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Only 37% Support ACA Repeal and Replace

Donald Trump in his book The America We Deserve:

We must have universal healthcare...I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses...

Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork..

The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. There are fewer medical lawsuits, less loss of labor to sickness, and lower costs to companies paying for the medical care of their employees. If the program were in place in Massachusetts in 1999 it would have reduced administrative costs by $2.5 million. We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.

Donald Trump on Larry King the first time he ran for President:

I'm quite liberal, and getting much more liberal, on health care and other things. What's the purpose of a country if you're not gonna have defense and health care? If you can’t take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it’s all over. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal healthcare.

See 13:25:

Obamacare is imploding. It has to be replaced.

That's just bullshit.

90% of Obamacare is working well and has been a huge success.


It's provided health coverage to 20 million people.

It's massively reduced the cost of overage for low-income families.

It's slashed the number of uninsured by half among blacks and whites and by a quarter among Hispanics.

It's allowed people with expensive chronic illnesses to get treatment.

It will help keep overall health cost down in the future.

It's had no negative impact on the employer health care system.

And it's done all this without raising the deficit - In fact, it has helped lower the deficit.

Does it have problems?

Sure it does, but those problems only effect 10% of the program, and they're easy to fix.

Here's how;

1) Increase the subsidy levels

2) Increase the penalties for not purchasing coverage

It's not rocket science, but Republicans aren't smart enough to provide people with what they want.
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll

Oh, an ABC News poll. They're always so ... honest and accurate.


Do you have an example of an ABC/WaPo poll being inaccurate?

Most all of them.

That would be a no, you can't provide an example.
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll
If you recall, the majority of Americans opposed Obamacare's passage, the lesson here is that voters have a lot of anxiety about any changes to their health coverage.

This is a poll taken in November.

The ACA has gotten even more popular since then.

Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

Why not?
Because healthcare costs were rising faster before ObamaCare than they are now.

Healthcare costs outpaced inflation for decades, and the GOP did NOTHING about it.

Since ObamaCare, they've been whining for seven years, and have still come up with NOTHING.

As with all products, the cost is passed onto the customer, and a tsunami of increasing premiums inexorably approaches.

I agree, the oppostion sat on their asses for seven years.
Fix Obamacare or go the route of single payer. Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

HOW dumb are YOU?
A) Want to bankrupt 1,400 companies? Throw 450,000 people out of work? Eliminate over $100 Billion a year in taxes?
B) For what purpose single payer? When there are less then 3 million that truly need health insurance?
C) Why are you protecting lawyers who have caused doctors to practice "Defensive Medicine.. (See this study where 90% claim they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
D) And you idiots that believed Obama's total lIE ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
In reality LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

FACTS instead of guesses! FACTS instead of LIES!
Why are people like you so frigging dumb to believe the MSM and its gross absolutely GROSS misrepresentation of reality!
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll
If you recall, the majority of Americans opposed Obamacare's passage, the lesson here is that voters have a lot of anxiety about any changes to their health coverage.

This is a poll taken in November.

The ACA has gotten even more popular since then.

In March 2010, when the bill passed, 59% opposed it.

New CNN Poll: 59% Oppose Obamacare
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll
If you recall, the majority of Americans opposed Obamacare's passage, the lesson here is that voters have a lot of anxiety about any changes to their health coverage.

This is a poll taken in November.

The ACA has gotten even more popular since then.


And once again gross ignorance on the part of the poll respondents !
1) up age 26... FACTS! How many actually signed up? Less the 4% of the up to 26 eligible signed up!
2) Brilliant of course "out of pocket" expenses for preventative services... buy my birth control pills so I can screw at will!!!
3) And boy these people are really dumb! "Require employers with 50 or more to pay a fine.."

And these are just for starters! People who like me have the FACTS just absolute LAUGH at how truly ignorant people like these polled are!
Obamacare is imploding. It has to be replaced.

That's just bullshit.

90% of Obamacare is working well and has been a huge success.


It's provided health coverage to 20 million people.

It's massively reduced the cost of overage for low-income families.

It's slashed the number of uninsured by half among blacks and whites and by a quarter among Hispanics.

It's allowed people with expensive chronic illnesses to get treatment.

It will help keep overall health cost down in the future.

It's had no negative impact on the employer health care system.

