One more reason ALL Americans should be concerned about NOT Immigrants BUT ILLEGAL immigrants!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Now before you idiots start excusing this ILLEGAL behavior...
Consider the last paragraph and HOW it may very well AFFECT YOUR children or grandchildren!
And just a reminder!
Trump (has an Legal immigrant for a wife), me I have a legal immigrant relative and 90+ million other Americans
are grossly offended by the stupid labeling of us as "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!
Obviously we aren't but nearly 50,000 instances on Google of searches for "Trump anti-immigrant" brings up
that falsehood narrative!
This is one of MANY reasons Trump, me, millions like us AND YOU should be against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"!

Nearly 40 million Social Security numbers have been stolen and used by illegal immigrants and others to get work, according to agency records obtained by an immigration reform group.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that from 2012 to 2016 there were “39 million instances where names and Social Security numbers on W-2 tax forms did not match the corresponding Social Security records.”

The group said that there is a “thriving black market” used by illegal immigrants to get Social Security numbers needed to get a job.

The Social Security numbers of young children are especially sought by illegal aliens, as this theft is likely to go undetected for years. As children reach late teenage years and apply for credit for cars, student loans, and other needs, they may find that their credit has been compromised with mortgages, credit cards and criminal records attached to their identities,” said the group.

Illegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers
Do you think illegal immigrants are the majority of people that steal SSN's? They may purchase them but its your neighbors that are stealing them. If they didnt sell them to illegals they would sell them to someone else. Come to think of it that number cited doesnt sound accurate.
Do you think illegal immigrants are the majority of people that steal SSN's? They may purchase them but its your neighbors that are stealing them. If they didnt sell them to illegals they would sell them to someone else. Come to think of it that number cited doesnt sound accurate.

But one indicator is the 9 million W-2 forms with mismatched names and Social Security numbers it received in 2004. The IRS said the W-2 forms with invalid Social Security numbers reported about $53 billion in wages and about three-fourths of that, $40 billion in wages, had taxes withheld.
ACLU, NYT, & La Raza All Agree: 75% of Illegal Aliens Are Committing Felonies
Remember the initial report covered 2012 to 2016.
SS said they received in 2004 along 9 million mismatched information.

So where is your validation saying 39 million is invalid. If SS reported 9 million in 2004... that's one year... 4 years at 9 million is 36 million.
Now remember the title is regarding "LEGAL" immigrants vs "ILLEGAL"... if an "ILLEGAL" immigrant comes into the country that's one illegal act. Then buys a fake SS# that's 2.
How many more have they then committed.
Do you think illegal immigrants are the majority of people that steal SSN's? They may purchase them but its your neighbors that are stealing them. If they didnt sell them to illegals they would sell them to someone else. Come to think of it that number cited doesnt sound accurate.

But one indicator is the 9 million W-2 forms with mismatched names and Social Security numbers it received in 2004. The IRS said the W-2 forms with invalid Social Security numbers reported about $53 billion in wages and about three-fourths of that, $40 billion in wages, had taxes withheld.
ACLU, NYT, & La Raza All Agree: 75% of Illegal Aliens Are Committing Felonies
Remember the initial report covered 2012 to 2016.
SS said they received in 2004 along 9 million mismatched information.

So where is your validation saying 39 million is invalid. If SS reported 9 million in 2004... that's one year... 4 years at 9 million is 36 million.
I missed that part where it was spread over 4 years.

I'm much more worried about all the other crime americans commit. 895 Billion per year annually and growing for just white collar crime by itself.

New Study Confirms the Prevalence and Cost of White Collar Crime - WSRP
Meanwhile back in reality; Social Security Disability—not the checks that retired folks get each month—has blossomed into an industry that pays out more than food stamps and welfare combined. The collectors; more than 14,000,000 red blooded Americans. The main culprits in placing that many on disability are certainly individuals themselves but the States actually have turned the act of taking supposedly disabled people off of State assistance and placing them Federal test into an art form.

I’m surprised there is anything left for illegal immigrants. LOL
Do you think illegal immigrants are the majority of people that steal SSN's? They may purchase them but its your neighbors that are stealing them. If they didnt sell them to illegals they would sell them to someone else. Come to think of it that number cited doesnt sound accurate.

You must have some F upped neighbors. I know my neighbors and they don't do that.
Do you think illegal immigrants are the majority of people that steal SSN's? They may purchase them but its your neighbors that are stealing them. If they didnt sell them to illegals they would sell them to someone else. Come to think of it that number cited doesnt sound accurate.

You must have some F upped neighbors. I know my neighbors and they don't do that.
Yes americans have been fucked up since america was established. How do you know your neighbors dont do that? Do you think they are going to tell you if they are stealing SSN's?
Do you think illegal immigrants are the majority of people that steal SSN's? They may purchase them but its your neighbors that are stealing them. If they didnt sell them to illegals they would sell them to someone else. Come to think of it that number cited doesnt sound accurate.

You must have some F upped neighbors. I know my neighbors and they don't do that.
Yes americans have been fucked up since america was established. How do you know your neighbors dont do that? Do you think they are going to tell you if they are stealing SSN's?

