Only Muslim-Arabs aim at civilians VS Israel's high morals

I think Sherri is accusing us Jews of "deicide", like they did in the Middle Ages. Remember Sherri, if Jesus were truly a god, he could've stopped anyone, Roman or Jew, from killing him at anytime.

I think Sherri is exploiting the old DEICIDE MYTH -----in the same way islamo nazii pigs ----nazi arabists ----exploit the "PALESTINIAN" myth The islamic hero ACHMADIINEJAD is well into it He fantasizes an ISLAMIC CALIPHATE in the same way his hero ADOLF ABU ALI fantasized THE THIRD REICH
And Pro Pali crimes promoters haven't answered how many would really die if Israel wouldn't be careful and if Arabs wouldn't lurk behind little kids.


But Israel is not careful about trying not to take human life of nonJews, you are too deaf and dumb and blind and too much of a Zionist worshipper to see Truth about that.

Israel deliberately targets and kills nonJewiish civilians, they do not recognise nonJews as human beings. Their Satan worshipping Rabbis speak often of how Creation exists solely for Jews, and nonJews exist only to serve them.

Who is Israel? A nation that stands out as a deliberate killer of NonJewish babies and civilians of the world.

There is no other Nation who can boast of such accomplishments.


But there are plenty of Muslim Nations that can boast of killing non-Muslims, including Christians.
"Satan-worshipping Rabbis"--how anti-Semitic can you get? Any rabbis who have made such statements are miniscule in number, and are not mainstream at all.
Your concern is not for murdered Muslim or Christian children, but your vicious hatred of Jews.
Great reply, I also didn't get 'SherriMunnerlyn' stupid terminology the phrase: "non jews" as if IDF cares what nationality is the threat. iDF targets right wing Jews too.
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Sherri I am fascinated by your idiotic posts--
I am a jewish woman---born in the USA of parents born in the USA-----I have no formal training in religion ---other than a few sundays in the lutheran sunday school with a friend where I colored pictures of a shepherd holding a lamb. You seem to imagine that you know something of the "christian bible"--to wit "the new testament" Did you have a religious "education" of any kind? You do allude to the "teachings" of one "Jesus"
Micho, Please identify Jewish children the IDF has targeted to kill, I am not aware of any. Sherri

The IDF has not targeted any children to kill but your fellow islamo nazis have a very long history of SPECIFICALLY TARGETING CHILDREN Those of you ilk murdered my little cousins in Austria------and two little baby sibs of my husband in a shariah shit hole
In fact-----very recently one of your ilk aimed a gun at the heads of two jewish children right here in the USA for the glorification of your "god" killed one and damaged the other for life------congratulations. Children who die in battle are murdered by the people who create arenas of war in the PRESENCE OF UNPROTECTED CHILDREN. People of your ilk send their children to play on MISSILE LAUNCHERS ----and urge then to CONFRONT SOLDIERS during times of battle --------in order to collect their SHAHID REWARD I am a mother-----and I lived thru a very prolonged demonstration with my child--------unlike the sluts of your group-----I kept my child hidden and protected----there were lots of sluts of your ilk out there-------and a dead boy in the gutter well---he was a bit over 20-----but your group refers to such people of that age as "children" if they are aiding your "god" by flinging rocks at the heads of jewish infants
And Pro Pali crimes promoters haven't answered how many would really die if Israel wouldn't be careful and if Arabs wouldn't lurk behind little kids.


But Israel is not careful about trying not to take human life of nonJews, you are too deaf and dumb and blind and too much of a Zionist worshipper to see Truth about that.

Israel deliberately targets and kills nonJewiish civilians, they do not recognise nonJews as human beings. Their Satan worshipping Rabbis speak often of how Creation exists solely for Jews, and nonJews exist only to serve them.

Who is Israel? A nation that stands out as a deliberate killer of NonJewish babies and civilians of the world.

There is no other Nation who can boast of such accomplishments.


But there are plenty of Muslim Nations that can boast of killing non-Muslims, including Christians.
"Satan-worshipping Rabbis"--how anti-Semitic can you get? Any rabbis who have made such statements are miniscule in number, and are not mainstream at all.
Your concern is not for murdered Muslim or Christian children, but your vicious hatred of Jews.


