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OORAH Rumsfeld!

Us ranting about this war and fighting over who's right or wrong isn't going to make all this shit go away. Alot of people have to realize that just sitting here fighting over who did what or what's wrong with our gov't and all this shit isn't going to do shit but make us pissed off because the truth is, none of us can do shit about it...it will end when they want it to and that's fucking that.
My point with a certain member was not their views on the war, or how they feel about President Bush or anyone else in this administration...As I said before, I could care less...

I felt they was being disrespectful to OUR VETERNS past and present with their ugly remark, just to make a political statement...

And that, I will point out and argue about...:salute:
Extremist rhetoric designed to rouse a mob mentality at a military pep-rally, nothing more. I guess when the veterans liked something Rumsfeld said they clapped their stumps together in support of the policies that got them so much. :rolleyes:

Blaming the media for bad administrative policies is dumb.

What a fucking jackoff.
Hey, I know I'm right. Being called names is an expected consequence of being right on this board. Anyway, I don't see you refuting any of my statements either--further proof of my rightness.

We don't feel like wasting our time trying to "refute" your statements because we know what the majority here thinks and know that what you're saying is total bullshit from a person that just wants some fucking attention. Go take a spot next to Sheehan.
I thought Hagbard Celine's post was a scream. Didn't you guys on this thread think it was hilarious? Here's one for you guys, some say this one is true, actually happened.

Junior went to a hospital and walked over to a wounded soldier. This soldier lost both arms and legs. "You want to play baseball?" Junior asked.

"I can't play, I don't have any arms and legs," the soldier answered.

"We didn't want you to play, we wanted to use you as third base," Junior said as he walked out of the hospital busting a gut laughing. Junior then told his entourage to remind him to cut that soldiers benefits, there is a deficit you know.
I thought Hagbard Celine's post was a scream. Didn't you guys on this thread think it was hilarious? Here's one for you guys, some say this one is true, actually happened.

Junior went to a hospital and walked over to a wounded soldier. This soldier lost both arms and legs. "You want to play baseball?" Junior asked.

"I can't play, I don't have any arms and legs," the soldier answered.

"We didn't want you to play, we wanted to use you as third base," Junior said as he walked out of the hospital busting a gut laughing. Junior then told his entourage to remind him to cut that soldiers benefits, there is a deficit you know.

Speaking of Juniors, I'd guess your age must be around 13...

A funny thing happens to me while I'm reading your post, half way through them, I start drifting off to sleep.... (yawn):sleepy1:
You're right. Various Bush administration officials have said the war is going to be a long, hard road to hoe. But they've changed their tune since the initial invasion because since then, bungled management of military operations has resulted in the formation of a stout militia offensive against US forces and the original intention of the war (i.e. terrorism and the capture of Osama bin Laden, the leader of the largest and most dangerous terrorism network, Al-Qaeda) has been forgotten. Remember "mission accomplished" with Bush flying in on a jet fighter and wearing a pilot outfit and declaring an end to major combat operations? That was hardly a "this will be a long, drawn-out operation" statement.

I would have to say that it is the public like you that knows little about actual tactics of war that have prevented our military from going in and doing what would have finished this shit a long time ago. In war things get broken, good and bad people are killed and iinjured and hopefully evil loses. Having the press against us and looking for anything that could be misunderstood and sensationalized replayed 24 hours a day and to the world is not a way to fight a war successfully. Asswipe Democrat politicians that purposely misinterpret and outright lie about what is actually happening in order to make political points with their incredibly uninformed, easily led constituents make it much harder on our soldiers that are actually trying to win.

A great example of misinterpreting and lying about events is illustrated in this same paragraph by you, is it on purpose or just ignorance? To anyone with any knowledge about the military the "Mission Accomplished" banner was a proud acnowledgement of a carrier group that had been away from their home base for 6 months performing a mission(Rim of the Pacific exercises)then being called on to relieve the USS George Washington Battle Group that was in the Persian Gulf. Their pilots and crew flew 1,500 sorties off that deck in 100 days participating in "Operation Iraqi Freedom" then upon being relieved they took the very long track back to San Diego and on to Washington. They had more than accomplished their mission. The President took the opportunity of their arrival in San Diego to show the crew the ultimate amount of respect and trust by flying a S-3B Viking onto the ship. Hardly an aircraft that would be classified as a "fighter" the Viking is a multimission aircraft used to hunt submarines and as a tanker. What you so gayly called a "pilot's outfit" is known as a flight suit worn by anyone that sits in an ejection seat. Katy Couric wore one to ride with the Blue Angels and none of the critics said anything about it or the fuel the Blue Angels used to impress her tiny brain. In reality that wasn't the problem, all of you Dems tried to picture any of your clown candidates in that same flight suit and saw dorks but when you looked at the Commander In Chief in it you realized he could have been in Top Gun. Imagine Bill Clintons fat rolls in that form fitting suit, hahahahahaha John Kerry? Ha ha hahahahahaha.....Algore? forget it!

