One Reason Americans Elected Trump....

A writer from Vanity Fair was on the Sunday Morning Show today telling her experiences with DT. She got to know him years ago and then he invited her up to his office. She was freaked out that he had quotes framed from Adoph Hitler. Yup. Adolph Hitler.
She wrote about it in her story and a few weeks later they were at the same event and she felt something wet and cold running down her back.
He had poured an entire glass of wine on her.
This scumbag couldn't handle the truth then nor now.

She uses the Daily Caller, World Nut Daily and Powerline three blogs in the tank for Trump, and thinks that makes her look legit.
Ha ha
She has no idea how ridiculous it makes her look.
What's next Infowars?

I've noticed....when Leftist drones can't refute the facts, they complain about the source.

.....and in your post I can hear the snuffling of the ubiquitous pigs of the Left…
come on PC do you remember trump calling china liars cheaters thieves here in america then in china """it's not your fault china?""" what a lying sos

eddie.....Obama told you that Iran had to be allowed nuclear weapons.

That's the real lie.....

.....stop your nonsense.
you'd rather a war to stop them??

See.....that's the lie, pal.

Here's the truth:

The sanctions were strangling them.

This from the Left-leaning Brookings Institute...

"....the sanctions against Iran — and the context for them internationally and within Iran — have changed dramatically. Since 2010, the sanctions’ impact on Iran has been severe: its oil exports and revenues plummeted; the value of its currency eroded; trade disruptions shuttered businesses and exacerbated inflation. Quietly, a backlash emerged among Iran’s political elites against the country’s creeping isolation, and the June 2013 presidential election ushered in a moderate new president and the beginnings of a diplomatic breakthrough on the nuclear crisis — achievements that most observers attribute to the impact of sanctions."
Why “Iran Style” Sanctions Worked Against Tehran (And Why They Might Not Succeed with Moscow)

They never.....NEVER.....had to be allowed nuclear weapons.

And you bought it like it was on sale.

Wise up, eddie.
Trump was elected because Sanders' voters threw their toys out of the cot after throwing a hissy fit, and a whole lot of Deplorables voted for the Orange Buffoon.
In another smack in Obama's kisser, Trump makes a significant statement to the 7th century savages who rule Iran.....

Yes, the Jews are definitely getting their money's worth, but how does this benefit us again?

I mean, we've been fighting Israel's wars over there for 25 years now, you know, since I was in the service, and we don't seem to be any closer now than we were then to achieving anything.

Trump's popularity takes a plunge—approval rating closes in on all-time low

You actually still believe the polls,you dolt????

a. October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

"Clinton is expected to get 332 electoral votes, while Trump is predicted to get just 206, according to the Moody's Analytics model, which is based on three economic and three political factors." Moody's Analytics model predicts big Clinton win

b. really rub your face in it.....this from the Washington Post last week:

"12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election
— a new poll shows that 2016 voters look as though they'd still pick Trump, albeit about as narrowly as they did before.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll asked respondents how they'd vote in a redo of the 2016 election, and, if anything, Clinton seems to have lost more ground than Trump."

Analysis | 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

Wipe that egg off your face....'s an improvement.

This idiot, first mentions that polls are bogus......and to PROVE that, the moron cites a poll.....................LOL

You can;t make this shit up about the IQ level of Trump cult members.....Hilarious
In another smack in Obama's kisser, Trump makes a significant statement to the 7th century savages who rule Iran.....

Yes, the Jews are definitely getting their money's worth, but how does this benefit us again?

I mean, we've been fighting Israel's wars over there for 25 years now, you know, since I was in the service, and we don't seem to be any closer now than we were then to achieving anything.

" know, since I was in the service, ..."

Sooo......what country were you fighting for?
More proof that Israel is our dependent, not our ally.

The fact they can get us to take up truly counterproductive policies like this, tells me that the tail is wagging the dog here.

This was one of the comments following the article quoted in the OP.

This is a tremendous event, demonstrating our commitment to Israel.

"Do you have not a clue as to Israel's contributions to the United States and the world in defense, technology, software enginnering, medicine, pharmaceuticals, sophisticated electronics, alternative energy platforms, (ie. world leader in desalination), advances in agriculture, etc. etc. etc?.

Israel's "drip agricultural technology," alone, is revoltionizing India's farm output. Israel has the most effective and rapid deployment of emergency, mobile medical clinics that she deploys freely throughout areas hit by natural disasters and catastrophes. Her contributions are worth tens of billions not to mention the 75,000 American workers employed in American-Israeli partnerships and the tens of thousands of Palestinians employed within Israel with access to hospitals, clinics.

Israel's Technion University and MIT are buildng, in partnership, one of the world's most advanced technology institutes in the Free world, in NYC. You are a lighweight goofball who knows nothing and has soaked up Muslim propaganda like a dumb sponge and mixed it with extreme right wing horse manure and made a toxic stew in your brain that you proudly call "libertarianism." Libertarianism is not even a political theory. It is a preposterous idea that has no resemblance to reality. On the otherhand, Israel is a diamond in a sea of Muslim excrement..."
She uses the Daily Caller, World Nut Daily and Powerline three blogs in the tank for Trump, and thinks that makes her look legit.
Ha ha
She has no idea how ridiculous it makes her look.
What's next Infowars?

I've noticed....when Leftist drones can't refute the facts, they complain about the source.

.....and in your post I can hear the snuffling of the ubiquitous pigs of the Left…
come on PC do you remember trump calling china liars cheaters thieves here in america then in china """it's not your fault china?""" what a lying sos

eddie.....Obama told you that Iran had to be allowed nuclear weapons.