Name one other Nation besides Israel that deliberately targets only nonJews/Gentiles in their military operations.

There is no other Nation doing this.

Gentile Killer, that is a perfect description of Israel!

In the 2006 war against the civilians of Lebanon, Israel killled around 1400 Lebanese, in Muslim and Christian villages, and Muslim neighborhoods in Beirut (where they carried out carpet bombing, I read a report of this from an American and saw the photos proving it happened). Democracy Today reported that over 90% of those killed inside Lebanon were civilians, in the 34 day war in 2006. Civilian Gentile Killer, that is a perfect description of what Israel engaged in within Lebanon in 2006.

I see religious leaders who spew Hate as worshipping Satan, and my comment about Rabbis was directed only at those Rabbis spewing hate, that I read about frequently, speaking from Palestine, from inside Israel and the illegal settlements.

Criticizing unlawful and racist acts of Israel and Israelis does not make one AntiSemitic, it makes one a person of conscience!

Semitic peoples include Jews and Arabs, so a truly AntiSemitic person is one who hates all of these peoples.

What should a person be called who hatefully labels all who criticize Israel as AntiSemitic?

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I think Sherri is accusing us Jews of "deicide", like they did in the Middle Ages. Remember Sherri, if Jesus were truly a god, he could've stopped anyone, Roman or Jew, from killing him at anytime.


I am simply setting forth what my Bible tells me, a Christian. I read that Jesus was man and God. John 1. And I read that the Jews killed Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15.

All 344 children Israel massacred in Gaza in her targeted attacks on Gaza's civilians during Cast Lead will never be forgotten.

These deliberate Israeli child murders, which are war crimes under the Fourth Geneva Convention, cry out for justice!

What is Israel but a deliberate slaughterer of nonJewish Children in the Middle East?

I just am laughing my ass off about the lies told in the OP of this thread!

To call Israel's regular child murdering activities in Palestine moral behaviour is prepostourous, a lie of magnificent proportions!

Israel, you say the name and all one sees is WAR CRIMINAL and the images of all the dead children she has deliberately slaughtered!

Mahmoud Majed Mahmoud Abu Nahleh was a 16 year-old resident of Rafah, injured on 27.12.2008 in Rafah, by a missile, and he died on 30.12.2008. He was not a participant in hostilities when killed. Additional information: He was killed while on his way home from school, as he passed near a police station that was bombed. The bombing of civilian police stateions was also a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Haya Talal Shehdeh Hamdan was a 12 year-old resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, killed on 30.12.2008 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by a missile fired from a fighter jet. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: She was killed with her brother and sister while on their way to throw out the garbage.

Samar Anwar Khalil Bau'lusha was a 12 year-old resident of Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, killed on 29.12.2008 in Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, by a missile fired from a helicopter. She was not a participant in hostilities when killed. Additional information: She was killed with four of her sisters when the family's house was struck in the bombing of the 'Imad al-'Aqel mosque. This child's family was not warned before the bombing.

Tahrir Anwar Khalil Bau'lusha was a 17 year-old resident of Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, killed on 29.12.2008 in Jabalya R.C., North Gaza district, by a missile fired from a helicopter. She was not a participant in hostilities when killed. Additional information: She was killed with four of her sisters when the family's house was struck in the bombing of the 'Imad al-'Aqel mosque. This teenager's family was not warned before the bombing.

B'Tselem - Statistics - Fatalities

The five Bau'lusha sisters Israel killed on December 29, 2009 are lsited below:

Jawaher Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (4), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
Dena Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (7), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
Samar Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (12), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
Ekram Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (13), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA
Tahreer Anwar Khalil Ba’lousha (17), Jabalia Camp, NORTH GAZA

Here is more about how these 5 sisters lost their lives, bombed as they lay sleeping in their home in Gaza, by their Isreali Occupier, the story of how they died told by their mother who was there and witnessed it all, the deaths of 5 children by the Israeli Jewish Occupiers of Palestine:

