The only one of those I take issue with is "pro-Union". The Union would have to be a-political and work its heart out for its members. Not many around like that these days. Too many are just corrupt thugs.


Hmm, and yet 62% of Americans in 2018 had supported Unions, or a majority.

If you hate unions so much, let me ask you if you'd rather work non-Union, or Union?

Most people will pick Union, simply because of the perks.

Since the decline of Unions, real wages have flatlined, and the influx of illegals from Mexico, and outflux of manufacturing to China have increased.

Its NOT Unions which are the problem, its actually greedy Capitalist cretins.

Put me down for Non-Union, any day of the week.

LOL, Only an idiot would do that.

Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.
Pelosi wants to install herself as Emperor.

Hmm, but Trump doesn't?
Too funny.

Yep, go with Plan B...dumbass.

She wants to impeach Pence and said so, and her liberal friends in The Media have been putting up trial balloons for Pelosi to go after Pence the second she can oust The President.

We need a 3rd party, of working class values, major middle class tax cuts, pro-Union, anti-Illegal immigrant, anti-Abortion, against cuts to the poor.

This Democrat vs Republican thing just isn't panning out.

We're way too deep into a two party system. No one has the time or money to create a 3rd party. And even if a 3rd party was created, the two current parties would destroy the 3rd.

We already have more than two parties. It's just that very few vote for them.
Hmm, and yet 62% of Americans in 2018 had supported Unions, or a majority.

If you hate unions so much, let me ask you if you'd rather work non-Union, or Union?

Most people will pick Union, simply because of the perks.

Since the decline of Unions, real wages have flatlined, and the influx of illegals from Mexico, and outflux of manufacturing to China have increased.

Its NOT Unions which are the problem, its actually greedy Capitalist cretins.

Put me down for Non-Union, any day of the week.

LOL, Only an idiot would do that.

Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

Yep, certainly not surprised you're pro union, some people need to be told what to do and when to do it.

The tired argument by Repugencvnts, AKA Individualist savages don't pan out very well.

You claim unions deter manufacturing, and solid job creation in America, leading to a massive spike in outsourcing manufacturing to hostile China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.

Meanwhile, the Crapitalist scums have ACTUALLY increased outsourcing to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico since the decline of Union jobs.

The real wages have stagnated as a result.
Hmm, and yet 62% of Americans in 2018 had supported Unions, or a majority.

If you hate unions so much, let me ask you if you'd rather work non-Union, or Union?

Most people will pick Union, simply because of the perks.

Since the decline of Unions, real wages have flatlined, and the influx of illegals from Mexico, and outflux of manufacturing to China have increased.

Its NOT Unions which are the problem, its actually greedy Capitalist cretins.

Put me down for Non-Union, any day of the week.

LOL, Only an idiot would do that.

Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.

Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)
Put me down for Non-Union, any day of the week.

LOL, Only an idiot would do that.

Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

Yep, certainly not surprised you're pro union, some people need to be told what to do and when to do it.

The tired argument by Repugencvnts, AKA Individualist savages don't pan out very well.

You claim unions deter manufacturing, and solid job creation in America, leading to a massive spike in outsourcing manufacturing to hostile China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.

Meanwhile, the Crapitalist scums have ACTUALLY increased outsourcing to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico since the decline of Union jobs.

The real wages have stagnated as a result.

Mexicans along with immigrants from other countries have been coming here with unions and without. Unions have nothing to do with it. What has to do with it is the Democrat party welcoming them in. In fact, New York is now considering giving illegals drivers licenses. They join 16 other states that are already doing so.
Put me down for Non-Union, any day of the week.

LOL, Only an idiot would do that.

Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.

Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)

Unions did help many American middle class families, but that was many many years ago. Not so much if at all these days.
Last edited:
LOL, Only an idiot would do that.

Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

Yep, certainly not surprised you're pro union, some people need to be told what to do and when to do it.

The tired argument by Repugencvnts, AKA Individualist savages don't pan out very well.

You claim unions deter manufacturing, and solid job creation in America, leading to a massive spike in outsourcing manufacturing to hostile China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.

Meanwhile, the Crapitalist scums have ACTUALLY increased outsourcing to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico since the decline of Union jobs.

The real wages have stagnated as a result.

Mexicans along with immigrants from other countries have been coming here with unions and without. Unions have nothing to do with it. What has to do with it is the Democrat party welcoming them in. In fact, New York is now considering giving illegals drivers licenses. They join 16 other states that are already doing so.

