Only fools think Trump is the guy the new book claims he is...he is actually Superman...

Yes....Trump is a political Superman, as the lex luthor of the story, Wolff, lies about the Political Man of Steel

2BrainCells joins the cult........LOL

What do you mean refuses to learn anything.....he has learned how to deal with Washington establisment democrats and Republicans

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Please....please...keep believing that he is out of control, and a drooling idiot.....we need more of this...

A mentally unsound man-child overseeing an administration crippled by anarchy will not see a record number of his appellate judges confirmed, will not oversee the successful passage of the most important tax reform in 30 years, will not annihilate ISIS without adding a single boot on the ground.

In just 365 days, Trump has turned around a stagnate economy, exploded the number of manufacturing jobs; seen black and Hispanic unemployment drop to record lows; opened up two oil pipelines (and all kinds of exploration); enjoyed victory after victory in the Supreme Court in pursuit of his immigration priorities; seated a spectacular Supreme Court justice; negotiated a $250 billion trade deal with China; brought North Korea to the negotiating table from a position of strength; expertly managed the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital; untangled us from stupid deals known as TPP and the Paris climate accord, and a whole lot more.

These are not the achievements of a lunatic as portrayed by an immature and irresponsible media still bitter over losing a presidential election.

While there is no question the Trump White House had some growing pains, what White House doesn’t? Bill Clinton’s first year was by far the worst of the modern era, but the media would have us believe Trump’s was unprecedented. That is absurd. Clinton’s first year was not only chaotic, it was almost a total waste.

Meanwhile, Trump has already cemented a substantial legacy.

Forget that Trump is the man who conquered the Manhattan real estate market (the most coveted on the planet).

Forget that Trump managed to remain a pop culture icon for four decades (something only a handful can claim).

Forget that the very first time Trump tried politics, he effortlessly rolled over 16 other seasoned GOP candidates to win the Republican nomination;

that he vanquished the Bush and Clinton dynasties;

that he won the most coveted job in the world (that of the American president);

that he accomplished all of this while a partisan media darkened the skies with poisoned arrows aimed at his back…
Let's Trump an idiot...or is he really a political Superman...

He defeated the Bush Family, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and 16 other experienced Republicans to get the nomination......he defeated them spending very little money and with little to no direct experience running for office.

He defeated the clinton crime family.....they had Russian money, they had the State Department, the FBI, the IRS, and the entire government power structure under their control...and he defeated them....using less money than hilary, who spent 1.2 billion dollars.

He defeated the obama crime family....The charge of the entire government, with no reluctance to use those government powers.....he used the IRS to target conservatives, he used the FBI to target Trump...and Trump beat him....

He defeated the democrat party controlled media and press......the CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, Hollywood and their millions of and all of the comedy shows....

So......having done this, and facing his own party, and the establishment in Washington, he accomplished vast amounts of his agenda, and got a tax cut passed....

So.....please...and try not to make us laugh....or snort up our left wing tears we are drinking through our noses....that Trump is an idiot who can barely keep from drooling in public...

Please....go ahead.......

Let's Trump an idiot...or is he really a political Superman...

He defeated the Bush Family, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and 16 other experienced Republicans to get the nomination......he defeated them spending very little money and with little to no direct experience running for office.

He defeated the clinton crime family.....they had Russian money, they had the State Department, the FBI, the IRS, and the entire government power structure under their control...and he defeated them....using less money than hilary, who spent 1.2 billion dollars.

He defeated the obama crime family....The charge of the entire government, with no reluctance to use those government powers.....he used the IRS to target conservatives, he used the FBI to target Trump...and Trump beat him....

He defeated the democrat party controlled media and press......the CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, Hollywood and their millions of and all of the comedy shows....

So......having done this, and facing his own party, and the establishment in Washington, he accomplished vast amounts of his agenda, and got a tax cut passed....

So.....please...and try not to make us laugh....or snort up our left wing tears we are drinking through our noses....that Trump is an idiot who can barely keep from drooling in public...

Please....go ahead.......

No it was Bannon.
If Trump could learn to control what he says and does he wouldn't get shit bombed so much..
Let's Trump an idiot...or is he really a political Superman...

He defeated the Bush Family, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and 16 other experienced Republicans to get the nomination......he defeated them spending very little money and with little to no direct experience running for office.

He defeated the clinton crime family.....they had Russian money, they had the State Department, the FBI, the IRS, and the entire government power structure under their control...and he defeated them....using less money than hilary, who spent 1.2 billion dollars.

He defeated the obama crime family....The charge of the entire government, with no reluctance to use those government powers.....he used the IRS to target conservatives, he used the FBI to target Trump...and Trump beat him....

He defeated the democrat party controlled media and press......the CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, Hollywood and their millions of and all of the comedy shows....

So......having done this, and facing his own party, and the establishment in Washington, he accomplished vast amounts of his agenda, and got a tax cut passed....

So.....please...and try not to make us laugh....or snort up our left wing tears we are drinking through our noses....that Trump is an idiot who can barely keep from drooling in public...

Please....go ahead.......

Trump is a idiot. Look at what his State Department tells foreign governments when Trump visits. Use pictures. Talk about Trump. His performances during the debates was awful. Americans agree that Trump is a idiot, dishonest, sexist and a number of unflattering words. Trump was the beneficiary of a unique set of circumstances.

Trump was a con artist extraordinaire and got just enough of the vote to take advantage of Republican rules. The field was largely unknown to voters and that helped Trump. Also the fact that no one could coalesce behind 1 candidate helped. Also in 2016, early voting became a major factor. In past years, when a candidate dropped out, their followers would go somewhere else. However if they voted early for a candidate then that vote was wasted.

The general set up a situation unprecedented in modern day politics. Never have you had 2 candidates for President so hated. Voters though both were dishonest. What put Trump over the top was voters who voted against Clinton not for Trump. The FBI did not target Trump. It was Trump hiring a crook like Manafort and being willing to accept Russian help.

The Republicans have planted the seeds of their own destruction. Their actions have played to 30% of voters. The result is 1 lost Senate seat and a number of legislative seats. Republicans will reap what they have sown in 2018 and 2020. The question is how much of the government will they control.

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