"Operation Cast Lead: Five sisters killed whilst they sleep in Jabalia

At around 10:00pm, on Sunday, 28 December 2008, electricity was cut to the Jabalia Refugee Camp, located in the north of the Gaza Strip. The nine children in the Ba’lousha family were all at home with their parents at the time. Their house was located next door to the Imad Aqel Mosque, in the centre of the densely crowded camp.
The sound of jet aircraft and drones could be heard flying overhead. ‘We could hear explosions and were all terrified’ recalls 35 year-old Samira, ‘I told my girls to go to sleep to relieve them from the tension.’ Samira also went to her bedroom which she shared with her husband, Anwar, one year old son, Mohammad, and their 13-day-old baby girl, Bara’a.
Several hours later, at around midnight on Monday, 29 December 2008, a missile struck the Mosque, destroying it completely and damaging the surrounding houses, many of which had asbestos roofs. ‘I woke and saw the roof and walls of my house falling,’ recalls Samira, ‘I did not realise what was happening.’ Samira then lost consciousness.
‘When I woke, I looked around and could only see dust. I was covered in stones and sand; I could hardly breathe. My husband Anwar was also covered in stones and sand. I then heard the screams of my baby daughter, Bara’a. I started removing stones from my body and managed to stand up. I rushed over to where the cot was and started to remove the rubble. Bara’a’s cot was upside down and formed a kind of protective tent. I picked up Bara’a and passed her to Anwar, whose face was covered in blood. I then looked for Mohammad but could not find him. A wall had fallen on where his mattress had been. I then heard Mohammad screaming from under the rubble and started to dig him out. When I found him his head was covered in blood.’ Samira handed Mohammad to a rescue worker and then went in search of her seven daughters. ‘I went to their bedroom, but there was no room, all the walls had collapsed. The room where my girls had been sleeping was not there. The ground was covered with wood, stones and asbestos. I started to scream.’

(this story can be accessed by clicking on the names of any of the five children, from the link above, which will pull up a PDF file that can be downloaded)

Photos of the five sisters are displayed in the article.

More photos appear in an article in the UK The Independent, such as this photo below:


Five sisters killed in Gaza while they slept - Middle East - World - The Independent


The killings can be seen as either willful targeting of civilians or indiscriminate targeting of civilians, both unlawful acts and war crimes under the Fourth Geneva Convention.

I am reading the discussion of intl laws violated, by one human rights organization, addressing the Israeli killings of the Ba' lousha sisters and other children during the early days of Cast Lead:

"These deaths were the obvious and forseeable consequence of firing missiles into densely populated areas. Indiscriminate attacks violate basic principles of international humanitarian law and illustrate the Israeli army's flagrant disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians, including children: but the willful targeting of civilians and civilian areas is a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and amounts to a war crime."

My view is that all the killings are willful and deliberate killings of civilians, Israel has been engaging in these attacks deliberately into densely populated civilian areas for many years now, and every time they deliberately engage in these same killing tactics, in densely populated areas, like Gaza or refugee camps elsewhere, civilians and children predictably are struck and hurt and killed in substantial numbers. There is no doubt but that the killings are deliberate. (I compare it to a person firing into a large crowd, at a concert, for example, they intend to hurt and kill persons in that crowd.) The discussion above points out there are different degrees of violating the fourth Geneva Convention.

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Sherri I don't believe Israel targets any YOUNG children as such.

But they certainly arrest, detain and abuse teenagers in the west bank on a large scale.

Don't be like the zio liars and exaggerate; its bad enough even understating it
Sherri I don't believe Israel targets any YOUNG children as such.

But they certainly arrest, detain and abuse teenagers in the west bank on a large scale.

Don't be like the zio liars and exaggerate; its bad enough even understating it


Mostly, I think we are dealing with Indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks into civilian areas, which violate intl law, and are likely war crimes because of the substantial numbers killed, and these attacks predictably kill civilian families, that often do include small children. I do not think small children are being singled out, specifically, in most cases anyway, I do not want to imply otherwise. If you go to Btselem, you can compare the numbers of children killed to total Palestinians killed. Btselem reports 344 children were killed in Cast Lead, the total Palestinian casualties exceeded 1000. We are speaking, I think, of around 30% (or a little less) of the Palestinian casualties being children.