Most Illegals aren't Union, Illegals have been great for Capitalists, but nobody else.

Illegals bust unions, decline wages, cut people out of jobs, and then foot the tax tab onto you, just to bolster the profits, and greed of Crapitalist employer savages.

I don't support Democrats, nor Republicans.

Both are Individualist savages, and idiots.
Put me down for Non-Union, any day of the week.

LOL, Only an idiot would do that.

Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.

Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)

So do explain. How are you going to bring back unions and force Americans to buy their products? Union made products are much more expensive than imports, and nobody will buy them. That's how unions lost ground in the first place. Not immigration, not Reagan, not capitalists.

The consumer is what drives the economy, and the American consumer is focused on cheap products; cheap products that unions can't produce.
LOL, Only an idiot would do that.

Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.

Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)

So do explain. How are you going to bring back unions and force Americans to buy their products? Union made products are much more expensive than imports, and nobody will buy them. That's how unions lost ground in the first place. Not immigration, not Reagan, not capitalists.

The consumer is what drives the economy, and the American consumer is focused on cheap products; cheap products that unions can't produce.

Central planning is becoming increasingly urgent.

Especially with automation looming on the horizon.

I would have very specific plans.

A.) Throw those in jail who hire illegals.
B.) Sanctions against China.
C.) Tax breaks for those who manufacture in America, jail time for those who outsource.
D.) Taxing robots / artificial intelligence, to deter, and or promote betterment of our societal gains, in the looming automation fiasco.
E.) The creation of a centralized Government union, which promotes collective bargaining, and sets the wages which aren't too low, nor too high.
F.) Councils which work between the working masses, and the corporations.
Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.

Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)

So do explain. How are you going to bring back unions and force Americans to buy their products? Union made products are much more expensive than imports, and nobody will buy them. That's how unions lost ground in the first place. Not immigration, not Reagan, not capitalists.

The consumer is what drives the economy, and the American consumer is focused on cheap products; cheap products that unions can't produce.

Central planning is becoming increasingly urgent.

Especially with automation looming on the horizon.

I would have very specific plans.

A.) Throw those in jail who hire illegals.
B.) Sanctions against China.
C.) Tax breaks for those who manufacture in America, jail time for those who outsource.
D.) Taxing robots / artificial intelligence, to deter, and or promote betterment of our societal gains, in the looming automation fiasco.
E.) The creation of a centralized Government union, which promotes collective bargaining, and sets the wages which aren't too low, nor too high.
F.) Councils which work between the working masses, and the corporations.

So, in other words, because you're too fricken lazy to improve yourself or your job, you want to tax or fine everyone else (including robots). And for some stupid reason you feel money that goes to the government will end up in your pocket? Yep that certainly makes sense.
Yep, and only a lazy-ass slug would work union.

The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.

Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)

So do explain. How are you going to bring back unions and force Americans to buy their products? Union made products are much more expensive than imports, and nobody will buy them. That's how unions lost ground in the first place. Not immigration, not Reagan, not capitalists.

The consumer is what drives the economy, and the American consumer is focused on cheap products; cheap products that unions can't produce.

Central planning is becoming increasingly urgent.

Especially with automation looming on the horizon.

I would have very specific plans.

A.) Throw those in jail who hire illegals.
B.) Sanctions against China.
C.) Tax breaks for those who manufacture in America, jail time for those who outsource.
D.) Taxing robots / artificial intelligence, to deter, and or promote betterment of our societal gains, in the looming automation fiasco.
E.) The creation of a centralized Government union, which promotes collective bargaining, and sets the wages which aren't too low, nor too high.
F.) Councils which work between the working masses, and the corporations.

So you think isolationism will work? Didn't we try that years ago?

Tax automation. Let's look at that:

What do you think an industrial building would cost to build without backhoes, bulldozers, power chainsaws, cranes? How would you like to depend on the ice man putting ice in your refrigerator instead of the way refrigeration is today? How about having coal furnaces instead of the natural gas or electric models we have today?

You can't honestly say we would be living in a better world today without technology, because it would put more blue collar labor to work. While it does cost us jobs, it saves us money at the same time, and provides us more convenience.