And it's done all this without raising the deficit - In fact, it has helped lower the deficit.

Does it have problems?

Sure it does, but those problems only effect 10% of the program, and they're easy to fix.

Here's how;

1) Increase the subsidy levels

2) Increase the penalties for not purchasing coverage

It's not rocket science, but Republicans aren't smart enough to provide people with what they want.

Prove with links and studies to provide facts... not your guesses!
Fix Obamacare or go the route of single payer. Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

HOW dumb are YOU?
A) Want to bankrupt 1,400 companies? Throw 450,000 people out of work? Eliminate over $100 Billion a year in taxes?
B) For what purpose single payer? When there are less then 3 million that truly need health insurance?
C) Why are you protecting lawyers who have caused doctors to practice "Defensive Medicine.. (See this study where 90% claim they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
D) And you idiots that believed Obama's total lIE ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
In reality LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

FACTS instead of guesses! FACTS instead of LIES!
Why are people like you so frigging dumb to believe the MSM and its gross absolutely GROSS misrepresentation of reality!

Insurance companies are expendable and need to do be done without. The government guaranteeing and providing healthcare to all is the best way to go. Free market healthcare has failed this country.
The most recent Fox News poll had support for the Republican healthcare plan at 34% which is similar to the WP poll. Since January, Fox has had Obamacare's approval rating at 50% which gives it a higher approval rating than Trump. The final WP poll for 2016 had Clinton +3 in the popular vote which Clinton won by 2.
Fix Obamacare or go the route of single payer. Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

HOW dumb are YOU?
A) Want to bankrupt 1,400 companies? Throw 450,000 people out of work? Eliminate over $100 Billion a year in taxes?
B) For what purpose single payer? When there are less then 3 million that truly need health insurance?
C) Why are you protecting lawyers who have caused doctors to practice "Defensive Medicine.. (See this study where 90% claim they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
D) And you idiots that believed Obama's total lIE ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
In reality LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

FACTS instead of guesses! FACTS instead of LIES!
Why are people like you so frigging dumb to believe the MSM and its gross absolutely GROSS misrepresentation of reality!

Insurance companies are expendable and need to do be done without. The government guaranteeing and providing healthcare to all is the best way to go. Free market healthcare has failed this country.
Of course there is no basis in fact or logic for such assertions.
A highly flammable couch bursts into flames in the living room.

The Republicans ignore the fire for several minutes, and it begins to spread to the carpet and drapes.

Finally, Barack Obama and the Democrats take action. But the dumb shits just move the burning couch into the kitchen.

Since there are less flammable materials in the kitchen, Obama has slowed the progress of the fire but has done nothing to prevent the ultimate destruction of the house.

The Republicans spend the next several minutes calling Obama stupid and say they will undo his stupid idea as soon as they are given a chance, and that they will actually put the fire out.

Donald Trump says he will put the fire out in the first minute he is given power. “It will be so easy!”

So Donald Trump and the Republicans are put in charge of the fire situation.

Donald Trump then announces, “I have just written a terrific Executive Order declaring that fires are a very bad thing and have directed my Fire Department to investigate just how bad fires are.”

The Republicans pick up the burning couch. The Republicans on one end of the couch begin pushing it toward the living room. The Republicans on the other end of the couch begin pulling it away from the living room.

It soon becomes obvious the Republicans, after all this time, never had a coordinated plan to put out the fire.

Someone says, “Whatever you do, don’t just put the burning couch back in the living room!”

Someone else says, “Why not?”

Donald Trump says, "No one knew just how hard it is to put out a fire."
Fix Obamacare or go the route of single payer. Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

HOW dumb are YOU?
A) Want to bankrupt 1,400 companies? Throw 450,000 people out of work? Eliminate over $100 Billion a year in taxes?
B) For what purpose single payer? When there are less then 3 million that truly need health insurance?
C) Why are you protecting lawyers who have caused doctors to practice "Defensive Medicine.. (See this study where 90% claim they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
D) And you idiots that believed Obama's total lIE ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
In reality LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

FACTS instead of guesses! FACTS instead of LIES!
Why are people like you so frigging dumb to believe the MSM and its gross absolutely GROSS misrepresentation of reality!

Insurance companies are expendable and need to do be done without. The government guaranteeing and providing healthcare to all is the best way to go. Free market healthcare has failed this country.
Of course there is no basis in fact or logic for such assertions.