I think each case actually has its own particular facts. My recollection is that there were some civilians killed who were holding up white flags, who were shot and killed. I do not know if those incidents involved small children or not. One thing I do recall reading, as well, is that the timing of some attacks corresponded to when schools were beginning or ending for the day. And if you read of child fatalities on Btselem or elsewhere you will see children killed standing outside their schools or walking to and from schools. Certainly, the choice of the timing of these particular attacks increased children fatalities.

There were over a dozen human rights groups who carried out extensive investigations of Cast Lead, and wrote lengthy reports, like Amnesty and Human Rights Watch. And we have reports like the Goldstone Report and I am sure many other reports of various UN agencies. The incidents I address here briefy and others are addressed in much detail in those reports. There were many violations of intl law addressed, like attacking ambulances, like using Palestinian civilians as human shields, like attacking civilian objects, like schools, municipal police departments, houses, UN shelters, hospitals, mosques, churches. The IDF attacking fleeing civilians was documented, injured were denied access to medical care, etc.

Civilians and civilian objects were unlawfully targeted, and the targeted included young children.

Over half of those killed were not partipants in the hostilities, they were civilians who are not properly targets in military attacks under intl law.

Sherri I don't believe Israel targets any YOUNG children as such.

But they certainly arrest, detain and abuse teenagers in the west bank on a large scale.

Don't be like the zio liars and exaggerate; its bad enough even understating it


Mostly, I think we are dealing with Indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks into civilian areas, which violate intl law, and are likely war crimes because of the substantial numbers killed, and these attacks predictably kill civilian families, that often do include small children. I do not think small children are being singled out, specifically, in most cases anyway, I do not want to imply otherwise. If you go to Btselem, you can compare the numbers of children killed to total Palestinians killed. Btselem reports 344 children were killed in Cast Lead, the total Palestinian casualties exceeded 1000. We are speaking, I think, of around 30% (or a little less) of the Palestinian casualties being children.

I think each case actually has its own particular facts. My recollection is that there were some civilians killed who were holding up white flags, who were shot and killed. I do not know if those incidents involved small children or not. One thing I do recall reading, as well, is that the timing of some attacks corresponded to when schools were beginning or ending for the day. And if you read of child fatalities on Btselem or elsewhere you will see children killed standing outside their schools or walking to and from schools. Certainly, the choice of the timing of these particular attacks increased children fatalities.

There were over a dozen human rights groups who carried out extensive investigations of Cast Lead, and wrote lengthy reports, like Amnesty and Human Rights Watch. And we have reports like the Goldstone Report and I am sure many other reports of various UN agencies. The incidents I address here briefy and others are addressed in much detail in those reports. There were many violations of intl law addressed, like attacking ambulances, like using Palestinian civilians as human shields, like attacking civilian objects, like schools, municipal police departments, houses, UN shelters, hospitals, mosques, churches. The IDF attacking fleeing civilians was documented, injured were denied access to medical care, etc.

Civilians and civilian objects were unlawfully targeted, and the targeted included young children.

Over half of those killed were not partipants in the hostilities, they were civilians who are not properly targets in military attacks under intl law.

that's all true and horrific and btselem are honest and good people

but you exagerate like the zios

stop playin their my advice

stick to facts and dont go over the top and denounce all israelis or judaism

which you have done several times

btselem are also israelis aint they??

and there's lots of very good jews and israelis.......just not here, that's all!!

even good zionists...try reading uri avnery who has a weekly post which is always excellent stuff

that'll keep you happily busy for hours!

part of gush shalom...another great israeli peace group

in fact over the years, i have found honest jewish sources in israel and USA by far the best on israel/pal

far better than anyone else

another which is more spiritual and to your taste is tikkun in USA...rabbi michael lehrer and olam tikkun in israel, too the USA one

a tikkun is a sacred jewish scroll

shabat shalom, cherie
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Sherri I don't believe Israel targets any YOUNG children as such.

But they certainly arrest, detain and abuse teenagers in the west bank on a large scale.

