Only Problem With A President Joe Biden.Waking Up At 6:AM Five Days A Week In His 70's.

but of course many people in their 70's wake up around 6/7ish, but Biden doesn't come off as a 72 year old man who can't wait to get up early and go to work, most people see him as their wacky/senile neighbor with a great sense of humor, yet always shows signs of many screws loose. Joe Biden seems to be the type of person that when woken up at 3am will still think its 1944 and we are at war with someone, and after about ten minutes of trying to wake up, or have someone wake him up mentally, he finally realizes that its 2016 and the world still is not at peace.
I've been saying for a while now that the Dims are giving us the Depends Brigade.

In January 2017 when the next POTUS is sworn in, Hillary will be 69, Joe 74, and Bernie 75.
That's simply too old to be carrying the nuclear football.

Yeah Reagan was 69 when he entered the White House too, and he had the beginning stages of Alzheimers before he left.
but Hillary has already made it obvious that shes senile being she wont even answer questions from the press. maybe "She Doesnt Recall" anything?
I see Joe Biden as the first President who wakes up with an inflatable doll on both sides.
Biden should be on the sexual offender list along with slick willy....
:cow: Bad enough having to wake up a 75 year old man at 3am every one or two months in the White House, but having to wake up between 6 and 7 most of the time? Aren't most senior citizens pretty worn out as they are pushing 70? "Energy-Wise"?
On any given morning, Joe Biden doesn't wake up like a 35 year old, all fired up and ready to go, his brain probably wont be functional till 9:00. And what time is the daily national security meeting? Will he need an aid to explain the current crisis? {Kinda Like What Huma does for Hillary when Hillary has her daily brain-freeze}.
We can just vision Joe Biden trying to wake up early every day......uhhh,,,uhmm,,,what time is it? why are you guys waking me so early? I am really really tired...can I sleep another three hours? I really dont feel like working today,,,go wake up Bernie and leave me alone!!!

Well, you've finally proven that you have next to no knowledge of the world or how it works. The vast majority of seniors tend to wake up very early every single day. In fact, if you can manage to find a senior out there in this wide world who habitually wakes up past 6am, I'll be utterly shocked. In fact, I probably wouldn't believe you without a notarized affidavit from the subject individual and at least three witnesses. Most of them wake up between 4am - 6 am each day. And they don't even use an alarm clock. That's just when their bodies are ready to get active.

When seniors find themselves "pretty worn out as they are pushing 70; energy-wise" the resulting behavior is typically to go to bed earlier at night, and/or to take brief naps during the day. Overall, seniors tend to have a much more leisurely lifestyle than working adults, and much lower levels of stress, and that will often translate into needing less overall rest than a working adult.
Biden should be on the sexual offender list along with slick willy....
yah, why is it that the Democrats get away with never ending impure thoughts (like u-no-who), yet, 50% of Americans dont seem to mind them having all kinds of affairs.

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