Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Tax cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; Shareholders $171 billion

Wow, this is one of the most expensive tax cuts in history. And at a time when corporations are doing really, really well. Why not share with the workers?


ARC: Athens County back to 'distressed' status

This is Appalachia, the center of the Republican Party. The area that has the 10 poorest counties in the United States. Those counties being more than 98% white.

Why not pass some of those tax cuts along as wage increases for whites living in the Appalachia area?
It should not surprise anyone. Wages are not growing...
WRAPUP 1-U.S. job growth seen picking up, wage growth likely moderate
lol 401K's are a scam; if they weren't you wouldn't have them. Those of you who don't have them are better off.

Workers never get 'tax breaks', ever. They shouldn't be paying taxes in the first place, since wages aren't income, except in fake economic models invented in the late 20th century, so taxes could be shifted off on workers and away from already heavily subsidized big businesses.
How are 401K's a "scam?" .

Why not just buy lottery tickets? That's all you get with 401K's. What will the pot be when one retires? Round and round it goes, where it lands nobody knows.

Social Security is just fine, despite all the spin you get from idiots who want to 'manage' your 401K's for you, and loot them.
No one forces you to contribute to a 401k. That alone makes it orders of magnitude better than SS, which is a certifiable Ponzi Scheme. There's norhing "fine" about it. It's bankrupt.

lol it isn't 'bankrupt'; that's a load of rubbish. 401K's are trash bets,; so what if they're 'voluntary'? Most workers can't afford to put anything into them any more. guess how many people start drawing money out of them early? lol lol lol

Of course it's bankrupt. There isn't a dime of real money in the trust fund. 401Ks are "trash brets?" wrong. Virtually everyone comes out ahead when they put their money in a 401K. It's not gambling. Whether you have money to put in them or take it out early doesn't alter the fact that you still end up on the plus side financially.

Don't be ridiculous; it's fine. You've mistaken all those other govt. programs, like the Highyway Trust funds, military spending, etc. and other business subsidies that Congress will have to quit subsidizing with Social Security revenue in order to pay back all the corporate welfare and benniies paid out in order to make off-shoring profitable and keeping your Wall Street casino fat dumb and happy. Your 401L's are total shit without the 'globalism' labor racketeering scams feeding temporary profits into them. Guess what, those Red Chinese laborers can't keep subsidizing ever bigger and bigger stock market bubbles any longer, you goobers sent all the decent paying jobs that created the discretionary spending in the U.S. that made all that 'off-shoring' profitable in the first place, i.e. just the usual Wall Street Ponzi scheme wherein the govt. will end up paying for those 401K's as you math challenged ideologues continue to try and gut the U.S. domestic economy.

And, we see in this thread yet again the obvious fact that many of these right wingers have never filled out a tax return.
How are 401K's a "scam?" .

Why not just buy lottery tickets? That's all you get with 401K's. What will the pot be when one retires? Round and round it goes, where it lands nobody knows.

Social Security is just fine, despite all the spin you get from idiots who want to 'manage' your 401K's for you, and loot them.
No one forces you to contribute to a 401k. That alone makes it orders of magnitude better than SS, which is a certifiable Ponzi Scheme. There's norhing "fine" about it. It's bankrupt.

lol it isn't 'bankrupt'; that's a load of rubbish. 401K's are trash bets,; so what if they're 'voluntary'? Most workers can't afford to put anything into them any more. guess how many people start drawing money out of them early? lol lol lol

Of course it's bankrupt. There isn't a dime of real money in the trust fund. 401Ks are "trash brets?" wrong. Virtually everyone comes out ahead when they put their money in a 401K. It's not gambling. Whether you have money to put in them or take it out early doesn't alter the fact that you still end up on the plus side financially.

401k is a good supplement to Social Security

No, it's just a matter of dumb luck and hoping the market is up when one retires, is all. Wasn't long ago when George W. was bragging all about how his 'management' of the state's teachers retirement fund was making a lot of them 'millionaires'; now it's shit. Same for any of these right wing scams, all designed to loot the peasants, since real trade has been dropping for going on 50 years, and they can only run around bribing Congress to generate bubbles of one sort or another to generate more and more borrowing and more and more debt, followed by the usual theft, fraud, and bankruptcy waves.

