One week in.....the carnage promised....has begun....Steve Harvey are you listening?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Everybody said, and I quote....lets give him a chance. I personally had expected that chance to span over at least 100...instead, in less than one week, here's the carnage:

Created a poster for radical islamics to recruit from by banning US muslims...check out the news
Importing illegals, the bad ones...something OBama was already doing, duh
Abortion and Global health restricitions on funding, let the carnage begin babies mo problems
TTP, that never was...duh
The jobs man, banned gov. hiring
Banned rate cuts on housing....white people will now pay more
ACA with nothing to replace it
Pipelines that add 32 permanent jobs to the economy
Alienated Mexico our ally and closes neighbor
But the worst thing of all he's done in 7 days

What if all the muslims to date, who are helping US soldiers, who were promised refuge in the US someday, what if they all turned on us???? This is a dangerous game Trump is playing, very very dangerous...He's putting US soldiers, not his son's, but our kids our families at risk!!
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Trump is da man!!! ..... :thup:
Trump is gonna get us all killed you dumb white racist fool...wake the fuck up, this ain't your grand daddy's times...these people are not to be played with....home grown terrorist will emerge from all this and I hope one is your neighbor, bitch
Any more false claims, TR? Let's get them all out there so we can debunk them at the same time.
hmmm considering the rediculious proposal of events given here, I think I'd rather set up a firing line to mow down idiot drug cartel operatives from Mexico than eat nukes from Russia. It's quite efficient, two birds with one stone and all.
Trump is gonna get us all killed you dumb white racist fool...wake the fuck up, this ain't your grand daddy's times...these people are not to be played with....home grown terrorist will emerge from all this and I hope one is your neighbor, bitch
Get a grip Tiger. ...... :lol:
Trump is gonna get us all killed you dumb white racist fool...wake the fuck up, this ain't your grand daddy's times...these people are not to be played with....home grown terrorist will emerge from all this and I hope one is your neighbor, bitch
Get a grip Tiger. ...... :lol:
What if all those people helping our soldiers as we speak, all promised refuge in the US someday, what if they all turned on these guys? We are playing with fire and its not right, Suni, its not right
If fleeing refugees seeking shelter in the US turn on our fucking solders then there is absolutely no way in fucking hell I want them in this country. Do you think before you write woman?!?
Trump is gonna get us all killed you dumb white racist fool...wake the fuck up, this ain't your grand daddy's times...these people are not to be played with....home grown terrorist will emerge from all this and I hope one is your neighbor, bitch
Get a grip Tiger. ...... :lol:
What if all those people helping our soldiers as we speak, all promised refuge in the US someday, what if they all turned on these guys? We are playing with fire and its not right, Suni, its not right

What soldiers? Our soldiers don't deal with refugees.
Everybody said, and I quote....lets give him a chance. I personally had expected that chance to span over at least 100...instead, in less than one week, here's the carnage:

Created a poster for radical islamics to recruit from by banning US muslims...check out the news
Importing illegals, the bad ones...something OBama was already doing, duh
Abortion and Global health restricitions on funding, let the carnage begin babies mo problems
TTP, that never was...duh
The jobs man, banned gov. hiring
Banned rate cuts on housing....white people will now pay more
ACA with nothing to replace it
Pipelines that add 32 permanent jobs to the economy
Alienated Mexico our ally and closes neighbor
But the worst thing of all he's done in 7 days

What if all the muslims to date, who are helping US soldiers, who were promised refuge in the US someday, what if they all turned on us???? This is a dangerous game Trump is playing, very very dangerous...He's putting US soldiers, not his son's, but our kids our families at risk!!
banning US muslims.
he did not ban us Muslims..
Importing illegals
he is not IMPORTING any illegals....duh....
theHawk Actually I think we do have soldiers over there to protect the US and UN refugee agencies or whatever, however I'll retract part of my comment and say 'people helping them leave' in place of soldiers absent my desire to dig into it.
What pisses off the left is that what the Donald promised he would do is actually being accomplished.

One very important fact remains, if those opposed to Obama had protested, set fires, broke windows, called for his assassination, or conducted themselves in this manor the DOJ would have had a field day.

What is more disturbing is that the former pretender in chief, sec of state.... and cadre of loyal progressive minions didn't defuse the unrest, accept defeat like educated adults they claim to be, instead they immediately stoked the fires and had a temper tantrum.

Now America understands who the real spoiled loser is.
Everybody said, and I quote....lets give him a chance. I personally had expected that chance to span over at least 100...instead, in less than one week, here's the carnage:

Created a poster for radical islamics to recruit from by banning US muslims...check out the news
Importing illegals, the bad ones...something OBama was already doing, duh
Abortion and Global health restricitions on funding, let the carnage begin babies mo problems
TTP, that never was...duh
The jobs man, banned gov. hiring
Banned rate cuts on housing....white people will now pay more
ACA with nothing to replace it
Pipelines that add 32 permanent jobs to the economy
Alienated Mexico our ally and closes neighbor
But the worst thing of all he's done in 7 days

What if all the muslims to date, who are helping US soldiers, who were promised refuge in the US someday, what if they all turned on us???? This is a dangerous game Trump is playing, very very dangerous...He's putting US soldiers, not his son's, but our kids our families at risk!!