Don't be like the zio liars and exaggerate; its bad enough even understating it


Mostly, I think we are dealing with Indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks into civilian areas, which violate intl law, and are likely war crimes because of the substantial numbers killed, and these attacks predictably kill civilian families, that often do include small children. I do not think small children are being singled out, specifically, in most cases anyway, I do not want to imply otherwise. If you go to Btselem, you can compare the numbers of children killed to total Palestinians killed. Btselem reports 344 children were killed in Cast Lead, the total Palestinian casualties exceeded 1000. We are speaking, I think, of around 30% (or a little less) of the Palestinian casualties being children.

I think each case actually has its own particular facts. My recollection is that there were some civilians killed who were holding up white flags, who were shot and killed. I do not know if those incidents involved small children or not. One thing I do recall reading, as well, is that the timing of some attacks corresponded to when schools were beginning or ending for the day. And if you read of child fatalities on Btselem or elsewhere you will see children killed standing outside their schools or walking to and from schools. Certainly, the choice of the timing of these particular attacks increased children fatalities.

There were over a dozen human rights groups who carried out extensive investigations of Cast Lead, and wrote lengthy reports, like Amnesty and Human Rights Watch. And we have reports like the Goldstone Report and I am sure many other reports of various UN agencies. The incidents I address here briefy and others are addressed in much detail in those reports. There were many violations of intl law addressed, like attacking ambulances, like using Palestinian civilians as human shields, like attacking civilian objects, like schools, municipal police departments, houses, UN shelters, hospitals, mosques, churches. The IDF attacking fleeing civilians was documented, injured were denied access to medical care, etc.

Civilians and civilian objects were unlawfully targeted, and the targeted included young children.

Over half of those killed were not partipants in the hostilities, they were civilians who are not properly targets in military attacks under intl law.

that's all true and horrific and btselem are honest and good people

but you exagerate like the zios

stop playin their my advice

stick to facts and dont go over the top and denounce all israelis or judaism

which you have done several times

btselem are also israelis aint they??

and there's lots of very good jews and israelis.......just not here, that's all!!

even good zionists...try reading uri avnery who has a weekly post which is always excellent stuff

Uri Avnery's weekly english article

that'll keep you happily busy for hours!

part of gush shalom...another great israeli peace group

in fact over the years, i have found honest jewish sources in israel and USA by far the best on israel/pal

far better than anyone else

another which is more spiritual and to your taste is tikkun in USA...rabbi michael lehrer and olam tikkun in israel, too

Tikkun Magazine | A Jewish Magazine, an Interfaith movement the USA one

a tikkun is a sacred jewish scroll

shabat shalom, cherie
I wonder if the Yenta can tell us where this Lerner guy was ordained.

Martin Schwartz: The Truth about Rabbi Michael Lerner - Baristanet | Baristanet
Pro pallywood - Kvetch says "B'tzelem" are "good people." He doesn't mention that they are purely radical politically motivated.
When was the last time Betselem intervened on behalf of a non- Arab victim of violence by Pali regime or groups?
to whomever said A TIKKUN is a "sacred jewish scroll" ------uhm-----do not try to be a hebrew translator----------uhm-------gee you are stupid
Kvetchy (pro Islamic crimes) also quotes hero of Jihadists - avnery
IDF documents Palestinian using human shield - Israel News ...
27 May 2012 –
IDF documents Palestinian using human shield - Israel News, Ynetnews


Amnesty documents the IDF uses civilians as human shields.

I refer you to their 100+ report on Cast Lead that can be found on their website, documenting specific instances where the IDF used Palestinian civilians as human shields during Cast Lead.

Why does a war criminal Zionist Gentile killing operation like the IDF have any credibility?

They have no credibility.

Amnesty investigates human rights abuses and their investigations keep documenting IDF using civilians as human shields, and they keep finding no such use of civilians as human shields by Hamas.

And other human rights groups confirm this all to be true, like Btselem and Human Rights Watch, they did not find Hamas using civilians as human shields in Cast Lead, either.

Is the Gentile World an entire world that lacks credibility or is the one with no credibility the Gentile killing Zionists in our world, that includes the IDF?

