I agree.

Constantly fighting over imaginary and unnatural borders is idiotic. Its costly and never actually accomplishes much of anything.

If you want to know who wants these battles, just follow the money.
and then they gum up the conversation asking for links and proof and links rather than just looking at the numbers and reality on the street of large USA cities where all the proof is easily seen . They are not straight forward honest people , imo Patriot !!
There is quite a pattern with the elite like George Soros, Mark Zuckerburg, Tom Steyer, and Barack Obama (among many others of course) - all call for "Open Borders" while living in heavily fortified compounds surrounded by heavily armed guards.

Barack Obama insisted that anyone had the right to walk over the border in the U.S. for 8 years while he and his family were not only protected by a large and elite Secret Service detail, but he also traveled in a limo so heavily armored, it is referred to as "the beast". It can literally take an RPG round and keep going just like a military-grade tank.

For many years, Microsoft has engaged in a practice they refer to as "dogfooding". In a nutshell, it means that Microsoft must employ any technology they develop before they roll it out to their customers. They are forced to endure the problems with their own products so they can experience what they are doing to their customers.

The U.S. needs to pass a "Dogfooding" legislation which basically stipulates that anyone calling for policy must endure that policy for 5 years before it is voted on. If George Soros, Tom Steyer, Mark Zuckerburg, and Barack Obama want "open borders" then they should be forced to endure their own policy for 5 years so they can experience what they are inflicting on the rest of society. They should be forced by law to eliminate their security detail (they can call law enforcement and wait for assistance just like the rest of society) and any person in the world should have unfettered access to all of their properties. The filthy, smelly hobo should be able to crawl into their satan-sheets next to them. The MS-13 gang member should be able to sit in their living room and stare them down any time. If after 5 years of enduring their own position on an issue, they still think it is a good idea, then they can help to pass it into law.

Bilderberg Elite Hide Behind Walls While Pushing Open Borders

"Barack Obama insisted that anyone had the right to walk over the border in the U.S. for 8 years.."

This is why I ignore most of your posts - You ALWAYS lie.


These unreasonable bastards! Why won't they just let us keep doing (what hasn't worked for the last 60 years)?

"ā€œInstead, Congress should pass smart immigration reform that would strengthen border security, create a pathway to citizenship for those undocumented immigrants who can pass a background check, and modernize our broken legal visa system to fit the needs of todayā€™s economy,ā€ Schulte said."

Man, I hate these types and all their Let's be rational and work the problem BS. What the hell is the fun of that?
i think that YOU are also an open borders advocate in your own small way Luddley !!
These unreasonable bastards! Why won't they just let us keep doing (what hasn't worked for the last 60 years)?

"ā€œInstead, Congress should pass smart immigration reform that would strengthen border security, create a pathway to citizenship for those undocumented immigrants who can pass a background check, and modernize our broken legal visa system to fit the needs of todayā€™s economy,ā€ Schulte said."

Man, I hate these types and all their Let's be rational and work the problem BS. What the hell is the fun of that?
----------------------------------------------- we don't need ANY immigration at all in the USA . YOU , for whatever reason just want more third worlders in the USA RTighty !!
I don't know if they want completely OPEN Borders but the Elite have no problem with lax border control while they advocate for diversity and letting all sorts of third worlders into the USA . As I have often asked , we have about 310 million legal residents in the USA and thats 2010 census and no official count of the 11 to 30 million illegals in the USA . My question has always been , why is it good for Americans to import more third worlders of any type Patriot ?? [I never get an answer]
Capitalism loves cheap labor that it can exploit.

Notice how the RWNJs are so careful to ignore the link in my sig?

Jobs Created By The Naked Emperor.

Not one of them has the balls to actually look at it and respond to it.

Not even one.

These unreasonable bastards! Why won't they just let us keep doing (what hasn't worked for the last 60 years)?

"ā€œInstead, Congress should pass smart immigration reform that would strengthen border security, create a pathway to citizenship for those undocumented immigrants who can pass a background check, and modernize our broken legal visa system to fit the needs of todayā€™s economy,ā€ Schulte said."

