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Only 37% Support ACA Repeal and Replace

The most recent Fox News poll had support for the Republican healthcare plan at 34% which is similar to the WP poll. Since January, Fox has had Obamacare's approval rating at 50% which gives it a higher approval rating than Trump. The final WP poll for 2016 had Clinton +3 in the popular vote which Clinton won by 2.
In March 2010, when Obamacare passed, only 39% supported it.

New CNN Poll: 59% Oppose Obamacare

At that time there was nothing to compare Obamacare to. Obamacare has partially succeeded in getting more people insured. The Republican plan will cause millions to lose their healthcare insurance. Voters agree that we should help people who cannot afford health care insurance because of their low incomes. If this passes and becomes law, Democrats and the media will have many horror stories to write about.

Of course there is no basis in fact or logic for such assertions.

It's because when people get sick or need it most, insurance companies drastically raise rates. Single payer insures everybody has healthcare, can go anywhere they want for treatment and no worries about raising premiums or deductibles. For profit healthcare should not exist.
Nonsense, your health insurance premiums do not increase when you get sick. Insurance companies raise rates to meet rising overall costs, and the government raises taxes to meet rising overall costs. During the Obamacare debates, polls showed 80% of Americans were satisfied with their private health insurance and problems existed primarily for those with pre existing conditions and for poor people not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. The problems for these two groups could have been dealt with separately without interfering with the health insurance for the 80% of Americans who were well satisfied with their private health insurance.

This new amendment to Trumpcare guts protection for preexisting conditions. Under Obamacare, people can't be dropped for that. They wouldn't have to risk bankruptcy for treatment. I guarantee you Obamacare is more popular now and if Trumpcare is passed, people will long for Obamacare, not to mention rates will still rise.
This is not true. The states will receive block grants to deal with the problems of those with pre existing conditions. The essence of repeal and replace is to provide funds to the individual states to help them deal with the special needs of some groups like those with pre existing conditions.

Will block grants pay for it or will states do the dirty work of kicking people with pre-existing conditions off of insurance? The fact is that many will lose their health insurance if it is kicked to states. It is a lot easier to bribe state legislators.
At the time Obama ignored the 59% of Americans who opposed Obamacare polls showed 80% of Americans were well satisfied with their health insurance coverage, so there certainly was something to compare it with, and 59% preferred their existing private insurance.

State legislatures are even more responsive to the preferences of their state's voters than the federal government is, so there is no reason to suspect they will be less responsive to the healthcare needs of those voters.
Fix Obamacare or go the route of single payer. Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

HOW dumb are YOU?
A) Want to bankrupt 1,400 companies? Throw 450,000 people out of work? Eliminate over $100 Billion a year in taxes?
B) For what purpose single payer? When there are less then 3 million that truly need health insurance?
C) Why are you protecting lawyers who have caused doctors to practice "Defensive Medicine.. (See this study where 90% claim they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
D) And you idiots that believed Obama's total lIE ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
In reality LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

FACTS instead of guesses! FACTS instead of LIES!
Why are people like you so frigging dumb to believe the MSM and its gross absolutely GROSS misrepresentation of reality!

Insurance companies are expendable and need to do be done without. The government guaranteeing and providing healthcare to all is the best way to go. Free market healthcare has failed this country.
Of course there is no basis in fact or logic for such assertions.
Insurance companies can write off as much as 20% of every premium dollar as "overhead". prior to the ACA they wrote off as much as 40%. Medicare operates on far far less overhead, which means its far more efficient.
Again, 80% of Americans were well satisfied with their private insurance before Obamacare, so for them there was no need for any changes, and the smaller number who had pre existing conditions or needed financial assistance to gain coverage could have been handled separately without disturbing the health insurance for those 80%.
This proposed plan is overwhelmingly unpopular. Fewer will be covered, rates will be higher and fewer lives will be saved.
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll

Oh, an ABC News poll. They're always so ... honest and accurate.