I choose to believe the human rights organization Amnesty over the Zionist war criminal perpetrator of Gentiles, the IDF.

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Sherri I don't believe Israel targets any YOUNG children as such.

But they certainly arrest, detain and abuse teenagers in the west bank on a large scale.

Don't be like the zio liars and exaggerate; its bad enough even understating it


Mostly, I think we are dealing with Indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks into civilian areas, which violate intl law, and are likely war crimes because of the substantial numbers killed, and these attacks predictably kill civilian families, that often do include small children. I do not think small children are being singled out, specifically, in most cases anyway, I do not want to imply otherwise. If you go to Btselem, you can compare the numbers of children killed to total Palestinians killed. Btselem reports 344 children were killed in Cast Lead, the total Palestinian casualties exceeded 1000. We are speaking, I think, of around 30% (or a little less) of the Palestinian casualties being children.

I think each case actually has its own particular facts. My recollection is that there were some civilians killed who were holding up white flags, who were shot and killed. I do not know if those incidents involved small children or not. One thing I do recall reading, as well, is that the timing of some attacks corresponded to when schools were beginning or ending for the day. And if you read of child fatalities on Btselem or elsewhere you will see children killed standing outside their schools or walking to and from schools. Certainly, the choice of the timing of these particular attacks increased children fatalities.

There were over a dozen human rights groups who carried out extensive investigations of Cast Lead, and wrote lengthy reports, like Amnesty and Human Rights Watch. And we have reports like the Goldstone Report and I am sure many other reports of various UN agencies. The incidents I address here briefy and others are addressed in much detail in those reports. There were many violations of intl law addressed, like attacking ambulances, like using Palestinian civilians as human shields, like attacking civilian objects, like schools, municipal police departments, houses, UN shelters, hospitals, mosques, churches. The IDF attacking fleeing civilians was documented, injured were denied access to medical care, etc.

Civilians and civilian objects were unlawfully targeted, and the targeted included young children.

Over half of those killed were not partipants in the hostilities, they were civilians who are not properly targets in military attacks under intl law.

that's all true and horrific and btselem are honest and good people

but you exagerate like the zios

stop playin their my advice

stick to facts and dont go over the top and denounce all israelis or judaism

which you have done several times

btselem are also israelis aint they??

and there's lots of very good jews and israelis.......just not here, that's all!!

even good zionists...try reading uri avnery who has a weekly post which is always excellent stuff

Uri Avnery's weekly english article

that'll keep you happily busy for hours!

part of gush shalom...another great israeli peace group

in fact over the years, i have found honest jewish sources in israel and USA by far the best on israel/pal

far better than anyone else

another which is more spiritual and to your taste is tikkun in USA...rabbi michael lehrer and olam tikkun in israel, too

Tikkun Magazine | A Jewish Magazine, an Interfaith movement the USA one

a tikkun is a sacred jewish scroll

shabat shalom, cherie


I am sorry if my comments at times seem to criticize those I may not intend to. It certainly is true there are Israelis and Jews who do not support unlawful Zionist practices my criticism is aimed at, and I will try to be more careful about the statements I make. The problem I have, that all criticisms I am making is primarily aimed at, is the acts that hurt and kill, whoever is carrying them out.

There certainly are Israelis I admire and respect, like the folks on 972 Magazine, I cannot imagine how very hard it must be for them to continue to stay in Israel (even after reading some very emotional posts about that very issue on 972 Magazine) and keep reporting on all their fellow Israelis are doing, and stay human, like Journalist Joseph Dana, who for the longest time was regularly reminding me of Jesus, I even found articles specifically addressing his meekness as he went about confronting Injustice in the land of Palestine.

It is Israelis like Joseph Dana and Palestinians like Bassem Tamimi and Mazin Qumsiyeh who show me the very great potential of goodness that exists in man, all man, no matter what religion or ethnicity they claim, be they Jewish or Muslim or Christian.

I wonder where they are hiding all the obscenely mutilated bodies of the teenaged arab victims can you give us a name sherri? I can supply names of jews who your friends mutilated in the obscene manner that TURNS YOU AND YOUR FELLOW PERVERTS---on

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