It's because when people get sick or need it most, insurance companies drastically raise rates. Single payer insures everybody has healthcare, can go anywhere they want for treatment and no worries about raising premiums or deductibles. For profit healthcare should not exist.
The most recent Fox News poll had support for the Republican healthcare plan at 34% which is similar to the WP poll. Since January, Fox has had Obamacare's approval rating at 50% which gives it a higher approval rating than Trump. The final WP poll for 2016 had Clinton +3 in the popular vote which Clinton won by 2.
In March 2010, when Obamacare passed, only 39% supported it.

New CNN Poll: 59% Oppose Obamacare
That's a shift of 25 points in just three months.

Thanks, Trump!

As President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress gear up for another attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare, an ABC News/Washington Post poll finds broad public preference for keeping and improving it — including high levels of support for some of its key components.

Just 37 percent of Americans in the national survey say the Affordable Care Act should be repealed and replaced; 61 percent say it should be kept and fixed instead. Even more broadly, the public, by 79 to 13 percent, says Trump should seek to make the current law work as well as possible, not to make it fail as soon as possible, a strategy he has suggested.

Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare: Poll
If you recall, the majority of Americans opposed Obamacare's passage, the lesson here is that voters have a lot of anxiety about any changes to their health coverage.

This is a poll taken in November.

The ACA has gotten even more popular since then.

In March 2010, when the bill passed, 59% opposed it.

New CNN Poll: 59% Oppose Obamacare

Ancient history is interesting?
A lot has changed in seven years, and it seems like opposition to Obamacare has decreased. There are people who opposed Obamacare until it helped them. Given that Republicans want to eliminate protection for preexisting conditions, that is a good argument right there to support Obamacare.
Fix Obamacare or go the route of single payer. Do not repeal and do not go back to pre-2009.

HOW dumb are YOU?
A) Want to bankrupt 1,400 companies? Throw 450,000 people out of work? Eliminate over $100 Billion a year in taxes?
B) For what purpose single payer? When there are less then 3 million that truly need health insurance?
C) Why are you protecting lawyers who have caused doctors to practice "Defensive Medicine.. (See this study where 90% claim they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
D) And you idiots that believed Obama's total lIE ""Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition,"
In reality LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

FACTS instead of guesses! FACTS instead of LIES!
Why are people like you so frigging dumb to believe the MSM and its gross absolutely GROSS misrepresentation of reality!

Insurance companies are expendable and need to do be done without. The government guaranteeing and providing healthcare to all is the best way to go. Free market healthcare has failed this country.
Of course there is no basis in fact or logic for such assertions.

It's because when people get sick or need it most, insurance companies drastically raise rates. Single payer insures everybody has healthcare, can go anywhere they want for treatment and no worries about raising premiums or deductibles. For profit healthcare should not exist.
Nonsense, your health insurance premiums do not increase when you get sick. Insurance companies raise rates to meet rising overall costs, and the government raises taxes to meet rising overall costs. During the Obamacare debates, polls showed 80% of Americans were satisfied with their private health insurance and problems existed primarily for those with pre existing conditions and for poor people not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. The problems for these two groups could have been dealt with separately without interfering with the health insurance for the 80% of Americans who were well satisfied with their private health insurance.
Obamacare is imploding. It has to be replaced.

That's just bullshit.

90% of Obamacare is working well and has been a huge success.


It's provided health coverage to 20 million people.

It's massively reduced the cost of overage for low-income families.

It's slashed the number of uninsured by half among blacks and whites and by a quarter among Hispanics.

It's allowed people with expensive chronic illnesses to get treatment.

It will help keep overall health cost down in the future.

It's had no negative impact on the employer health care system.

And it's done all this without raising the deficit - In fact, it has helped lower the deficit.

Does it have problems?

Sure it does, but those problems only effect 10% of the program, and they're easy to fix.

Here's how;

1) Increase the subsidy levels

2) Increase the penalties for not purchasing coverage

It's not rocket science, but Republicans aren't smart enough to provide people with what they want.

Prove with links and studies to provide facts... not your guesses!

All of it is supported by hard numbers reported by the DHHS and posted to their website.

You can find it all there and much, much more.

None of that is even disputed.

The GOP just focuses on the 10% which has a problem and declares the whole thing is imploding.

It is not.

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