One way to solve "global warming" !


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Earth set for an ‘asteroid encounter’ THIS WEEK and 750ft space rock could be ‘potentially hazardous’

If it were to strike, its weight could impact with a force 300 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb, scientists have predicted.

They suggest a huge asteroid nine miles wide that blasted into the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago sent clouds of vaporised rock into the atmosphere, creating a “global winter” that made 75 per cent of plant and animal species extinct.

Earth set for an 'asteroid encounter' THIS WEEK and 230m space rock could be 'potentially hazardous'
American newspaper headlines:

LA Times: 'Earth To End Saturday. Undocumented Immigrants And Their Advocates To Hold Vigil Blaming U.S.'

San Francisco Chronicle: 'Last Gay Pride Parade This Saturday Morning'

The Seattle Times: 'Asteroid To Strike Earth. Democrats Angry Wealthy Americans Had Shelters Constructed By Low Wage Workers'

New York Times: 'Life To End Saturday. Women, Children And Minorities Hit Hardest'

Earth set for an ‘asteroid encounter’ THIS WEEK and 750ft space rock could be ‘potentially hazardous’

Nasa's eagle-eyed asteroid hunting team have spotted 1803 potentially hazardous asteroids

Earth set for an 'asteroid encounter' THIS WEEK and 230m space rock could be 'potentially hazardous'
American newspaper headlines:

LA Times: 'Earth To End Saturday. Undocumented Immigrants And Their Advocates To Hold Vigil Blaming U.S.'

San Francisco Chronicle: 'Last Gay Pride Parade This Saturday Morning'

The Seattle Times: 'Asteroid To Strike Earth. Democrats Angry Wealthy Americans Had Shelters Constructed By Low Wage Workers'

New York Times: 'Life To End Saturday. Women, Children And Minorities Hit Hardest'

Earth set for an ‘asteroid encounter’ THIS WEEK and 750ft space rock could be ‘potentially hazardous’

Nasa's eagle-eyed asteroid hunting team have spotted 1803 potentially hazardous asteroids

Earth set for an 'asteroid encounter' THIS WEEK and 230m space rock could be 'potentially hazardous'

Asteroid impact, cuz Fracking
Dude, you need to find better quality sources of information, ones that exercise more rigor than has The Sun in the article you linked in your OP.

From the Article:

A 750 foot ROCK hurtling through space will make a close encounter with Earth on Saturday, according to Nasa. But don’t cancel the BBQ just yet – it’s unlikely to smash into our planet. If it did [hit], it could potentially wipe out life as we know it. So Nasa is keeping an eye on it just in case.
Two things:
  1. There is no chance the mere impact of a 750 foot asteroid, even if it hit Earth, could "wipe out life as we know it."

    For a sense of perspective, consider this:
    -- an object the size of a 20 story building would "flatten all the buildings within five miles."
    -- a mile wide object hitting NYC would "flatten everything from D.C. to Boston."

    According to NASA, "if a rocky meteoroid larger than 25 meters but smaller than one kilometer ( a little more than 1/2 mile) were to hit Earth, it would likely cause local damage to the impact area. We believe anything larger than one to two kilometers (one kilometer is a little more than one-half mile) could have worldwide effects. At 5.4 kilometers in diameter, the largest known potentially hazardous asteroid is Toutatis."

  2. There'd be no point in NASA or anyone else "keeping an eye" on an "extinction event" sized asteroid/comet that is likely or certain to hit Earth once that certainty/likelihood has been established -- it's not as though there's a place one can go to avoid the calamity that will ensue. Of course, if one wants to spend one's few remaining days watching the asteroid/comet, well, on can.

    If such a large object were merely expected to pass close-by rather than impact Earth (or explode close to Earth's surface) "keeping an eye on it" for the sake of gathering information about it -- its composition, whether the Russians have hacked it (LOL), and so on -- will be soemthing scientists do, but not as a matter of "just in case" because the time for "just in case" will have passed if nothing could have been and was done to mitigate the effects of the object's, this Saturday, impacting our planet.
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This thread was originally in "Current Events." Now it's in "Conspiracy Theories." What exactly is conspiratorial about the topic of this thread?
Dude, you need to find better quality sources of information, ones that exercise more rigor than has The Sun in the article you linked in your OP.

From the Article:

A 750 foot ROCK hurtling through space will make a close encounter with Earth on Saturday, according to Nasa. But don’t cancel the BBQ just yet – it’s unlikely to smash into our planet. If it did [hit], it could potentially wipe out life as we know it. So Nasa is keeping an eye on it just in case.
Two things:
  1. There is no chance the mere impact of a 750 foot asteroid, even if it hit Earth, could "wipe out life as we know it."

    For a sense of perspective, consider this:
    -- an object the size of a 20 story building would "flatten all the buildings within five miles."
    -- a mile wide object hitting NYC would "flatten everything from D.C. to Boston."

    According to NASA, "if a rocky meteoroid larger than 25 meters but smaller than one kilometer ( a little more than 1/2 mile) were to hit Earth, it would likely cause local damage to the impact area. We believe anything larger than one to two kilometers (one kilometer is a little more than one-half mile) could have worldwide effects. At 5.4 kilometers in diameter, the largest known potentially hazardous asteroid is Toutatis."

  2. There'd be no point in NASA or anyone else "keeping an eye" on an "extinction event" sized asteroid/comet that is likely or certain to hit Earth once that certainty/likelihood has been established -- it's not as though there's a place one can go to avoid the calamity that will ensue. Of course, if one wants to spend one's few remaining days watching the asteroid/comet, well, on can.

    If such a large object were merely expected to pass close-by rather than impact Earth (or explode close to Earth's surface) "keeping an eye on it" for the sake of gathering information about it -- its composition, whether the Russians have hacked it (LOL), and so on -- will be soemthing scientists do, but not as a matter of "just in case" because the time for "just in case" will have passed if nothing could have been and was done to mitigate the effects of the object's, this Saturday, impacting our planet.

Just to correct you...
This was from the article IF YOU took time to read it!!!

They suggest a huge asteroid nine miles wide that blasted into the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago sent clouds of vaporised rock into the atmosphere, creating a “global winter” that made 75 per cent of plant and animal species extinct.

Earth set for an 'asteroid encounter' THIS WEEK and 230m space rock could be 'potentially hazardous'

Now THAT was what I was referring to as a 750FT diameter would cause massive destruction but nothing compared to a 9 mile wide asteroid!
Read closer... but again I was doing what the MSM does... titillating you with blown out of proportion HEADLINE KNOWING you won't read the rest!

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