And by the way the Fund did indeed do wonders, for George's buddies, that is; he sold a big building the Fund owned and sold it to some buddies for 30% of it's appraised value. That's his idea of 'good management', so technically he was telling the truth, by his standards of 'good management'.
No it doesn't damn you are stupid. Short term capital gains would be 12%, long term capital gains would be 0% but only up to about $70k anything over that and you have to pay tax on the gain. Neither has anything to do with the federal income tax standard deduction. If you live in liberal California well your screwed go look up their whopping 13% capital gain tax that's on top of the federal tax.


If my only income is Long term capital gains, can I claim deductions against it?

Yes, you can claim all allowable deductions, such as your Exemption and your Standard Deduction (or Itemized Deductions).

If my only income is Long term capital gains, can I claim deduct... - TurboTax Support

In this case the tax would be zero. So, if they had a 401K you claim the effective tax rate on that sixty grand withdrawal would be six percent. But, if they would have had long term capital gain instead the effective tax rate would be zero. And zero is less than six percent. Capital gains are almost always taxed lower than income. That is a problem, and even Ronald Reagan was opposed to such ignorance.

:itsok: and :auiqs.jpg:

Typical right wing behavior. Knee jerk reaction, smart ass comment, proven totally wrong, attempt to deflect, and never, ever, under any circumstances admit you were wrong. Again, long term capital gains tax rates are almost always lower. For a married couple taxes on capital gains don't even start until $77,200. Yet if that couple were out working they would have to start paying taxes after the first $13,350.

Typical Left Wing confusion.

I will be paying about $2K less in taxes this year than I would have had under the Obama rates.

If you aren't paying fewer taxes with the lower tax brackets and the higher deductions that will affect 75% of Americans then you are doing it wrong.

Go take your hate of more take home pay someplace else.

If you want to pay more taxes then just send a check to the IRS. Until then quit your bitching Moon Bat.
The ones complaining they aren’t getting any of the tax breaks are the ones that weren’t making enough to pay taxes anyway.

About 50% of the people in this country don't even pay income taxes. I suspect 95% of that 50% are Moon Bats.

What are they bitching about?

If my only income is Long term capital gains, can I claim deductions against it?

Yes, you can claim all allowable deductions, such as your Exemption and your Standard Deduction (or Itemized Deductions).

If my only income is Long term capital gains, can I claim deduct... - TurboTax Support

In this case the tax would be zero. So, if they had a 401K you claim the effective tax rate on that sixty grand withdrawal would be six percent. But, if they would have had long term capital gain instead the effective tax rate would be zero. And zero is less than six percent. Capital gains are almost always taxed lower than income. That is a problem, and even Ronald Reagan was opposed to such ignorance.

:itsok: and :auiqs.jpg:

Typical right wing behavior. Knee jerk reaction, smart ass comment, proven totally wrong, attempt to deflect, and never, ever, under any circumstances admit you were wrong. Again, long term capital gains tax rates are almost always lower. For a married couple taxes on capital gains don't even start until $77,200. Yet if that couple were out working they would have to start paying taxes after the first $13,350.

Typical Left Wing confusion.

I will be paying about $2K less in taxes this year than I would have had under the Obama rates.

If you aren't paying fewer taxes with the lower tax brackets and the higher deductions that will affect 75% of Americans then you are doing it wrong.

Go take your hate of more take home pay someplace else.

If you want to pay more taxes then just send a check to the IRS. Until then quit your bitching Moon Bat.
The ones complaining they aren’t getting any of the tax breaks are the ones that weren’t making enough to pay taxes anyway.

About 50% of the people in this country don't even pay income taxes. I suspect 95% of that 50% are Moon Bats.

What are they bitching about?
Well somehow if they aren’t paying less than zero the tax reductions weren’t “fair”. Hard to keep track of these idiots.
Why do lefties constantly whine about tax cuts and never tax increases? President Trump has been in office barely over 500 days so we can blame the "distressed areas" on Barry Hussein who vowed to keep West Virginia in poverty. Employment is at a new record and the economy is booming with more jobs created than can be filled. Give the guy a freaking chance.
Last edited:
How are 401K's a "scam?" .

Why not just buy lottery tickets? That's all you get with 401K's. What will the pot be when one retires? Round and round it goes, where it lands nobody knows.

Social Security is just fine, despite all the spin you get from idiots who want to 'manage' your 401K's for you, and loot them.
No one forces you to contribute to a 401k. That alone makes it orders of magnitude better than SS, which is a certifiable Ponzi Scheme. There's norhing "fine" about it. It's bankrupt.

lol it isn't 'bankrupt'; that's a load of rubbish. 401K's are trash bets,; so what if they're 'voluntary'? Most workers can't afford to put anything into them any more. guess how many people start drawing money out of them early? lol lol lol

Of course it's bankrupt. There isn't a dime of real money in the trust fund. 401Ks are "trash brets?" wrong. Virtually everyone comes out ahead when they put their money in a 401K. It's not gambling. Whether you have money to put in them or take it out early doesn't alter the fact that you still end up on the plus side financially.

