"One Man's Terrorist...."

I always wonder why the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US.

Because OBVIOUSLY the President reviews each case personally, right?

You guys must still be livid about that, right?

yeah PoliChic was livid over that :mad: Oh!!! Wait :redface:

The double-standard exhibited by the rabid Rightists & their go-to sources "Weekly Standard" "Washington Times" etc... here is astounding.


Realistically, there is very little chance Bush had ever heard the names of any of the 9/11 bombers prior to 9/11, and there is very little chance Obama had ever heard the name of the Boston bombers prior to the Boston bombing.

I hear there are 750,000 names on the FBI watch list.

I also doubt the President makes massive changes to the FBI. The FBI will largely be run by its own heads, and they will make most policy decisions.

P Chic's idea that someone in the FBI must have called Obama two years back and said "There are a couple of Chechen kids in Boston - what do you want us to do with them?" is just hilariously ill-informed.

This is interesting, Long-Gone....

Early on, I felt that you guys suffered from some sort of A.D.D., and were unable to process info and then use in constructing your posts....

The real reasons evaded me because I don't use dishonesty and obfuscation, as you do.

I realize that bending the argument is your hope of changing the subject.
Case in point....suggesting that the OP was about Obama, your lord and master....

...while the folks pointed to were has follows:
"... Senators John McCain and Edward Kennedy, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, and former Secretaries of State Alexander Haig and Madeleine Albright."

That quote is from the OP.

The essence is that elected and appointed officials are less concerned with the well-being of the nation than they should be....not whether Bush or Obama is worse.
It's both parties.

Your ploys are so juvenile....sophomoric.....I expect better work in the future.
I just did. I've never seen any real proof that Osama is dead. Have you? :dunno:

A silly post, Fender.

I've seen Grant's Tomb....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T2cce2-igo]General Grant National Memorial, or Grant's Tomb - YouTube[/ame]

...but never actually saw a body in it.

Welcome to the board.

Thank you. Grant was born in 1822, I'd say he's dead.

But you provided the Litmus Test:
"I've never seen any real proof that Osama is dead. Have you?"
A silly post, Fender.

I've seen Grant's Tomb....

General Grant National Memorial, or Grant's Tomb - YouTube

...but never actually saw a body in it.

Welcome to the board.

Thank you. Grant was born in 1822, I'd say he's dead.

But you provided the Litmus Test:
"I've never seen any real proof that Osama is dead. Have you?"

Being born in 1822 is proof that Grant's dead. We don't even know is Osama was even there, let alone that he was killed.
The real reasons evaded me because I don't use dishonesty and obfuscation, as you do.

Then you will admit that there is no evidence to suggest that Bush knew the 9/11 bombers were in the US, just as there is no evidence that Obama knew anything about the Boston bombers - correct.

I have to say, it amazes me to see US posters dismiss 9/11 as ancient history. I think it should be remembered.
The real reasons evaded me because I don't use dishonesty and obfuscation, as you do.

Then you will admit that there is no evidence to suggest that Bush knew the 9/11 bombers were in the US, just as there is no evidence that Obama knew anything about the Boston bombers - correct.

I have to say, it amazes me to see US posters dismiss 9/11 as ancient history. I think it should be remembered.


When I just showed that there was no such issue in the OP?

Now I know where I saw you before:the DSM-IV manual!

"Perseveration in schizophrenia may take a variety of
forms, which can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Comparative studies have demonstrated higher than
normal levels of perseverative responding among schizophrenia patients on capacity-demanding tasks, including prompted discourse, reversal learning, and the generation of guessing sequences."

Get well soon, Long-Gone.
P. Chic -

You seem to be obfuscating - desipte the fact you just insisted that you would not obfiscate.

I'll ask again - do you admit that there is no evidence to suggest that Bush knew the 9/11 bombers were in the US, just as there is no evidence that Obama knew anything about the Boston bombers in advance of the bombing?
P. Chic -

You seem to be obfuscating - desipte the fact you just insisted that you would not obfiscate.