Find a better neighborhood if you can afford it.
I know my neighbors like I said before.
You're probably stealing the stuff and selling it yourself!
Now remember the title is regarding "LEGAL" immigrants vs "ILLEGAL"... if an "ILLEGAL" immigrant comes into the country that's one illegal act. Then buys a fake SS# that's 2.
How many more have they then committed.

The thing is, if we research all the HIB variables, there's a real fine line between the two Myths...

Do you think illegal immigrants are the majority of people that steal SSN's? They may purchase them but its your neighbors that are stealing them. If they didnt sell them to illegals they would sell them to someone else. Come to think of it that number cited doesnt sound accurate.

You must have some F upped neighbors. I know my neighbors and they don't do that.
Yes americans have been fucked up since america was established. How do you know your neighbors dont do that? Do you think they are going to tell you if they are stealing SSN's?

Find a better neighborhood if you can afford it.
I know my neighbors like I said before.
You're probably stealing the stuff and selling it yourself!
My neighborhood is fine.
You dont know if your neighbors are stealing SSNs because they wouldnt tell you dummy.
I have no reason to steal. Youre just mad I dont believe you when you say your neighbors wouldnt steal SSNs.
Now before you idiots start excusing this ILLEGAL behavior...
Consider the last paragraph and HOW it may very well AFFECT YOUR children or grandchildren!
And just a reminder!
Trump (has an Legal immigrant for a wife), me I have a legal immigrant relative and 90+ million other Americans
are grossly offended by the stupid labeling of us as "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"!
Obviously we aren't but nearly 50,000 instances on Google of searches for "Trump anti-immigrant" brings up
that falsehood narrative!
This is one of MANY reasons Trump, me, millions like us AND YOU should be against "ILLEGAL Immigrants"!

Nearly 40 million Social Security numbers have been stolen and used by illegal immigrants and others to get work, according to agency records obtained by an immigration reform group.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute said that from 2012 to 2016 there were “39 million instances where names and Social Security numbers on W-2 tax forms did not match the corresponding Social Security records.”

The group said that there is a “thriving black market” used by illegal immigrants to get Social Security numbers needed to get a job.

The Social Security numbers of young children are especially sought by illegal aliens, as this theft is likely to go undetected for years. As children reach late teenage years and apply for credit for cars, student loans, and other needs, they may find that their credit has been compromised with mortgages, credit cards and criminal records attached to their identities,” said the group.

Illegal immigrants cited in theft of 39 million Social Security numbers
Holy shit!

THREE of you tards posted the same fake news story today!

Does anyone really doubt pseudocons are subscribed to a Parroting Tard Newsfeed any more? :lol:

What, is there a big red firebell over your cot which alerts you there is a new pile of manufactured bullshit which you need to propagate as quickly as possible?
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Barry stepped all over the immigration laws...the wonder is after saying 22 times he could do nothing, he goes and does it anyway...BUT NO ONE CHALLENGED HIS AUTHORITY which he didn't have!

Barry stepped all over the immigration laws...the wonder is after saying 22 times he could do nothing, he goes and does it anyway...BUT NO ONE CHALLENGED HIS AUTHORITY which he didn't have!

What is it he did besides enforcing the existing laws?
This fake news story demonstrates the Right is terrified of the blue wave. They are frontloading hoax stories like the one in the OP to explain their losses this November.

"They won...because Mexicans!"
Now remember the title is regarding "LEGAL" immigrants vs "ILLEGAL"... if an "ILLEGAL" immigrant comes into the country that's one illegal act. Then buys a fake SS# that's 2.
How many more have they then committed.

Many more that's how many, hundreds of thousands of crimes just in Texas. Rapes, killings, tax fraud. These illegals Dem's keep telling us are just honest hard working people looking for a better life are engaged in unimaginable amounts of crimes against the American people. THATS WHY WE SCREEN immigrants and are selective about who we allow in, so we don't allow in a bunch of dishonest criminals of low character.
Barry stepped all over the immigration laws...the wonder is after saying 22 times he could do nothing, he goes and does it anyway...BUT NO ONE CHALLENGED HIS AUTHORITY which he didn't have!

What is it he did besides enforcing the existing laws?
Barry did DACA, always happy to help a little lady get educated!

DACA Is Unconstitutional, as Obama Admitted
The Heritage Foundation

Sep 8, 2017 · Few people seem aware that he's ending an administrative amnesty for illegal aliens that President Barack Obama lacked the constitutional
Barry stepped all over the immigration laws...the wonder is after saying 22 times he could do nothing, he goes and does it anyway...BUT NO ONE CHALLENGED HIS AUTHORITY which he didn't have!

What is it he did besides enforcing the existing laws?
Barry did DACA, always happy to help a little lady get educated!

DACA Is Unconstitutional, as Obama Admitted
The Heritage Foundation

View attachment 216047
Sep 8, 2017 · Few people seem aware that he's ending an administrative amnesty for illegal aliens that President Barack Obama lacked the constitutional
President Obama showing humanity and leadership trying to resolve the crisis.

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