I don't know how old you are, but let me tell you, sitting at your desk to write checks to every company you owed money to was time consuming. Today, you go online and pay all your bills in less than 60 seconds. No need to run out to the mailbox, and hope the payment doesn't get lost, or that it gets there on time.

Should we get rid of the internet as well? After all, the internet puts mail carriers out of work thanks to email. It put ticket booth employees out of work because today, you go online, buy your tickets to wherever, and print them out on your copy machine. Look at all the stores Amazon is closing down because of online sales. Think of the tens of thousands of people out of work because of Amazon.

Foreign Trade Angst
The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.

Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)

So do explain. How are you going to bring back unions and force Americans to buy their products? Union made products are much more expensive than imports, and nobody will buy them. That's how unions lost ground in the first place. Not immigration, not Reagan, not capitalists.

The consumer is what drives the economy, and the American consumer is focused on cheap products; cheap products that unions can't produce.

Central planning is becoming increasingly urgent.

Especially with automation looming on the horizon.

I would have very specific plans.

A.) Throw those in jail who hire illegals.
B.) Sanctions against China.
C.) Tax breaks for those who manufacture in America, jail time for those who outsource.
D.) Taxing robots / artificial intelligence, to deter, and or promote betterment of our societal gains, in the looming automation fiasco.
E.) The creation of a centralized Government union, which promotes collective bargaining, and sets the wages which aren't too low, nor too high.
F.) Councils which work between the working masses, and the corporations.

So, in other words, because you're too fricken lazy to improve yourself or your job, you want to tax or fine everyone else (including robots). And for some stupid reason you feel money that goes to the government will end up in your pocket? Yep that certainly makes sense.

My household made roughly $300,000 last year.

But, that's not the point.

Economics, culture you know the things that mater most, are being collapsed by the Individualist Capitalist elite.

You'd have to be blind to not grasp it.

Individualists are intellectually detached, and emotionally detached.

I'm convinced you're genetic trash, anybody who's an Individualist is pretty much admitting to being a lesser beast.
The best way to get the economy rolling, is to have the middle class settle for less.

You British Protestant scums are truly a race of genetic trash.

I can't quite grasp why the USA South fights unions, and social programs.

Considering Protestant numbskulls down South, tend to get far more social programs, an tend to lose out due to rejecting union jobs, which lead to lesser pay & lesser benefits.

In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.

Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)

So do explain. How are you going to bring back unions and force Americans to buy their products? Union made products are much more expensive than imports, and nobody will buy them. That's how unions lost ground in the first place. Not immigration, not Reagan, not capitalists.

The consumer is what drives the economy, and the American consumer is focused on cheap products; cheap products that unions can't produce.

Central planning is becoming increasingly urgent.

Especially with automation looming on the horizon.

I would have very specific plans.

A.) Throw those in jail who hire illegals.
B.) Sanctions against China.
C.) Tax breaks for those who manufacture in America, jail time for those who outsource.
D.) Taxing robots / artificial intelligence, to deter, and or promote betterment of our societal gains, in the looming automation fiasco.
E.) The creation of a centralized Government union, which promotes collective bargaining, and sets the wages which aren't too low, nor too high.
F.) Councils which work between the working masses, and the corporations.

So you think isolationism will work? Didn't we try that years ago?

Tax automation. Let's look at that:

What do you think an industrial building would cost to build without backhoes, bulldozers, power chainsaws, cranes? How would you like to depend on the ice man putting ice in your refrigerator instead of the way refrigeration is today? How about having coal furnaces instead of the natural gas or electric models we have today?

You can't honestly say we would be living in a better world today without technology, because it would put more blue collar labor to work. While it does cost us jobs, it saves us money at the same time, and provides us more convenience.

I don't know how old you are, but let me tell you, sitting at your desk to write checks to every company you owed money to was time consuming. Today, you go online and pay all your bills in less than 60 seconds. No need to run out to the mailbox, and hope the payment doesn't get lost, or that it gets there on time.

Should we get rid of the internet as well? After all, the internet puts mail carriers out of work thanks to email. It put ticket booth employees out of work because today, you go online, buy your tickets to wherever, and print them out on your copy machine. Look at all the stores Amazon is closing down because of online sales. Think of the tens of thousands of people out of work because of Amazon.

Foreign Trade Angst

Automation could completely collapse our society.

Without large swaths of people working, and being consumers the economy will collapse.

AI Expert Says Automation Could Replace 40% of Jobs in 15 Years

As for Isolationism?

