be livid about that, right?
I always wonder why the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US.

Because OBVIOUSLY the President reviews each case personally, right?

You guys must still be livid about that, right?

I guess turn around is fair play. :dunno:

The beat goes on, the beat goes on
Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain
La de da de de, la de da de da........
Benghazi is yesterday's news and the American public doesn't really care.

So no matter how much he Republicans keep hammering away at this issue.

The outcome is just going to be a big yawn with no consequences. .. :cool:
I always wonder why the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US.

Because OBVIOUSLY the President reviews each case personally, right?

You guys must still be livid about that, right?

Your post has all the specificity of a shot-gun....

Would you care to put a little effort in, focus like a laser, and target the particular items
I've included in post #7....

'Else, your post is simply blowing hot air.
I always wonder why the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US.

Because OBVIOUSLY the President reviews each case personally, right?

You guys must still be livid about that, right?

yeah PoliChic was livid over that :mad: Oh!!! Wait :redface:

The double-standard exhibited by the rabid Rightists & their go-to sources "Weekly Standard" "Washington Times" etc... here is astounding.
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Interesting how the White House made a great effort to show Obama's interest during the operation aimed at Osama.....

"Obama watched Bin Laden die on live video as shoot-out beamed to White House...
President Obama was watching on a TV screen as a commando gunned down Osama bin Laden. Via a video camera fixed to the helmet of a U.S. Navy Seal, the leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.

Read more: Osama bin Laden dead: Photo of Obama watching the Al Qaeda leader die on live TV | Mail Online

Have you seen same of Obama during the attack at Benghazi?


Why not?

Where was he....and why not paying any attention to the assassinations?
I always wonder why the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US.

Because OBVIOUSLY the President reviews each case personally, right?

You guys must still be livid about that, right?

yeah PoliChic was livid over that :mad: Oh!!! Wait :redface:

The double-standard exhibited by the rabid Rightists & their go-to sources "Weekly Standard" "Washington Times" etc... here is astounding.

You probably don't realize that any suggestion that you have the ability to think is severely compromised by this post.

You see, the comparison would be if I were posting about the two Boston Bombers, and "the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US."

Your post, in this context, makes you appear a dunce.

Oh....you are a dunce!
I almost overlooked that.
Benghazi is yesterday's news and the American public doesn't really care.

So no matter how much he Republicans keep hammering away at this issue.

The outcome is just going to be a big yawn with no consequences. .. :cool:

I've seen far too much 'go along, to get along' from Republicans to endorse your post.

The public will have no interest in the issue if the Republicans have no interest.

Did you want to respond to post #7?

It appears that it's poison ivy to those on your side of the questions.
Interesting how the White House made a great effort to show Obama's interest during the operation aimed at Osama.....

"Obama watched Bin Laden die on live video as shoot-out beamed to White House...
President Obama was watching on a TV screen as a commando gunned down Osama bin Laden. Via a video camera fixed to the helmet of a U.S. Navy Seal, the leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.

Read more: Osama bin Laden dead: Photo of Obama watching the Al Qaeda leader die on live TV | Mail Online

Have you seen same of Obama during the attack at Benghazi?


Why not?

Where was he....and why not paying any attention to the assassinations?

I didn't see anything in your link to suggest that Osama was killed, or even there.
Interesting how the White House made a great effort to show Obama's interest during the operation aimed at Osama.....

"Obama watched Bin Laden die on live video as shoot-out beamed to White House...
President Obama was watching on a TV screen as a commando gunned down Osama bin Laden. Via a video camera fixed to the helmet of a U.S. Navy Seal, the leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.

Read more: Osama bin Laden dead: Photo of Obama watching the Al Qaeda leader die on live TV | Mail Online

Have you seen same of Obama during the attack at Benghazi?


Why not?

Where was he....and why not paying any attention to the assassinations?

I didn't see anything in your link to suggest that Osama was killed, or even there.

Make yourself clear, Fender.
Interesting how the White House made a great effort to show Obama's interest during the operation aimed at Osama.....

"Obama watched Bin Laden die on live video as shoot-out beamed to White House...
President Obama was watching on a TV screen as a commando gunned down Osama bin Laden. Via a video camera fixed to the helmet of a U.S. Navy Seal, the leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.

Read more: Osama bin Laden dead: Photo of Obama watching the Al Qaeda leader die on live TV | Mail Online

Have you seen same of Obama during the attack at Benghazi?


Why not?

Where was he....and why not paying any attention to the assassinations?

I didn't see anything in your link to suggest that Osama was killed, or even there.

Make yourself clear, Fender.

I just did. I've never seen any real proof that Osama is dead. Have you? :dunno:
I didn't see anything in your link to suggest that Osama was killed, or even there.

Make yourself clear, Fender.

I just did. I've never seen any real proof that Osama is dead. Have you? :dunno:

A silly post, Fender.

I've seen Grant's Tomb....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T2cce2-igo]General Grant National Memorial, or Grant's Tomb - YouTube[/ame]

...but never actually saw a body in it.

Welcome to the board.
I always wonder why the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US.

Because OBVIOUSLY the President reviews each case personally, right?

You guys must still be livid about that, right?

yeah PoliChic was livid over that :mad: Oh!!! Wait :redface:

The double-standard exhibited by the rabid Rightists & their go-to sources "Weekly Standard" "Washington Times" etc... here is astounding.


Realistically, there is very little chance Bush had ever heard the names of any of the 9/11 bombers prior to 9/11, and there is very little chance Obama had ever heard the name of the Boston bombers prior to the Boston bombing.

I hear there are 750,000 names on the FBI watch list.

I also doubt the President makes massive changes to the FBI. The FBI will largely be run by its own heads, and they will make most policy decisions.

P Chic's idea that someone in the FBI must have called Obama two years back and said "There are a couple of Chechen kids in Boston - what do you want us to do with them?" is just hilariously ill-informed.

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