One Year After the Greatest Steal in History

Your the one who cries whenever people like me point out that it was a huge swindle.
Me crying? I enjoy seeing you upset with the outcome of the last election.

Does it make you upset that Trump lost? Does it make you upset that you think it was stolen? GOOD.

Keep crying for me you little bitch. Your tears make me happy.
Whoop ass? LoL.

You’re not going to do anything other than whine on an anonymous message board.
Thanks to liberals in Congress and the Deep State. We're not allowed to protest anymore, you'll throw people in jail for protesting like you did on January 6.
Rome isn’t burning and the sky isn’t falling.

You crybabies are just being emotional because your guy lost.
The country is going downhill very fast. If you cannot see that you got problems. And Trump did not lose he was defrauded.

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