One Trump appointee restrains an out-of-control agency


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Who’s ever heard of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

Since its creation in the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, the agency has done little more than become the poster child for bureaucratic excess. In 2011, the bureau employed 58 people. By 2017, that number had grown to nearly 1,700.

It’s no wonder that in its almost eight years of existence the bureau managed to rack up more than $3.1 billion in regulatory costs from only 31 regulations.

What’s more, the bureau is the only government agency that doesn’t receive its funding appropriations from Congress and, instead, receives a fixed percentage of the Federal Reserve’s annual budget. This alone has made many, including Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, call its constitutional existence into question.

Who in the hell dreams up these things? Don’t they do any consideration of what might happen after the damn thing go into effect. Don’t we give Congresspeople massive amount of money to hire staff and get feedback from agencies that might be affected?

More of this
@ How 1 Trump Official Restrained an Out-of-Control Agency

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