Don't be ridiculous; it's fine. You've mistaken all those other govt. programs, like the Highyway Trust funds, military spending, etc. and other business subsidies that Congress will have to quit subsidizing with Social Security revenue in order to pay back all the corporate welfare and benniies paid out in order to make off-shoring profitable and keeping your Wall Street casino fat dumb and happy. Your 401L's are total shit without the 'globalism' labor racketeering scams feeding temporary profits into them. Guess what, those Red Chinese laborers can't keep subsidizing ever bigger and bigger stock market bubbles any longer, you goobers sent all the decent paying jobs that created the discretionary spending in the U.S. that made all that 'off-shoring' profitable in the first place, i.e. just the usual Wall Street Ponzi scheme wherein the govt. will end up paying for those 401K's as you math challenged ideologues continue to try and gut the U.S. domestic economy.

And, we see in this thread yet again the obvious fact that many of these right wingers have never filled out a tax return.
What does any of that babble have to do with the fact that SS is bankrupt? There is no money in the so-called "Trust Fund," and there never has been.
The standard deduction also applies to capital gains dipshit. So, in your case they would pay ZERO. Which is less zero or six percent.


No it doesn't damn you are stupid. Short term capital gains would be 12%, long term capital gains would be 0% but only up to about $70k anything over that and you have to pay tax on the gain. Neither has anything to do with the federal income tax standard deduction. If you live in liberal California well your screwed go look up their whopping 13% capital gain tax that's on top of the federal tax.


If my only income is Long term capital gains, can I claim deductions against it?

Yes, you can claim all allowable deductions, such as your Exemption and your Standard Deduction (or Itemized Deductions).

If my only income is Long term capital gains, can I claim deduct... - TurboTax Support

In this case the tax would be zero. So, if they had a 401K you claim the effective tax rate on that sixty grand withdrawal would be six percent. But, if they would have had long term capital gain instead the effective tax rate would be zero. And zero is less than six percent. Capital gains are almost always taxed lower than income. That is a problem, and even Ronald Reagan was opposed to such ignorance.

:itsok: and :auiqs.jpg:

Typical right wing behavior. Knee jerk reaction, smart ass comment, proven totally wrong, attempt to deflect, and never, ever, under any circumstances admit you were wrong. Again, long term capital gains tax rates are almost always lower. For a married couple taxes on capital gains don't even start until $77,200. Yet if that couple were out working they would have to start paying taxes after the first $13,350.

Just assume I'm right and you are wrong. For example, do you know what the new standard deduction is for a married couple? The answer is no you do not. Here this is for you :icon_rolleyes:

Doubling down on stupid I see. Of course I know what the new standard deduction is stupid shit. Do you know what the new personal exemption is? And your calculations on the sixty grand couple were wrong. They would have to pay $5,225.25. But if the sixty grand would have been long term capital gains they would have paid ZERO. Not only that, they could have had a hundred grand in capital gains and paid ZERO in taxes.

Think about that for a moment. You have one couple, retired in Florida, that take capital gains each year that are equivalent to $8,000 a month. They have a 401K but since they are under 70 and a half and their financial consultant sucks ass, well they just continue to let it grow.

Then you have another couple, worked hard all their life and manage to build a little 401K. They draw five grand a month, three grand less than the other couple. But they have to set aside over four hundred dollars a month to pay taxes. In what damn world does that seem appropriate?
Thank you, President Trump, for looking out for us beleaguered shareholders.

Finally, a President who thinks about us.
How are 401K's a "scam?" .

Why not just buy lottery tickets? That's all you get with 401K's. What will the pot be when one retires? Round and round it goes, where it lands nobody knows.

Social Security is just fine, despite all the spin you get from idiots who want to 'manage' your 401K's for you, and loot them.
No one forces you to contribute to a 401k. That alone makes it orders of magnitude better than SS, which is a certifiable Ponzi Scheme. There's norhing "fine" about it. It's bankrupt.

lol it isn't 'bankrupt'; that's a load of rubbish. 401K's are trash bets,; so what if they're 'voluntary'? Most workers can't afford to put anything into them any more. guess how many people start drawing money out of them early? lol lol lol

Of course it's bankrupt. There isn't a dime of real money in the trust fund. 401Ks are "trash brets?" wrong. Virtually everyone comes out ahead when they put their money in a 401K. It's not gambling. Whether you have money to put in them or take it out early doesn't alter the fact that you still end up on the plus side financially.