Ah, the Classic Kool-Aid drinker response. Polls that make Trump look like Jesus are accurate, those that don't aren't "honest and accurate". :up:
According to FiveThirtyEight,,,,ABC News/Washington Post is rated A+
FiveThirtyEight's Pollster Ratings

Actually it is even better when you consider that a poll asking people who they identified with shows:
According to Gallup,
28 percent of Americans identify themselves as a Republican,
while 25 percent identify as a Democrat.
BUT... Despite this information, eight more percent of participants in both the ABC and CNN polls identified as Democrats, leading to an 11 point swing in partisanship breakdown off the national average.
ABC’s poll sampled 1,005 adults across the nation.
However, partisan breakdown shows that only 23 percent of participants identified as Republican.
31 percent of participants identified as Democrats and
37 percent as independent, while nine percent did not answer.
FAKE POLLS -- Here's How CNN And ABC Have Been Fudging The Numbers To Tank Trump's Favorability
Do you understand that the Polls counted 8% MORE Democrats and in spite of that when asked in a separate poll.. 28% said GOP.. 25% Democrat!

So if Trump is doing better it is even more of an accomplishment because there are more Democrats in the polls then GOP!

The trouble is that Fox News polls and the IBD/TIPP poll has shown that Trump has low approval ratings. The highest approval rating Trump has is 48% in the Rasmussen poll however it shows that 100% of people have a opinion which is usually a red flag. There are more registered Democrats than Republicans in the country.
Fix Obamacare or go the route of single payer. Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

HOW dumb are YOU?
A) Want to bankrupt 1,400 companies? Throw 450,000 people out of work? Eliminate over $100 Billion a year in taxes?
B) For what purpose single payer? When there are less then 3 million that truly need health insurance?
C) Why are you protecting lawyers who have caused doctors to practice "Defensive Medicine.. (See this study where 90% claim they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
D) And you idiots that believed Obama's total lIE ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
In reality LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

FACTS instead of guesses! FACTS instead of LIES!
Why are people like you so frigging dumb to believe the MSM and its gross absolutely GROSS misrepresentation of reality!

Insurance companies are expendable and need to do be done without. The government guaranteeing and providing healthcare to all is the best way to go. Free market healthcare has failed this country.
Of course there is no basis in fact or logic for such assertions.
Insurance companies can write off as much as 20% of every premium dollar as "overhead". prior to the ACA they wrote off as much as 40%. Medicare operates on far far less overhead, which means its far more efficient.
Again, 80% of Americans were well satisfied with their private insurance before Obamacare, so for them there was no need for any changes, and the smaller number who had pre existing conditions or needed financial assistance to gain coverage could have been handled separately without disturbing the health insurance for those 80%.
The 80% you refer to had private insurance and probably still do. The ACA didn't have a huge effect on them
Fix Obamacare or go the route of single payer. Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

HOW dumb are YOU?
A) Want to bankrupt 1,400 companies? Throw 450,000 people out of work? Eliminate over $100 Billion a year in taxes?
B) For what purpose single payer? When there are less then 3 million that truly need health insurance?
C) Why are you protecting lawyers who have caused doctors to practice "Defensive Medicine.. (See this study where 90% claim they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
D) And you idiots that believed Obama's total lIE ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
In reality LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

FACTS instead of guesses! FACTS instead of LIES!
Why are people like you so frigging dumb to believe the MSM and its gross absolutely GROSS misrepresentation of reality!

Insurance companies are expendable and need to do be done without. The government guaranteeing and providing healthcare to all is the best way to go. Free market healthcare has failed this country.
Of course there is no basis in fact or logic for such assertions.
Insurance companies can write off as much as 20% of every premium dollar as "overhead". prior to the ACA they wrote off as much as 40%. Medicare operates on far far less overhead, which means its far more efficient.

THAT is so f....king dumb!

Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) is the percent of premium an insurer spends on claims and expenses that improve health care quality.
Understanding Medical Loss Ratio
The average MLR is 80%
Under dumb ass Obamacare they made it 85%!
That means after paying out 85% of all premiums in claims the insurance companies had 15% total TOTAL
operating income!
Now prior to ACA.. the average was 80% leaving 20% out of which the average health insurance company had a NET profit before TAXES of 5%!!!
The Profit Margin: WellPoint’s net income (profits) after all expenses and the provision for income taxes in 2008 was 4.07 percent of total revenue. In accounting jargon, it is called the “profit margin.” In 2007, that margin had been 5.47 percent. In 2006 it was 5.42 percent.

NOW I'm shouting for you truly DUMB f...ks who have no idea of how health insurance works!
YOU idiots never heard of "reserves for Claims" have you?
Reserves for claims is money set aside for future claims! NOT claims paid today but for future expenses!
Guess what dummies. This is a STATE requirement i.e. if you want to sell insurance in any state you first of all have to prove you have the reserves for FUTURE CLAIMS!
DUMMIES!!!! Where do reserves come from ???? PROFITS!!!
So you dummies make stupid ass comments like QUOTE"Insurance companies can write off as much as 20% of every premium dollar as "overhead". prior to the ACA they wrote off as much as 40%. .[/QUOTE]
THE WRITE OFF as expenses YES but they also must make a profit! To meet STATE requirements for
reserves. And so dummies like you who make dumb ass comments like the above again forget that
really important element called profit which creates reserves.
AS A RESULT dumb sh...t THAT's why companies are NOT participating any more in ACA!
Aetna Joins Other Major Insurers In Pulling Back From Obamacare
August 16, 201612:14 PM ET
Aetna Joins Other Major Insurers In Pulling Back From Obamacare

If Aetna et.al. can't make a profit... THEY CAN"T MAKE RESERVES! IF THEY CAN'T make reserves
THEY Aren't able to register and sell in the states!
Plain and simple but idiots like you who make a further dumb uninformed statement like:
QUOTE"Medicare operates on far far less overhead, which means its far more efficient.[/QUOTE]

GEEZ what idiot! MEDICARE Doesn't pay ONE DIME in claims. These Medicare Administrative Contractors"MACs" process over 1 billion claims for Medicare. They manage ALL the providers.
Medicare simply contracts with these MACs. Medicare PAYS no claims. THE MACs do and all of them
are FOR PROFIT companies.

Since Medicare’s inception in 1966, private health care insurers have processed medical claims for Medicare beneficiaries. Originally these entities were known as Part A Fiscal Intermediaries (FI) and Part B carriers. In 2003 the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) was directed via Section 911 of the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003 to replace the Part A FIs and Part B carriers with A/B Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Learn more about MACs at What is a MAC. Learn more about MAC current events at What’s New.
Medicare Administrative Contractors - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

FACTS for you grossly ignorant and truly lazy people that depend on more knowledgeable and
evidently smarter in using the Internet people like me to educate you!
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll
Same poll that predicted a Hillary landslide. :blahblah:

The final ABC/Washington Post poll had Clinton with a 3 point lead in the popular vote. She won by 2. They are 1 of 3 pollsters coming within 1 point of getting it exactly right.
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll
Same poll that predicted a Hillary landslide. :blahblah:

The final ABC/Washington Post poll had Clinton with a 3 point lead in the popular vote. She won by 2. They are 1 of 3 pollsters coming within 1 point of getting it exactly right.
Final polls always are more realistic because they don't want to be shown their bias. There was no mass exodus of Hillary voters flocking to Trump.
Fix Obamacare or go the route of single payer. Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

HOW dumb are YOU?
A) Want to bankrupt 1,400 companies? Throw 450,000 people out of work? Eliminate over $100 Billion a year in taxes?
B) For what purpose single payer? When there are less then 3 million that truly need health insurance?
C) Why are you protecting lawyers who have caused doctors to practice "Defensive Medicine.. (See this study where 90% claim they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
D) And you idiots that believed Obama's total lIE ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
In reality LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

FACTS instead of guesses! FACTS instead of LIES!
Why are people like you so frigging dumb to believe the MSM and its gross absolutely GROSS misrepresentation of reality!

