One Year Later and the Media is Still Crapping in It's Pants Over Trump


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The media is unhinged and just throwing anything it can at Trump to discredit him and when they do that, they destroy their own reputation for objective reporting in the minds of those that previously have not been paying that much attention.

The unhinged coverage of all Trump scandals, real and imagined, has cost the media in the eyes of the public, among whom only 39 percent said they had a “great deal” or even “some” confidence in news outlets last November.

In the following months, the media tried to sell the idea that Trump supporters had been conned by “fake news” (based on a minuscule amount of Russian spending on Facebook propaganda that added up to the cost of less than a single airing of one commercial on a prime-time network TV show). But the cry of “fake news” was thrown right back in their face by Trump fans who sensed the claim was simply an attempt to distract from uncomfortable truths about Clinton’s shortcomings.

As of last month, still only 48 percent of Americans said they trusted the media, with 45 percent saying they have “hardly any” confidence in it. In other words, it’s basically a coin flip as to whether or not any given American thinks the media is just making stuff up. They aren’t, usually. But with every fashion glossy and sitcom star still beating a drum for Hillary a year after the election, while bashing Trump and everything he stands for from the front page to the sports section, can you blame people for losing respect for the press?

The media are correct in thinking they have an important duty in the Trump era. But the people are correct in noticing that the media is filtering everything through an obsessive hatred for Trump.​
That Soros owned Media was, is and will be spreading lies about Trump and everything else.

Trump is rich enough to find some honest journalists (hopefully, they still exist in the West!) and to start an alternative Media source which will produce and deliver the TRUTH about events in USA and abroad for change.
Americans deserve to know the truth, I think they will appreciate it (I can see how they are thirsty for the truth on this forum) and the new source of truth will be super popular. So far so many Americans are ignorant just because they keep watching fake news, it HAS to be changed!
and since they hate him - they feel it's justified, which is making it worse. their emotional state of mind is more correct than anyone elses cause hey - they hate trump.

i get the hate; i do. i don't get the 1 sided attacks and total blind eye to your own in-house issues. that's the sign of a very insecure child in many aspects which is what the progressive left has become.

i don't want any president to fail. i do however, want some to succeed more than others in their goals. i don't like the division started just before obama with bush and i hate trump beating the shit out of it all in front of us. but that is what *we the people* have put into play and all i can do is hope we get smarter, not more emotional, as we grow.
That Soros owned Media was, is and will be spreading lies about Trump and everything else.

Trump is rich enough to find some honest journalists (hopefully, they still exist in the West!) and to start an alternative Media source which will produce and deliver the TRUTH about events in USA and abroad for change.
Americans deserve to know the truth, I think they will appreciate it (I can see how they are thirsty for the truth on this forum) and the new source of truth will be super popular. So far so many Americans are ignorant just because they keep watching fake news, it HAS to be changed!
For Truth Americans have to go to outside media, like UK press and Russian media.

For all its corruption and intimidation from the state, Russian media is far more reliable than the New York Times which was covering for Stalins starvation slaughters right along with Pravda.
That Soros owned Media was, is and will be spreading lies about Trump and everything else.

Trump is rich enough to find some honest journalists (hopefully, they still exist in the West!) and to start an alternative Media source which will produce and deliver the TRUTH about events in USA and abroad for change.
Americans deserve to know the truth, I think they will appreciate it (I can see how they are thirsty for the truth on this forum) and the new source of truth will be super popular. So far so many Americans are ignorant just because they keep watching fake news, it HAS to be changed!
For Truth Americans have to go to outside media, like UK press and Russian media.

For all its corruption and intimidation from the state, Russian media is far more reliable than the New York Times which was covering for Stalins starvation slaughters right along with Pravda.

So you think state controlled media in Russia is reliable? :laugh:
And that crap is posting here daily, crying like melted turds.
That Soros owned Media was, is and will be spreading lies about Trump and everything else.

Trump is rich enough to find some honest journalists (hopefully, they still exist in the West!) and to start an alternative Media source which will produce and deliver the TRUTH about events in USA and abroad for change.
Americans deserve to know the truth, I think they will appreciate it (I can see how they are thirsty for the truth on this forum) and the new source of truth will be super popular. So far so many Americans are ignorant just because they keep watching fake news, it HAS to be changed!
For Truth Americans have to go to outside media, like UK press and Russian media.

For all its corruption and intimidation from the state, Russian media is far more reliable than the New York Times which was covering for Stalins starvation slaughters right along with Pravda.
RT and Sputnik have been even forced to register as foreign agents in USA which violates the Constitutional Freedom of Speech.

RT and Sputnik seem to bring too much truth to the people of this country and to spoil liberal Media job of brainwashing.
Hildabeast was/is not fit for the presidency... She’s a two-time loser. Live with it bedwetters
Crapping on Trump comes naturally

When is Trump going to give them a reason to not crap on him?
The media is unhinged and just throwing anything it can at Trump to discredit him and when they do that, they destroy their own reputation for objective reporting in the minds of those that previously have not been paying that much attention.

The unhinged coverage of all Trump scandals, real and imagined, has cost the media in the eyes of the public, among whom only 39 percent said they had a “great deal” or even “some” confidence in news outlets last November.

In the following months, the media tried to sell the idea that Trump supporters had been conned by “fake news” (based on a minuscule amount of Russian spending on Facebook propaganda that added up to the cost of less than a single airing of one commercial on a prime-time network TV show). But the cry of “fake news” was thrown right back in their face by Trump fans who sensed the claim was simply an attempt to distract from uncomfortable truths about Clinton’s shortcomings.

As of last month, still only 48 percent of Americans said they trusted the media, with 45 percent saying they have “hardly any” confidence in it. In other words, it’s basically a coin flip as to whether or not any given American thinks the media is just making stuff up. They aren’t, usually. But with every fashion glossy and sitcom star still beating a drum for Hillary a year after the election, while bashing Trump and everything he stands for from the front page to the sports section, can you blame people for losing respect for the press?

The media are correct in thinking they have an important duty in the Trump era. But the people are correct in noticing that the media is filtering everything through an obsessive hatred for Trump.​
Trump is a gift that keeps giving. He can't keep his ignorant mouth shut.

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