"One Man's Terrorist...."

There are no mistakes. The CIA and the administration know exactly what the hell they are doing. I already went over it a loooong time ago. Expect us to be embroiled in Syria before the summer is out. Wait till Senator Kerry is back from Moscow and the arraignments have been made. The Russians are pulling their people out of Syria and getting their shit in order as we are posting. :cool:


I guess Osama bin Laden was George Washington?


"The outcome of the constitutional struggle over the Iran-Contra matter would be decided in that exact way: by public judgment of the political clash in Washington. The joint House-Senate committee investigation of the Iran-Contra affair—an investigation Democrats likened to Watergate and hoped would end with Reagan’s impeachment—took a turn President Reagan’s critics had not expected when Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North appeared and delivered a devastatingly effective attack on liberals in Congress for their irresponsible meddling in foreign policy.

Public opinion decisively shifted in Reagan’s favor, and the liberal dream of driving another Republican president from office died quickly. In other words, the people judged, just as Locke said they should, and judged that Reagan had acted properly, if not necessarily wisely."
The Unsolvable Problem of Executive Power | Power Line

I guess Osama bin Laden was George Washington?


1. After more than ten years of high inflation, slow economic growth, and rising pessimism, the first two-term President since Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, turned the economy around, conquered inflation, stimulated economic growth that created 20 million jobs, and restored confidence and optimism.

a. Of course, his greatest achievement was winning the Cold War with the Soviets- “without firing a shot,” as Prime Minister Thatcher said.

b. “Nevertheless, as Sean Wilentz, a liberal historian, wrote in 2008, Reagan's "success in helping to finally end the Cold War is one of the greatest achievements by any President of the United States--and arguably the greatest single achievement since 1945." “ The 24th anniversary of Reagan's "Tear down this wall" speech in Berlin | Atlantic Council
took a turn President Reagan’s critics had not expected when Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North appeared and delivered a devastatingly effective attack on liberals in Congressfor their irresponsible meddling in foreign policy. http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/02/the-unsolvable-problem-of-executive-power.php

How would it go over if Colin Powell "delivered a devastatingly effective attack on conservatives in Congressfor their irresponsible meddling in foreign policy" regarding Benghazi?


I guess Osama bin Laden was George Washington?


1. After more than ten years of high inflation, slow economic growth, and rising pessimism, the first two-term President since Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, turned the economy around, conquered inflation, stimulated economic growth that created 20 million jobs, and restored confidence and optimism.

a. Of course, his greatest achievement was winning the Cold War with the Soviets- “without firing a shot,” as Prime Minister Thatcher said.

b. “Nevertheless, as Sean Wilentz, a liberal historian, wrote in 2008, Reagan's "success in helping to finally end the Cold War is one of the greatest achievements by any President of the United States--and arguably the greatest single achievement since 1945." “ The 24th anniversary of Reagan's "Tear down this wall" speech in Berlin | Atlantic Council
"as Prime Minister Thatcher said." :lol:

I guess we just need to get a glowing appreciation of Obama from the French president, and that will nullify all the wingnut criticism. :lol:

You're a rather dense parrot, aren't you?

I guess Osama bin Laden was George Washington?


1. After more than ten years of high inflation, slow economic growth, and rising pessimism, the first two-term President since Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, turned the economy around, conquered inflation, stimulated economic growth that created 20 million jobs, and restored confidence and optimism.

a. Of course, his greatest achievement was winning the Cold War with the Soviets- “without firing a shot,” as Prime Minister Thatcher said.

b. “Nevertheless, as Sean Wilentz, a liberal historian, wrote in 2008, Reagan's "success in helping to finally end the Cold War is one of the greatest achievements by any President of the United States--and arguably the greatest single achievement since 1945." “ The 24th anniversary of Reagan's "Tear down this wall" speech in Berlin | Atlantic Council
"as Prime Minister Thatcher said." :lol:

I guess we just need to get a glowing appreciation of Obama from the French president, and that will nullify all the wingnut criticism. :lol:

You're a rather dense parrot, aren't you?

1. I'm going to have to believe that most folks would find Lady Thatcher to be somewhat of an expert on the matter.

2. Find both a French President with the cachet of Lady Thatcher, and who is willing to give such a glowing review to the mistake-in-the-White House.