Insurance companies are expendable and need to do be done without. The government guaranteeing and providing healthcare to all is the best way to go. Free market healthcare has failed this country.
Of course there is no basis in fact or logic for such assertions.
Insurance companies can write off as much as 20% of every premium dollar as "overhead". prior to the ACA they wrote off as much as 40%. Medicare operates on far far less overhead, which means its far more efficient.
Again, 80% of Americans were well satisfied with their private insurance before Obamacare, so for them there was no need for any changes, and the smaller number who had pre existing conditions or needed financial assistance to gain coverage could have been handled separately without disturbing the health insurance for those 80%.

The trouble is that the Republican plan does away with subsidies based on income and replaces it with much less generous subsidies based on age. Theoretically a person who is 64 and makes $200,000 a year could get subsidies. That is why millions will lose healthcare insurance if the Republican plan passes.
The new version of the Republican health care bill, causes the rest of Americans who use the ACA to lose the pre existing medical & other stuff. But get this, They made them self's Exempt , they get to keep pre existing & all the good stuff in the ACA.
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll
Same poll that predicted a Hillary landslide. :blahblah:

The final ABC/Washington Post poll had Clinton with a 3 point lead in the popular vote. She won by 2. They are 1 of 3 pollsters coming within 1 point of getting it exactly right.
Final polls always are more realistic because they don't want to be shown their bias. There was no mass exodus of Hillary voters flocking to Trump.

The trouble is that the Fox News polls are not much different than the ABC/Washington Post poll. Fox News is part of the state run media.
The new version of the Republican health care bill, causes the rest of Americans who use the ACA to lose the pre existing medical & other stuff. But get this, They made them self's Exempt , they get to keep pre existing & all the good stuff in the ACA.
Yep. This new GOP bill is so bad that Republicans exempted themselves from it. Amazing.

It also allows states to opt out of the provision which prevent people with pre-existing conditions from being charged more.

And this is not a full repeal of ObamaCare.

After more than seven years of whining, the Republicans and Trump STILL don't have a repeal and replacement.
These are the most rigged polls since polling started...

Everyone hates O-care, especially the poor.
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll
Same poll that predicted a Hillary landslide. :blahblah:

The final ABC/Washington Post poll had Clinton with a 3 point lead in the popular vote. She won by 2. They are 1 of 3 pollsters coming within 1 point of getting it exactly right.
Final polls always are more realistic because they don't want to be shown their bias. There was no mass exodus of Hillary voters flocking to Trump.

The trouble is that the Fox News polls are not much different than the ABC/Washington Post poll. Fox News is part of the state run media.
Link to the FOX poll about Hopeycare
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll

Oh, an ABC News poll. They're always so ... honest and accurate.

Ah, the Classic Kool-Aid drinker response. Polls that make Trump look like Jesus are accurate, those that don't aren't "honest and accurate". :up:
According to FiveThirtyEight,,,,ABC News/Washington Post is rated A+
FiveThirtyEight's Pollster Ratings

Actually it is even better when you consider that a poll asking people who they identified with shows:
According to Gallup,
28 percent of Americans identify themselves as a Republican,
while 25 percent identify as a Democrat.
BUT... Despite this information, eight more percent of participants in both the ABC and CNN polls identified as Democrats, leading to an 11 point swing in partisanship breakdown off the national average.
ABC’s poll sampled 1,005 adults across the nation.
However, partisan breakdown shows that only 23 percent of participants identified as Republican.
31 percent of participants identified as Democrats and
37 percent as independent, while nine percent did not answer.
FAKE POLLS -- Here's How CNN And ABC Have Been Fudging The Numbers To Tank Trump's Favorability
Do you understand that the Polls counted 8% MORE Democrats and in spite of that when asked in a separate poll.. 28% said GOP.. 25% Democrat!

