Only Trump

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
Trump just anointed himself the greatest environmentalist president since Teddy Roosevelt himself. Why?..because he just issued a ban on offshore drilling that he had allowed in the first place. He got to much backlash for rescinding Obama's ban on offshore drilling so he reinstated it, now he's a great environmentalist in his eyes..Trump, cheerleader in chief for drilling and fracking, proclaims himself 'the great environmentalist'
I have no doubt that he believes it, and that his little Trump bunnies do too.
Trump just anointed himself the greatest environmentalist president since Teddy Roosevelt himself. Why?..because he just issued a ban on offshore drilling that he had allowed in the first place. He got to much backlash for rescinding Obama's ban on offshore drilling so he reinstated it, now he's a great environmentalist in his eyes..Trump, cheerleader in chief for drilling and fracking, proclaims himself 'the great environmentalist'

Trump just anointed himself the greatest environmentalist president since Teddy Roosevelt himself. Why?..because he just issued a ban on offshore drilling that he had allowed in the first place. He got to much backlash for rescinding Obama's ban on offshore drilling so he reinstated it, now he's a great environmentalist in his eyes..Trump, cheerleader in chief for drilling and fracking, proclaims himself 'the great environmentalist'
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Trump tells everyone how great he is, and that he's been the best president EVAH, at everything, hoping that people will believe him.

Only problem is, anyone with the ability to read a history book knows better. No, Trump hasn't done more for black people since Lincoln, and no, he's not been much of a friend to the environment like he's trying to claim. Anyone remember the Bear's Ears national monument? Trump reduced the amount of land that it occupies.

Combine that with all the EO's he's signed to get rid of regulations concerning pollution, as well as his touting of "clean coal", and anyone can see that Trump isn't concerned with the environment.
Trump tells everyone how great he is, and that he's been the best president EVAH, at everything, hoping that people will believe him.

Only problem is, anyone with the ability to read a history book knows better. No, Trump hasn't done more for black people since Lincoln, and no, he's not been much of a friend to the environment like he's trying to claim. Anyone remember the Bear's Ears national monument? Trump reduced the amount of land that it occupies.

Combine that with all the EO's he's signed to get rid of regulations concerning pollution, as well as his touting of "clean coal", and anyone can see that Trump isn't concerned with the environment.

Get with the times, bubba. Environmentalism has fallen by the wayside, nobody cares about that "global warming" shit anymore. The new god of the left is Black Lives Matter and "Down with the police." If you don't believe me, just ask yourself this: "What ever happened to Greta Thunberg?"
Trump tells everyone how great he is, and that he's been the best president EVAH, at everything, hoping that people will believe him.

Only problem is, anyone with the ability to read a history book knows better. No, Trump hasn't done more for black people since Lincoln, and no, he's not been much of a friend to the environment like he's trying to claim. Anyone remember the Bear's Ears national monument? Trump reduced the amount of land that it occupies.

Combine that with all the EO's he's signed to get rid of regulations concerning pollution, as well as his touting of "clean coal", and anyone can see that Trump isn't concerned with the environment.

Get with the times, bubba. Environmentalism has fallen by the wayside, nobody cares about that "global warming" shit anymore. The new god of the left is Black Lives Matter and "Down with the police." If you don't believe me, just ask yourself this: "What ever happened to Greta Thunberg?"

If environmentalism has fallen by the wayside, then why is Trump saying that he's the best environmental president since Teddy Roosevelt? Guess you aren't paying much attention to what Trump says, you just mindlessly repeat it.
Trump just anointed himself the greatest environmentalist president since Teddy Roosevelt himself. Why?..because he just issued a ban on offshore drilling that he had allowed in the first place. He got to much backlash for rescinding Obama's ban on offshore drilling so he reinstated it, now he's a great environmentalist in his eyes..Trump, cheerleader in chief for drilling and fracking, proclaims himself 'the great environmentalist'
Perhaps you want to tell the readers here why the MSM keeps you from the rest of the things he's doing and has done on Environmental issues, that leaves eggs on your face?
Directly from the WH daily news briefs;
“With fracking, the shale revolution, and the tremendous surge in American energy production, we’re showing that we can create jobs, safeguard the environment, and keep energy prices low for America and low for our citizens.”

While America has become the world’s top producer of oil and natural gas, our country has also successfully cut greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality.

“The left’s agenda isn’t about protecting the environment—it’s about punishing America,” President Trump said. “Instead of focusing on radical ideology, my administration is focused on delivering real results.”

Here are just a few of those results when it comes to the environment:
President Trump recently signed the Great American Outdoors Act, securing the single largest investment in our National Parks in history.

He ended NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA, which has the strongest environmental protections of any trade agreement in history.

He signed the Save Our Seas Act to protect our environment from foreign nations that litter our oceans with garbage.

He signed the largest public lands legislation in a decade, designating 1.3 million new acres of wilderness last year.

His Administration has invested over $38 billion in clean water infrastructure and delivered upgrades for numerous projects, including Everglades restoration to preserve ecosystems and protect millions of Floridians from flooding.
“We’ll preserve this glorious land for our children, for our grandchildren, and for every generation of American to come,” President Trump said.
Trump just anointed himself the greatest environmentalist president since Teddy Roosevelt himself. Why?..because he just issued a ban on offshore drilling that he had allowed in the first place. He got to much backlash for rescinding Obama's ban on offshore drilling so he reinstated it, now he's a great environmentalist in his eyes..Trump, cheerleader in chief for drilling and fracking, proclaims himself 'the great environmentalist'
Perhaps you want to tell the readers here why the MSM keeps you from the rest of the things he's doing and has done on Environmental issues, that leaves eggs on your face?
Directly from the WH daily news briefs;
“With fracking, the shale revolution, and the tremendous surge in American energy production, we’re showing that we can create jobs, safeguard the environment, and keep energy prices low for America and low for our citizens.”