"Created a poster for radical islamics to recruit from by banning US muslims...check out the news"

Really? Muslims have a God given right to come over here and squat and not assimilate like they haven't done in

"Importing illegals, the bad ones...something OBama was already doing, duh"

No, Trump wants to DE-PORT illegals that have committed crimes instead of letting them loose like the Barrypuppet did.....

"Abortion and Global health restricitions on funding, let the carnage begin babies mo problems"

Why should we fund or subsidize abortions here or anywhere else in the world? Why do people fuck sans birth control if they are in such a bad circumstance? "Hey, honey....did you find any work or food today" Answer: "Nope, looks like we go hungry....btw let's get it on tonight"...WTF???

"TTP, that never was...duh"

Nope, it would have been signed off on had the Hitlery klunt gotten in and it would have been the last nail in the coffin of the middle class.

"The jobs man, banned gov. hiring"
Yeah, we don't have enough "gubermint" workers sucking off the public teat working for a department that produces nothing...,..are you REALLY this fucking stupid???

"Banned rate cuts on housing....white people will now pay more"

This program was only put in place at the very end of the Barrypuppet reign of stupidity and it ended up being a victim of the freeze on all implementations of "hurried" E.O's.......again you don't have a fucking clue.

"ACA with nothing to replace it"

That 2,700 pork-filled piece of tax-rasing legislation that was back-doored by the commie left should have never been passed to begin with. For every one person it helped, it fucked over 10 and turned full-time employees into part-timers so get around the "full-timers must have subsidized health insurance" rule.....great job of thinking that one out. It was a health plan written by the very insurers Barrypuppet claimed he was going to "rein in"...what a fucking joke.

"Pipelines that add 32 permanent jobs to the economy"

Yeah, energy independence is a bad's horrific!!! Let's keep buying foreign oil and having it refined in other countries and then shipped thousands of miles further increasing the cost of getting to a job in order to eek out an you bicycle to the bank to cash/deposit your welfare check or do you simply receive a debit card???

"Alienated Mexico our ally and closes neighbor"

With friends like that, who needs enemies? For 50 years they have been pawning off their poorest and least educated on us while sucking up tax dollars via the entitlement programs, increasing the cost of healthcare and squirting out anchor babies. We have been invaded but the weapon of choice has been the uterus of Mexican women...they certainly don't come across to get an abortion but to drop anchor at 5K a pop that we pay for and then they send remittances home to Mexico to the tune of 20 BILLION dollars a year. I have no doubt that the Mexican government (that treats illegals from other countries like shit) are soiling themselves at the prospect of caring for those that they pawn off on us.,...tough shit.

But the worst thing of all he's done in 7 days

CNN lied, kiddo.....bottom line.

Educating your stupid ass can be exhausting but I hold out hope that you will eventually "get it" hope is waning these days.

Trump gets a "10"....a perfect score for his one week's worth of work......good on him.
Everybody said, and I quote....lets give him a chance. I personally had expected that chance to span over at least 100...instead, in less than one week, here's the carnage:

Created a poster for radical islamics to recruit from by banning US muslims...check out the news
Importing illegals, the bad ones...something OBama was already doing, duh
Abortion and Global health restricitions on funding, let the carnage begin babies mo problems
TTP, that never was...duh
The jobs man, banned gov. hiring
Banned rate cuts on housing....white people will now pay more
ACA with nothing to replace it
Pipelines that add 32 permanent jobs to the economy
Alienated Mexico our ally and closes neighbor
But the worst thing of all he's done in 7 days

What if all the muslims to date, who are helping US soldiers, who were promised refuge in the US someday, what if they all turned on us???? This is a dangerous game Trump is playing, very very dangerous...He's putting US soldiers, not his son's, but our kids our families at risk!!
banning US muslims.
he did not ban us Muslims..
Importing illegals
he is not IMPORTING any illegals....duh....
I know I know, its called "alternative facts and he's a business man" essence stick you head in the white sand and ignore reality, gotcha!!
What pisses off the left is that what the Donald promised he would do is actually being accomplished.

One very important fact remains, if those opposed to Obama had protested, set fires, broke windows, called for his assassination, or conducted themselves in this manor the DOJ would have had a field day.

What is more disturbing is that the former pretender in chief, sec of state.... and cadre of loyal progressive minions didn't defuse the unrest, accept defeat like educated adults they claim to be, instead they immediately stoked the fires and had a temper tantrum.

Now America understands who the real spoiled loser is.
Other than signing a bunch of worthless shit papers, has your paycheck changed one notch and and and have you decided on which high paying job you wanna take yet? Cause the rest of the bullshit he's promised you nuts, ain't working too well, now is it? You nuts are gonna be paying for a fuckin wall that's gonna cost millions, pissing off them latino's that make you white guys some serious coins on this side of the fence. The Muslims are about to go ballistic on this country very soon and know and I know, that shit is gonna take YEARS.... so do tell, Mr. stupid ass white shit for brains fuck, what has this nuts done other than make white ingrates happy?
This is refreshing after eight years of Obungle's carnage ...and ineptness
Things were so much better when we were losing 745,000 jobs a month and the DOW was 7,000 and we were killing our own looking for wmds that weren`t there. How dumb are you sassyass?
Trump is da man!!! ..... :thup:
Trump is gonna get us all killed you dumb white racist fool...wake the fuck up, this ain't your grand daddy's times...these people are not to be played with....home grown terrorist will emerge from all this and I hope one is your neighbor, bitch

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