That's the real lie.....

.....stop your nonsense.
you'd rather a war to stop them??

See.....that's the lie, pal.

Here's the truth:

The sanctions were strangling them.

This from the Left-leaning Brookings Institute...

"....the sanctions against Iran — and the context for them internationally and within Iran — have changed dramatically. Since 2010, the sanctions’ impact on Iran has been severe: its oil exports and revenues plummeted; the value of its currency eroded; trade disruptions shuttered businesses and exacerbated inflation. Quietly, a backlash emerged among Iran’s political elites against the country’s creeping isolation, and the June 2013 presidential election ushered in a moderate new president and the beginnings of a diplomatic breakthrough on the nuclear crisis — achievements that most observers attribute to the impact of sanctions."
Why “Iran Style” Sanctions Worked Against Tehran (And Why They Might Not Succeed with Moscow)

They never.....NEVER.....had to be allowed nuclear weapons.

And you bought it like it was on sale.

Wise up, eddie.
We've been sanctioning NK for how long? People starving there Do any good ?? They still have nukes Don't you ever learn from the past?
Yes the same poles that said the hildabeast would win in a landslide.

Well Desperate one.....First of all you must have a "pole" up your ass....and then, since most polls gauge INDIVIDUALS' opinions and not what the outdated electoral college decides, the POLLS were right win target since Clinton got THREE MILLION more votes than the orange glob.

Maybe I was not paying enough attention when Obama was president,
when the facts came out & both McCain & Obama rushed to the capital to weigh in on the mess that people thought could bring our country down, there was a rush to fix it. maybe the best course of action was not taken.
Bush was president. not McCain or Obama. and that horrible bloody war.
most middle class people lost a lot. money in savings lost value, stocks crashed, home values went in the toilet.
what I wanted from Obama was with care to pick up the pieces, not get us in any new wars & try & tone down the old ones. he mostly did that.

Later on Emailed & wrote him many times about things I hoped he would do, things I wished he had not done . not perfect. none are. but a very nice man.

".... but a very nice man."

You're not a very good judge of character.

The main thing is I do think he has good character.
your not required to agree with me.
or to be rude about your disagreeing with me
She uses the Daily Caller, World Nut Daily and Powerline three blogs in the tank for Trump, and thinks that makes her look legit.
Ha ha
She has no idea how ridiculous it makes her look.
What's next Infowars?

I've noticed....when Leftist drones can't refute the facts, they complain about the source.

.....and in your post I can hear the snuffling of the ubiquitous pigs of the Left…
come on PC do you remember trump calling china liars cheaters thieves here in america then in china """it's not your fault china?""" what a lying sos

eddie.....Obama told you that Iran had to be allowed nuclear weapons.

That's the real lie.....

.....stop your nonsense.
you'd rather a war to stop them??

Civilized nations, and leaders, have always worked to keep nuclear weapons away from nations that do not have them.....especially one's named 'worst state sponsor of terrorism'...

...but not the war criminal, Hussein Obama...

1. Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
The Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons is the cornerstone of the nonproliferation regime. It entered into force in 1970, and 190 states have subscribed. The treaty covers three mutually reinforcing pillars—disarmament, nonproliferation, and peaceful uses of nuclear energy—and is the basis for international cooperation on stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. The basic bargain at the core of the NPT is sound: Countries with nuclear weapons will move towards disarmament; countries without nuclear weapons will not acquire them; and all countries can access peaceful nuclear technology.
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

2. Hussein Obama:
March 6, 2012, press conference: "And what I have said is, is that we will not countenance Iran getting a nuclear weapon. My policy is not containment; my policy is to prevent them from getting a nuclear weapon -- because if they get a nuclear weapon that could trigger an arms race in the region, it would undermine our non-proliferation goals, it could potentially fall into the hands of terrorists.

3.war criminal - an offender who violates international law during timesof war
offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civillaw

I think I’m falling in love with you, PoliticalChic. lol
2 psychos what a match can't wait to see how the kids turn
It’s been fun watching you and your party get dismantled. PoliticalChick has only been highlighting the reasons why that’s been happening.

Don’t fault her for your stupidity and ignorance, eddie. Just saying. :)
I happen to like her but then again I voted for GWB in 2000,,,,big mistake
This was one of the comments following the article quoted in the OP.

This is a tremendous event, demonstrating our commitment to Israel.

But why should we be "committed" to Israel.

Why should we ask ONE AMERICAN MOTHER to have her son come home in a box because we are "committed to Israel"?

Sorry, Drip Agriculture doesn't really cut it.

Israel's Technion University and MIT are buildng, in partnership, one of the world's most advanced technology institutes in the Free world, in NYC. You are a lighweight goofball who knows nothing and has soaked up Muslim propaganda like a dumb sponge and mixed it with extreme right wing horse manure and made a toxic stew in your brain that you proudly call "libertarianism." Libertarianism is not even a political theory. It is a preposterous idea that has no resemblance to reality. On the otherhand, Israel is a diamond in a sea of Muslim excrement..."

Again, why would Israel want to live in a "sea of excrement"? Or more to the point, without your racist shit, why would they want to live in the middle of people who hate them and want to kill them?

That's... nuts.
Civilized nations, and leaders, have always worked to keep nuclear weapons away from nations that do not have them.....especially one's named 'worst state sponsor of terrorism'...

...but not the war criminal, Hussein Obama...

Still waiting for you to provide proof Iran is producing nukes or not living up to the SEVEN NATION agreement.

Oh, wait. You can't.

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