You and the other idiots demanding dates and times for the big pull out show even more ignorance about military strategy.

You've proven my point. People like you are so zealotous about the war that you can't be reasoned with. I'm a "coward" because I want to do exactly what the Bush administration said it was going to do in the first place--hand over control to the Iraqi government and end US military operations in Iraq. Yet, to date there has been no successfully implemented plan for victory, just more of the same. I'm a stupid coward admitting defeat because I want to successfully end the war. But Rummy, Bush and company are heroes because they want to extend the fighting for yet another year? Hardly.

What would you do right now to leave Iraq with a victory General Hagbard? If President Bush cared about politics wouldn't he be doing whatever to just get out as soon as possible? Wouldn't he have done everything completely different to score political points if that was all he was about?
I thought Hagbard Celine's post was a scream. Didn't you guys on this thread think it was hilarious? Here's one for you guys, some say this one is true, actually happened.

Junior went to a hospital and walked over to a wounded soldier. This soldier lost both arms and legs. "You want to play baseball?" Junior asked.

"I can't play, I don't have any arms and legs," the soldier answered.

"We didn't want you to play, we wanted to use you as third base," Junior said as he walked out of the hospital busting a gut laughing. Junior then told his entourage to remind him to cut that soldiers benefits, there is a deficit you know.

Do you have any idea how lucky you are to be hiding on the internet rather than attempting to get up off the floor in front of me after this assinine post? I would be more than willing to travel wherever to show you what a Louisville slugger looks like up close and personal asshole! You must get your ass kicked everyday.
Speaking of Juniors, I'd guess your age must be around 13...

A funny thing happens to me while I'm reading your post, half way through them, I start drifting off to sleep.... (yawn):sleepy1:

Stephanie why don't you open up a little, tell us about how you fall asleep halfway through masturbating yourself and how because of that you never had an orgasm in your life. Unless it's to late for you, in that case I can see why you come off as a bitter old pill.
Do you have any idea how lucky you are to be hiding on the internet rather than attempting to get up off the floor in front of me after this assinine post? I would be more than willing to travel wherever to show you what a Louisville slugger looks like up close and personal asshole! You must get your ass kicked everyday.

You sound like a guy that likes to hang around gay leather bars in San Francisco. You like it rough don't you. Do you like being the bottom sometimes?

Look I don't want to lead you on so I'll be straight up front with you. I'm not into your lifestyle.
Hey, I know I'm right. Being called names is an expected consequence of being right on this board. Anyway, I don't see you refuting any of my statements either--further proof of my rightness.
And you have the temerity to call others "zealots?" Hypocrite, thy name is HagbardCeline!.

I agree with the other posters who have voiced outrage at your characterizations regarding Rumsfeld, his speach and his audience. You are lower than low, and a cockroach would not have to raise itself very far from the ground for you to pass underneath. You are a coward because of the way you disrespect the men and women in uniform who support their current CiC, his administration and their mission. You mock these soldiers who are your betters, who have taken a personal stand for their beliefs and their responsibilities, and for that you are a boorish cad. Moreover, you parrot the talking points of those who oppose this administration out of hand, and that makes you a toady for the luny left.

Hagbard, grow up.
I thought Hagbard Celine's post was a scream. Didn't you guys on this thread think it was hilarious? Here's one for you guys, some say this one is true, actually happened.

Junior went to a hospital and walked over to a wounded soldier. This soldier lost both arms and legs. "You want to play baseball?" Junior asked.

"I can't play, I don't have any arms and legs," the soldier answered.

"We didn't want you to play, we wanted to use you as third base," Junior said as he walked out of the hospital busting a gut laughing. Junior then told his entourage to remind him to cut that soldiers benefits, there is a deficit you know.

I'm sure you'd find an appreciative audience at your local VFW. Why don't you try your tired stand-up routine there? Just be ready to run and hide under mommies' skirts....
Stephanie why don't you open up a little, tell us about how you fall asleep halfway through masturbating yourself and how because of that you never had an orgasm in your life. Unless it's to late for you, in that case I can see why you come off as a bitter old pill.

You are the definition of a troll, nothing of any substance ever, nothing worth reading. When Stephanie trims her toe nails she discards more intellect than you possess. I have seen roach droppings with more to offer the world than you wiz.:dev3:
You sound like a guy that likes to hang around gay leather bars in San Francisco. You like it rough don't you. Do you like being the bottom sometimes?

Look I don't want to lead you on so I'll be straight up front with you. I'm not into your lifestyle.

Very colorful, just the type of insight that gets your ass kicked daily. Great job of projecting your own lifestyle on others.

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