Hmm, explain why China doesn't deserve sanctions?

For the sake of its crimes against Hong Kong, and its Islamic Ughtyur internment camps of millions, and occupation of Tibet isn't enough reason?

Well, why do we want to build up China's economy?
If they're so hostile?

Why do we want to increase China's power, might, and pollution?

This is a pure brain fart of idiocy.
In the union days, if I made a pickup or delivery to a company I was totally unfamiliar with, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not.

Dealing with those assholes, I could probably write a book with my union stories.

The last customer of ours that was still union voted them out last year. The employees got pissed because the guy with the most seniority was promoted to the best paying job. The problem was that he didn't know how to do it. The company owner had to come out and do the job for him. But because they were union, he had no choice.

So the employees finally realized what a mistake having a union was, and voted them out. Immediately afterwards, that employee with the best paying job was fired, along with two other employees most considered to be waste of space. The owner promoted a person that was not only deserving of the best job, but could actually do the job as well.

It was better for the employees and more profitable for the employer. The company has never been better.

Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)

So do explain. How are you going to bring back unions and force Americans to buy their products? Union made products are much more expensive than imports, and nobody will buy them. That's how unions lost ground in the first place. Not immigration, not Reagan, not capitalists.

The consumer is what drives the economy, and the American consumer is focused on cheap products; cheap products that unions can't produce.

Central planning is becoming increasingly urgent.

Especially with automation looming on the horizon.

I would have very specific plans.

A.) Throw those in jail who hire illegals.
B.) Sanctions against China.
C.) Tax breaks for those who manufacture in America, jail time for those who outsource.
D.) Taxing robots / artificial intelligence, to deter, and or promote betterment of our societal gains, in the looming automation fiasco.
E.) The creation of a centralized Government union, which promotes collective bargaining, and sets the wages which aren't too low, nor too high.
F.) Councils which work between the working masses, and the corporations.

So you think isolationism will work? Didn't we try that years ago?

Tax automation. Let's look at that:

What do you think an industrial building would cost to build without backhoes, bulldozers, power chainsaws, cranes? How would you like to depend on the ice man putting ice in your refrigerator instead of the way refrigeration is today? How about having coal furnaces instead of the natural gas or electric models we have today?

You can't honestly say we would be living in a better world today without technology, because it would put more blue collar labor to work. While it does cost us jobs, it saves us money at the same time, and provides us more convenience.

I don't know how old you are, but let me tell you, sitting at your desk to write checks to every company you owed money to was time consuming. Today, you go online and pay all your bills in less than 60 seconds. No need to run out to the mailbox, and hope the payment doesn't get lost, or that it gets there on time.

Should we get rid of the internet as well? After all, the internet puts mail carriers out of work thanks to email. It put ticket booth employees out of work because today, you go online, buy your tickets to wherever, and print them out on your copy machine. Look at all the stores Amazon is closing down because of online sales. Think of the tens of thousands of people out of work because of Amazon.

Foreign Trade Angst

Automation could completely collapse our society.

Without large swaths of people working, and being consumers the economy will collapse.

AI Expert Says Automation Could Replace 40% of Jobs in 15 Years

I couldn't agree more. But the question is, how can it reasonably be stopped, and do we want to stop it? Do we want to have less products because it's all we can afford due to cost of human labor and unions? Should the federal government force us into being in that position?
Unions helped bolster the American Middle Class, as did Manufacturing jobs, and the Tech boom.

Crapitalist Individualists will be the death of America.

Greedy Individualism is why Blacks are here, Illegal Mexicans are here, and why we're shipping jobs out to a hostile China.

Bravo, Crapitalism winning, (Rolls eyes)

So do explain. How are you going to bring back unions and force Americans to buy their products? Union made products are much more expensive than imports, and nobody will buy them. That's how unions lost ground in the first place. Not immigration, not Reagan, not capitalists.

The consumer is what drives the economy, and the American consumer is focused on cheap products; cheap products that unions can't produce.

Central planning is becoming increasingly urgent.

Especially with automation looming on the horizon.

I would have very specific plans.

A.) Throw those in jail who hire illegals.
B.) Sanctions against China.
C.) Tax breaks for those who manufacture in America, jail time for those who outsource.
D.) Taxing robots / artificial intelligence, to deter, and or promote betterment of our societal gains, in the looming automation fiasco.
E.) The creation of a centralized Government union, which promotes collective bargaining, and sets the wages which aren't too low, nor too high.
F.) Councils which work between the working masses, and the corporations.