While America has become the world’s top producer of oil and natural gas, our country has also successfully cut greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality.

“The left’s agenda isn’t about protecting the environment—it’s about punishing America,” President Trump said. “Instead of focusing on radical ideology, my administration is focused on delivering real results.”

Here are just a few of those results when it comes to the environment:
President Trump recently signed the Great American Outdoors Act, securing the single largest investment in our National Parks in history.

He ended NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA, which has the strongest environmental protections of any trade agreement in history.

He signed the Save Our Seas Act to protect our environment from foreign nations that litter our oceans with garbage.

He signed the largest public lands legislation in a decade, designating 1.3 million new acres of wilderness last year.

His Administration has invested over $38 billion in clean water infrastructure and delivered upgrades for numerous projects, including Everglades restoration to preserve ecosystems and protect millions of Floridians from flooding.
“We’ll preserve this glorious land for our children, for our grandchildren, and for every generation of American to come,” President Trump said.
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Again..and this is NOT from White House briefings but the article I don't think you read..'

A little over a week ago, the administration rolled back an Obama-era regulation that would have forced coal plants to upgrade how they treat wastewater so as to lower the amount of mercury and arsenic they release into rivers, streams and lakes.

Trump has reversed fuel efficiency standards, opened more land for oil drilling (including in national parks), weakened restrictions on methane emissions, eased rules on power plant emissions, watered down rules on air pollution at national parks, sought to repeal Obama-era clean water rules and proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act.

Perhaps the biggest impact that Trump’s presidency will have on the environment will be felt in regard to climate change, which the president has called a “hoax.” He has submitted his intention to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement and revoked an Obama executive order that laid out the goal of cutting federal greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent in 10 years. Indeed, Trump has seemed to take special glee targeting regulations on greenhouse gases.

He has never acknowledged that climate change represents a problem for humanity, and he often portrays steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as impediments to economic growth, reserving special scorn for wind and solar power. In 2018, when presented with the findings of a report produced by his own government that showed that unchecked global warming would cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars each year, Trump responded, “I don’t believe it.”
Trump just anointed himself the greatest environmentalist president since Teddy Roosevelt himself. Why?..because he just issued a ban on offshore drilling that he had allowed in the first place. He got to much backlash for rescinding Obama's ban on offshore drilling so he reinstated it, now he's a great environmentalist in his eyes..Trump, cheerleader in chief for drilling and fracking, proclaims himself 'the great environmentalist'
Perhaps you want to tell the readers here why the MSM keeps you from the rest of the things he's doing and has done on Environmental issues, that leaves eggs on your face?
Directly from the WH daily news briefs;
“With fracking, the shale revolution, and the tremendous surge in American energy production, we’re showing that we can create jobs, safeguard the environment, and keep energy prices low for America and low for our citizens.”

While America has become the world’s top producer of oil and natural gas, our country has also successfully cut greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality.

“The left’s agenda isn’t about protecting the environment—it’s about punishing America,” President Trump said. “Instead of focusing on radical ideology, my administration is focused on delivering real results.”

Here are just a few of those results when it comes to the environment:
President Trump recently signed the Great American Outdoors Act, securing the single largest investment in our National Parks in history.

He ended NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA, which has the strongest environmental protections of any trade agreement in history.

He signed the Save Our Seas Act to protect our environment from foreign nations that litter our oceans with garbage.

He signed the largest public lands legislation in a decade, designating 1.3 million new acres of wilderness last year.

His Administration has invested over $38 billion in clean water infrastructure and delivered upgrades for numerous projects, including Everglades restoration to preserve ecosystems and protect millions of Floridians from flooding.
“We’ll preserve this glorious land for our children, for our grandchildren, and for every generation of American to come,” President Trump said.
View attachment 386638
Again..and this is NOT from White House briefings but the article I don't think you read..'

A little over a week ago, the administration rolled back an Obama-era regulation that would have forced coal plants to upgrade how they treat wastewater so as to lower the amount of mercury and arsenic they release into rivers, streams and lakes.

Trump has reversed fuel efficiency standards, opened more land for oil drilling (including in national parks), weakened restrictions on methane emissions, eased rules on power plant emissions, watered down rules on air pollution at national parks, sought to repeal Obama-era clean water rules and proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act.

Perhaps the biggest impact that Trump’s presidency will have on the environment will be felt in regard to climate change, which the president has called a “hoax.” He has submitted his intention to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement and revoked an Obama executive order that laid out the goal of cutting federal greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent in 10 years. Indeed, Trump has seemed to take special glee targeting regulations on greenhouse gases.

He has never acknowledged that climate change represents a problem for humanity, and he often portrays steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as impediments to economic growth, reserving special scorn for wind and solar power. In 2018, when presented with the findings of a report produced by his own government that showed that unchecked global warming would cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars each year, Trump responded, “I don’t believe it.”
You just admitted your source is not the WH briefings on it's actions but an article of propaganda by opposition who is against the cpuntry and any sucessful environmental plans by this administration they are trying to paint as anti environment just because we stood up to France accord that was playing us.
Notice your post ignored the environmental actions by this administration in order to smokescreen and make excuses for your lacking info.
Let it go lefties. You may not realize it but criticism of the President's positive steps to improve the environment only makes you look like petulant ignorant idiots.

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