So if Trump is doing better it is even more of an accomplishment because there are more Democrats in the polls then GOP!

You do know that pollsters incorporate mathematical formulas to counter imbalance of the fractions, don't you?
But, based on your post, I guess not.
2/3's of the population supported single payer when the Heritage Foundation's plan, "Obamacare", was passed. 90% of the population was against the Wall Street bailouts.

The will of the people is utterly irrelevant. Goldman Sachs, Raytheon, Exxon Mobile, Wall Street, et.al. will tell you people how things will go down.
9/10ths have no idea what they're talking about. Of the knee-jerk beta males on this site like you, 99 of 100 haven't got a clue.
The new version of the Republican health care bill, causes the rest of Americans who use the ACA to lose the pre existing medical & other stuff. But get this, They made them self's Exempt , they get to keep pre existing & all the good stuff in the ACA.

It's disgusting. They're supposed to work for us, not the other way around.
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll

Oh, an ABC News poll. They're always so ... honest and accurate.

Ah, the Classic Kool-Aid drinker response. Polls that make Trump look like Jesus are accurate, those that don't aren't "honest and accurate". :up:
According to FiveThirtyEight,,,,ABC News/Washington Post is rated A+
FiveThirtyEight's Pollster Ratings

Actually it is even better when you consider that a poll asking people who they identified with shows:
According to Gallup,
28 percent of Americans identify themselves as a Republican,
while 25 percent identify as a Democrat.
BUT... Despite this information, eight more percent of participants in both the ABC and CNN polls identified as Democrats, leading to an 11 point swing in partisanship breakdown off the national average.
ABC’s poll sampled 1,005 adults across the nation.
However, partisan breakdown shows that only 23 percent of participants identified as Republican.
31 percent of participants identified as Democrats and
37 percent as independent, while nine percent did not answer.
FAKE POLLS -- Here's How CNN And ABC Have Been Fudging The Numbers To Tank Trump's Favorability
Do you understand that the Polls counted 8% MORE Democrats and in spite of that when asked in a separate poll.. 28% said GOP.. 25% Democrat!

So if Trump is doing better it is even more of an accomplishment because there are more Democrats in the polls then GOP!

You do know that pollsters incorporate mathematical formulas to counter imbalance of the fractions, don't you?
But, based on your post, I guess not.
HEY... I am telling you that
ABC’s poll sampled 1,005 adults across the nation.
However, partisan breakdown shows that only 23 percent of participants identified as Republican.
31 percent of participants identified as Democrats and
37 percent as independent, while nine percent did not answer.
FAKE POLLS -- Here's How CNN And ABC Have Been Fudging The Numbers To Tank Trump's Favorability

So they adjust who they call based on their "formulae" that have MORE democrats then GOP!
YET when Gallup asked people are you Demo or GOP 28% said GOP... 25% Democrat.
I am a little more statistical savvy then you are it appears in that you don't ask more Democrats then GOP and expect UNBIASED answers!

Similarly, CNN’s poll also featured an eight-point partisanship gap.

Of the 1,000 adults taking part in the Atlanta-based news network’s poll, 32 percent claimed to be Democrats, 24 percent claimed to be Republicans and the remaining 44 percent claimed to be “independents or members of another party.”
FAKE POLLS -- Here's How CNN And ABC Have Been Fudging The Numbers To Tank Trump's Favorability

Explain to me how their "statistical manipulation account for the identification in CNN's poll of 32% Dems vs 24% GOP?
Again... the facts are there are NOT more DEMs then GOP!
I'm not saying this check the sources!

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