Open Borders’ Plan: If We Let in More Muslim Immigrants, There Will Be Less Radical I

What happened with the Tsarnaev brothers? They got everything, including a college education. They were on welfare for ten years.

MSNBC must be a close relative of CNN that believes that meteorites are caused by global warming.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dey's violent Mooslamic extremists...
Boston Bombing Suspects: ‘Motivated by Violent Islamic Extremism’
May 10, 2013 - Former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said that the enemy threat to the United States is not one group of terrorists such as al Qaeda, but the ideology that drives people to “violent Islamic extremism,” including the two brothers who killed three and maimed scores of others by placing bombs near the finish line at the Boston Marathon on April 15.
“We killed bin Laden,” Lieberman told on Thursday during a recess of the House Homeland Security Committee hearing where he testified on the Boston attack. “The core leadership of al Qaeda is on the run, but this ideology of violent Islamic extremism is spreading. And it’s beginning to infect people here in this country who are carrying out – trying to carry out terrorist attacks.

“You can’t defeat an enemy unless you call it by its name,” Lieberman said. “There are terrorists other than those who are motivated by violent Islamic extremism. “But we were attacked by violent Islamic extremists on 9/11,” he said. “That began this war, and that’s what motivated the Tsarnaev brothers to attack people at the Boston marathon.”

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is jailed on multiple charges, including using a weapon of mass destruction. Tamerlan Tsarnaev died in a shoot out with police in the days following the attack. Before he died, Tamerlan also allegedly gunned down Sean Collier, a security guard at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lieberman: Boston Bombing Suspects: ?Motivated by Violent Islamic Extremism? | CNS News

See also:

Sister of Boston boy killed in bombing has 11th surgery
May 9, 2013 - Jane Richard lost part of left leg in blast that killed her 8-year-old brother, Martin.
Jane Richard, the wounded 7-year-old sister of the boy killed in the Boston Marathon bombings, had a crucial 11th surgery Wednesday night but faces more operations to prepare her for an artificial leg, the family said Thursday. Doctors at Boston Children's Hospital finally closed the wound where one bomb tore off her left leg below the knee April 15, the Richard family wrote on its Tumblr page. She will eventually be fitted with a prosthetic device. Jane, her mother and her father were among the more than 260 people wounded in the attack, which killed 8-year-old Martin Richard and two others as they all watched near the finish line in Copley Square. "After not being able to communicate with Jane for the first two weeks, she woke up with difficult questions that needed to be answered," the statement said. "There are not words to describe how hard sharing this heartbreaking news was on all of us."

In addition to the surgeries, Jane has also fought off infections and other complications. "One of the things we have learned through all of this is to not get too high or too low. We take today's development as positive news and look ahead with guarded optimism. "If things go well, Jane could be ready to transition to the rehabilitation stage of her recovery in the next few weeks," the family said. Her parents were discharged from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center a week after the blasts. Denise Richard, a school librarian, was blinded in one eye. Bill Richard, the vice president of an environmental testing company, suffered shrapnel wounds and burns to his legs and has lost some hearing. The Richards' other son, 11-year-old Henry, escaped injury and has returned to school in their Dorchester neighborhood, "which gives him a needed sense of routine and normalcy."


A family photo shows Martin Richard, 8, at a hockey game. Martin was killed Monday when dual explosions went off at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, where Martin and his family were spectators.

The family also thanked the community and strangers for their support. "The outpouring of support from friends, family and total strangers has been incredible, and it is uplifting to our family in this most painful and difficult time. Well-wishes reach us, and they help more than anyone can know." "People near and far have made loving gestures and poignant remembrances," the statement continued. Praise and thanks were also extended to first-responders and Samaritans "who stabilized and comforted us on the scene," as well as the medical staff at the hospitals "for quick action and life-saving care." "We particularly want to thank the people who quickly got to Jane and addressed her injury in the street because they saved her life. We also salute those who stood guard over Martin's body so he was not alone."

"Martin was 'Boston Strong,' and now we must all be for him and for all of the victims of this senseless attack as well as their loved ones who are going through a hell we wish we never had to know." The Richards conclude with thanks "for respecting our privacy and giving us space to not only recuperate and rest, but also to ensure the one thing the attack does not break is our bond as a family. "As hard as it is for us to do so, we ask for your continued patience as we work through something for which there is no roadmap, and there are no instructions."
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Here's another gem from this retard..the old you dont know my situation crap....Toure sounds like Poet. The depth of the american pain......what an excuse....Toure, what pain have you felt? this guy is not from the hood....what a joke.....

