One State

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Since the one state solution thread, above, has been closed I believe we need to continue this discussion.

One Country: Ali Abunimah on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

how many so call palestinians would want to be called Israelis and live in a jewish state?
How would one state protect minority rights?
Palestine has a very good constitution. It was written with the assistance of a US constitutional scholar. In some cases it is more comprehensive the the one in the US.

All Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, religion, sex or color.

There are checks and balances through three independent branches of government.

There is a bill of rights guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, religion, etc..

Search, seizure, and arrest require court issued warrants.
How would it preserve both the Jewish and the Arab character of the territory?

Would parliament be half Jewish/half Arab, or would there be some sort of proportional representation?

How would you preserve the cultural artifacts of each group, both tangible and non-tangible?

Who gets to pray on the Temple Mount, renovate or build there? Would the Jewish people be able to build a synagogue there?

Will civil matters, such as marriage, be handled by civil courts or by religious institutions?
Would parliament be half Jewish/half Arab, or would there be some sort of proportional representation?
Since there can be no law for or against any particular religion, I don't see why there should be any special designations.
How would one state protect minority rights?
Palestine has a very good constitution. It was written with the assistance of a US constitutional scholar. In some cases it is more comprehensive the the one in the US.

All Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, religion, sex or color.

There are checks and balances through three independent branches of government.

There is a bill of rights guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, religion, etc..

Search, seizure, and arrest require court issued warrants.

Yes. An Islamic terrorist bill of rights.

How can anyone claim that Palestine has a workable constiution with extra-judicial killings and religious police etc? Who in their right mind would want to live under Hamas?
Since the one state solution thread, above, has been closed I believe we need to continue this discussion.

One Country: Ali Abunimah on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

A " one state solution" where Palestinians will be the majority ? We all know that's the goal which is why there will never be " Right of Return" Destroy Israel from the inside
how many so call palestinians would want to be called Israelis and live in a jewish state?

None. They want to live in a secular state. And it's "so-called" you self-hating Christian.

Why do you call him " self Hating?" Too bad you don't feel that way.about the Arabs who forbid Christianity, burn Bibles, kill Christians and those who don't convert you pile of Shit
Since the one state solution thread, above, has been closed I believe we need to continue this discussion.

One Country: Ali Abunimah on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

It would be nice to have all of historic Eretz Yisrael, including Judea and Samaria, united under one state. Could the Arabs be paid to leave?
How can anyone claim that Palestine has a workable constiution with extra-judicial killings and religious police etc? Who in their right mind would want to live under Hamas?
It doesn't now. The last legally constituted government in Palestine was in March of 2007. A US fomented coup in June of 2007 destroyed that.

The coup failed in Gaza leaving part of the Palestinian Authority (the prime minister, some of the cabinet ministers, and about 1/3 of parliament) in place in Gaza. However, this part of the PA was cut off from all financial and political support.

The coup against the PA succeeded in the West Bank. Israel kidnapped about 30 members of parliament and some cabinet ministers. Abbas padlocked parliament, threw away the constitution, and left the Palestinian Authority.

Abbas appointed a new illegal "PA" in the West Bank and has been ruling by decree since then. He is now in the 12th year of his 4 year term. The US and Israel call this illegal government the "Palestinian Authority" and the media ran with that without question. Since then all money and political support has been funneled into this government.
Since the one state solution thread, above, has been closed I believe we need to continue this discussion.

One Country: Ali Abunimah on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

It would be nice to have all of historic Eretz Yisrael, including Judea and Samaria, united under one state. Could the Arabs be paid to leave?

Paid by the international community, of course. Those freeloaders in Israel won't pay for anything.
How would one state protect minority rights?
Palestine has a very good constitution. It was written with the assistance of a US constitutional scholar. In some cases it is more comprehensive the the one in the US.

All Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, religion, sex or color.

There are checks and balances through three independent branches of government.

There is a bill of rights guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, religion, etc..

Search, seizure, and arrest require court issued warrants.

Like Israel they have a basic law

"Palestine is part of the large Arab World, and the Palestinian people are part of the Arab Nation. Arab Unity is an objective which the Palestinian People shall work to achieve."

"Islam is the official religion in Palestine. Respect and sanctity of all other heavenly religions shall be maintained.
The principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be the main source of legislation."
How would one state protect minority rights?
Palestine has a very good constitution. It was written with the assistance of a US constitutional scholar. In some cases it is more comprehensive the the one in the US.

All Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, religion, sex or color.

There are checks and balances through three independent branches of government.

There is a bill of rights guaranteeing the freedom of speech, press, religion, etc..

Search, seizure, and arrest require court issued warrants.

It is one thing to have it on paper, but do the people have the WILL to support it? Will it be maintained? IS it being followed now? That's a serious concern, especially for a minority religion that has always been a minority and persecuted. When Egypt's elected government came into power after the Arab Spring - they stood back and ALLOWED Egyptians to attack the Israeli embassy and Egyptian Copts have been persecuted. Should it become one state it will be overwelmingly Muslim, and the tolerance in that part of the world is'nt very good.

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