Only A Republican Could Say Something So Absolutely Stupid


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Mike Pence proved long ago he was far from the brightest bulb on the string. But his short association with the Big Orange Idiot has already taken a severe toll on what little grey matter remained between his ears.

It’s obvious Pence overheated his old noodle in a feeble to spin the conservatives’ new openness of their love for Nazis, while at the same time, condemning the black NFL players protest of police brutality on black Americans.

The best the doddering fool could come up with is beyond laughable. In fact, only a devoted conservative like Pence would dare say something so stupid. Pence contends that, in as much as the NFL’s name contains the word “national”, the players must forfeit their First Amendment rights because the word “national” is in the title of the “National Anthem”. And he said this with a straight face.

“Pence made his bizarre comment at a campaign rally for Sen. Luther Strange, who faces off against disgraced former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore in Tuesday’s primary.” (Which Moore won.) It is no surprise conservatives would vote for the most unethical candidate.

“The ridiculous statement by Pence will surely be a hit with conservatives, as it promotes the Republican agenda to minimize the influence of minorities.



Conservatives believe employees should not be permitted to protest during their working hours, unless it is one of their own. They were thrilled by the extended protest during business hours by Rowan County Clerk, conservative Kim Davis.

That well known conservative hypocrisy rears its ugly head...again.

You didn't build that
57 states
Your premiums will go down
If I had a son
The cops acted stupidly
It was the video
I'll have more flexibility after the election
I was going to 'pile on' but everyone else before me has more than adequately destroyed this snowflake thread.

Again, no defense of Pence or Trump. Only Red Herrings of subjects or things wholly unrelated to the OP which by the way is a violation of forum rules. Can't address the OP then move along.

Conservatives rave at Kim Davis for protesting at work, in a government job no less, but let anyone in the NFL, a private business, protest and it's against the country by god. Cons you are so full of shit.
Again, no defense of Pence or Trump. Only Red Herrings of subjects or things wholly unrelated to the OP which by the way is a violation of forum rules. Can't address the OP then move along.

Conservatives rave at Kim Davis for protesting at work, in a government job no less, but let anyone in the NFL, a private business, protest and it's against the country by god. Cons you are so full of shit.
yea like you have never done the same shit,right issac?.....
Again, no defense of Pence or Trump. Only Red Herrings of subjects or things wholly unrelated to the OP which by the way is a violation of forum rules. Can't address the OP then move along.

Conservatives rave at Kim Davis for protesting at work, in a government job no less, but let anyone in the NFL, a private business, protest and it's against the country by god. Cons you are so full of shit.
It's not just Cons who oppose the protest, snowflake...unless you are trying to say that 58% of the country is Conservative.
Again, no defense of Pence or Trump. Only Red Herrings of subjects or things wholly unrelated to the OP which by the way is a violation of forum rules. Can't address the OP then move along.

Conservatives rave at Kim Davis for protesting at work, in a government job no less, but let anyone in the NFL, a private business, protest and it's against the country by god. Cons you are so full of shit.
AGAIN, Cons are not the only ones protesting, no matter how hard you falsely try to claim it is so.

Your willingness to engage in intellectual dishonesty in order to push a false narrative is shamefully partisan.

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