Don't be ridiculous; it's fine. You've mistaken all those other govt. programs, like the Highyway Trust funds, military spending, etc. and other business subsidies that Congress will have to quit subsidizing with Social Security revenue in order to pay back all the corporate welfare and benniies paid out in order to make off-shoring profitable and keeping your Wall Street casino fat dumb and happy. Your 401L's are total shit without the 'globalism' labor racketeering scams feeding temporary profits into them. Guess what, those Red Chinese laborers can't keep subsidizing ever bigger and bigger stock market bubbles any longer, you goobers sent all the decent paying jobs that created the discretionary spending in the U.S. that made all that 'off-shoring' profitable in the first place, i.e. just the usual Wall Street Ponzi scheme wherein the govt. will end up paying for those 401K's as you math challenged ideologues continue to try and gut the U.S. domestic economy.

And, we see in this thread yet again the obvious fact that many of these right wingers have never filled out a tax return.

And, we see in this thread yet again the obvious fact that many of these right wingers have never filled out a tax return.

LMAO, you got that right.
How are 401K's a "scam?" One thing is certain: they are a much better deal than Social Security. Now there's a genuine scam.

Well they are kind of a scam

In any other investment portfolio the gains would be taxed at capital gains rates where in a 401 the gains are taxed as regular income and the government tells you how much you have to take out every year or else they hit you with a huge penalty. The goal is to squeeze every tax dollar they can out of retirees before they croak
The gains aren't taxed in a 401K. I don't know where you get that information. You never pay taxes on it unless you cash it out.

He's asking why 401k gains are not taxed at the lower capital gains rate vs federal/state income tax rate. The capital gains rate would be higher for most people this poster shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
It's not just the fact that the gains are taxed as regular income it's the minimum required withdrawals that guarantee that retirees get every possible tax dollar squeezed out of them before they croak

And you have no idea what the taxes will be when you retire do you?

The theory of this whole scheme is you put money into an IRA or 401k tax deferred. Your investments grow using both your money and the government's money e.g. the deferred income taxes. Its assumed that when you retire and have to pay income tax on these savings your tax rate will be lower than when you were working. So I get to make money on my money, the governments money, my retirement savings grow faster, and when I retire I'll pay a lower tax rate vs paying those taxes when I was making more money working full time. Not true in 100% of cases but true for the vast majority of retirees.

The fact is that you don't know what you are going to need to live on in retirement an you don't know what the tax brackets will be then either,

The one thing you do know is that because of the minimum required withdrawals is that the government is going to squeeze every tax dollar it can out of you and will make sure there's not much left to leave to anyone.
Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Tax cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; Shareholders $171 billion

Wow, this is one of the most expensive tax cuts in history. And at a time when corporations are doing really, really well. Why not share with the workers?


ARC: Athens County back to 'distressed' status

This is Appalachia, the center of the Republican Party. The area that has the 10 poorest counties in the United States. Those counties being more than 98% white.

Why not pass some of those tax cuts along as wage increases for whites living in the Appalachia area?

lol 401K's are a scam; if they weren't you wouldn't have them. Those of you who don't have them are better off.

Workers never get 'tax breaks', ever. They shouldn't be paying taxes in the first place, since wages aren't income, except in fake economic models invented in the late 20th century, so taxes could be shifted off on workers and away from already heavily subsidized big businesses.
How are 401K's a "scam?" One thing is certain: they are a much better deal than Social Security. Now there's a genuine scam.

Well they are kind of a scam

In any other investment portfolio the gains would be taxed at capital gains rates where in a 401 the gains are taxed as regular income and the government tells you how much you have to take out every year or else they hit you with a huge penalty. The goal is to squeeze every tax dollar they can out of retirees before they croak
The gains aren't taxed in a 401K. I don't know where you get that information. You never pay taxes on it unless you cash it out.

He's asking why 401k gains are not taxed at the lower capital gains rate vs federal/state income tax rate. The capital gains rate would be higher for most people this poster shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

That is just ignorant as hell. The capital gains tax rate is 15%, anyone making over $38,700 is going to pay more.
I don't know about you but I sure as hell plan on living on more than that in retirement
Well they are kind of a scam

In any other investment portfolio the gains would be taxed at capital gains rates where in a 401 the gains are taxed as regular income and the government tells you how much you have to take out every year or else they hit you with a huge penalty. The goal is to squeeze every tax dollar they can out of retirees before they croak
The gains aren't taxed in a 401K. I don't know where you get that information. You never pay taxes on it unless you cash it out.