So you think isolationism will work? Didn't we try that years ago?

Tax automation. Let's look at that:

What do you think an industrial building would cost to build without backhoes, bulldozers, power chainsaws, cranes? How would you like to depend on the ice man putting ice in your refrigerator instead of the way refrigeration is today? How about having coal furnaces instead of the natural gas or electric models we have today?

You can't honestly say we would be living in a better world today without technology, because it would put more blue collar labor to work. While it does cost us jobs, it saves us money at the same time, and provides us more convenience.

I don't know how old you are, but let me tell you, sitting at your desk to write checks to every company you owed money to was time consuming. Today, you go online and pay all your bills in less than 60 seconds. No need to run out to the mailbox, and hope the payment doesn't get lost, or that it gets there on time.

Should we get rid of the internet as well? After all, the internet puts mail carriers out of work thanks to email. It put ticket booth employees out of work because today, you go online, buy your tickets to wherever, and print them out on your copy machine. Look at all the stores Amazon is closing down because of online sales. Think of the tens of thousands of people out of work because of Amazon.

Foreign Trade Angst

Automation could completely collapse our society.

Without large swaths of people working, and being consumers the economy will collapse.

AI Expert Says Automation Could Replace 40% of Jobs in 15 Years

I couldn't agree more. But the question is, how can it reasonably be stopped, and do we want to stop it? Do we want to have less products because it's all we can afford due to cost of human labor and unions? Should the federal government force us into being in that position?

Well, isn't that the undermining of an economy?
Where we settle for less money, and pay less for products?

Hmm, sounds like the 2nd, and 3rd World economies.

Meanwhile, the 2nd & 3rd World economies are growing, partly because they aren't so stupid to settle less, and also partly by idiot Crapitalists outsourcing our manufacturing jobs to the 2nd & 3rd World.

Wow, what commonsense. (Rolls eyes)

We are being left behind, divided & torn apart.... Because of drum-roll the whims of the greedy Capitalist elite.
Read it and weep, you America Hating DemTard Radicals. I told you, we told you that a Dishonest Beginning, will meet with Bad Karma for you and your foaming at The Mouth Globalist, Anti-American Party. If you have Hate in your Heart for The President, The Good Book says you are guilty of Murder. If you lay dishonest traps for your enemies, God says, you will be ensnared by the traps you lay for others.

So now, this information just came out, and is not being discussed AT ALL, so I consider it "Breaking News"! Not only have The Democrats just lost 3 politicians this week who have left The Democrat Party and are registering as an Independent with the other two registering as Republicans, we have 10 Congressmen who wrote a letter to Nasty Pelosi opposing impeachment, and Numerous Democrat Congressmen getting shouted down in Town Halls, their offices are being flooded with phone calls and letters all opposing Impeachment, and now this:

MORE BAD NEWS for Pelosi's Impeachment:

Nazi Pelosi is having to put on a Full Court Press against 55 Democrats to vote for Impeachment. She is threatening to with hold campaign funds or to primary all of them. Yet even with that kind of EXTORTION, she can only get 13 of 55 to agree with her. 42 of them Oppose Impeachment!

Swing-seat Democrats oppose impeachment, handing Pelosi leverage

Vulnerable House Democrats in swing districts are resisting pressure to back the launching of an impeachment against President Trump.

Even as a majority of the House Democratic Caucus backs impeachment, many of the “majority makers” in swing districts have stayed on the sidelines.

Only 13 of the 55 Democrats on the House GOP campaign arm’s 2020 target list publicly back an impeachment inquiry. And just two of the 31 House Democrats in districts carried by President Trump in 2016 back one: Reps. Chris Pappas (N.H.) and Lauren Underwood (Ill.).

Impeachment advocates have been pressing Democratic Reps. Conor Lamb (Pa.), Josh Gottheimer (N.J.), Andy Kim (N.J.), Colin Allred (Texas), Mikie Sherrill (N.J.) and others representing swing districts at events in recent weeks, but so far none of them have come out in favor of impeachment.
It is going to be so much fun bumping all your topics about Democrats and impeachment tomorrow.
Pelosis desperately wants to go back to minority role. She's lost, confused, demented. She's a mess.
So do explain. How are you going to bring back unions and force Americans to buy their products? Union made products are much more expensive than imports, and nobody will buy them. That's how unions lost ground in the first place. Not immigration, not Reagan, not capitalists.

