Oops! It seems that Obama asked iranian leader to join the war against ISIS.


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Iran threatens 8216 direct action 8217 against ISIS

1)FAQ about american-persian relations

U.S. sanctions against Iran - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama accuses Iran of building secret nuclear plant Reuters

2)So, now the US government and the SD decided to shif line to Iran, make concessions to Iran and give up on supporting Israel in their relations with Iran and Palestine. What could it mean? Is it the last and extremely cunning and crafty attempt to get off with a whole skin or one more crack-headed and stupid political decision?

Obama pens secret letter to Iran s Ayatollah Khamenei as nuclear deadline looms US news The Guardian

3)Iran avowed determination to jump into fray. It has been preparing for it for decades and now it’s ready to show paces. In my opinion it means that whole american policy in the Middle East has failed.

What do you think about it?
They don't call it a coalition by only having a limited partnership...
Our government has been dealing with unsavory characters to achieve common goals for decades. At this point we are so heavily entrenched in the mess that is the Middle East that I'm not sure there is any chance of reversing the trend.
They don't call it a coalition by only having a limited partnership...
Yes, I can't call it a political wisdom wise policy but only a white slavery with black pimp in charge of it. Guys from the Middle East don't like behavior like this. But they can do like this

or like this

Their way of life and customs don't like jokes and seesawing.
It seems that our Government tries to acquire a new (old in fact) ally in the Middle East. Of course it looks more logical to have friendly relationships with the Islamic State rather than with any illegal Terrorist organization. Who is the most upset about this scenario? The OLD FOX Netanyahu is.

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