Ontario phasing out coal fired generation

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Pembina reacts to Ontario plan to further cut coal power generation | Pembina Institute

TORONTO, ON — Tim Weis, director of the Pembina Institute's renewable energy program, made the following statement in response to the Ontario government's announcement today of plans to shut down four additional units of coal power production:

"Today's announcement represents another significant step away from the use of coal to generate electricity — and a step toward cleaner air, fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and a more renewable energy supply for Ontarians.

"Shutting down these four units of coal power production will reduce the amount of electricity produced by burning coal in Ontario by another forty per cent, bringing us that much closer to our goal of phasing out coal power completely by 2014 — or even sooner.

"Skeptics have argued that replacing traditional thermal power plants like coal with a variety of renewable and efficiency options would be impossible, but Ontario's ambitious efforts are proving it is both practical, and technically doable. Ontario is setting an important example that the rest of North America can and should follow."
So they reduced output by 40%, that would mean the cost would go up 40%? The article states that it will be replaced by wind and solar so are those plants up and running? Or is that just the plan? I noticed Nuclear Power wasn't mentioned. Not "green' enough? No, it's not impossible to replace coal with wind and/or solar but who will be able to afford it?

My wife and I lived near Palm Springs in California where they had a huge wind mill farm, we also paid the highest electricity rates ever.
That's GREAT. Canada can be the crash test dummy for the technology and we get to see how it affects them. How much higher the energy costs become etc. And for once it doesn't cost us!

I do feel sad for our Canadian friends though, they're going to get screwed.
Pembina reacts to Ontario plan to further cut coal power generation | Pembina Institute

TORONTO, ON — Tim Weis, director of the Pembina Institute's renewable energy program, made the following statement in response to the Ontario government's announcement today of plans to shut down four additional units of coal power production:

"Today's announcement represents another significant step away from the use of coal to generate electricity — and a step toward cleaner air, fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and a more renewable energy supply for Ontarians.

"Shutting down these four units of coal power production will reduce the amount of electricity produced by burning coal in Ontario by another forty per cent, bringing us that much closer to our goal of phasing out coal power completely by 2014 — or even sooner.

"Skeptics have argued that replacing traditional thermal power plants like coal with a variety of renewable and efficiency options would be impossible, but Ontario's ambitious efforts are proving it is both practical, and technically doable. Ontario is setting an important example that the rest of North America can and should follow."

so this 40% will be made up how? Exactly?
I almost forgot to mention that the Pembina Institute is quite obviously a left wing non-profit and guess what? They get most of their money from the Canadian taxpayer.

Just once I would like to see these fools make a living themselves off of the public tit.
Ontario Power Generation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

OPG is Canada's largest owner of nuclear power plants with responsibility for operating the Pickering A, Pickering B, and Darlington nuclear generating stations in Ontario. OPG also owns the Bruce A and Bruce B nuclear stations. The Bruce A and Bruce B stations are currently on a long term lease to Bruce Power since May 2001. The lease is set to expire in 2018 but can be extended for an additional 25 years.

OPG is proposing to construct and operate a deep geologic repository on the Bruce Nuclear site, adjacent to its present Western Waste Management Facility. The repository would provide permanent storage of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste produced from the operation of the Bruce, Pickering, and Darlington nuclear generating stations. In 2005, OPG initiated the regulatory approval process. The first steps are a comprehensive environmental assessment by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA),[8] and an application for a site preparation and construction license from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. As of early 2008, CEAA was preparing guidelines for the review process.

OPG has also begun the process for building up to four new nuclear units at the site of its Darlington Nuclear Station. There is a lengthy approvals process in place, including a full Environmental Assessment which will take 3–4 years to complete. If everything goes well, the new units would go into service in 2018. No decision has yet been made on what technology the new reactors will use.

After conducting studies to determine the feasibility of refurbishing the 4 reactors at the Pickering B nuclear generating station. In February 2010 an announcement was made that they would be kept in good repair until 2020 but would not undergo a full refurbishment as it would not be economical. The 4 reactors at Pickering B represent over 2,000 megawatts of generating capacity. The two operating reactors at Pickering A will also close in 2020. The four reactors at Darlington will be refurbished as their performance and size makes this economically desirable.[9]

[edit] Alternative energy
OPG owns and operates or contracts some limited alternative electricity generation through two wind power sites as well as two solar power sites. The company is currently exploring the use of biomass as a carbon neutral energy source that could replace some or all of the coal being burned at some of Ontario's coal-fired generating stations. However, OPG's development of green power sources has been limited as the government does not want OPG to compete against private companies in the anticipated lucrative environmentally friendly power market and has stopped OPG from making any proposals in this area[10].
I almost forgot to mention that the Pembina Institute is quite obviously a left wing non-profit and guess what? They get most of their money from the Canadian taxpayer.

Just once I would like to see these fools make a living themselves off of the public tit.

They are probably the only people in Alberta opposed to oil sands development.

IOW, nobody pays much attention to them out West.
I don't see any relationship between those two posts.

