OPEC Announces 2 Million Barrel Per Day Production Cut

More losing from this admin -


OPEC's decision to fuck over Brandon and side up with Russia is the result of yet another in a long string of policy blunders from the incompetent Democrats. How those assholes got elected, is beyond comprehension.

Oh wait......They didn't get "elected", they stole the election. Crooked thieves get crooked winnings.
Keep in mind dear readers if the current President was Republican and this happened the Democrats would be blaming him for it. I have said more times than should be necessary Presidents have little control over gas prices but they all want to take the credit when gas prices drop including Biden so they can get the blame as well when it goes up. This might not be fair but if you want to credit for the good that you have no real control over be prepared to take the blame for the bad you no real control over as well.
As gas and diesel energies will rise the cost at the pumps the Republicans will blame the President and the Democratic Party. Keep in mind dear readers, the Republican Party will have no solutions or plans to recover and as usual cut taxes of the top earners and the oil and coal industries.
They're not in charge, democrats are. It looks like they'll screw it up and the Republicans will have to fix it again. Seriously, how does anyone with an above room temperature IQ think that keeping taxes high on energy producers will lead to lower energy prices?

Remember, all democrats, we set aside a special day for you to vote this year so you won't have to deal with all those thousands of icky Republicans that will deluge the polls. Vote on Friday and you won't have to deal with any of them.
As gas and diesel energies will rise the cost at the pumps the Republicans will blame the President and the Democratic Party. Keep in mind dear readers, the Republican Party will have no solutions or plans to recover and as usual cut taxes of the top earners and the oil and coal industries.

Okay, so we Americans were stupid enough to replace a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President, and you think it's unfair we blame the Democrats and Biden?

OPEC knows we are no longer in the drivers seat. If they made this announcement under Trump, he would have responded by stating we will increase our oil production to keep prices down. They know Dementia will never do anything like that so they have us over a barrel, no pun intended. He will not chance losing the support of the enviro-kooks. That's why instead of increasing US oil production, he drained our strategic reserves that Trump filled up for pennies on the dollar.

So yes, this is the Democrats fault with Dementia leading the way.

"The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its oil-exporting allies announced a 2 million barrel per day cut in oil production Wednesday, bucking months of pressure from Washington to increase production and potentially spiking gas prices again"

Get ready for more pain at the pump. This is why energy independence is important.
Thanks Putin?
The new talking points come out this afternoon. Then dozens of the roaches will flock to these threads all saying the same thing.
Little Miss Scissors Me Timbers was asked today.....Since Biden took a victory lap when gas prices went down will he take responsibility for them going back up.

The Vapid One answered with "Mah War in Ukraine".

The very word responsibility is kryptonite to dems.

So yeah look for the leftists here to parrot that.
What do you do when energy sources from other countries are reduced? Granted Biden is no genius but he should have enough sense to increase domestic oil production. He won't do it though because the green energy plan is about punishing Americans.
The USA can be oil and natural gas independent, but the democrats insist on stopping pipelines, production, drilling permits, etc. ---- Many of our educators and medical “authorities” are pushing on giving children hormone blockers, genital surgeries, etc. to turn them into sexual hybrids. ---- Our democrat government insists on letting millions of illegals, fentanyl, and criminals pour across our southern border and we are powerless to stop it ------- And utterly shocking how much crime and violence is now occurring in our city streets and how many homeless people and filth covers our cities.

And half this nation who supports the left are the very villagers in the story book who smile and cheer as their nude leader waves to them in a parade. It takes a child to tell them, “WTF, the Emperor is naked.”
Yes it can as long as we don't allow a drop of that oil that we need, to leave our shores. If we need it and then go to produce it, why let it be shipped away?
Yes it can as long as we don't allow a drop of that oil that we need, to leave our shores. If we need it and then go to produce it, why let it be shipped away?
The oil market is global; for US oil to affect the global price of oil, it must be available on the global market.

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