He's asking why 401k gains are not taxed at the lower capital gains rate vs federal/state income tax rate. The capital gains rate would be higher for most people this poster shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
It's not just the fact that the gains are taxed as regular income it's the minimum required withdrawals that guarantee that retirees get every possible tax dollar squeezed out of them before they croak

And you have no idea what the taxes will be when you retire do you?

The theory of this whole scheme is you put money into an IRA or 401k tax deferred. Your investments grow using both your money and the government's money e.g. the deferred income taxes. Its assumed that when you retire and have to pay income tax on these savings your tax rate will be lower than when you were working. So I get to make money on my money, the governments money, my retirement savings grow faster, and when I retire I'll pay a lower tax rate vs paying those taxes when I was making more money working full time. Not true in 100% of cases but true for the vast majority of retirees.
It isn't the government's money.

It kind of is because they make all the rules on when you can use, how much you have to take out every year etc.
No it doesn't damn you are stupid. Short term capital gains would be 12%, long term capital gains would be 0% but only up to about $70k anything over that and you have to pay tax on the gain. Neither has anything to do with the federal income tax standard deduction. If you live in liberal California well your screwed go look up their whopping 13% capital gain tax that's on top of the federal tax.


If my only income is Long term capital gains, can I claim deductions against it?

Yes, you can claim all allowable deductions, such as your Exemption and your Standard Deduction (or Itemized Deductions).

If my only income is Long term capital gains, can I claim deduct... - TurboTax Support

In this case the tax would be zero. So, if they had a 401K you claim the effective tax rate on that sixty grand withdrawal would be six percent. But, if they would have had long term capital gain instead the effective tax rate would be zero. And zero is less than six percent. Capital gains are almost always taxed lower than income. That is a problem, and even Ronald Reagan was opposed to such ignorance.

:itsok: and :auiqs.jpg:

Typical right wing behavior. Knee jerk reaction, smart ass comment, proven totally wrong, attempt to deflect, and never, ever, under any circumstances admit you were wrong. Again, long term capital gains tax rates are almost always lower. For a married couple taxes on capital gains don't even start until $77,200. Yet if that couple were out working they would have to start paying taxes after the first $13,350.

Just assume I'm right and you are wrong. For example, do you know what the new standard deduction is for a married couple? The answer is no you do not. Here this is for you :icon_rolleyes:

Doubling down on stupid I see. Of course I know what the new standard deduction is stupid shit. Do you know what the new personal exemption is? And your calculations on the sixty grand couple were wrong. They would have to pay $5,225.25. But if the sixty grand would have been long term capital gains they would have paid ZERO. Not only that, they could have had a hundred grand in capital gains and paid ZERO in taxes.

Think about that for a moment. You have one couple, retired in Florida, that take capital gains each year that are equivalent to $8,000 a month. They have a 401K but since they are under 70 and a half and their financial consultant sucks ass, well they just continue to let it grow.

Then you have another couple, worked hard all their life and manage to build a little 401K. They draw five grand a month, three grand less than the other couple. But they have to set aside over four hundred dollars a month to pay taxes. In what damn world does that seem appropriate?

LOL my calculations are wrong? Take it up with H&R Block you moron, you may go now I'm done with you. :auiqs.jpg:
No one forces you to contribute to a 401k. That alone makes it orders of magnitude better than SS, which is a certifiable Ponzi Scheme. There's norhing "fine" about it. It's bankrupt.

lol it isn't 'bankrupt'; that's a load of rubbish. 401K's are trash bets,; so what if they're 'voluntary'? Most workers can't afford to put anything into them any more. guess how many people start drawing money out of them early? lol lol lol

Of course it's bankrupt. There isn't a dime of real money in the trust fund. 401Ks are "trash brets?" wrong. Virtually everyone comes out ahead when they put their money in a 401K. It's not gambling. Whether you have money to put in them or take it out early doesn't alter the fact that you still end up on the plus side financially.

401k is a good supplement to Social Security

No SS is a supplement to your own retirement savings

and you'd be better off with a Roth IRA

You are better off having a diversified retirement

Annuity, savings, home ownership

Annuities are a suckers purchase.
Well they are kind of a scam

In any other investment portfolio the gains would be taxed at capital gains rates where in a 401 the gains are taxed as regular income and the government tells you how much you have to take out every year or else they hit you with a huge penalty. The goal is to squeeze every tax dollar they can out of retirees before they croak
The gains aren't taxed in a 401K. I don't know where you get that information. You never pay taxes on it unless you cash it out.