Anyway- why can't we do this with such seeming ease? Construct new nuke plants, decomission coal fired plants.

And I don't unnerstand the Can-gov's aversion to allowing OPG unfettered entry into renewables.
Importing Coal, China Burns It as Others Stop
Even as developed countries close or limit the construction of coal-fired power plants out of concern over pollution and climate-warming emissions, coal has found a rapidly expanding market elsewhere: Asia, particularly China.

At ports in Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Colombia and South Africa, ships are lining up to load coal for furnaces in China, which has evolved virtually overnight from a coal exporter to one of the world’s leading purchasers.

The United States now ships coal to China via Canada, but coal companies are scouting for new loading ports in Washington State. New mines are being planned for the Rockies and the Pacific Northwest. Indeed, some of the world’s more environmentally progressive regions are nascent epicenters of the new coal export trade, creating political tensions between business and environmental goals.

Traditionally, coal is burned near where it is mined — particularly so-called thermal or steaming coal, used for heat and electricity. But in the last few years, long-distance international coal exports have been surging because of China’s galloping economy, which now burns half of the six billion tons of coal used globally each year.

As a result, not only are the pollutants that developed countries have tried to reduce finding their way into the atmosphere anyway, but ships chugging halfway around the globe are spewing still more.

And the rush to feed this new Asian market has helped double the price of coal over the past five years, leading to a renaissance of mining and exploration in many parts of the world. “This is a worst-case scenario,” said David Graham-Caso, spokesman for the Sierra Club
So they reduced output by 40%, that would mean the cost would go up 40%? The article states that it will be replaced by wind and solar so are those plants up and running? Or is that just the plan? I noticed Nuclear Power wasn't mentioned. Not "green' enough? No, it's not impossible to replace coal with wind and/or solar but who will be able to afford it?

My wife and I lived near Palm Springs in California where they had a huge wind mill farm, we also paid the highest electricity rates ever.

Canada is exporting electricity created by Nuclear power to the united states.

I have been to the eight nuclear reactors on Lake Huron and I have been to the eight just north of Toronto.

Bruce nuclear on Lake Huron is the world's largest producer of "Heavy Water", Bruce is a heavy water reactor, they call them Candu reactors.

Shutting down coal burning plants means Canada will sell less nuclear power to the United States.

Canada is not replacing Coal with Green, Canada is replacing Coal with the greatest source of energy at the cheapest price, Nuclear.
Five coal plants equal four small Candu nuclear reactors, in Canada.

"Skeptics have argued that replacing traditional thermal power plants like coal with a variety of renewable and efficiency options would be impossible, but Ontario's ambitious efforts are proving it is both practical, and technically doable. Ontario is setting an important example that the rest of North America can and should follow


They’re coming from America’s Department of Energy in the form of
incentives for new generation projects and from John Efford, our own
Natural Resources Minister, who said recently that building more nuclear
reactors in Canada is the "clean, environmental thing to do."
And they’re everywhere at Bruce Power.
Having already resurrected two idled reactors at the Bruce A generating
station, it gives me great pleasure to announce today that we will now study
the feasibility of restarting the station`s final two units.
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Without the USA Canada would die, anyhow that is another subject, most important is the cost. So the power companies will make more money due to government regulations and laws.

I hope everyone is ready for a huge jump in their electrical rates, it does not matter if we produce Green Energy, its only important to fool the public into believing we went green. Its perception, a trick, nothing more, build some Green Energy plants, save the earth, give Americans the bill while the corporations get filthy rich. As long as people believe, Green Energy never has to produce.

Misleading the public to greater profits, Green Energy.

CTV Ottawa- Ont. energy plan includes green energy and nuclear reactors - CTV News

The government admitted last week that green energy programs will be responsible for more than half of the expected 46 per cent increase in electricity rates over the next five years.

The Liberals feel people will accept higher electricity prices in exchange for the cleaner air that results from phasing out coal-fired generation.
"Costs" are never factored into the equation for the k00ks.

Fortunately...........a huge majority considers it pretty damn important......and thank God for that.......

You see, k00ks like Rocks live in fcukking Bumfook, Oregon, dont own shit and the cost of living is is laughable its so low.

Without the USA Canada would die, anyhow that is another subject, most important is the cost. So the power companies will make more money due to government regulations and laws.

I hope everyone is ready for a huge jump in their electrical rates, it does not matter if we produce Green Energy, its only important to fool the public into believing we went green. Its perception, a trick, nothing more, build some Green Energy plants, save the earth, give Americans the bill while the corporations get filthy rich. As long as people believe, Green Energy never has to produce.

Misleading the public to greater profits, Green Energy.

CTV Ottawa- Ont. energy plan includes green energy and nuclear reactors - CTV News

The government admitted last week that green energy programs will be responsible for more than half of the expected 46 per cent increase in electricity rates over the next five years.

The Liberals feel people will accept higher electricity prices in exchange for the cleaner air that results from phasing out coal-fired generation.

mdn FTMFW...............nice link bro...........

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