3. And, with respect to a real President, Ronald Reagan, this....

'Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained [p. 222] that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress."
Steven F. Hayward, "Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents."
I always wonder why the Bush administration knowingly allowed the Sep 11 bombers to train, study and live in the US.

Because OBVIOUSLY the President reviews each case personally, right?

You guys must still be livid about that, right?

One million emails every month through the DOJ. There is no excuse for Hillary not reading every single one of them, right? But, rw's make excuses for Bush spiriting bin Laden's family out of the country after 9/11.

How about the R cutting security at Benghazi?

Why are they against hunting down those who did the killing?

Why won't the R increase security now?

The FACT is, the right only wants to ruin Obama. They care nothing about the US, proven by what the vote for and against:

1. After more than ten years of high inflation, slow economic growth, and rising pessimism, the first two-term President since Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, turned the economy around, conquered inflation, stimulated economic growth that created 20 million jobs, and restored confidence and optimism.

a. Of course, his greatest achievement was winning the Cold War with the Soviets- “without firing a shot,” as Prime Minister Thatcher said.

b. “Nevertheless, as Sean Wilentz, a liberal historian, wrote in 2008, Reagan's "success in helping to finally end the Cold War is one of the greatest achievements by any President of the United States--and arguably the greatest single achievement since 1945." “ The 24th anniversary of Reagan's "Tear down this wall" speech in Berlin | Atlantic Council
"as Prime Minister Thatcher said." :lol:

I guess we just need to get a glowing appreciation of Obama from the French president, and that will nullify all the wingnut criticism. :lol:

You're a rather dense parrot, aren't you?

1. I'm going to have to believe that most folks would find Lady Thatcher to be somewhat of an expert on the matter.

You believe all sorts of things not based in fact.

2. Find both a French President with the cachet of Lady Thatcher, and who is willing to give such a glowing review to the mistake-in-the-White House.

...like believing Thatcher had 'cachet'. :lol:

3. And, with respect to a real President, Ronald Reagan, this....

'Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained [p. 222] that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress."
Steven F. Hayward, "Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents."

Reagan supported people who murdered nuns. He called them 'freedom fighters'.

I guess they freed those nuns from the burden of living the rest of their natural lives.
"as Prime Minister Thatcher said." :lol:

I guess we just need to get a glowing appreciation of Obama from the French president, and that will nullify all the wingnut criticism. :lol:

You're a rather dense parrot, aren't you?

1. I'm going to have to believe that most folks would find Lady Thatcher to be somewhat of an expert on the matter.

You believe all sorts of things not based in fact.

2. Find both a French President with the cachet of Lady Thatcher, and who is willing to give such a glowing review to the mistake-in-the-White House.

...like believing Thatcher had 'cachet'. :lol:

3. And, with respect to a real President, Ronald Reagan, this....

'Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious. Reagan often complained [p. 222] that it was not possible to carry out foreign policy with 535 secretaries of state in Congress."
Steven F. Hayward, "Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents."

Reagan supported people who murdered nuns. He called them 'freedom fighters'.

I guess they freed those nuns from the burden of living the rest of their natural lives.

President Reagan performed several miracles....one of which was the defeat of the Evil Empire without firing a shot.

Now, obviously, I believe in miracles....but, in your case, if God tried to help you, we'd have an eight day week.

Still Waitin'.....
...for the White House, and it's supporters to provide answers to these questions....

1. According to the White House spin machine, a satirical video was the cause of the attacks...but no intelligence organization was claiming that.

2.According to White House supporters, reinforcements were not sent because they believed that they would arrive too late to stem the attack.....exactly where did the attackers post their timeline of 'begin attack.....end attack'?
BTW....it lasted six hours. How did the White House know that it wouldn't last six days?

3.As of this moment, there has been no Presidential timeline released....implying that Obama went to bed, unconcerned, so that he could awake, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to set off on his fund-raising.

4. "Even as the White House strove last week to move beyond questions about the Benghazi attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2012, fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults. The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the heavy substantive revisions made to the CIA’s talking points, just six weeks before the 2012 presidential election, and additional information about why the changes were made and by whom."
The Benghazi Talking Points | The Weekly Standard


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