[ame=""]Race-Baiting Meltdown On CNN.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
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Don't you see what the left is doing? They're working on erasing our borders and pushing globalism. They want a borderless world where there's no nations.

I'm dead serious.

Oh we know that....they wont come out and say it, but yeah they are. The left is full of deceit and bullshit.
Granny says, "Dat's right - it was a extremist Mooslamic terrorist attack...
Boston Bomb Suspect: Attack Was Retribution for US Actions
May 16, 2013 - Law enforcement sources say the surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect scrawled a note on the boat where he was captured that said the explosions were retribution for U.S. attacks on Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, wrote the note on an interior wall of the boat where he hid as police pursued him April 19, four days after twin blasts killed three people and wounded more than 250 others near the finish line of the annual race. U.S. news media reported Thursday that Tsarnaev called the Boston victims "collateral damage" in the same way that Muslims have been during the two American-led wars.

Part of his note said, "When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims." Police found Tsarnaev in the boat, which was in temporary storage near a home in a Boston suburb , and began firing when he tried to climb out of the craft. The 19-year-old suspect was seriously wounded as police fired on the boat more than 100 times, but he has survived and is now in a prison hospital awaiting a criminal trial.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, died during a shootout with police hours earlier. Another cause of death were injuries suffered when the younger brother drove a hijacked car over Tamerlan as he attempted to escape. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev faces charges of using a weapon of mass destruction for the bombings.


See also:

FBI Probes Exiled Chechen Rebel for Link to Bombing Suspect
May 15, 2013 WASHINGTON — Federal investigators have learned that the main suspect in last month’s Boston Marathon bombing met with an exiled former Chechen rebel fighter in Manchester, New Hampshire less than a month before carrying out the attack that killed three and wounded more than 260.
Police in Manchester confirmed to VOA that FBI agents have searched the home of the former Chechen resistance figure, Musa Khadjimuradov, and examined the hard drives of his computers. Khadjimuradov confirmed to VOA that FBI agents came to his home on Tuesday with search warrants and also took a sample of his DNA and impressions of his fingerprints. Khadjimuradov also said he had had repeated contacts over the past several years with Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, the Boston bombing suspect who was killed in a shootout with police April 19. Tsarnaev’s brother, Dzhokhar, 19, was captured by police later that day.

Police charged both Tsarnaev brothers in the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing case after identifying them on video tapes taken at the explosion sites near the finish line of the race. According to Khadjimuradov, the FBI first interviewed him about the case on April 29. He said FBI and Homeland Security agents had been in frequent contact with him ever since.

Tuesday’s FBI visit

He said the agents showed up on Tuesday with search warrants and began asking him about Tamerlan Tsarnaev practicing marksmanship at a Manchester shooting range (Manchester Firing Line Range, LLC.), and buying large quantities of fireworks last February at a fireworks store in Seabook, New Hampshire, about an hour’s drive away from Manchester. The FBI has said its tests on the Boston bombing debris determined that the devices used explosives extracted from commercially available fireworks. According to the FBI, Tsarnaev bought $200 fireworks kit at the Seabrook store last Feb. 6, containing 24 black powder packed shells. The FBI report said the store gave him another similar kit for free as a purchase bonus. “They [the FBI agents] saying he [Tsarnaev] has a shooting practice here in New Hampshire, like two or three times,” Khadjimuradov said. “So he buy fireworks here from New Hampshire, you know, and he buy some ammunition rounds here in New Hampshire. And before the attack, like three or four weeks, came to my house, so now I believe they thinking like he [was] up in New Hampshire [and] like I tried to help him or do something, you know, like that.”

Khadjimuradov came to the United States from Chechnya in 2004 under the auspices of the United Nations refugee program. He is paralyzed from the waist down from gunshot wounds suffered in Chechnya in 2001 and uses a wheelchair to get around. According to Khadjimuradov, he first met Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2006 at the annual gathering of the Chechen Society of Boston. He said Tsarnaev subsequently visited him three times in Manchester, the last time with his American wife, Katherine, and their young child. He said he and Tamerlan never discussed Tsarnaev’s fervent embrace of Islam, the cause of Chechen independence from Russia or politics of any kind. “Nothing, never. He never talked about the religious, politics or anything like that to me,” Khadjimuradov said.

Russia’s interest in the case

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