The consumer is what drives the economy, and the American consumer is focused on cheap products; cheap products that unions can't produce.

Central planning is becoming increasingly urgent.

Especially with automation looming on the horizon.

I would have very specific plans.

A.) Throw those in jail who hire illegals.
B.) Sanctions against China.
C.) Tax breaks for those who manufacture in America, jail time for those who outsource.
D.) Taxing robots / artificial intelligence, to deter, and or promote betterment of our societal gains, in the looming automation fiasco.
E.) The creation of a centralized Government union, which promotes collective bargaining, and sets the wages which aren't too low, nor too high.
F.) Councils which work between the working masses, and the corporations.

So you think isolationism will work? Didn't we try that years ago?

Tax automation. Let's look at that:

What do you think an industrial building would cost to build without backhoes, bulldozers, power chainsaws, cranes? How would you like to depend on the ice man putting ice in your refrigerator instead of the way refrigeration is today? How about having coal furnaces instead of the natural gas or electric models we have today?

You can't honestly say we would be living in a better world today without technology, because it would put more blue collar labor to work. While it does cost us jobs, it saves us money at the same time, and provides us more convenience.

I don't know how old you are, but let me tell you, sitting at your desk to write checks to every company you owed money to was time consuming. Today, you go online and pay all your bills in less than 60 seconds. No need to run out to the mailbox, and hope the payment doesn't get lost, or that it gets there on time.

Should we get rid of the internet as well? After all, the internet puts mail carriers out of work thanks to email. It put ticket booth employees out of work because today, you go online, buy your tickets to wherever, and print them out on your copy machine. Look at all the stores Amazon is closing down because of online sales. Think of the tens of thousands of people out of work because of Amazon.

Foreign Trade Angst

Automation could completely collapse our society.

Without large swaths of people working, and being consumers the economy will collapse.

AI Expert Says Automation Could Replace 40% of Jobs in 15 Years

I couldn't agree more. But the question is, how can it reasonably be stopped, and do we want to stop it? Do we want to have less products because it's all we can afford due to cost of human labor and unions? Should the federal government force us into being in that position?

Well, isn't that the undermining of an economy?
Where we settle for less money, and pay less for products?

Hmm, sounds like the 2nd, and 3rd World economies.

Meanwhile, the 2nd & 3rd World economies are growing, partly because they aren't so stupid to settle less, and also partly by idiot Crapitalists outsourcing our manufacturing jobs to the 2nd & 3rd World.

Wow, what commonsense. (Rolls eyes)

We are being left behind, divided & torn apart.... Because of drum-roll the whims of the greedy Capitalist elite.

The greedy capitalists only provide what the greedy consumer demands. It's really out of their control.

Our economic system and production have three things we would all like to see:

*Good paying jobs.
*Good return on our investments.
*Low cost products.

The problem is, we can't have all three. We had to make some choices, and what we collectively chose are low cost products and good returns on our investments.
Read it and weep, you America Hating DemTard Radicals. I told you, we told you that a Dishonest Beginning, will meet with Bad Karma for you and your foaming at The Mouth Globalist, Anti-American Party. If you have Hate in your Heart for The President, The Good Book says you are guilty of Murder. If you lay dishonest traps for your enemies, God says, you will be ensnared by the traps you lay for others.

So now, this information just came out, and is not being discussed AT ALL, so I consider it "Breaking News"! Not only have The Democrats just lost 3 politicians this week who have left The Democrat Party and are registering as an Independent with the other two registering as Republicans, we have 10 Congressmen who wrote a letter to Nasty Pelosi opposing impeachment, and Numerous Democrat Congressmen getting shouted down in Town Halls, their offices are being flooded with phone calls and letters all opposing Impeachment, and now this:

MORE BAD NEWS for Pelosi's Impeachment:

Nazi Pelosi is having to put on a Full Court Press against 55 Democrats to vote for Impeachment. She is threatening to with hold campaign funds or to primary all of them. Yet even with that kind of EXTORTION, she can only get 13 of 55 to agree with her. 42 of them Oppose Impeachment!

Swing-seat Democrats oppose impeachment, handing Pelosi leverage

Vulnerable House Democrats in swing districts are resisting pressure to back the launching of an impeachment against President Trump.

