Oops Avenatti Releases Papers Showing Cohen Recieved $500K From Russian Oligarch After Election

$4.4B does equate to a large amount of years in state prison. The only way Cohen chooses to do time is if Filthy Don is his bunkie! :113:

I hope Michael like top position....trump can't do much else...cept...lay there like a rotten orange.
Translation: Poor, deranged, Weatherman2020 can't actually say what parts of the dossier Hillary used against the Trump campaign, so he'll resort to invective instead of admitting he's a dumb fuck.

Ok, poor, deranged con, see if you can answer this one.....

When was the dossier delivered to Hillary.....
Shitforbrains wants to ignore how the Dem funded fake dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants.
Proof that it is fake is? Or did you just lie about that?
Hillary paid for it. Political lies.

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why
Using your logic, I paid for it since I contributed to her campaign.

Regardless of your unhinged hysterics, you said Hillary’s campaign used it against Trump’s campaign.... prove that.
Clueless Maximus.

You been in a cave the last 3 months?
Even if I had been, you’d still be no closer to proving your bullshit that Hillary’s campaign used the dossier against Trump’s campaign.

When did Hillary obtain a copy of the dossier? Either you can prove that or you once again expose yourself as the imbecile you are.

The nonsense about Hillary’s campaign using the dossier against the Trump campaign is a fake BS story. Glad we could agree on that.
No dum dum...read the thread title...what caught your eye and brought your stupid self here....this did:
Oops Avenatti Releases Papers Showing Cohen Recieved $500K From Russian Oligarch After Election
$4.4B does equate to a large amount of years in state prison. The only way Cohen chooses to do time is if Filthy Don is his bunkie! :113:

Wow! How many times has Michael lied about his clients.....even if account founders are telling the truth.

Michael is digging deeper and deeper....it seems.
The nonsense about Hillary’s campaign using the dossier against the Trump campaign is a fake BS story. Glad we could agree on that.
No dum dum...read the thread title...what caught your eye and brought your stupid self here....this did:
Oops Avenatti Releases Papers Showing Cohen Recieved $500K From Russian Oligarch After Election

Moron, try reading the post i was replying to.
Wow! How many times has Michael lied about his clients.....even if account founders are telling the truth.

Michael is digging deeper and deeper....it seems.
Even MSNBC had to admit Cohen broke no laws...he was a paid consultant...put your chubs back in your pants libs....
Avenatti broke laws in attaining the bank records...he will be gone from your TV screen very shortly......and so will Stormy....
Shitforbrains wants to ignore how the Dem funded fake dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants.
Proof that it is fake is? Or did you just lie about that?
Hillary paid for it. Political lies.

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why
Using your logic, I paid for it since I contributed to her campaign.

Regardless of your unhinged hysterics, you said Hillary’s campaign used it against Trump’s campaign.... prove that.
Clueless Maximus.

You been in a cave the last 3 months?
Even if I had been, you’d still be no closer to proving your bullshit that Hillary’s campaign used the dossier against Trump’s campaign.

When did Hillary obtain a copy of the dossier? Either you can prove that or you once again expose yourself as the imbecile you are.

It's called lying.
I'm more interested in this Columbus Nova, which is an American company, and if it's really a Russian oligarch's company when in fact he is just an investor in it. It seems EVERY Russian oligarch has ties to Putin, so that's no breaking news. May not mean as much as people want us to think. Just how many "ties" can even Putin have and what do those "ties" mean? Are they best bud ties like phone calls all the time or dinner and golf each weekend, or what? Are they blackmail ties? I never hear anything about any actual facts around this stuff, and without knowing it, all this "gossip" is pretty much worthless. To me, anyway.

Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, first reported alleged receipt of these payments in an executive summary entitled "Preliminary Report of Findings" that he released on Twitter on Tuesday. The New York Times and NBC both subsequently reviewed financial records and independently confirmed Avenatti's alleged findings....
The New York Times reported that Essential Consultants allegedly received $500,000 from Columbus Nova, an investment firm whose largest client is a company headed by Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg. However, the paper reported that a lawyer from Columbus Nova said that the funds were for a consulting fee and not related to Vekselberg.

This Update On The Shell Company Michael Cohen Paid Stormy Daniels With Is Raising Eyebrows
All you need to remember is, Avenatti has evidence payments were aggressively talked about in October of 2016, and the payments were later dispersed in escrow to Stormy Daniels. And where did the money come from? A Russian Oligarch. Giuliani left that part out. That is not only a campaign finance violation, that is conspiracy to get financial help from a Russian Oligarch, who is an adversary, who we imposed sanctions on. This is why Trump has been so desperate to drop sanctions against Russia. Problem is, he's been hog tied to really do it.
Even if I had been, you’d still be no closer to proving your bullshit that Hillary’s campaign used the dossier against Trump’s campaign.

When did Hillary obtain a copy of the dossier? Either you can prove that or you once again expose yourself as the imbecile you are.
You don't know what the hell you are talking about...Hillary obtained the dossier...her campaign paid for it...the FBI put Steel on their payroll for a short time hoping to get more dirt on Trump...this has been a get Trump deal from the beginning and now its ruining FBI and DOJ careers...and it put the Clinton's to bed forever...never to be seen on the stage again....Obama and Jarrett had better hope no one flips on their dumb asses because that's a real possibility....
Debunked by who? You??

Even rightwing media is reporting Cohen received the money...
The company that hired Cohen has come forward with their records...they are an American medical company that has nothing to do with any Russians they hired Cohen legally and ethically the story is falling apart it will take CNN a day or two to give it up however....stay tuned Fauny....
Even if I had been, you’d still be no closer to proving your bullshit that Hillary’s campaign used the dossier against Trump’s campaign.

When did Hillary obtain a copy of the dossier? Either you can prove that or you once again expose yourself as the imbecile you are.
You don't know what the hell you are talking about...Hillary obtained the dossier...her campaign paid for it...the FBI put Steel on their payroll for a short time hoping to get more dirt on Trump...this has been a get Trump deal from the beginning and now its ruining FBI and DOJ careers...and it put the Clinton's to bed forever...never to be seen on the stage again....Obama and Jarrett had better hope no one flips on their dumb asses because that's a real possibility....
Great, then you can show when she obtained it. Some idiot here claims her campaign used it against Trump’s campaign. For that to at least be even possibly true, she, or her campaign, would have had to obtained it prior to the election.

Good luck proving that. :lol:

Debunked by who? You??

Even rightwing media is reporting Cohen received the money...
The company that hired Cohen has come forward with their records...they are an American medical company that has nothing to do with any Russians they hired Cohen legally and ethically the story is falling apart it will take CNN a day or two to give it up however....stay tuned Fauny....
The story is not falling apart just because you wish it was. :rolleyes:

Thel company, Columbus Nova, is controlled by the Russian oligarch as mentioned in the OP. The story is real.
Great, then you can show when she obtained it. Some idiot here claims her campaign used it against Trump’s campaign. For that to at least be even possibly true, she, or her campaign, would have had to obtained it prior to the election.

Good luck proving that.
She gave it to Obama and he gave it to Lynch and she gave it to Comey the clown...and the fix was in...now its blowing up in their faces....check into how many FBI agents have been demoted or fired...Mueller is wrapping up his investigation without calling Trump to testify...what is up with that? hmmmmmmmmm? Someone could end up flipping on Obama himself....
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