ONLY under 9% of this covid relief bill actually goes to COVID RELIEF

illegal aliens can flow in freely
They don’t.

Your premise is completely wrong. No further discussion possible until you recognize reality.

Bull shit. You endlessly argue for the Democrats who want to keep businesses and restaurants and schools closed, then say ho hum about illegal aliens bringing covid.

There's a word for what you are. It starts with "h" and ends with "ypocrite"
Prove me wrong. Show me where I advocate for completely open borders.

Or else admit you made it up.
illegal aliens can flow in freely
They don’t.

Your premise is completely wrong. No further discussion possible until you recognize reality.

Bull shit. You endlessly argue for the Democrats who want to keep businesses and restaurants and schools closed, then say ho hum about illegal aliens bringing covid.

There's a word for what you are. It starts with "h" and ends with "ypocrite"
Prove me wrong. Show me where I advocate for completely open borders.

Or else admit you made it up.
Democrats want totally open borders.
illegal aliens can flow in freely
They don’t.

Your premise is completely wrong. No further discussion possible until you recognize reality.

Bull shit. You endlessly argue for the Democrats who want to keep businesses and restaurants and schools closed, then say ho hum about illegal aliens bringing covid.

There's a word for what you are. It starts with "h" and ends with "ypocrite"
Prove me wrong. Show me where I advocate for completely open borders.

Or else admit you made it up.

LOL, you vote for Democrats and are a drone supporting them on the board on every issue. If you want me to prove you're a Democrat, you have to start disagreeing with them sometimes, LOL
illegal aliens can flow in freely
They don’t.

Your premise is completely wrong. No further discussion possible until you recognize reality.

Bull shit. You endlessly argue for the Democrats who want to keep businesses and restaurants and schools closed, then say ho hum about illegal aliens bringing covid.

There's a word for what you are. It starts with "h" and ends with "ypocrite"
Prove me wrong. Show me where I advocate for completely open borders.

Or else admit you made it up.

LOL, you vote for Democrats and are a drone supporting them on the board on every issue. If you want me to prove you're a Democrat, you have to start disagreeing with them sometimes, LOL
So you made up my advocacy for open borders.

You’re a liar.
Democrats want totally open borders.
That’s what you’ve been programmed to believe. It makes you easier to control.
You’d deny water is wet.

illegal aliens can flow in freely
They don’t.

Your premise is completely wrong. No further discussion possible until you recognize reality.

Bull shit. You endlessly argue for the Democrats who want to keep businesses and restaurants and schools closed, then say ho hum about illegal aliens bringing covid.

There's a word for what you are. It starts with "h" and ends with "ypocrite"
Prove me wrong. Show me where I advocate for completely open borders.

Or else admit you made it up.

LOL, you vote for Democrats and are a drone supporting them on the board on every issue. If you want me to prove you're a Democrat, you have to start disagreeing with them sometimes, LOL
So you made up my advocacy for open borders.

You’re a liar.

That isn't what I said. You're stupid as shit
What an embarrassing gutting you imbeciles received.
Oh no. What are we going to do? All we have is control of the executive and congress and all Trump has is control of a bunch of failing golf courses.
WTF does that have to do with the ass caning you got in that insurrection hoax???....Hoax...Hoax....Hoax

You walked out of that senate holding your guts in so they didn't spill out in public. Just like we gutted your fat ass murdering Hildabeast Rotten Clinton
Democrats oppose every effort to stop illegal immigration then say you aren't for illegal immigration. You're just stupid as shit
Democrats fund CBP to the tune of tens of billions annually.

Tens of billions of dollars prove you’re an idiot.
Not a single quote backing you up in there.

Swing and a miss.
actions speak louder than words,,,

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