I'll ask again - do you admit that there is no evidence to suggest that Bush knew the 9/11 bombers were in the US, just as there is no evidence that Obama knew anything about the Boston bombers in advance of the bombing?

Do you know know the meaning of 'obfuscate'?
I suppose not...since you wrote "obfiscate."

I'm as direct as can be. You have some desire to make this about Bush-Obama.
And you repeat it incessantly.
Not the sign of a stable mind.

Be happy to discuss the OP when you get around to it.
Now...go take your meds.
P Chic -

So you won't answer the question. Instead, you'd prefer to obfuscate, despite beginning the discussion by criticising others for doing just that.

Really, very impressive posting. Really.
P Chic -

So you won't answer the question. Instead, you'd prefer to obfuscate, despite beginning the discussion by criticising others for doing just that.

Really, very impressive posting. Really.

I don't obfuscate....but, it seems in your case, I teach spelling.

And, you've really turned into an old nag, Long-Gone.
From OP: 8. "... two of the greatest butchers of our time, Aslan Maskhadov and Shamil Basayev, both deceased even though the organization they built fights on. The foreign minister and ambassador for this terrorist group is Ilyas Khamzatovich Akhmadov (born December 19, 1960, who was granted political asylum in the United States in 2003. Akhmadov's patron is none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former head of the National Security Council during the Jimmy Carter administration and, before that the co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Zbigniew Brezezinski in turn is not only the main foreign policy adviser to the Barack Obama presidential campaign;... Zbigniew's nephew Matthew Brzezinski serves as a de facto public relations representative for Akhmadov, whitewashing this envoy for Chechen terrorists in the pages of the Washington Post. "

(My bold)

Basayev was a killer, right enough. Maskhadov was Chechen, a general in the USSR Army, & a decorated military leader. He was trying desperately to negotiate an end to the crisis with Russia & then to the wars, right up until he was killed by a Russian missle homing in on his sat (?) phone in the mountains. The history quoted in the OP is v. lop-sided, & Brzezinski & Haig simply - on evidence - want to put a finger in the Russians' eyes.

Russia, the USSR & now Russia again have been fighting for four centuries to crush the Chechens (& the Caucasus in general). They may manage it this time, after the endless fights & skirmishes, the uprooting of the population to Siberia during WWII, & now 2 wars. It amounts to genocide, & the Chechens will not go down quietly. Grozny & all other population centers, & most of the villages, have been leveled by Russian troops & contract killers - think Blackwater with even less restraint. Spetznatz are also in use, & the two books below claim that the Russians emptied their prisons of their worst cases, & allow them to serve in "pacification" campaigns in Checnya. Rape, torture, indiscriminate murder, theft, & a scorched-earth policy are what the Chechens can expect.

See Towers of Stone, Wojciech Jagielski, or The oath, Khassan Baiev.
From OP: 8. "... two of the greatest butchers of our time, Aslan Maskhadov and Shamil Basayev, both deceased even though the organization they built fights on. The foreign minister and ambassador for this terrorist group is Ilyas Khamzatovich Akhmadov (born December 19, 1960, who was granted political asylum in the United States in 2003. Akhmadov's patron is none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former head of the National Security Council during the Jimmy Carter administration and, before that the co-founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Zbigniew Brezezinski in turn is not only the main foreign policy adviser to the Barack Obama presidential campaign;... Zbigniew's nephew Matthew Brzezinski serves as a de facto public relations representative for Akhmadov, whitewashing this envoy for Chechen terrorists in the pages of the Washington Post. "

(My bold)

Basayev was a killer, right enough. Maskhadov was Chechen, a general in the USSR Army, & a decorated military leader. He was trying desperately to negotiate an end to the crisis with Russia & then to the wars, right up until he was killed by a Russian missle homing in on his sat (?) phone in the mountains. The history quoted in the OP is v. lop-sided, & Brzezinski & Haig simply - on evidence - want to put a finger in the Russians' eyes.

