OPEC Announces 2 Million Barrel Per Day Production Cut

The USA can be oil and natural gas independent, but the democrats insist on stopping pipelines, production, drilling permits, etc. ---- Many of our educators and medical “authorities” are pushing on giving children hormone blockers, genital surgeries, etc. to turn them into sexual hybrids. ---- Our democrat government insists on letting millions of illegals, fentanyl, and criminals pour across our southern border and we are powerless to stop it ------- And utterly shocking how much crime and violence is now occurring in our city streets and how many homeless people and filth covers our cities.

And half this nation who supports the left are the very villagers in the story book who smile and cheer as their nude leader waves to them in a parade. It takes a child to tell them, “WTF, the Emperor is naked.”
If trump didn't fill the reserve, pedo peter couldn't have dumped it all to try to keep gas prices low before an election.
As gas and diesel energies will rise the cost at the pumps the Republicans will blame the President and the Democratic Party. Keep in mind dear readers, the Republican Party will have no solutions or plans to recover and as usual cut taxes of the top earners and the oil and coal industries.

This is what happens when you put a weak man who is not respected in the White House. Just like Russia saw their opening to invade Ukraine, OPEC now sees their opening to take advantage of the dementia-ridden shell you "elected".

This is your fault.
We can increase production at home, you fucktard lefties.

You mean like this?

or maybe like this?

You mean like this?

or maybe like this?

Democrats supporting corporate welfare. How cute.
As gas and diesel energies will rise the cost at the pumps the Republicans will blame the President and the Democratic Party. Keep in mind dear readers, the Republican Party will have no solutions or plans to recover and as usual cut taxes of the top earners and the oil and coal industries.
the Saudi’s are making biden look weak and stupid

That would not happen if trump were president

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