Man, I hate these types and all their Let's be rational and work the problem BS. What the hell is the fun of that?
----------------------------------------------- we don't need ANY immigration at all in the USA . YOU , for whatever reason just want more third worlders in the USA RTighty !!
The US is a nation of immigrants. If you don't like it - leave.
and the last reason i want more imported people if for the economy . My economy was fine in 1970 with about 200 million and its fine today with 310 [plus illegals] . Problem with imported third worlders is that they mess up USA , Western laws , traditions and ways of doing things . The importeds also cause more social strife in the USA RTighty .
and the last reason i want more imported people if for the economy . My economy was fine in 1970 with about 200 million and its fine today with 310 [plus illegals] . Problem with imported third worlders is that they mess up USA , Western laws , traditions and ways of doing things . The importeds also cause more social strife in the USA RTighty .
The economy was fine in 1970? Guess you had to be there.
These unreasonable bastards! Why won't they just let us keep doing (what hasn't worked for the last 60 years)?

"ā€œInstead, Congress should pass smart immigration reform that would strengthen border security, create a pathway to citizenship for those undocumented immigrants who can pass a background check, and modernize our broken legal visa system to fit the needs of todayā€™s economy,ā€ Schulte said."

Man, I hate these types and all their Let's be rational and work the problem BS. What the hell is the fun of that?
----------------------------------------------- we don't need ANY immigration at all in the USA . YOU , for whatever reason just want more third worlders in the USA RTighty !!
The US is a nation of immigrants. If you don't like it - leave.
-------------------------------------- the USA was Founded and built by a very small group of people . Sure , labor was allowed in , many chinese for example helped build the railroads following instruction from their Western bosses . Point is that immigration was not a free for all like it has been since the mid 1960s where the USA allows in dregs and thugs from inferior and violent cultures RTighty .
The biggest problem I have with the kind of open borders you see in Europe is you don't get cool stickers and stamps in your passport.

Got to practice my French with a charming young man who had his toddler some with him when they rode the train from France to Belgium to pick up his wife after work. Between the 4 of us, counting the bi-lingual little boy, I laughed until my stomach hurt.

The US and Mexico also have people who come and go as they need to for work or shopping. Little Mexican kids are often bi-lingual too. But of course, American kids hardly learn their own language. Stupid. No, not the kids. Their RW parents.

And of course, gloBULList trump wouldn't hire an American or use an American factory for anything. As always, see the link in my sig.

Or, pretend you didn't notice it.

economy was never an issue from my birth in 1949 as i was fed , clothed and had a place to live from date of birth to about 16 - 18 . And then , from the late 60s my life has been filled with good things . Its many of the newer generations that seem to be having a hard time living in their parents basements and riding skateboards and being on parents insurance . And then YOU think that fixing the economy by allowing more immigration is good . You live in a dream world in my opinion RTighty !!
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But of course, American kids hardly learn their own language.
Well...that's what happens with the left is in charge of anything. It gets destroyed. The left has destroyed the education system in this nation just as they destroyed the U.S. Constitution and liberty.
These unreasonable bastards! Why won't they just let us keep doing (what hasn't worked for the last 60 years)?

"ā€œInstead, Congress should pass smart immigration reform that would strengthen border security, create a pathway to citizenship for those undocumented immigrants who can pass a background check, and modernize our broken legal visa system to fit the needs of todayā€™s economy,ā€ Schulte said."

Man, I hate these types and all their Let's be rational and work the problem BS. What the hell is the fun of that?
----------------------------------------------- we don't need ANY immigration at all in the USA . YOU , for whatever reason just want more third worlders in the USA RTighty !!
The US is a nation of immigrants. If you don't like it - leave.
-------------------------------------- the USA was Founded and built by a very small group of people . Sure , labor was allowed in , many chinese for example helped build the railroads following instruction from their Western bosses . Point is that immigration was not a free for all like it has been since the mid 1960s where the USA allows in dregs and thugs from inferior and violent cultures RTighty .

Another RWNJ who flunked junior high history class.

And yes, it was a free for all.

In FACT, many were on the run from the law in their own countries.


I'm so sick of you anti-America idiots.


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