Even as a majority of the House Democratic Caucus backs impeachment, many of the “majority makers” in swing districts have stayed on the sidelines.

Only 13 of the 55 Democrats on the House GOP campaign arm’s 2020 target list publicly back an impeachment inquiry. And just two of the 31 House Democrats in districts carried by President Trump in 2016 back one: Reps. Chris Pappas (N.H.) and Lauren Underwood (Ill.).

Impeachment advocates have been pressing Democratic Reps. Conor Lamb (Pa.), Josh Gottheimer (N.J.), Andy Kim (N.J.), Colin Allred (Texas), Mikie Sherrill (N.J.) and others representing swing districts at events in recent weeks, but so far none of them have come out in favor of impeachment.
It is going to be so much fun bumping all your topics about Democrats and impeachment tomorrow.

Not to worry. If they don't have the votes for impeachment, they will keep trying. After all, they didn't focus on doing their jobs and trying to make the country better. Their entire time has been spent on trying to get rid of Trump.
Central planning is becoming increasingly urgent.

Especially with automation looming on the horizon.

I would have very specific plans.

A.) Throw those in jail who hire illegals.
B.) Sanctions against China.
C.) Tax breaks for those who manufacture in America, jail time for those who outsource.
D.) Taxing robots / artificial intelligence, to deter, and or promote betterment of our societal gains, in the looming automation fiasco.
E.) The creation of a centralized Government union, which promotes collective bargaining, and sets the wages which aren't too low, nor too high.
F.) Councils which work between the working masses, and the corporations.

So you think isolationism will work? Didn't we try that years ago?

Tax automation. Let's look at that:

What do you think an industrial building would cost to build without backhoes, bulldozers, power chainsaws, cranes? How would you like to depend on the ice man putting ice in your refrigerator instead of the way refrigeration is today? How about having coal furnaces instead of the natural gas or electric models we have today?

You can't honestly say we would be living in a better world today without technology, because it would put more blue collar labor to work. While it does cost us jobs, it saves us money at the same time, and provides us more convenience.

I don't know how old you are, but let me tell you, sitting at your desk to write checks to every company you owed money to was time consuming. Today, you go online and pay all your bills in less than 60 seconds. No need to run out to the mailbox, and hope the payment doesn't get lost, or that it gets there on time.

Should we get rid of the internet as well? After all, the internet puts mail carriers out of work thanks to email. It put ticket booth employees out of work because today, you go online, buy your tickets to wherever, and print them out on your copy machine. Look at all the stores Amazon is closing down because of online sales. Think of the tens of thousands of people out of work because of Amazon.

Foreign Trade Angst

Automation could completely collapse our society.

Without large swaths of people working, and being consumers the economy will collapse.

AI Expert Says Automation Could Replace 40% of Jobs in 15 Years

I couldn't agree more. But the question is, how can it reasonably be stopped, and do we want to stop it? Do we want to have less products because it's all we can afford due to cost of human labor and unions? Should the federal government force us into being in that position?

Well, isn't that the undermining of an economy?
Where we settle for less money, and pay less for products?

Hmm, sounds like the 2nd, and 3rd World economies.

Meanwhile, the 2nd & 3rd World economies are growing, partly because they aren't so stupid to settle less, and also partly by idiot Crapitalists outsourcing our manufacturing jobs to the 2nd & 3rd World.

Wow, what commonsense. (Rolls eyes)

We are being left behind, divided & torn apart.... Because of drum-roll the whims of the greedy Capitalist elite.

The greedy capitalists only provide what the greedy consumer demands. It's really out of their control.

Our economic system and production have three things we would all like to see:

*Good paying jobs.
*Good return on our investments.
*Low cost products.

The problem is, we can't have all three. We had to make some choices, and what we collectively chose are low cost products and good returns on our investments.

Just about every 2nd & 3rd World country settles for less pay & settles for lower prices.

Basically, not just do we resemble the 3rd World more & more ethnically, with riff-raffs from Mexico, and elsewhere sneaking in.

We also resemble the 3rd World more, and more economically, where we settle for less pay, for lower prices.

This is catastrophic, without a doubt.

How will remain a World leader, and economic powerhouse, and preserve our cultural heritage, at this rate?

Crapitalism, Liberty, Individualism & Greed is tearing this country apart.

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