ONLY under 9% of this covid relief bill actually goes to COVID RELIEF

I'd like to thank all three of you knuckle dragging simps for providing a classic example that is illustrative of how the minds of triggered Trumpletons take a pile of horseshit and expound on it.
Download the 591 page Covid Relief Porkfest like I did and see for yourself, genius.
I'd like to thank all three of you knuckle dragging simps for providing a classic example that is illustrative of how the minds of triggered Trumpletons take a pile of horseshit and expound on it.
Download the 591 page Covid Relief Porkfest like I did and see for yourself, genius.
Why would I listen to the jaded advice of anyone ignorant enough to call the bill a porkfest? I know what's in it already.
Here is a good breakdown of the distribution of the 1.9 Trillion and where it goes to:

Committee for a responsible federal budget

What's in the $1.9 Trillion House COVID Relief Bill?
Feb 18, 2021


The House of Representives is currently in the process of considering the next COVID relief bill. Nine of the 12 House committees have approved legislation. Below, we summarize the major elements of the $1.9 trillion plan.

This legislation is largely similar to President Biden's "American Rescue Plan." It contains a third round of stimulus checks, extension of enhanced unemployment benefits, additional tax credits for families and workers, funding for K-12 education, and support for state and local governments. Smaller, but-significant, expenditures include funds for COVID testing and vaccines, grants to small businesses, support for child care providers, assistance for colleges, and rental and homelessness assistance.

A few differences exist: the House plan shortens the unemployment extension by one month and adds grants to multiemployer pensions. It also earmarks some of the small business aid for restaurants, provides grants to airlines and airports, and contains more targeted expansions to Medicaid, but does not contain cybersecurity funding.

The breakdown list in the LINK
It's a $1.9 trillion dollar theft from the taxpayers, if there are any of those left when the Democrats are finished.

Newt Gingrich | Jerry McGuire and the $1.9 Trillion Rip Off | Gingrich 360
Theft? It's popular with around 75% of Americans.

Apparently that "75%" you're referring to don't give a flying fuck what's in the bill, just as long as they get their little stimulus check.

The US population is currently 328,240,000 people. If you give every person in this country $1400, that adds up to $459,536,000,000. The stimulus bill is $1.9 trillion dollars.

So where is the other $1.4 trillion dollars going?
If the Democrat Party wants to abate the spread of the virus in the US, they need to finish the wall and close our southern border to all but LEGAL IMMIGRATION!
Talk about squeezing your agenda into a completely unrelated issue.

You could end all illegal immigration and the pandemic would not end. The virus is here. Furthermore, the virus got here by legal migration.
I'd like to thank all three of you knuckle dragging simps for providing a classic example that is illustrative of how the minds of triggered Trumpletons take a pile of horseshit and expound on it.

This contentless attack is a perfect demonstration of "triggered"
If the Democrat Party wants to abate the spread of the virus in the US, they need to finish the wall and close our southern border to all but LEGAL IMMIGRATION!
Talk about squeezing your agenda into a completely unrelated issue.

You could end all illegal immigration and the pandemic would not end. The virus is here. Furthermore, the virus got here by legal migration.

So we can't go out to restaurants or open schools because we have to stop the spread at all costs ..

... but ...

... illegal aliens can flow in freely because the virus is already here anyway and there's nothing we can do about that ...

Wow, every time I think you can't be a bigger hypocrite
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illegal aliens can flow in freely
They don’t.

Your premise is completely wrong. No further discussion possible until you recognize reality.

God you're stupid. I was commenting on what you advocate. The double standard that you want to lock down Americans but allow illegal aliens to flow in freely.

As for Biden, yes, I realize he's still fixing immigration to allow illegal aliens to flow in freely. He wouldn't be doing that if they already could. That still doesn't affect you couldn't read a post because you're stupid
Note the usual suspects who always bitch about the deficit have gone silent and deep since Jan 20.
  • Thanks
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This proves that Democrats hate the middle class.
They hate everyone who doesn't tow the Group Think line. Even their own members who don't obey to the letter.......................lolol.......................What a bunch of mindless cyborgs
Note the usual suspects who always bitch about the deficit have gone silent and deep since Jan 20.

I agree, but Republicans where the ones doing that before Jan 20.

I'll argue against Democrat lies, but that one isn't a lie. Republicans only give a shit about deficits when Democrats are in power
illegal aliens can flow in freely
They don’t.

Your premise is completely wrong. No further discussion possible until you recognize reality.

Bull shit. You endlessly argue for the Democrats who want to keep businesses and restaurants and schools closed, then say ho hum about illegal aliens bringing covid.

There's a word for what you are. It starts with "h" and ends with "ypocrite"
illegal aliens can flow in freely
They don’t.

Your premise is completely wrong. No further discussion possible until you recognize reality.
Hey Coldface. Ain't seen ya much here thankfully, but from what I've seen from you is reality with your eyes shut.

Did you see the reality of the ass caning in the impeachment scam 2 weeks ago wasting all of our fucking time because you ass holes got nothing better to do??

What an embarrassing gutting you imbeciles received. You can't govern period.
Note the usual suspects who always bitch about the deficit have gone silent and deep since Jan 20.

I agree, but Republicans where the ones doing that before Jan 20.

I'll argue against Democrat lies, but that one isn't a lie. Republicans only give a shit about deficits when Democrats are in power
President only signs or not sign what the Speaker of the House sends him. If it’s. Dem Prez he can kick it back and he’s a hero. Rep Prez kicks it back and he’s a mass murderer.

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