One more reason why the Tax Proposal is a GOP scam.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The mantra (probably actually started by large corporations themselves) has long been that the U.S. tax code imposes the "biggest" tax burden in the world on corporations.......prompting the need to lower it from 35% to 20%......

On the surface (and for ignorant voters) that sounds like a legitimate gripe.....BUT IT'S A SCAM.

No one can really name a dozen or so corporations that actually DO pay the 35%, and that given all the loopholes ALSO included in our tax code, most corporation actually pay closer to 14% or even 0% in taxes.

So, can ANY proponents of this "new" tax proposal name what corporate "loop holes" have been eliminated from our current code???
So, you agree you are bitching about absolutely nothing, according to YOUR OP?

WOW, that is a "brilliant" conclusion.....

Fuck head name ONE loop hole for corporations that has been eliminated by your bribed republicans......GO ON, name one or two......LOL
The mantra (probably actually started by large corporations themselves) has long been that the U.S. tax code imposes the "biggest" tax burden in the world on corporations.......prompting the need to lower it from 35% to 20%......

On the surface (and for ignorant voters) that sounds like a legitimate gripe.....BUT IT'S A SCAM.

No one can really name a dozen or so corporations that actually DO pay the 35%, and that given all the loopholes ALSO included in our tax code, most corporation actually pay closer to 14% or even 0% in taxes.

So, can ANY proponents of this "new" tax proposal name what corporate "loop holes" have been eliminated from our current code???

My company only pays 5 percent in taxes because we have excellent accountants who are able to read through the tax code and look for the advantages. Its time for the government to do without for awhile.
The mantra (probably actually started by large corporations themselves) has long been that the U.S. tax code imposes the "biggest" tax burden in the world on corporations.......prompting the need to lower it from 35% to 20%......

On the surface (and for ignorant voters) that sounds like a legitimate gripe.....BUT IT'S A SCAM.

No one can really name a dozen or so corporations that actually DO pay the 35%, and that given all the loopholes ALSO included in our tax code, most corporation actually pay closer to 14% or even 0% in taxes.

So, can ANY proponents of this "new" tax proposal name what corporate "loop holes" have been eliminated from our current code???

Why don't you tell us which "loopholes" should be closed and why?
Ronald Reagan's tax cuts, not everybody supported that as well.

the Trump tax cuts will be signed into law very very soon. deal with it!
The mantra (probably actually started by large corporations themselves) has long been that the U.S. tax code imposes the "biggest" tax burden in the world on corporations.......prompting the need to lower it from 35% to 20%......

On the surface (and for ignorant voters) that sounds like a legitimate gripe.....BUT IT'S A SCAM.

No one can really name a dozen or so corporations that actually DO pay the 35%, and that given all the loopholes ALSO included in our tax code, most corporation actually pay closer to 14% or even 0% in taxes.

So, can ANY proponents of this "new" tax proposal name what corporate "loop holes" have been eliminated from our current code???

Did you miss the election in Nov. ? Perhaps you don't know who won?

If the Dems. had won, perhaps that would be their agenda, but I don't think Trump and the Republicans give a shit about that, do you? Stop your bitching and enjoy the ride.
My company only pays 5 percent in taxes because we have excellent accountants who are able to read through the tax code and look for the advantages. Its time for the government to do without for awhile.

So, if the tax bill proposal becomes law, you would be paying FOUR times more than you're paying now......LOL
So you are bitching about something that doesnt even matter, then?

Answer the fucking question posed on the O/P, moron......or go back to bed.
So, you agree you are bitching about absolutely nothing, according to YOUR OP?

The OP is wrong (as usual) about the average effective rate that corporations pay (it's 18.6% not 14%), however that rate is total profits (i.e. inclusive of overseas profits), the average effective rate on profits from domestic investment is around 24%. Keep in mind that's just an AVERAGE effective rate, some corporations will benefit more than others from statutory rate reduction especially given that a lot of deductions are on the chopping block (i.e. the ones that lose a lot of "pet" deductions are going to be worse off than those that don't enjoy as many).

Which would explain why large caps have been enjoying (some of) the run in up in their share prices based on Wall Streets hopes of the GOP corporate income tax changes, if it amounted to "absolutely nothing" then investors wouldn't care about it passing.

Personally I think we should just stop playing games and get rid of the Corporate Income Tax altogether since it accounts for less than 10% of Federal Revenues, it's just a waste of time and effort to keep up this charade.
If the Dems. had won, perhaps that would be their agenda, but I don't think Trump and the Republicans give a shit about that, do you? Stop your bitching and enjoy the ride

Well, morons like you are about to get ROYALLY SCREWED also....Yeah enjoy the bending over.......LOL
Corporations: Lower the corporate tax rate or we are moving to Ireland.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: Fine we are moving out of the US.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: :rolleyes:
Corporations: Lower the corporate tax rate or we are moving to Ireland.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: Fine we are moving out of the US.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.

MORON, did you ever wonder in your half brain WHY these corporations threatening to go to Ireland do NOT want to become Irish corporations?
What a fucking dolt..........LOL
Corporations: Lower the corporate tax rate or we are moving to Ireland.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: Fine we are moving out of the US.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.

MORON, did you ever wonder in your half brain WHY these corporations threatening to go to Ireland do NOT want to become Irish corporations?
What a fucking dolt..........LOL

Corporations do not have to sit in the US and get fucked over by you greedy retards, they can and have packed up and moved out of the US which pisses off Dems' to no end.
Corporations: Lower the corporate tax rate or we are moving to Ireland.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.
Corporations: Fine we are moving out of the US.
Dems: Fuck you corporations.

MORON, did you ever wonder in your half brain WHY these corporations threatening to go to Ireland do NOT want to become Irish corporations?
Pffttt....who in their right mind would CHOOSE to be Irish?
One more little "nugget"......

The current proposal has the middle class tax "deduction" set to expire in a few years....WHILE the proposed corporate tax rate is FIXED in perpetuity......

Yep, another royal screwing by the GOP and their bribers, of the middle class.
Enjoy the bending over, right wingers......LOL
One more little "nugget"......

The current proposal has the middle class tax "deduction" set to expire in a few years....WHILE the proposed corporate tax rate is FIXED in perpetuity......

Yep, another royal screwing by the GOP and their bribers, of the middle class.
Enjoy the bending over, right wingers......LOL

The middle class, teachers unions, public and private unions own the corporations fool. Where do you think everyone has their retirement savings invested. Lowering the corporate tax puts more money in their pockets fact!
If this tax plan (the senate version) goes through, THIRTEEN MILLION people will lose health care coverage....Any guesses by you right wingers on how these folks will vote in 2018 and 2020?...................LOL

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