He's asking why 401k gains are not taxed at the lower capital gains rate vs federal/state income tax rate. The capital gains rate would be higher for most people this poster shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
It's not just the fact that the gains are taxed as regular income it's the minimum required withdrawals that guarantee that retirees get every possible tax dollar squeezed out of them before they croak

And you have no idea what the taxes will be when you retire do you?

The theory of this whole scheme is you put money into an IRA or 401k tax deferred. Your investments grow using both your money and the government's money e.g. the deferred income taxes. Its assumed that when you retire and have to pay income tax on these savings your tax rate will be lower than when you were working. So I get to make money on my money, the governments money, my retirement savings grow faster, and when I retire I'll pay a lower tax rate vs paying those taxes when I was making more money working full time. Not true in 100% of cases but true for the vast majority of retirees.

The fact is that you don't know what you are going to need to live on in retirement an you don't know what the tax brackets will be then either,

The one thing you do know is that because of the minimum required withdrawals is that the government is going to squeeze every tax dollar it can out of you and will make sure there's not much left to leave to anyone.

Doesn't really matter I'm in the top 3% of earners and I live in a state with no state income tax :muahaha:
Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Tax cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; Shareholders $171 billion

Wow, this is one of the most expensive tax cuts in history. And at a time when corporations are doing really, really well. Why not share with the workers?


ARC: Athens County back to 'distressed' status

This is Appalachia, the center of the Republican Party. The area that has the 10 poorest counties in the United States. Those counties being more than 98% white.

Why not pass some of those tax cuts along as wage increases for whites living in the Appalachia area?
So what?

Business owners have no obligation to give their tax savings to employees
Then the economy won’t grow.

So what

Business owners have no obligation to grow the economy

But even if business owners didn't give away their money to employees the economy can still grow. Maybe the buy new equipment and expand their businesses and hire more people. May be the business owners will buy a new house or a new car or invest more

all those things still grow the economy

Paying people more than their job is worth to the marketplace isn't always the best choice
If it doesn’t grow we will continue to go deeply in debt: The tax break is dependent on growth.

So what?

The debt doesn't matter to anyone so I don't give a flying fuck about it all I care about is keeping as much of my own money as I possibly can
Why not just buy lottery tickets? That's all you get with 401K's. What will the pot be when one retires? Round and round it goes, where it lands nobody knows.

Social Security is just fine, despite all the spin you get from idiots who want to 'manage' your 401K's for you, and loot them.
No one forces you to contribute to a 401k. That alone makes it orders of magnitude better than SS, which is a certifiable Ponzi Scheme. There's norhing "fine" about it. It's bankrupt.

lol it isn't 'bankrupt'; that's a load of rubbish. 401K's are trash bets,; so what if they're 'voluntary'? Most workers can't afford to put anything into them any more. guess how many people start drawing money out of them early? lol lol lol

Of course it's bankrupt. There isn't a dime of real money in the trust fund. 401Ks are "trash brets?" wrong. Virtually everyone comes out ahead when they put their money in a 401K. It's not gambling. Whether you have money to put in them or take it out early doesn't alter the fact that you still end up on the plus side financially.

Don't be ridiculous; it's fine. You've mistaken all those other govt. programs, like the Highyway Trust funds, military spending, etc. and other business subsidies that Congress will have to quit subsidizing with Social Security revenue in order to pay back all the corporate welfare and benniies paid out in order to make off-shoring profitable and keeping your Wall Street casino fat dumb and happy. Your 401L's are total shit without the 'globalism' labor racketeering scams feeding temporary profits into them. Guess what, those Red Chinese laborers can't keep subsidizing ever bigger and bigger stock market bubbles any longer, you goobers sent all the decent paying jobs that created the discretionary spending in the U.S. that made all that 'off-shoring' profitable in the first place, i.e. just the usual Wall Street Ponzi scheme wherein the govt. will end up paying for those 401K's as you math challenged ideologues continue to try and gut the U.S. domestic economy.

And, we see in this thread yet again the obvious fact that many of these right wingers have never filled out a tax return.

And, we see in this thread yet again the obvious fact that many of these right wingers have never filled out a tax return.

LMAO, you got that right.
You actually thinking your base pays taxes from their mommy’s basement and that degree in gender studies is what’s funny.

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