Russia, the USSR & now Russia again have been fighting for four centuries to crush the Chechens (& the Caucasus in general). They may manage it this time, after the endless fights & skirmishes, the uprooting of the population to Siberia during WWII, & now 2 wars. It amounts to genocide, & the Chechens will not go down quietly. Grozny & all other population centers, & most of the villages, have been leveled by Russian troops & contract killers - think Blackwater with even less restraint. Spetznatz are also in use, & the two books below claim that the Russians emptied their prisons of their worst cases, & allow them to serve in "pacification" campaigns in Checnya. Rape, torture, indiscriminate murder, theft, & a scorched-earth policy are what the Chechens can expect.

See Towers of Stone, Wojciech Jagielski, or The oath, Khassan Baiev.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csr9TPGPoxs]Beslan School Massacre, Dramatic Scenes, 2004 [HD] - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b34GCpCS7Ds]BESLAN HOSTAGE OPERATION MUJAHIDEEN VIDEO 1 - YouTube[/ame]
(My bold)

Basayev was a killer, right enough.
Maskhadov was Chechen, a general in the USSR Army, & a decorated military leader. He was trying desperately to negotiate an end to the crisis with Russia & then to the wars, right up until he was killed by a Russian missle homing in on his sat (?) phone in the mountains. The history quoted in the OP is v. lop-sided, & Brzezinski & Haig simply - on evidence - want to put a finger in the Russians' eyes.

Russia, the USSR & now Russia again have been fighting for four centuries to crush the Chechens (& the Caucasus in general). They may manage it this time, after the endless fights & skirmishes, the uprooting of the population to Siberia during WWII, & now 2 wars. It amounts to genocide, & the Chechens will not go down quietly. Grozny & all other population centers, & most of the villages, have been leveled by Russian troops & contract killers - think Blackwater with even less restraint. Spetznatz are also in use, & the two books below claim that the Russians emptied their prisons of their worst cases, & allow them to serve in "pacification" campaigns in Checnya. Rape, torture, indiscriminate murder, theft, & a scorched-earth policy are what the Chechens can expect.

See Towers of Stone, Wojciech Jagielski, or The oath, Khassan Baiev.


Yah, Basayev was a killer. What's the point of posting clips of his ops in Beslan? To make him more of a killer? Not doable.
(My bold)

Basayev was a killer, right enough.
Maskhadov was Chechen, a general in the USSR Army, & a decorated military leader. He was trying desperately to negotiate an end to the crisis with Russia & then to the wars, right up until he was killed by a Russian missle homing in on his sat (?) phone in the mountains. The history quoted in the OP is v. lop-sided, & Brzezinski & Haig simply - on evidence - want to put a finger in the Russians' eyes.

Russia, the USSR & now Russia again have been fighting for four centuries to crush the Chechens (& the Caucasus in general). They may manage it this time, after the endless fights & skirmishes, the uprooting of the population to Siberia during WWII, & now 2 wars. It amounts to genocide, & the Chechens will not go down quietly. Grozny & all other population centers, & most of the villages, have been leveled by Russian troops & contract killers - think Blackwater with even less restraint. Spetznatz are also in use, & the two books below claim that the Russians emptied their prisons of their worst cases, & allow them to serve in "pacification" campaigns in Checnya. Rape, torture, indiscriminate murder, theft, & a scorched-earth policy are what the Chechens can expect.

See Towers of Stone, Wojciech Jagielski, or The oath, Khassan Baiev.


Yah, Basayev was a killer. What's the point of posting clips of his ops in Beslan? To make him more of a killer? Not doable.

My point???

To further identify exactly the organizations and individuals with which Ilyas Akhmadov was allied, and the individuals who supported his amnesty, e.g.,Zbigniew Brzezinski.
I always wonder why the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US.

Because OBVIOUSLY the President reviews each case personally, right?

You guys must still be livid about that, right?

Your post has all the specificity of a shot-gun....

Would you care to put a little effort in, focus like a laser, and target the particular items
I've included in post #7....

'Else, your post is simply blowing hot air.

(My underscore)

LASERs don't focus - they produce coherent light. Different process altogether.
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