Only a fool would own pit bulls

Pit bulls are no more dangerous as any other breed. They get a bum rap because they have been bred to fight and they are a strong, powerful breed.

I have a pit bull and boxer mix. (Hoover) She is a sweetheart and wouldn't harm a fly but she can scare the shit out of you... a very good actress. I love her to death and I don't think I've ever had a smarter dog.

True story: A few years ago, this woman who lived next door started dating this guy. Hoover has always been friendly towards her, and everybody in the neighborhood, really... but this guy, every time he came over, Hoover just raised hell. I would scold her but she continued to greet him with much animosity. I thought that to be very uncharacteristic but just chalked it up to something she didn't like about that one guy, for whatever reason. Well... turns out, the guy was arrested and went to prison for child molestation. The woman who was dating him had no idea, he had everyone fooled. He seemed like a nice guy.

My grand-kids have a pit bull since they be kindergarten. She is a doll, except when she goes for a walk she used to try and pull your arm out of the socket. She is very well behaved and slept with the youngest, who is autistic, when he had a toddler bed. Now the toddler bed hers and the boys have big beds. She was good with other dog, if a bit excited, and the cat which they added to the family. Chihuahuas are the only things they restrain her from getting to close. You can feel it in the leash and see her muscles they she wants to get close to, but not necessary in a bad way.

I would be cautious with any big dog around one so small and noisy unless the dogs were introduced in the home. Even excited play could hurt the tiny thing.
in my 33 years of delivering mail the worst little basterds that i came up against were fucking beagles....not friendly at all....the friendliest were Golden Retrievers....had many on the route,all very friendly ....
Snoop is the best dog we've ever had. He was raised with kids, and has been in our family since he was a tiny pup. He's been draped with scarves, hats, glasses, and multiple leashes by my grandkids. He's had ears pulled, poked, been rolled on, sat on, and his food stolen by tiny children.


I. Don't. Leave. Kids. With. Multiple. Dogs. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.
I don't leave anybody alone with multiple dogs or with a dangerous breed. I would never own a put bull, rottweiler, or wolf dog.
Awesome. So you're scared of big dogs. Good for you!

I personally love my pittie, and I love rotts as well. Wolf dogs, however, are hybrids and I think it's a tragedy that they are bred and kept by people. It's wrong.
What some people call wolf dogs are huskies. One of the gentlest breeds. Huskies make excellent companions even for very young children and a noted for being able to sing to a baby until it falls asleep.

Pit bulls historically were nanny dogs and cared for children.

I was recently charged with baby sitting a friend's two year old. He was so active, I had to call a friend for reinforcements. She came over with her rottweiler and shepherd. They ran that kid ragged. The three of them finally fell asleep in a big pile.
And some hybrids are actually 100 percent wolf.

I have no problem with huskies. But the whole domestic wolf racket is a nightmare, and pitiful for the canines.

Totally. Wolves are meant to be wild and they really aren't like dogs. People are idiots.
Here's a good way to look at it.
Any gun can kill you, but given the choice I would rather be shot by a .22 than a 44mag.

Likewise, any dog can bite and cause injury, but I would rather have a poodle have a hold of my leg than a pitbul.

If you're going to own a pit, you must also take on the responsibility that goes with them. You must realize they are capable of causing a higher degree of injuries than many other breeds.
in my 33 years of delivering mail the worst little basterds that i came up against were fucking beagles....not friendly at all....the friendliest were Golden Retrievers....had many on the route,all very friendly ....

So funny, made me laugh lol.
.I had a beagle for 14 years she was a drama girl for sure but a heart of gold. She just died last summer..
in my 33 years of delivering mail the worst little basterds that i came up against were fucking beagles....not friendly at all....the friendliest were Golden Retrievers....had many on the route,all very friendly ....

So funny, made me laugh lol.
.I had a beagle for 14 years she was a drama girl for sure but a heart of gold. She just died last summer..
sorry for your loss ...but yea,she was great to you and those she knew....but they were among the worst....i was nipped by one and almost bit by 2 others,worse than chihuahuas...... lots of big dogs just barked but never attacked.....lots of people over the years owned beagles....all their houses i had to put dog warning cards at their addresses so the subs knew...we had a carrier who was attacked by a "pack" of chihuahuas lol,the person owned 4 of them,we also had a guy who was chased off the property by a
Another story of pit bulls turning without warning against a frequent house guest
'I Failed Him': Boy Killed When Left Alone with Sister's Dogs

This woman wanted to adopt her foster care half brother who was on a weekend visit. Instead, because of her vicious pit bulls, which had previously been loving with this boy, he's dead.

Pit bulls and their kin are disgusting monsters that must never be trusted with anyone. Owning three of them is insanely stupid. Trusting the three to not harm somebody is even more stupid.

I would not shed a tear if the pit bull and it's kin went extinct.

I read many of the posts here. I am with you. People take risks with other people’s lives because of negligence or whatever.

Accidents happen. Kids die. Pit bulls are far more dangerous to kill someone than other dogs. I think those pit bulls now alive should be grandfathered in so the owners can keep them. But I would be all for no more breeding or acquisitions allowed. Anyone who has to have a dog can get one, it does not have to be a pit bull.

I do not want to read one more story where a child is attacked and killed. I really do not care if the owner is at fault, there is no consolation in that to the grieving family. The loss of someone not having another pit bull does not compare to the loss of a child.
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Awesome. So you're scared of big dogs. Good for you!

I personally love my pittie, and I love rotts as well. Wolf dogs, however, are hybrids and I think it's a tragedy that they are bred and kept by people. It's wrong.
I'm scared of dangerous dogs that are liable to decide to kill me on a bad day, yes.

Your best bet is don't own a dog.
Bull. 90% of breeds will not under any circumstance kill me.

Under "any" circumstances? You don't know much about dogs do you?
I know plenty about them.

I doubt it.

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