One thing was clear tonight: McCain wants change, too!

Why would we need change, from republicans point of view?

GOP doesn't get it. Rush Limbaugh lost it yesterday when someone tried to bring up the issue of W's economic performance. Forget traditional lib measures like income redistribution or poverty levels. Republican measures like stock market returns, job creation, and spending as a share of GDP have all been dramatically worse under W than Clinton.

And the earmark talk is driving me crazy. Earmark spending isn't the problem, Medicare expansion and interest payments for excessive borrowing tower over bridges, tunnels, rail, and all other sources of pork. Entire Fed Highway Admin budget is 8% of the total spend on DoD, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

I'm still undecided, but leaning Obama. As much as I disagree with his rhetoric, it will be very difficult for his economic performance to be worse than W's. Plus, he'll be more likely than Mac to make the military cuts we need to balance the budget.
GOP doesn't get it. Rush Limbaugh lost it yesterday when someone tried to bring up the issue of W's economic performance. Forget traditional lib measures like income redistribution or poverty levels. Republican measures like stock market returns, job creation, and spending as a share of GDP have all been dramatically worse under W than Clinton.

And the earmark talk is driving me crazy. Earmark spending isn't the problem, Medicare expansion and interest payments for excessive borrowing tower over bridges, tunnels, rail, and all other sources of pork. Entire Fed Highway Admin budget is 8% of the total spend on DoD, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

I'm still undecided, but leaning Obama. As much as I disagree with his rhetoric, it will be very difficult for his economic performance to be worse than W's. Plus, he'll be more likely than Mac to make the military cuts we need to balance the budget.
Someone gets it.. whew...

beyond that, he's one of the most inspirational people in public life in years, not sure I look up to any pol as much as Mac for who he is and his remarkable character strength

but as much as I want to like him, his economic policies suggest he doesn't get how important is to clean up W's budget mess
but as much as I want to like him, his economic policies suggest he doesn't get how important is to clean up W's budget mess

And he wants to do that by having us pay for it, either by taxing citizens or taxing the business we rely on for our goods, services, and paychecks. Fred Thompson got it exactly right, "He's not taking from your side of the bucket, he's taking from THEIR side of the bucket."
And he wants to do that by having us pay for it, either by taxing citizens or taxing the business we rely on for our goods, services, and paychecks. Fred Thompson got it exactly right, "He's not taking from your side of the bucket, he's taking from THEIR side of the bucket."

are you not a fucking citizen of this country? shit ain't free, as the cons are always telling us.

Of course we need to pay for it dummy, we benefit from it.
are you not a fucking citizen of this country? shit ain't free, as the cons are always telling us.

Of course we need to pay for it dummy, we benefit from it.

damn right nothing is free(unless you are on wellfare). thankfully for me my income allows me the life i want to live and i do not need the government to help me. oh, i have a very nice health insurance plan as well. amazing what a 40 hour a week job can do for you.
He started it


political strategists started it, the first candidate to say it every other sentence was Gary Hart, Clinton and Obama used it extensively, but are unquestionably following, and Mac has just caught the change flu

the next dem to run against an incumbent gop pres will use it too
Bush/McCain is more of a danger to the world, De-stabilizing the middle east, and Europe, isn't what I like to see in a potential candidate!:eusa_whistle:

You know, I think John McCain, Dubya, Sarah Palin, Joe Lieberman and Dick Cheney should all go on a weekend hunting trip. :eusa_whistle:

The last man (or woman) standing gets the POTUS Nomination for the GOP.

May the bullets errr person win. :D

Btw, my money would be on Sarah Palin or Dick Cheney if he gets the element of surprise.


political strategists started it, the first candidate to say it every other sentence was Gary Hart, Clinton and Obama used it extensively, but are unquestionably following, and Mac has just caught the change flu

the next dem to run against an incumbent gop pres will use it too

At least in this election!:eusa_whistle:
Like making trips to war-torn areas because it was the right thing to do, not the popular thing to do.

Like locking down the market and strolling through the streets claiming the life in general was safe as could be.. Can we say BS photo opp...
Bush/McCain is more of a danger to the world, De-stabilizing the middle east, and Europe, isn't what I like to see in a potential candidate!:eusa_whistle:

I think you and I finally agree on something. :eusa_clap:

We would be a lot safer if our troops weren't on the other side of the world fighting an unnecessary war. Defend our borders rather than Europe's, Asia's, or the Middle-east.
Like locking down the market and strolling through the streets claiming the life in general was safe as could be.. Can we say BS photo opp...

Yes, we can, as long as the words "Barack Obama" are in front of it.
You know, I think John McCain, Dubya, Sarah Palin, Joe Lieberman and Dick Cheney should all go on a weekend hunting trip. :eusa_whistle:

The last man (or woman) standing gets the POTUS Nomination for the GOP.

May the bullets errr person win. :D

Btw, my money would be on Sarah Palin or Dick Cheney if he gets the element of surprise.

In the face of Vladimir Putin, I would not recomend giving positions based on martial skill.
Add Putin to that bunch and you have a Scream like film where Putin kills everyone (apart from someone who Dick Cheney accidentally shoots) and Palin has a chance of beeing the final girl.

Would make for an awesome comedy though.
Talk is one thing...policies quite another.

I see nothing in McCain's platform that leads me to think he's truly interested in changing things too much.

His plan is to continue starving the beast as far as I can tell.

And that, my friends, is not much a change in direction from where we've been headed for at least the last 8 years.
are you not a fucking citizen of this country? shit ain't free, as the cons are always telling us.

Of course we need to pay for it dummy, we benefit from it.

I don't see why I need to be paying for your healthcare, or anyone else's. I don't see why I need to be paying for all the projects Obama wants to put into government, when I won't be benefiting from them. I'd rather pay for the war in Iraq than for someone's welfare, at least I can see the benefits of the war.
I don't see why I need to be paying for your healthcare, or anyone else's. I don't see why I need to be paying for all the projects Obama wants to put into government, when I won't be benefiting from them. I'd rather pay for the war in Iraq than for someone's welfare, at least I can see the benefits of the war.

Well, you have the best of both worlds cause your not paying for healthcare, china is paying for the war and your grandkids are going to pick up the tab..

see.. everything is perfect in the United States of Sanders...

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